Once Upon a Holiday

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Once Upon a Holiday Page 2

by Claudia Burgoa

  “You’d think that’s the worst part. But it’s not,” I continue. “I cleared my throat, walked with my chin up and shoulders back to her and said, “Those are mine.””

  “So, everyone at the airport saw your underwear?” Teagan asks to clarify. “I would die if that happened to me.”

  I almost died, but I smile, nod, and continue, “And to be honest, I should’ve phrased that sentence better, saying something like, that’s my bag.”

  “Oh-oh, what happened?” Jeannette asks. Her eyes are already lightening up because she can feel there’s something worse and much more funny coming up.

  “The next thing I know she’s opening the cosmetic bag where I have my toys and shows my pink rabbit thruster, saying, ‘So, you and my husband played with your toys. Is this what you like, Leo. Play with brainless twinkies?’

  “Turning to look at poor old Leopold who might be Dad’s age I said, “next time grab the right bag, man.” Without missing a step, I put my things back into my bag. Looked at the agent and said. “There’s nothing perishable inside unless you include my edible lube. Would you mind if I leave?” The FTA agent nodded and waved toward the exit. Talk about doing the walk of shame.”

  “Only you, June.” Jeannette laughs as I finish my story. Her wife is choking with laughter.

  Thankfully, it’s only us tonight. Sadly, she’s going to be telling this to our three brothers. I can see how things will unfold. Jackson, the oldest, will judge me silently after laughing hard, because June, the baby of the family, shouldn’t be having sex—or sex toys. Then, Alex will be asking stupid questions to embarrass me. Jason will squeeze my hand and take the heat away from me.

  “Leopold’s wife sounds like a bitch,” Jeannette says.

  “Yep, I should’ve left the vibrator with her,” I agree, finishing my drink. “Leopold might not know how to show her a good time and that’s why she’s bitter.”

  After I finish my story, we go quiet. I look around the restaurant trying to find a new story or something to talk about.

  We’re at Diego’s Steak House. One of our favorite restaurants in Denver. Every time we’re visiting our brothers, we make sure to have a meal or two in here. Usually, I’d be having a great time. But this is considered okayish at best.

  Jeannette brought Teagan along. Don’t get me wrong, I like Teag, but since they got married Jay and I don’t spend as much time together as we used to. Would it kill her to give me a couple of hours of her time?

  I miss our twin time. This is exactly why she’s out of the loop on what’s happening to me. If and when she complains I’ll remind her of the dozens of times she’s cut our phone conversations short and of today.

  Before I can come up with something new, they both look at each other, then Teag flags the waiter.

  “We should head out,” Jeannette informs me.

  See what I’m talking about? They’re a unit. No more June and Jeannette share a glance and make a plan. The twin connection is gone and so is happy hour whenever we’re together. I’m thrilled that she found her other half but I’m starting to feel left out.


  “If you two will excuse me, I have to use the ladies’ room,” I say, and point at my empty glass. “Can you ask for another martini for the road?”

  “High altitude,” Jeannette warns me. “Two more and you’ll be showing your favorite pair of panties to the entire restaurant—and this time you won’t be able to claim it was an accident.”

  She cackles and I think she’s the drunk one of the two of us.

  “Bitch,” I growl and march to the bathroom thinking about how I’m going to get back at her.

  I swear she’s so loud, a few tables around us hear her and give me the look. Maybe I should tell her wife some embarrassing stories from when we were young. There’re plenty of those. That might keep them around for a couple of hours—at least one more hour. It’s too early to go back to the hotel.

  On my way to the restroom, I try to come up with the best one. Then pull out my phone to see if I have any old pictures. I don’t pay much attention when I enter the restroom, put away my phone, and enter the stall. After I’m done and while I’m washing my hands, I know exactly how Jeannette is going to pay for what she just did.

  “Well, this is either a treat or the worst invasion of my privacy.”

  I jump and shriek. My heart beats fast but I spin around toward the unexpected male voice. I’m not sure where I should concentrate my attention, his handsome face or the thick and meaty treat he’s holding in his hand.

  Yummy, talk about girth and length.

  “Wait, what are you doing in the ladies’ room?”

  He laughs while putting away his well-endowed package. “I didn’t know they had urinals in the ladies’ room.”

  “In the what?” I shriek and look around the bathroom.

  And fuck if this isn’t worse than the airport. It’s Jeannette’s fault. She distracted me.

  “Oh, well,” I say, smiling. “I’ll leave you with your …”

  “You should show me something to make up for what just happened,” he says, with a hinting tone. “You know a tit for tat.”

  “What?” I cover my boobs. “No.”

  “Come on, at least show me those lacy panties everyone saw at the airport.”

  “How do you know about my panties?”

  “You and your sister don’t know the definition of inside voice,” he says and my cheeks heat up. Well, I gave a show to the entire restaurant. “At least, I think she’s your sister. You two could be twins, you know.”

  “We are twins,” I clarify. “And, no, I won’t be showing you anything.”

  He winks at me. “You liked what you saw, we could have a party with him as long as you’re willing to share.”

  I don’t have time to respond, as my phone buzzes, I take it out of my purse.

  Jeannette: Hey, we’re heading out. I already paid the bill. Are you sure you’re staying at the hotel?

  Wow, she’s abandoning me. I get it, it’s cold and she has to drive to Jackson’s while I just need to walk a block to get to where I’m staying for tonight.

  June: Yes, please don’t tell anyone I’m already here.

  Jeannette: You owe me.

  June: Love you!

  Is it wrong to avoid my family for one night?

  I’m not in the mood to deal with my brothers and their significant others, yet. We have an entire week to bond and be thankful for … What am I even thankful for this year?

  Ugh, who cares. Mom, that’s who gives a shit about what we say before we eat. She is going to ask around the table and if possible, she’ll make us give an entire speech about it.

  I love her dearly but she can be intense during the holidays. I’ll think about that tomorrow. I have a couple of days.

  What I need today is … I look up and take a good look at Mr. Hot Package. He looks a little like Scott Eastwood with a few extra grays on his sideburns and stubble.

  I need someone like …


  “What are you doing?” he asks a little hesitant, almost wanting to snatch my phone.

  “Telling my sister goodbye?” I ask, hoping that this clues him in to what we can do for the rest of the night.

  Do I really want to do him? I mean, he seems to have the whole package and what a great way to finish this chapter of my life before I write the next one than … this guy.

  But we’re interrupted by an even taller guy who enters the bathroom, slamming the door against the wall. “What’s taking you so long?” He looks at me and says to his wrist, “We have a security breach.”

  “She’s fine. Maybe a little tipsy but nothing to worry about,” the hot guy says to whoever just called me a security breach.

  I take a good look at the hot specimen because maybe I missed something. He could be a celebrity. The real Scott but as I study him, I realize he’s no one I know.

  “Let’s go,” the other guy orders.

nbsp; “Ew, he hasn’t washed his hands,” I say, scrunching my nose.

  They both laugh, but the guy humors me and marches to the sink. I excuse myself and leave. My sister left my jacket with the hostess. I put it on and start walking when I feel someone flanking me. As I glance over, it’s the guy from the bathroom.

  “Can I help you?”

  “I saw you’re leaving alone. I wanted to make sure you get to your destination in one piece.”

  “This city is safe,” I inform him in case he’s from out of town. “But thank you for the offer. Where’s your babysitter?”

  He laughs. “You’re leaving without paying what you owe me?”

  Without turning to look at him and as I enter the hotel I say, “Good night, and for the record, I don’t owe you anything. It was too dark to notice your tiny thing.”


  Funny how some things work and life sets a morsel or two of joy down after a shitty storm.

  Life has sucked for a few years. Everything around me seems colorless, even sad. My life, if you can still call it that, has lost its spark. It’s barely recognizable anymore. I can’t even call it my own. Today of all days, I have to pretend to give two shits about the company I co-own with my brother.

  Having dinner with some of the executives to celebrate their latest project isn’t my idea of a good time or a good anything. I did it for my brother who couldn’t be here. He owes me. This is what I get for continuing the family legacy.

  Fortunately, I have someone to entertain me. For most of my time I observe the beauty that sits a few tables away from the private room we rented for the occasion. I request the owner to keep the door open.

  The first thing I spot are her slick dark curls. She’s facing a woman with the same hair color, just shorter and straight. Her voice is silvery, the tone vivid. She keeps the attention of her friends as she tells one story after another. Actually, a few people who are around, including myself remain focused on her.

  Everything she says is funny, if not embarrassing at times. But she chuckles, and gestures while keeping us captivated. She’s one of those people who can laugh at themselves and enjoy life. The few times she turns her head around I can see she’s beautiful. In fact, she looks a lot like one of the other women.

  When she excuses herself to go to the restroom, I’m tempted to follow her. Without thinking twice, I rise from my seat and follow. How can I let the chance to meet someone like her go? She’s like a breath of fresh air.

  Talking about funny situations, she happens to be in the same restroom as I am and fuck if it isn’t embarrassing and yet a turn-on that she was there in the middle of the men’s room.

  When I first see her face, I freeze because fuck, I’ve never seen someone as beautiful as her.

  She’s stunning.

  The kind of beauty you see in Greek sculptures and inspires art. In fact, I want to head to my studio and draw her.

  She’s about five seven, maybe five eight with mouthwatering curves and the face of an angel. Big brown eyes framed by long eyelashes. A button nose which tip is slightly turned upward. Full lips and a long neck that makes me want to kiss her and so much more.

  When Beckett, my bodyguard, comes to check on me, I’m thankful because I’m too old for one-night stands and too jaded to believe this could work. In no time, she’s going to figure out who I am and ask for money or a relationship.

  Except, her little line about washing my hands and the indifference turns me on and makes me act recklessly.

  Or maybe for the first time in years I’m taking a chance. There might be a different spin to the story. The girl is from out of town, doesn’t know me from Adam, and she’s sexy as fuck.

  So, I walk along with her to the hotel, trying to size her up and see how I can convince her to spend the night with me. She doesn’t even acknowledge me for the two long blocks we walk together.

  After her goodbye, I ignore her dismissal and follow her inside the hotel. Just before she reaches the elevator bank, I catch up to her and say, “This can’t possibly be it.”

  She turns around and glares at me. “Did you forget something?”

  “We had a moment,” I insist.

  “A moment? Me seeing your …” She glances at my crotch and smiles amused. “That wasn’t a moment. It was a mistake on my part.”

  “Come on,” I say, winking at her. “Let’s go to the bar. Please, have one drink with me and then you can go back to your room. You owe me that much.”

  “It was an accident,” she insists.

  I shrug. “Still, I’m a shy boy and need something to help me settle the embarrassment.”

  She laughs. Looking at me from head to toe. “You’re old enough to survive the blow.”

  “I’m a kid at heart.”

  She laugh-snorts. It’s endearing. “Does that line normally work?”

  I smirk at her hoping this charms her. “You tell me? Have I convinced you, yet?”

  “Look, I’m not the kind of person who has drinks with strangers and …”

  “This could be the exception,” I say. “I could be your exception. I know you’re mine. Let’s break that dull routine, forget about tomorrow, and have some fun together.”

  “Look, as much as sex with …” She snaps her mouth closed and takes a deep breath.

  Well, someone has to tell her to finish her sentences. But that won’t be me. This woman might be more complex than I first thought. There’s something about her that intrigues me.

  She stares at me, quizzically.

  I’m in my late thirties. I know women well enough. Not that I understand them, I just know when there’s a possibility to make a move. Life is about what you make, the chances you take, and the opportunities you create for yourself. I see a possibility in her—with her. Not sure what it is, but I want us to happen. At least for tonight.

  After I wait long enough, I decide it is time to remind her that the clock is ticking. We only have this. One moment.

  “Was it a cosmopolitan or a martini?” I ask.

  Her eyes open wide in surprise. “You noticed me?”

  I shrug. “It’s my job to observe beautiful and interesting things. You’re what gives the world some color.”

  She twists her lips looking at me suspiciously. “You’re good. We practice our lines on how to charm women often, don’t we?”

  “Not as often as you think, and I’m being honest. I don’t lie,” I say, lifting my hand and caressing her delicate face with the back of my fingers.

  Sparks fly between us. Electricity flows in my bloodstream from the shock. Her eyes shine. There’s something about this woman calling to me. Pulling me to her.

  She’s like a piece of clay who wants to be molded by my hands and I’m dying to do just that.

  “I haven’t done this in a while,” she says.

  “What is this, beautiful?”

  She takes a deep breath and says, “Meet a guy, flirt, and …”

  “… And I can make it worth it for you,” I offer.

  She twists her full lips a couple of times then asks, “A last fling before I settle?”

  Releasing her face, I take a step back. “Sweetheart, as much as I’d love to make your fantasies a reality, I can’t. Not when you belong to someone else.”

  She laughs loudly. It’s a rich noise. Just like her voice it’s sweet and soothing. Such a shame this is as far as we can get.

  “Oh, no, I didn’t mean it that way,” she mumbles once she composes herself and shows me her hands. “See, no rings. I’m single and in the middle of the biggest drought. I’m making some life changes and I won’t have time to date or …”

  “Hook up?”

  “Dating, getting to know someone and be disappointed after a few outings because we couldn’t connect.” She scrunches her nose. “It gets old, you know.”

  “Then, let’s make your last time worth it. The best one.”

  She chuckles. “You’re so sure about yourself?”

p; “Of us,” I answer. “We could be perfect.”

  “Perfect,” she repeats, staring at me.

  I’m enchanted by her gaze and her voice. Whatever happens tonight might be better than it’s been in a long time.

  Perhaps I’m pursuing this because it has been so long since I tried to spend the night with a beautiful and smart woman who doesn’t fall at my feet because I’m Sterling fucking Ahern.

  There’s more though. It’s been a long time since my heart has felt this way, pounding this fast, as I listen to a woman’s laugh—desperate to hear more about her. If I had the time or the energy, I’d want to win her over, woo her, and convince her to be mine.

  But as we stand, we only have tonight.

  I trace the line of her jaw with the back of my finger. She shudders, her lips part. “Let it happen,” I say. “Have you ever let yourself live in the moment?”

  She sighs, there’s fear in her face and yet eagerness. She blinks a couple of times and finally whispers, “I want to, yes, I want it.”

  I feel like the snake, handing an apple to Eve. Good, beautiful Eve who was bored with her life and wanted something different.

  See how perfect we are together—for tonight. We both need a break, something special that won’t last too long but will be a long lasting memory. Since I want to make it good, memorable, I take a step close to her, and smile.

  “Are you sure?” I ask, our noses almost touching; our mouths so close I can taste it already.

  She nods.

  My lips touch hers. I slide one hand to the nape of her neck, the other on the small of her back and pull her closer to me. I thrust my tongue inside her mouth and flick it against hers. Her hands lace around my neck and our mouths can’t get enough of each other. I can just feel what it’s going to be like to have her for the night.

  Her body feels soft and warm in my arms. This is far beyond the kiss I expected, and it takes long enough for me to remember we’re in the lobby of a hotel. In public where people can recognize me. Shit, I’m a moron.

  “We can go to my place,” I offer between breaths, resting my forehead on top of hers.

  “Room, I have a room upstairs,” she tells me, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the elevator.


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