Lockdown Love

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Lockdown Love Page 12

by Brisa Starr

  “OK,” I say softly.

  “Great! I’ll start getting things ready, and we’ll eat in about an hour.”

  He turns to go back inside, and before he closes the door, I say to him, “So, you claim many talents that you’ve got?”

  He looks at me with serious eyes and says, “You know about one of them already. Licking your pussy.”

  And with that, he closes the door, leaving my mouth hanging open and blood rushing to the very part of my body he just mentioned, making it throb.




  I walk back into the kitchen, delighted at the look on her face from my last words. It’s true though, pleasing women is one of my talents. Romancing them, too. And taking care of Emma’s needs is my new priority.

  I open the refrigerator and get the steaks, along with an orange bell pepper, and a deep red, heirloom beefsteak tomato. I season the steaks with sea salt and black pepper and set them aside. Then I position the wooden cutting board in front of me and grab one of the newly sharpened knives from the knife block. Sharp knives are a must. No real cook tolerates a dull blade.

  I slice the bell pepper into big chunks, perfect for grilling next to the steaks. I think I’ll add grilled onion too, and I grab a sweet Vidalia from the basket on the counter.

  Cooking is my secret weapon. My steak dinners have always been successful at making women swoon. There’s something that women love about a man who can cook. And it has to go beyond just grilling. When a man can make a complete meal and successfully pair it with wine, women turn to putty. While they might appreciate not being expected to cook every meal, the truth is, it’s just fucking romantic. I have no doubt this meal will do the same for my Emma.

  My Emma?

  Yes, I want her to be mine.

  As I reach for the wine glasses, Emma walks into the kitchen from outside. She takes my breath away, again. I think she’s still stunned from my parting statement earlier, and she blushes as she says, “I’m just going to clean up and change my clothes.”

  “Sounds good,” I say, holding the wine glasses up to the light, looking for spots.

  I open the cupboard and remove two plates and then walk to the other side of the island to get forks and steak knives. Cooking in this kitchen reminds me of Mom. She taught me a few things that started my appreciation for cooking. Like the French toast. Compliments of my amazing mom. She used to tease me and say, “One of these days, you’ll give me some grandkids, and you’ll make your wife French toast on Mother’s Day.”

  And I’d say to her, “Not so fast, Mom.” But right now, I’d give anything to hear her say it again. You really don’t know what ya got till it’s gone.

  Which makes me think about Emma again. When my parents were ripped from my life with no warning, I learned to seize the day. This idea stokes the fire I have for Emma. I don’t want to regret not pursuing her as fiercely as I can.

  At 33, I’ve had my share of girlfriends, and I’m tired of messing around with relationships that don’t go anywhere. I just hadn’t found anyone I’d connected with, or who drove me crazy with desire. Not like Emma does.

  My parents always said they had found love at first sight, and I always teased them about it, not really believing in the idea myself back then. It sounded like some kind of fairytale. But if I’m honest with myself, it was obvious how much they loved each other, and I secretly hoped that, one day, I’d find a woman and fall head-over-heels for her immediately, the way Dad fell for Mom.

  Mom also used to say, “Oh Landon, your princess is out there somewhere. Someone made just for you.”

  I would reply, “Right, Mom.” And she’d always look at me with the sincerest of eyes, twinkling like she knew something that I didn’t know yet.

  Maybe she did know something.

  I quarter the deep red tomato with a serrated knife and set it aside with the orange bell pepper and onion.

  Maybe love at first site is real... there’s just something about Emma, and I knew it the second I laid eyes on her. I think Emma could be the one. She makes my heart race with passion and lust. I can’t wait to wake up and see her every day. She’s so beautiful. And I admire her discipline to get her book done. It reminds me of myself back in medical school. I had a one-track mind, and I sacrificed relationships with my friends and members of the opposite sex.

  If only she would let me into her heart.

  I’m outside heating up the grill when Emma walks up to me wearing a stunning white sundress that accentuates her sexy figure. My cock agrees, and my shorts feel a little uncomfortable now. I shift my stance to compensate and drink in the sight of her. Her dress has little wooden buttons, starting at the top, just below her cleavage, and going all the way down to the bottom of the dress at mid-calf. Her luxurious, dark hair tumbles around her shoulders, falling to the top of her gorgeous breasts. I can’t take my eyes off her. I swallow hard and say under my breath, “Fuck, you’re beautiful.”

  She hears me and blushes deeply. Looking away, she mumbles, “Thanks.”

  I can tell she doesn’t want me to flirt or take the conversation in that direction, but she’s also not completely resisting. And she didn’t have to go change into this dress. Hope blooms.

  “Come here,” I command, pouring Pinot noir into two glasses. “Have some wine.”

  She walks over to me and I hand her a glass of wine. Our fingers touch for more than a second, and that now-familiar electricity courses through me as I let my hand linger before withdrawing it. Our eyes lock on each other, and a gentle breeze passes between us, bringing sultry smells of the orange blossoms from the trees, mixed with the delectable smell of jasmine coming from her skin.

  The sun has almost set, and we can already see Venus shining brightly above us. The Goddess of Love… I’ll take this as a good omen. I place the steaks on the grill, and the familiar hot sizzle makes me smile. She sips her wine and looks at me, watches me. We’re both barefoot, and I notice her pale pink, painted toenails. How I’d love to be kissing her feet right now.

  “Delicious wine,” she smiles and takes another sip, bringing my mind back to the present.

  “Thank you. It’ll pair perfectly with the steak,” I say and turn back to the grill, deftly working the long tongs with my right hand. I flip the steaks and then lay the vegetables on the grill.

  “When did you learn to cook?” she asks as she moves closer.

  “Well, knowing how women are when a man cooks, I made it a priority. My mom taught me some basics, like French toast and pancakes, but I went beyond that and hired one of the best chefs in Madison to teach me more. Over the years, I’ve been pleased with the investment of time I put in.”

  Emma lets out a huff. I can see that I’ve ruffled her feathers a bit.

  “Are you serious?” she asks, her brows set in a straight line. “Knowing how women are?”

  “Totally serious,” I reply and wink at her.

  “Then I’m looking forward to it,” she says. “And now I have high expectations. I hope for your sake you’re as good a cook as you think you are.”

  “I promise, you’ll be more than pleased by the time the night’s over,” I say. No reaction. I wonder if she got the double meaning.

  She walks over and sits down at the table, where I’ve set linen napkins and flatware. She crosses her legs nervously. I remove the steaks and the vegetables from the grill and plate them with precision, dabbing up a few drops of juice with a napkin. I carry the plates to the table and set one down in front of her. I place the other one at my seat and sit down.

  “Enjoy,” I say smiling, confidence behind my word.

  As she cuts into her steak, she asks, “What made you decide to go into medicine?”

  I lean back and look at her. She squirms under my gaze as she takes a bite of her pink, juicy steak. I raise my eyebrows at her, as though to say, “Well?”

  “It’s pretty good,” she admits and raises her eyebrows in amusement, to match mine

  I laugh. “You can’t fool me. It’s fucking great, and you know it.” I put my elbows on the table and lean toward her.

  “And where did you learn to be so humble?” she asks and takes a sip of her wine, her eyes challenging me.

  I shrug. “I know what I’m good at. And you do, too, now. Twice,” I say suggestively. I take my first bite of the mouth-watering steak. Yeah, I can definitely cook.

  I watch her cross her legs, and then cross them the other way, trying to get comfortable. I’m entertained, and warmth surges across my chest, down to my abdomen. She’s feeling it, too, and my cock swells as I imagine her naked body beneath me, begging me as I spread her legs wide and fuck her. We have unfinished business.

  Not yet, Landon. Be patient.

  “As far as medical school, I like a challenge, and I knew it would give me the life I craved. Things like money and security, but mostly, plenty of time for golf.”

  I think for a moment, then continue. “I was also drawn to the challenge. It broke a lot of the other students. Not me, I loved every minute of it. I knew it’d be worth the effort. I’d walk away a doctor, knowing I’d be the top in my field in only a few years, making bank and living the sweet life.”

  I take a sip of wine. “I’m very good at what I do, Emma.”

  “Yes, I can see that,” she says. She leans to the side of her chair and takes another bite of steak.

  “And what makes you say that?” I ask, arching an eyebrow at her. I load up my fork with tomato and onion, and I notice she’s more than halfway done with her meal. I’m pleased, but of course I expected she’d clean her plate. It’s delicious, after all. Not to mention, I want her fortified for my plans later tonight.

  “I Googled you,” she says nonchalantly and finishes her wine.

  I stand up to get the bottle, smiling when my back is to her. Clever girl. “You Googled me?” I ask, coming back and refilling our glasses. The bottle is now empty, and I set it on the table and sit back down.

  “Of course,” she said. “When I knew I’d be sharing a house with you, I thought I’d better check to make sure you’re not some crazy asshole.”

  “Crazy asshole?” I laugh, enjoying this banter and drinking more of my wine. “The only thing I’m crazy about right now, Emma, is you... and getting between your legs.”

  She gasps and then quickly regains her composure, though I see her attempts at protesting are getting weaker. It’s only a matter of time. C’mon, Emma, it’s obvious, you want me. We both know it’s true, even if you keep saying otherwise.

  “Would you please stop it? Don’t ruin a good evening, Landon. It’s not happening,” she says unconvincingly and swallows hard, grabbing her wine glass and taking a swig.

  “Emma...” I like the way her name rolls off my tongue. “I don’t know why you’re resisting. There’s clearly something powerful between us.”

  “There is nothing between us,” she says and shifts in her seat.

  “Bullshit. I want you in my bed, and I know you want me, too.” I finish my steak and my second glass of wine. “You know what I can do with my tongue in your pussy. Imaging what I can do with my cock.”

  She flushes so deep it goes from her cheeks down her sexy neck to her chest. She looks away for a moment before sitting up straight and looking back at me. She leans forward, and something changes in her expression. I can see she wants to be serious.

  “Landon, let me be honest with you. I’ve had some liquid courage, and I’ll let you in on a little bit about me.”

  Intrigued, I lean back in my chair and clasp my hands together behind my head. This ought to be good.

  “I don’t have the best track record with men. And frankly, I’m happy to be in a time of my life where I’m giving them up for now. The male species is kind of on my shit list, and I’m not looking to have my heart broken.” She leans back in her chair and continues. “I’m here for one reason and one reason only. To write my book. Without distractions!” She takes a deep breath and exhales. I wait patiently for her to continue, enjoying every second of her passion.

  “Apart from the obvious — which I find myself repeating like a broken record — we don’t live anywhere near each other, and we have nothing in common.”

  “That’s not entirely true,” I respond calmly. “We both like wine.”

  She can help but start laughing. A fit of giggling that she can’t stop, no doubt enhanced by the two glasses of wine she polished off.

  “Besides, Emma, you’ll come around to my side of the aisle eventually,” I say laughing along with her as her laughing is contagious.

  That comment about her politics sends her over the edge, and she bends over laughing. I can’t decide if she’s cracking up with disbelief or if she’s just finally letting go and having fun. She sits up, and I see thoughts and emotions swirling in her face as her mind processes something.

  “Fine,” she says. “I give up.”

  “You give up?” I sit up straight in my chair, hoping I know what she means, but I need clarification.

  “Yes,” she says softly. Her eyes are suddenly full of hunger, but tinged with a bit of fear.

  “Does that mean I can have you?” I ask, my breathing more rapid. I get out of my chair, ready to pounce on my willing prey.

  “Yes,” she says. She’s trying to act nonchalant, but her face looks like she’s about to step off a cliff.

  Fuck. She’s serious. Something snapped, broke open in her, to allow this 180, and I’m not about to waste a single second.

  I suddenly feel not only lust and desire coursing through my veins, but a sense of protection and ownership. She’s letting me in. Into her world. And inside her pussy. She said yes.

  I plan to take it.

  All of it.

  All of her.

  I stand before her where she’s sitting, towering above her. In control of her. I hold out my hand, and she puts hers in mine. I gently help her up out of her chair and walk her over to the double-sized patio lounge sunbathing bed. It’s fully dark outside now. I will take her right here, under the stars. Claim her as my own.

  She gasps, “Out here? Outside?”

  “Yes, right now.”


  I stop her protests by kissing her hard, not giving her a chance to say anything else. She moans and parts her lips, begging me for more, allowing my tongue deep access to her mouth. I kiss her harder, wrapping my arms around her protectively and relishing the fact that I’ll finally have her. She holds on to me, squeezing my hard body close, breathing deeply through her nose while my tongue probes the depths of her mouth. She welcomes it, she whimpers for it.

  I grab her dark, silky hair and pull her head back, exposing her neck as I move my lips down and suck her neck, tasting her sweet skin, branding her with my mouth again. She moans and holds me closer, running her hands through my hair. I move my mouth to her ear and whisper, “I’m going to care for you in every way.” I kiss her lips again, possessing her mouth, and she melts at my promise.

  I pull away from her, and she opens her eyes and looks at me, the anticipation we both feel becoming unbearable.

  “Lie down, Emma. Now,” I command, and she obeys. She reclines on the double-width sun lounger, desire and fire lighting her emerald green eyes. My heart jolts and my pulse pounds.

  “You’re going to be mine,” I say. My cock is so hard now, it aches. “Move up on the cushion and spread your legs for me.”

  She does as she’s told, and I kneel in front of her. Lifting her flowing white dress, I push it up her thighs and see her white lacy thong covering her beautiful little pussy. I bend over her, and I can smell her heated arousal as I bring my face between her thighs and kiss her gently over her thong. She moans and lifts her hips to my face.

  “Not yet, baby.” I move back a little and kiss the inside of her right thigh and then bite her there.

  “Please, Landon.” She begs and writhes, trying to lift her pussy so it meets my mouth.

  “No. Not yet, baby.” I move my mouth to her other thigh and lick her, tickling her with my tongue before biting her on that thigh, too. She gasps with appreciation.

  I put my nose in front of her pussy again and inhale her intoxicating, sweet, musky scent. “Oh, Emma, you smell so good. I’m going to feast on your cunt.” I tease her pussy with my tongue over her lacy thong, torturing her as she writhes. I rip off the flimsy material, tossing it aside, and she giggles and moans as her body trembles with want. I sit back and take in the sight of her.

  She’s lying there, legs spread, her dress bunched up around her waist. Her eyes are looking at me full of animal lust. For me. She’s begging me with her eyes. I drag my eyes from hers, down the bodice of her dress and down to her exposed pussy. In the dim light, I see she’s glistening wet.

  “Mmmmm, Emma. Baby, that’s good. You’re wet and ready for me.” I slowly move my eyes back up to hers. She blushes, and I want to take her right then.

  But, no. Not yet.

  I plan to make this the most special fuck she’s ever had.

  I look at her full breasts, still constrained by the tight bodice of her dress.

  “But this just won’t do,” I growl as I rip her dress apart, and the buttons fly off and fall to the cushion and the ground. She takes a sharp breath. “That’s better,” I say, admiring the beauty of her magnificent breasts. My hand pinches one nipple roughly while my mouth feasts on her other breast, biting and sucking at her other nipple. She shivers under me, desperately trying to grind her hips into mine, but she can’t reach me and she moans.

  “Please, Landon,” she begs and tries to kiss me and pull me down onto her.

  “What, baby? What do you want?” I ask, teasing her as I stand again. I pull my shirt up and over my head, dropping it on the ground.

  She swallows hard. “You look so good,” she says.

  “Oh, I’m not done.” I take my shorts off, letting them drop to the ground, and she sees my raging hard cock trying to bust out of my boxer briefs. I step out of my shorts, moving them aside, and bend back down on my knees.


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