Mr. Vrana (A Soulmark Series Book 4)

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Mr. Vrana (A Soulmark Series Book 4) Page 30

by Rebecca Main

  The sound of blood rushes through my ears and dulls the little noises coerced from my mouth by Jakob’s cool lips. Before I realize what I’ve done, I’ve fisted his white shirt in my hand and tightened my arm around his back until I am flush against him. Jakob responds by slowing the kiss to a torturous pace.

  His tongue delves past my lips, sweeping against my own and drawing it into his mouth. I sink further into our embrace, kissing him back with great fervor. Because I can’t fight it any longer—this need to be near him and be with him. How have I fought it for so long?

  My moan mixes with a sound of frustration, but Jakob only tilts my head to the side to deepen the kiss, his pace still languid. My attempts to accelerate the kiss are futile. He ignores my wandering and clawing hands and the way I rub my body against his as a pulsing heat anchors itself to my core.

  “Patience,” he whispers roughly against my lips as I release another whimper.

  “I….” My lashes flutter open to look up at him, only to find myself helplessly caught in his eyes. “I want….”

  My eyes close against the sudden barrage of warring reflections. To admit I wanted this man—this vampyré—is sacrilege. Jakob aided the Wselfwulfs and killed Nova. He practically declared war on the pack and our allies. And what would my brothers and pack think of me should they find out? I’d be branded a traitor. Yet the mere thought of walking away from this moment makes my body hurt with every heartbeat.

  “I know, dear heart,” he says, voice still rough and raw with emotion. His forehead rests upon mine, only to bob gently as he searches for his next words. “I as well.”

  Our lips meet in a frantic union. Desire corrodes our bond through both ends, intensifying our embrace. My hands slip around his neck, pulling him closer, and in return, a muscled arm wraps around my waist to draw me up. My breath comes in sharp rasps as he lengthens each kiss, unwilling to release me even a hairsbreadth.

  Jakob lets out a hiss as I nip at his bottom lip—hard enough to draw blood. He jerks back, eyes starting to bleed red as he stares down at me. In the next instant, my back is to a wall, the air driven from my lungs with the impact. Jakob’s hands rest under my thighs, securing them around his waist before I know what is going on. And then his mouth is on my throat, sucking and laving it with his tongue.

  I arch my back into his touch, enjoying the rush of adrenaline that soothes away the sting of impact. A tearing noise sounds as Jakob drives his hips into the cradle of my legs, the delicate fabric of my dress no match for our lust.

  One hand moves from my thigh, inching up my side, followed slowly by the other. I tighten my legs around him and groan in pleasure from the friction. Both hands trail up my rib cage, fingers skimming the sides of my breasts and causing my nipples to harden. I bite my lip and toss my head to the side.

  Jakob leaves a trail of kisses along my collarbone, his fangs daringly close and heightening every sensation. His hands continue their journey upward, pressing my arms up over my head until they stop short of my wrists.

  The soulmark burns against my wrist as Jakob makes his way back to my neck. The frantic edge slips away in favor of glancing touches of his lips to my skin and the grazing of his fangs down my throat. I stretch beneath him, taut with restrained energy and unfulfilled desire.


  He pauses in his ministrations to press his cheek against mine. The contrast of our temperatures draws a pleased sigh from me, and I thrust into the contact.

  “And now I lay my mark for all to see. By blood, be one.”

  Like a seductive secret, the words are whispered over my cheek and fall smoothly into my ear. Jakob frees one arm to brush back the hair that lingers over my shoulder. The other reaches up, sliding along the bottom of the infinity symbol branded onto my skin like fate’s kiss.

  For a single second, we lock eyes. A myriad of possibilities and finalities pass between us in one look before we cross the line. Then his fangs puncture my neck. His hips grind against my wet core. And his hand latches around my soulmark.

  I keen, high and loud.

  My eyes roll toward the heavens as I succumb to the whirlwind of pleasure within my body. It stems from my neck and my soulmark and brands me inside and out without remorse. I am bound to its mercy and writhe against Jakob’s stronghold. I have never known such pleasure to be wrought from pain, and I pray it won’t be the last time. His bite stings, but the way it unbridled my deepest desires is intoxicating. Addicting.

  And when combined with the divine power of the soulmark, I submit all too willing to Jakob’s ministrations.

  Once more my arm is captured and pressed against the wall. Jakob grinds against me, his fangs finding deeper purchase as he swallows the swell of blood pouring from my neck. I release a hoarse moan, unable to stand the build up inside of me. Lightning strikes across my vision as the ties that bind us together strengthen.

  Jakob pulls away from my neck with a gasp and presses his forehead against my cheek as he pants. The inferno of heat in my blood drops to a simmer, but with his hand still firmly on my soulmark, I cannot contain myself. My hips rock erotically against the iron bulge in his pants as tears gather in my eyes. Nothing has ever felt so right, so good.

  The soulmark alone brings about a resounding and unadulterated feeling of rapture. A tear slips down my cheek and lands on Jakob. He jerks his head away with a startled look that morphs quickly into awe. His hand falls slowly away from my soulmark, and I grow lax in his arms. One thrust from Jakob tips me over the edge, my pleasure reaching a peak I’ve never achieved before.

  I mewl as Jakob slowly lowers me. Our chests heave in unison as we maintain our close contact. Between us the bond quivers, and for a moment I think I can feel the ties that bind our souls together. My throat bobs uncertainly as I chance a glance at Jakob.

  He goes to stroke my bruised cheek, then thinks better of it. The slight hurts, though I know he does only so as not to hurt me. Jakob steps away uncertainly. Then I watch as he withdraws his emotions from his face. You fool, I think and swallow with difficulty.

  I straighten and jut out my chin, ignoring the ache down my neck at the action. I would not be made a fool even more.

  “Satisfied?” He clenches his teeth to stop his retort. “I never would have pegged you for a messy eater.”

  Jakob turns and flashes toward the couch. Rifling through his suit jacket’s pocket, he retrieves a silky black cloth and wipes at his mouth and chin until only a pinkish tinge stains the area. Then he comes over to me, the cloth held out expectantly. A shimmer of an apology gleams in his eyes, but he remains deafeningly silent.

  “Nothing to say? Or were all your pretty words just that?” My words hold a biting edge as my emotions come to surface. But Jakob’s lack of response is worse than whatever words he could say. “You’re pathetic,” I spit out, humiliation coursing through my body. How could I have been so naive to think he felt anything for me… It was only the soulmark. “To think I believed you could actually be what this damned mark meant you to be. My other half. My equal. But it’s always been about control with you, hasn’t it? All of the others will do as you say without question, but not me.”

  Jakob opens his mouth to retort, but closes it sharply. The offered silk falls limply to his side as he lets out a sigh. “I—” He takes a step toward me, but I hold out my hand.

  “Don’t. If you think for a second, I’ll comply with any of your stupid rules or—”

  He stands before me in a blur of motion, and my hair flutters about at the action, falling limply back in place a moment later. “You will do as I say, dear heart. It’s too dangerous outside these walls for you to loiter.”

  “Don’t call me that,” I snarl, slamming my hands into his chest. Jakob stumbles back and allows the distance to stay between us. A look of shock radiates across his face before it smooths over.

  “You’re upset,” he says with irritating calmness. “I know the marking process to be an�
� emotional experience—”

  “Fuck you.”

  We remain silent at my acidic words—Jakob fighting for control over his emotions while I attempt not to claw his eyes out.

  “I marked you so that I can protect you. Why can’t you comprehend that what I do is for your safety? It’s too dangerous out there for you now.”

  “And whose fault is that?” I ask. “You marked me so that you could control me. So you could finally put a muzzle and leash on the Vrana family pet.”

  Heat blazes in Jakob’s eyes. “That isn’t true. You’re a part of this family,” he says hotly. “And I’ll kindly remind you that all I do, I do for the sake of this family and its happiness.”

  I scoff, ready to retort with something scathing when the door opens.

  “I told you—oh,” Ruby’s voice halts, her heels clicking against the floor along with another pair of heavier shoes. “Jakob… Irina.”

  Nova has her arm slung around Ruby’s shoulder, her face puffy and bruised. “What happened?” Jakob asks, all business.

  “The Krovopuskov wanted to practice their family motto: victory or death. Spoiler, I won—ouch!” Nova’s bares her fangs at Ruby’s retreating finger from her side.

  “Hush,” she scolds firmly. “Nova decided to play in the Pits twice in one night. She’s perfectly fine, Jakob. Though her version of ‘playing nice’ might not be what you had in mind.” Ruby’s smirk cannot be kept down as she stares mirthfully at Jakob. When Nova growls in retort, Jakob’s cheek twitches. His eyes, I note, hold a special regard for Ruby.

  “Your honesty is appreciated,” Jakob says. “That being said,” Jakob’s regard turns to appraise Nova’s condition, “I’ll pour you an ounce of my blood. Sire blood has enhanced healing and nourishing qualities for their children.”

  Nova blinks in response, her swollen and battered features holding a touch of surprise to them. She gives an uncertain inclination of her head, mumbling her gratitude with a speculative gleam to her eyes.

  “Do not take my generosity lightly,” he warns, swiftly moving to garner a shot glass and knife. He cuts the flesh of his wrist without a flinch and lets his blood fill the small glass. “I expect you to heed my previous order as I intended. We are all walking a fine line at the moment. I’m counting on you to behave, is that understood?”

  She nods, and Ruby accepts the shot of blood for her. “I’ll take her to her room and make sure she gets all patched up.”

  “Good,” Jakob replies, wiping away the remainder of blood from his wrist. The wound is already closing, an angry pink line against his pale skin and blue veins the only sign of his self-inflicted wound. “See to it that Irina is taken care of as well. I have business to attend.”

  “You got it, boss,” Ruby chirps and directs Nova down our bedroom hallway. I watch them go, my mouth hanging open. When I turn back to Jakob, he is already at the door.

  “So that’s it? You’re just going to leave?” Jakob slows his gait. I use the opportunity to catch up to him, heels clicking disdainfully against the cold floor. “Nothing to say?”

  “We’ll speak later,” he responds, his words brief and to the point, a very sharp point. Aimed right at my heart.

  “We’ll speak now.”

  “Later, Irina.” There is a tendril of command in his voice. It strums through our bond, wrapping around my heart and squeezing. My teeth grind together as I discard the persuasion. Jakob studies the effect of his words, a crease forming between his eyebrows and his cheeks hollowing somewhat. “Stay here.” Another order. The soulmark bond wraps another tendril around my heart and constricts. It leaves the distinct impression of his want in my mind. “Interesting,” he murmurs, almost too lightly for me to hear.

  Jakob turns to leave, but I reach out and latch onto his bicep. The sinew flexes beneath my iron grip.

  “You said….” I cast my eyes aside as my voice quiets to a whisper. “You said you wanted it too.”

  Jakob shuffles his feet restlessly and clears his throat. When I look at him, his hands are busy fussing with his shirt. They press down his tie to lay flat against his lithe chest. His eyes will not meet mine, but I can see the conflict in them. Or maybe what I see is regret?

  “I’m not staying here,” I say, finding my fire once more, though my words are delivered with aching softness. “You might hold the upper hand where our bond is concerned, but I’ll fight your orders, Jakob. Every single one.”

  His blue-silver eyes slant to mine, and he straightens. “So be it,” he says softly, with a sadness about his gaze. “Precautions have already been set.”

  Jakob smooths his hair back, looking regal and un-fucking-touchable, his patented look. Then he strides out the door. My heart leaps at the sight, and I am quick to follow after, only to ram face-first into an invisible barrier.

  “What the…?” A glimmering ripple appears before my eyes, then settles back into place, looking like it never existed at all. I test the barrier with my hand, feeling the warmth of its energy and watching the current of ripples that appear at my increased pressure. The barrier does not give. “What the fuck?”

  Anger jolts down my body, stirring my blood into a fever pitch. Jakob stops, already several steps from the apartment door, but he doesn’t turn around.

  “I informed you yesterday what I would do if you disobeyed my orders.” Jax.

  “You can’t—”

  He casts a dark look over his shoulder, eyes smoldering in their intensity. The weight of his regard stuns me into silence. “I can, and I have.”


  A steaming hot bath is my only consolation for the remainder of the night. I curl up in the antique claw-foot tub, head resting on the lip of the porcelain beauty when Ruby enters. She doesn’t bother knocking, the only announcement to her presence a pleasant hum on her lips. Ruby has changed into a powder blue nightie, its hem barely brushing the tops of her thighs. Her hair is kept out of her face by a large black headband, bringing all the focus to her shining almond eyes.

  “How are you feeling?” she asks, dipping her hand past the mountain of bubbles to swirl the steaming water.

  Upset. Foolish. Humiliated. Angry. Frustrated. I shrug a shoulder and lift my head. “Hungry,” I admit.

  Ruby’s eyes alight, and with a barely discerned nod, she shoots out of the room. She returns a minute later with a plate of cold leftovers: roast beef, carrots, and potatoes. I eagerly accept the plate and fork she presents and thank her behind a mouthful of food.

  “Does that really help?” she asks curiously, making herself comfortable along the side of the tub.

  I give another half-hearted shrug. “My lycan healing can do a lot on its own, but it's more effective on a full stomach.”

  Ruby makes a noise of acknowledgment and lets her eyes drift closed. Sunrise is still a ways off, but I too find myself particularly exhausted. Getting jumped and having your blood taken sure takes a lot out of you—go figure.

  We sit in mutual silence for some time. Ruby's hand swirls in the water to enjoy its warmth. Lavender perfumes the air, along with trace hints of wild lilac and sage. I release a pleased sigh, sinking further into the tub. Pieces of hair that refuse to stay within my topknot sink past the bubble barricade into the water.

  “So…” Ruby’s coy voice stirs me from my quiet reflection. “You’ve certainly been busy this evening. Nova said you had a little tête-à-tête with Iris, and now you’ve gone and had a second round with Jakob?”

  I give Ruby a feeble glare, too tired to muster a better one. “In my defense, my altercation with Iris wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t out to grab your package. And my other ‘altercation’ with Jakob wouldn’t have happened either.”

  Ruby removes her hand from the water and folds it in her lap, looking slightly abashed. She doesn’t say anything as I finish the plate of food, but the self-conscious air still hangs around her.

  “What is it?” I ask. I lick the remnants of but
ter and oil from my lips, eyeing her warily.

  “The package….”

  My face contorts. “Ruby, I’m sorry,” I begin, head shaking. “I—”

  “Don’t be!” she interrupts, looking contrite as she pins me with her doe eyes. “I wasn’t completely honest earlier.”

  Slowly my features relax. I sink back to the far edge of the tub and wait for her to continue. “Explain.” Ruby winces at my short response.

  “Technically speaking, I didn’t need you to pick up a package. I needed you to drop off one.” A frown takes over my forehead and brows.

  “You didn’t give me a package.”

  She quickly looks away, then back to me. Spine straightening, she answers. “You were the package.”

  “I was…?” A headache begins to develop behind my left eye. I can feel the tiny pulse that takes up residence on my eyelid and quickly rub my eyes. “How exactly was I the package?”

  “At sundown, I, along with half the court, witnessed Sebastian charming several of the Roux sisters in the Chamber of Lilith. When they requested he join them for a night of adventure, he accepted.”

  “I heard as much from Iris. But how did I get involved in the scheme of things?”

  Ruby’s eyes go wide, and then her nose and forehead scrunch in unison. “Sebastian’s actions are a direct reflection on your so-called relationship, Irina. You’ll always be ‘involved’ when it concerns him, just as he is with you.”

  I let my fingers drift to my temple, messaging little circles into the soft skin. “Fine. Continue, please.”

  “Iris was there,” she says, the troubled expression remaining. “I overheard her talking about Sebastian.” Ruby swallows thickly. “About our family. You should have seen her, Irina. She looked ready to pounce. Lucky of me, I spotted your little banshee friend and started up a conversation with her. I made mention of the fact that you and Sebastian were indeed going through a bit of a spell, and that I suggested you take a walk to clear your head. I said I recommended the Old Pits to you since it’s usually abandoned.”


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