Wolf Fated

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Wolf Fated Page 14

by Nicole R. Taylor

  “I want to look him in the eye and…” I didn’t know what I would say to him. All this time spent planning and plotting, and I hadn’t thought about what I’d say to him.

  Chaser grasped my waist and squeezed. “You’ll get your chance.”

  I’d tell him to be safe, but Chaser didn’t need good-luck charms. I edged around him and made for the door. Game on.

  “Sloane?” I turned. “Take the back stairs, okay?”

  I nodded, leaving Chaser to go his own way.

  The way was clear as I powered up the stairs to the upper level. Ahead, light was trickling underneath the kitchen door, and I could hear murmuring coming from inside. Seemed everyone was already in residence.

  I rapped my knuckles on the door, and it inched open, revealing Hopper. I didn’t know him well, but ever since I’d helped Sam get out of Fortitude, he’d softened towards me. It also helped that I’d won over his girlfriend, Shondra. It was comforting to know not all wolves around here were into owning women.

  “Come in,” he said, opening the door so I could slide through.

  “Sloane?” Shondra stood as I entered, looking on the verge of tears. “What’s going on?”

  I glanced at Hopper, who only shrugged. He’d told them nothing, so no wonder everyone looked shaken.

  “Something big is going down,” I said, glancing around the room.

  “Like what?” It was a woman I’d never spoken to before but had seen around.

  “Sloane, be real with us,” Emily said.

  “Hopper won’t tell us anything,” Shondra told me.

  “He won’t let us leave,” Raquel complained.

  “I can’t even get Stewie on his cell,” Kelly added. “Is it trouble with the vampires?”

  The murmurings increased at the mention of the Hollow Men. Everyone was afraid of another bombing.

  I sucked in a deep breath. How did you tell someone their whole life was about to change? If this went badly, who knew what was going to happen to them. Gasket’s plan was simple, but there were so many things that could go wrong.

  “The pack is undergoing a change in management,” I said straight up. “You’re in here so we can protect you from the fallout.”

  “I knew it,” Sierra exclaimed.

  “You did not,” Shondra spat at her.

  “It’ll all be over soon,” I reassured them.

  “Who’s leading?” Kelly asked, glancing at Hopper. “Who’s taking down Marini? Chaser?”

  Hopper narrowed his eyes, aware she had the hots for a man who wasn’t his buddy Stewie.

  “No,” he drawled. “It’s Gasket.”

  The room full of women visibly relaxed and talked among themselves. It seemed the old man’s popularity extended to the female population and the big, bad, burly wolves.

  Pop, pop, pop.

  My head spun towards the door, and Hopper straightened, reaching for his gun. Was that an automatic weapon?

  “Something’s wrong,” I said, listening to the gunfire.

  “They weren’t supposed to shoot,” Hopper said.

  “Do you think they were ambushed?”


  I strode towards the door and twisted the handle, but the wolf grasped my arm and wrenched me away.

  “Do not go out there,” he barked at me and realisation hit me square in the face.

  Chaser had set me up. I wasn’t here to protect anyone. I was here to be protected.

  Lifting my leg, I was grateful for my flexibility. Using my werewolf strength, I smashed my heel down on Hopper’s wrist and he yelped, dropping his gun. Breaking free, I dove for the firearm and snatched it up. Pointing it at his head, I curled my lip.

  “No more games, Hopper,” I drawled. “You can’t make me stay in this room. I will shoot anyone who gets between me and Marini, so help me God.”

  He grimaced and shook his wrist. “They were right about you. Human my arse.”

  “Step aside,” I said, the warning clear in my voice.

  “Then go,” he snarled. “I ain’t gonna try to stop you again.”

  I reached for the door but was brought up short when Shondra called out my name.

  I turned.

  Her bottom lip quivered. “Be careful, okay?”

  “I’ll be fine,” I said with a smile. “I’m tough, remember?”

  I went back the way I’d come. Passing my room, I weaved through the compound, taking the long way to Marini’s rooms.

  I hadn’t been there since the awful dinner I’d endured weeks ago. I’d hardly seen him at all, which was a glaring indicator as to his affection for his only offspring. The more I thought about it, the more I saw the signs. They were all there—the absence, the threats, the cold stares, the baiting… I should have known, but it was too late to do anything about it now.

  Sounds of movement echoed along the concrete halls. Boots thumped overhead, voices called out somewhere in the distance, but I didn’t see a single soul. It was unsettling.

  A shiver ran down my spine as I stood outside the door to my father’s room. If he was in there, I couldn’t hesitate. There was no room for doubt.

  I held up Hopper’s gun and opened the door, tracking the barrel in front of me. I was ready to pull the trigger and cut down any bastard who got in my way, but it was pointless. The moment I stepped inside, I knew… My wolf senses told me exactly what I needed to know.

  He wasn’t here. Marini was gone.

  I clicked the safety on Hopper’s gun and shoved the firearm down the back of my jeans with a sigh. It would never be this simple. A girl could hope, but hope meant nothing when it came down to the wire.

  Of course, he wasn’t here.

  Marini’s revolver was sitting on the table. Picking it up, the mother-of-pearl shimmered on the butt as I tilted it to the side and checked the barrel—fully loaded. Had Marini left in a hurry? I doubted he would leave this treasure behind.

  The revolver was heavy in my hand, but still, I slid it into the waistband of my jeans. It was getting full back there.

  Opening the bedroom door, I stared into the lair of the monster and scowled. It stunk of him, gunpowder, sweat, and blood. Curling my nose, I backed away but not before a glint caught my eye. A ring was sitting on the bedside table, and as I approached, I instantly recognised it.

  It was my mother’s diamond engagement ring.

  A memory surfaced of sitting in her lap and playing with it, twisting the gold band around and around her finger, watching the diamond sparkle. Daddy gave that to me on the beach, she’d said.

  I took one last glance around the room before I left, the ring heavy in my palm. I didn’t know what it meant that he’d kept her engagement ring, but it was mine now. The one and only thing I had left of hers.

  It was mine, and I took it from him.

  Leaving the bedroom behind, I put the ring in my pocket for safekeeping and went out into the hall. I had to find Chaser and Gasket and get this thing done. Lingering here was pointless.

  Movement at the end of the hall pulled me to the right, and my breath caught.


  The word enemy flashed through my mind. He hadn’t seen me yet, but he just needed to turn a little to his left, and it was game over. There was nowhere to go except straight ahead, so I raised Hopper’s gun and took a step forwards. Shoot or be shot at. At this range, the spoils went to the quickest draw.

  I gasped as a hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me into a dark room. Instantly, my flight mode activated, and I lashed out, smashing the butt of my gun into my assailant’s face.

  “Bloody hell!” a male cursed. “Settle down, amore mio.”


  I twisted, gaining enough room to bring my head forwards, then I reared backwards to smack him in the teeth with my skull. He grunted in pain and let me go. Turning, I saw the blood on his lips in the murky light and smirked.

  “You’re one of them,” I snarled, aiming right between his slimy werewolf eyes. “Say
your prayers.”

  “I’m Gasket’s,” he replied, holding his hands up. “And if you didn’t notice, I just saved you from being gunned down by Rocket, little wolf.”

  “How do I know you’re not lying?”

  “Who do you think informed on Marini to Gasket?” he asked with a sneer. “Santa Claus?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “He knew we were coming.”

  “It wasn’t me, amore mio. It might’ve had something to do with Rick being strangely absent, don’t you think?” He snorted. “Either way, you’ve got no options. We have to find Gasket and regroup.”

  His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he pulled it out.

  “They got him,” he said. “They’re regrouping in the garage.”

  “They got Marini?” I should’ve been happy, but I was thoroughly annoyed I wasn’t there to see him squirm. “Alive?”

  “Hell if I know.”

  DeLuca opened the door and peered out into the hallway as a new round of gunfire erupted somewhere in the compound. It was farther away this time.

  “I thought they got him?”

  “Rocket is leading a group loyal to him,” DeLuca said. “That’ll be them. Quick.” He beckoned me to follow. “We’ve got to get back to the garage.”

  Fine by me. I wasn’t staying in this hole a moment longer than I had to. I had overdue business with my father, and it was time to collect…with interest.

  Chapter 22


  I met Gasket in the common room, where he was talking with Ram and Ratchet.

  The wolves nodded sharply as I approached, then moved out into the compound to rendezvous with the others.

  Gasket turned. “Is Sloane secure?”

  I nodded. “I sent her to Hopper.”

  “Good,” he said with a grunt.

  I knew Sloane was going to rip me a new one when she saw me, but I had zero remorse. There was a target on her back, and unlike me, she couldn’t resurrect. Dead was dead for her.

  “You know the plan?”

  “Of course, I know the plan,” I drawled. “If he tries to use the talisman, you have to make sure—”

  “I’ll do what I have to,” the old wolf interrupted. “Let’s get on with it.”

  We went down the hall, keeping our eyes open for any ambushes. Gasket’s werewolves had done their job keeping those still loyal to Marini away, so the way was clear. No one challenged us..

  Outside the alpha’s rooms, I listened at the door. My vampire ears didn’t pick up on any noise and my brow furrowed.

  He has to be aware, I thought. So why hasn’t he used the talisman yet?

  “It’s quiet,” I said to Gasket.

  “Which means it’s a trap.”

  “Of course, it’s a trap,” I muttered. “Stand aside.”

  Gasket edged to the right as I kicked down the door. The wood splintered inwards with a loud crack, and I flew into the room.

  Marini was sitting in his leather recliner, smirking as we barged in. I didn’t have to do a sweep of the room to know he was alone. We’d expected a welcoming party…just not one so small.

  “Welcome,” the alpha said, rising. “What took you so long?”

  “It’s over Anthony,” Gasket said, using Marini’s first name. “Step down before this gets any messier.” He raised his gun. “Now.”

  Marini smirked and glanced at me. “I didn’t think you’d be so stupid, Chaser.”

  “This isn’t about me,” I drawled. “It’s about what you plan to do to her.”

  The alpha snorted. “Ah, I see Rick squealed. Whatever. I still have plenty of wolves loyal to me. You see, while you’ve been playing your games, I’ve been playing my own. You don’t have the numbers, Gasket. All you’ve done is start a war you have no hope of winning.” He reached behind his back and Gasket’s grip tightened around his gun. “You will never own Fortitude. After I told my most trusted wolves what I plan to do with Betty, they had no problem kneeling before their rightful alpha. And with this…” he took out the talisman and held it before him, “I can make sure you and your group of traitorous whelps never see another full moon.”

  “Drop it,” Gasket warned, his finger on the trigger of his gun. “I’m warning you, Marini.”

  The alpha snarled and tightened his hand around the talisman. Pressure closed in around me and I gasped, falling to my knees.

  “See how easy it is?” Marini said, looking at Gasket. “All I have to do is say the order, and he’ll carry it out. A vampire bound to the pack by magic, unable to die, unable to say no. He’s the ultimate weapon.”

  I pushed against the magic holding me down, but it was no use. I was bound.

  “And still you turn around and use your own daughter,” Gasket said. “You would kill her in your lust for revenge.”

  “They murdered my wife!” the alpha roared. “Or have you forgotten?”

  “I forget nothing.”

  “Of course, you don’t.” Marini took a step forwards, the gun doing nothing to deter him. “You loved her, Gasket. Despite the will of your alpha, you loved her and conspired to keep my daughter from me.”

  “Sloane may be your daughter by blood, but you were never a father to that girl,” Gasket snarled. “Not when you conspired to turn her into a bomb.”

  “You’re not her father.” Marini held up the talisman, his mouth curving into a malicious grin. “I am.”

  My eyes widened as I felt the alpha’s will bear down on me. “Gasket…”

  At the sound of my voice, the old wolf moved faster than I thought possible. He raised his gun and fired at me.

  One shot.

  Right in the head.

  Chapter 23


  The moment DeLuca and I reached the garage, my gaze swept over the assembled men.

  “We’ve got them on the run,” Ram said.

  “The compound’s clear?” Gasket asked.

  Stewie nodded. “For now.”

  “Where is he?” I exclaimed.

  Heads swivelled towards me as I whirled across the garage.

  “Sloane,” Spike started, but I wasn’t listening. Reason could go screw itself.

  “Gasket!” I roared, the revolver heavy in my hand. “Where’s Marini? Where’s my father?”

  He grasped my shoulders and held me steady. I pressed into his palms, my hand tightening around the revolver.

  “He’s alive,” Gasket said.

  “I want—”

  “Come here, kid.”

  He let me go and guided me through the assembled men to a car parked just outside.

  Gasket opened the boot, revealing his prize. I stared down at my father, unable to feel a single thing. He was bound with his hands behind his back and ankles taped together. A blindfold covered his eyes, earplugs were stuffed in his ears—the super-industrial putty kind—and a strip of duct tape was stuck across his mouth. Total sensory deprivation.

  He was conscious because his head flicked back and forth as if he sensed the light on his skin.

  “I want to talk to him,” I said.

  “Not yet,” Gasket said. “We’ve gotta get out of here first. The others will come back, and we can’t defend the compound.”

  “How did you…”

  “Someone tipped him off,” he explained. “Knew we were coming for him, just didn’t know when. If we’d waited any longer, he would’ve gone for you.”

  I shivered and rubbed my hands up and down my arms. Had it really come that close? Inches away from being sent to my death?

  Gasket slammed the boot closed.

  “Where’s Chaser?” I asked, looking around. “I thought he went with you to get Marini?”

  “He did,” the old wolf replied. “Things got…complicated.”

  My heart twisted. “He used the talisman.”

  Gasket opened the back door of the car and gestured for me to look inside. Chaser lay across the backseat, his head at an odd angle, a single gunshot wound in his forehead.

  I gasped and knelt beside the car. Reaching inside, I cradled Chaser’s head and eased it into a better position. He wasn’t all withered like he was when he’d taken a wooden bullet to the heart, so I had hope he would wake when his body had healed enough.

  “I knew it,” I heard Ratchet mutter. “Those two hooked up.”

  I glanced up at Gasket. “What happened?”

  “Your father was about to order him to kill me. He knew it might happen, so he asked me to put him down if it came to it.” He placed a big hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry, Sloane. He’ll wake when he’s ready. Spike dug out the bullet.”

  “What happened to the talisman?”

  The old wolf patted his shirt pocket. “Safe and sound.”

  My gaze met his. “Can I have it?”

  He shook his head. “It has to stay with me for now, girl.”

  I scowled and looked back at Chaser. I wasn’t alpha, Gasket was. He was asserting his dominance already and it rubbed me the wrong way. Chaser’s life was still bound to the pack, but at least it wasn’t Marini who held the talisman, right?

  Gasket sighed and turned to the assembled crew. “We can’t hope to hold the compound with our numbers. We need to let it go.”

  “We’re split down the middle. Fifty-fifty,” Rhodes stated.

  “We’ve still got the women to think about,” Stewie said. “They’re tough, but I’m not about to put a gun in Kelly’s hand if I can help it.”

  “We need a place to regroup,” Gasket said. “Somewhere that’s easily defendable with a road that we can watch from multiple angles.”

  “I know a place,” DeLuca said. “Out of the way, but still close.”

  “What’s it like?”

  “A miner’s cottage my old man passed down to me. In the bush, on a block of farmland away from the city. It’s out in the open, but we’d see anyone coming long before they become a problem. Nothing much moves out there.”

  “Anyone else know about this place?” Gasket asked.

  “No one knows about it, so we have a good chance of going undetected.”

  “It’s a cottage,” Spike said. “There’s thirty of us, countin’ the girls, and we’ve got Marini.”


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