The Finding

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The Finding Page 2

by Nicky Charles

  “They knew what they were doing; knew there’d be cameras recording the transaction.”

  “Yeah, there’s nothing here except... See that bit of a shadow?” Bryan turned his chair back to the computer and pointed to a spot on the screen. “I think someone was standing there, watching.”

  “Hmm... Could be.” Ryne stood up straight and shrugged. “It doesn’t really help us much, though.”

  “Maybe not. But it means she might not be on her own. I think she met up with someone and went with them to Vegas, possibly realizing it was a perfect place to get lost in a crowd.”

  “But where did she go after that?”

  Bryan shook his head. “Damned if I know. I checked every bus, train, and plane out of there from the day of this footage and for two weeks afterwards. There was no one matching her description.”

  “So she must have left by car or stayed in the area.”

  “Uh-huh. I searched all over that city but there was no sign of her. And I put alerts out to packs all over the country to contact me if they see her, but no one has ever reported anything.”

  “You’d think after three years someone would have noticed a lone wolf—an inexperienced lone wolf at that. How has she stayed hidden and managed the lunar changes? Those pills must be used up by now. Someone must know something.”

  At that moment, Melody called from the kitchen. “Ryne, did you buy chocolate ice cream when you were in town earlier?”

  Ryne grimaced. “Since she’s been pregnant and can’t have her coffee, she’s switched to chocolate, but it’s not mellowing her mood.”

  “Isn’t chocolate just as bad?”

  “Are you volunteering to tell her? I survived the no-coffee rants. I’m not inciting another one!” Both men winced as they recalled Melody’s reaction when Nadia, the nurse practitioner, e-mailed her to cut back on coffee until the baby was born.

  “Hey, she’s your mate and you’re the Alpha. Go do your duty.”

  “Thanks, Bryan. You’re a real pal.”

  Bryan shook his head, amused at his Alpha’s predicament, then returned to studying the image on the computer screen. Narrowing his eyes, he searched for clues, his inner wolf stirring restlessly over the long delayed hunt. Somewhere out there Cassandra Greyson was a lone werewolf and he was determined to bring her in.

  Chapter 1

  The air felt cool and damp against her face as she moved through the trees, the greyish-brown trunks rising high on either side of her. Pine needles littered the forest floor, deadening the sound of her feet as she padded along. Twice she stopped and searched the shadowy depths of the forest, before lifting her muzzle and sniffing, nostrils flaring as she took in the myriad of scents that drifted by on the slight breeze.

  Suddenly, instinct had her hackles rising. Another presence was nearby. Cocking her ears, Cassie searched for a sign of the other one. As always, his scent eluded her; his paws made no sound. Inexplicably, he was just—there!

  Like a ghost, he seemed to appear out of nowhere, standing in front of her, blocking her way. Thick light brown fur covered his massive body, muscles rippling as he shifted his stance and raised his head in challenge. His beauty took her breath away each time she saw him and not for the first time, did she wonder what his name was.

  Part of her wanted to submit, to expose her throat and belly. Her tail dipped between her legs, even as she fought the urge to roll over. His hazel eyes narrowed and she quivered until, finally breaking away from his gaze, she turned quickly and began to run.

  Where she was running to, she didn’t know, but the need to escape was strong. She flattened her ears and ran as if her life depended on it, her body low to the ground. The sound of him following her was easy to detect. He made no effort to hide his pursuit.

  He was breathing hard, she could hear it. His bigger frame was at a disadvantage when it came to speed, yet with every stride his longer legs brought him closer and closer.

  Panic began to well within her and she dug deep inside putting on a burst of speed, twisting around trees, jumping over logs. It was all in vain. Without warning, his body slammed into hers and they both fell to the ground. She rolled, attempting to get to her feet, but even as she tried to stand, he was on top of her.

  Hot breath fanned across the side of her face. Her peripheral vision caught a glimpse of shiny white teeth, before she felt those same teeth penetrating her fur, biting her neck…

  “No!” Part of her was screaming in protest even as another voice, one deeper inside her, cried out yes, craving his domination, his possession. She pushed that part of her aside and struggled. This beast was just like the one that had killed that man, Mr. Aldrich. It was an unnatural creature known as a werewolf.

  Her uncle had said she was one as well, just before he died. But she wasn’t; she couldn’t be. She wasn’t a wild animal. She couldn’t kill anyone... Could she? Even as she fought against the wolf that loomed over her, a part of her mind was acknowledging her four legs, her tail, and the brown fur covering her body… Closing her eyes against the hot tears that threatened to spill down her face, she screamed her denial of the truth.

  “No! Please, no! I can’t be a werewolf. I don’t want this!” Pushing and struggling, she flailed against the beast that seemed to surround her. She couldn’t get away. Her breathing became rapid and shallow; everything was growing dark and she felt herself slipping into unconsciousness, falling and then…

  Her body landed against something hard and the breath whooshed from her lungs. With a jolt, her eyes flew open and she looked at her surroundings. Relief washed through her as she realized it had been just another nightmare.

  Shaking in the aftermath of her nocturnal imagination, she disentangled herself from the blanket and pushed her hair from her face. She was in her bedroom, having laid down for a nap while waiting for Kellen to get home. The dream had been just that—a dream.

  Well, not exactly. As she stood and picked up the blanket, she acknowledged that the woods and the other wolf were non-existent, but her being a wolf—a werewolf to be exact—was all too real. She hid from the grim reality as much as possible, but her subconscious mind wouldn’t let the notion rest. It was in the dark recesses of her mind that the beast inside her roamed free and sought out others of its kind.

  But it wouldn’t happen in reality. She jutted her chin in resolve as she folded the blanket, then clutched it to her chest. She’d never seek out others of her kind. The filthy animals were interested only in killing and dominating and…sex. Her mind skirted away from that last idea. Her dreams were always erotic, usually involving a lusty male who was intent on tracking her down and taking her.

  The memory had her shifting uncomfortably as arousal stirred inside her. She curled her lip at the irony of the situation; her nightmares were hotter than Hades while her real life was…

  No. She didn’t want to think about that right now. Setting down the blanket, she went to the dresser to check her appearance. The turquoise top she wore went well with her Mediterranean colouring, even though she was still pale as a result of her dream. Applying a bit of blush, she studied her eyes and decided the thick lashes and deep green irises needed no enhancement. A touch of gloss on her full lips completed her makeup.

  Grabbing a comb, she set to work on her hair, not for the first time wishing it shimmered with highlights instead of being a solid dark brown. The colour reminded her too much of the animal in her dream. Yes, she could try dying it, but she always wondered how the colour would take, given her...unusual...genetic makeup.

  Glancing at the clock, she realized it was time to start dinner. Kellen would be home soon and she wanted to surprise him. Setting the comb down, she headed to the kitchen, resolutely pushing all thoughts of wolves from her mind. Tonight it would be all about her and Kellen.


  Stump River, Ontario, Canada...

  Bryan grunted and firmed his jaw, ignoring his protesting muscles. Sweat trickled down his face as he lifted the weight
, counting in his head, before giving a sigh of relief and lowering the heavy disks. They clanged against the metal stand, the sound echoing off the walls of the exercise room. He relaxed against the bench, breathing heavily and feeling pleasantly spent.

  “Done for the day?” A towel landed in his face as the speaker walked past.

  Wearily he reached up and wiped the sweat from his face and chest while eyeing the room’s other occupant. Daniel was chugging back a bottle of water, his body glistening from an intense workout.

  Bryan sat up, giving his arms a shake and then stretching. His muscles ached slightly from the strain they’d be under, not tired, just well used. “No. I think I’ll go for a run. Want to join me?”

  “Nah. I’m whipped. You Beta-types can exercise until you barf, but not me. I’m the intellectual in the pack, remember?”

  Snorting, Bryan studied his young friend. At twenty-two, Daniel might claim to be an intellectual, but his lean frame was still packed with muscle and had all the local ladies swooning. Well... Most of the local ladies, he amended, noting that Daniel was staring out the window with a look of longing in his eyes.

  The object of the younger man’s attention was Tessa, a doe-eyed, dark haired Spanish beauty. Daniel had been following her around like a love-sick puppy ever since she’d joined the pack three years ago. Not that Tessa ever gave Daniel any encouragement, but that hadn’t stopped the man from wanting her.

  Shaking his head at the follies of young love, Bryan stood up and clapped Daniel on the shoulder. “Why don’t you make a move on her?”

  Daniel firmed his mouth and shoved his hands in his pocket. “She’s not ready yet...”

  “Ready? She’s nineteen; definitely time for her to choose a mate.”

  “You know her history.” Anger washed over Daniel’s face and Bryan gripped his shoulder.

  “I do. But she can’t live in the past forever. Someone needs to help her move on. Why not you?”

  Shrugging, Daniel threw his water bottle in the recycling bin and picked up his discarded t-shirt. “I don’t know. The time never seems right.”

  “If you wait too long, you might lose your chance.” Bryan threw out the warning and headed for the door, knowing he’d pushed all he could. Daniel had to be the one to make the move.

  Once outside, he debated about turning into his wolf form, but decided to finish his workout as he’d started. His human body needed the exercise more than his wolf did.

  Bending to tighten his laces, he heard giggling coming from the nearby gazebo and glanced that way. An exasperated sigh escaped his lips as he saw two young girls peering at him. Becky and Emily were the daughters of the newest family to join Ryne’s pack. At fifteen and thirteen respectively, they were harmless enough, but the crush they’d developed on him was annoying and embarrassing.

  As Beta, he was the second in command, the Alpha’s bodyguard, and the pack’s enforcer. Being followed by giggling teenagers did nothing for his image, nor did he know how to deal with them. He didn’t want to hurt their feelings, but subtle hints weren’t having much effect in dissuading them.

  Knowing if he delayed much longer, they’d actually work up the nerve to approach him, he got to his feet and prepared to walk past them.

  “Hi Bryan!” The girls spoke at the same time. One was attempting an exaggerated model stance while the other settled for tossing her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

  “’Evening, girls.” He kept his eyes focussed straight ahead and didn’t slow his pace otherwise they might decide to follow him. It wouldn’t be the first time it had happened. As he continued on his way, he picked up on parts of their conversation...

  “Did you see how his muscles rippled? And his butt...”

  “Mmm. And his voice. It’s so deep it makes me shiver.”

  “I like his hair best. Dark blond is so cool.”

  “No. I think it’s more of a light brown.”

  “Whatever. His eyes are dreamy.”

  “Oh yeah, hazel eyes...”

  Bryan winced. Geez, it was like he was some pin-up poster boy. It was nice when the ladies in town were all over him, but these two were just kids. It made him feel creepy, like he was some kind of pervert. He broke into a slow jog and headed around the curve in the driveway, catching a glimpse of the girls still staring his way.

  He wondered when he’d quit being a kid himself and why he felt he was so much older now. After all, he was only twenty-four. That was young, wasn’t it? Maybe it was the responsibilities of being Beta that weighed him down and made him feel older. The pack was growing; Ryne was going to be a father... He chuckled at the thought of his bad-ass Alpha changing diapers. He could never imagine himself in such a position.

  Breaking into a run, he veered off the driveway and headed deeper into the woods. Nope, a Beta had to be tough and ready to defend the pack or deal with trouble makers. Settling down to family life just wasn’t part of his plan. Right now, he was a no-strings attached kind of guy. That’s how he liked it and that’s how things would remain.


  Las Vegas, Nevada, USA...

  “Hey, Kellen! It’s almost supper time.” Cassie called out happily from the stove where she was stirring a pot of pasta sauce. She hummed a Latin tune under her breath as she worked, swaying slightly to the beat. Her singing was off key, but it didn’t matter. Her plans had gone off without a hitch so far and she was feeling extremely pleased with herself.

  Executing a fancy little step, she paused and listened carefully. Kellen hadn’t answered yet. Opening her mouth to call out again, she heard a board creak near the front door. She frowned. Now what was he doing? He’d only arrived home a few minutes ago.

  Perhaps he was playing a joke on her as he sometime did. A mischievous grin spread across her face and she decided to turn the tables on him. She set the spoon down and tiptoed to the archway that separated the kitchen from the living room. Peeking around the corner, she saw Kellen was almost at the front door.

  Stepping out, she cleared her throat loudly, planted her hands on her hips and spoke in a mock serious tone. “And where do you think you’re going?”

  Kellen froze, then slowly turned around to face her. Something about his posture gave her the feeling he’d been trying to sneak away unnoticed rather than trying to trick her. His expression, a combination of guilt and exasperation at being caught, confirmed the fact. “Out.”

  Her playful mood rapidly evaporated at his evasive answer. She leaned against the doorway, suddenly feeling weary as she took in his appearance.

  His lithe body was dressed for a night out with the boys; nothing special of course, but not his usual at home gear of sweats and a comfortable old t-shirt. Well fitting denim encased his hips, a band t-shirt showed off his broad shoulders and a brown leather jacket was clutched in his hand. The jacket was the same shade as his hair, which was one of the reasons she’d bought it for him last Christmas. Since he often worked the night shift, and evening temperatures could be quite cool in the desert, she’d deemed it to be a practical extravagance. He’d been duly appreciative of the gift, but those had been happier times...

  “Out where?” She knew the answer already, but some devil inside prodded her onward even as she questioned her own actions. Why did she do this to herself? Why did she set herself up to be hurt by asking stupid questions? Cassie knew she should just let him go; turn the proverbial blind eye to his behaviour, but hiding from a problem wouldn’t solve anything.

  Really? A voice inside her taunted. You hide every day; keeping me locked up, denying my existence. Your own secret is a living thing, struggling to get out, to make itself known...

  Never mind, she hissed to herself. That’s not the issue right now. She pushed the voice firmly away, refocussing on Kellen and wondering what excuse he might use this time.

  Kellen’s mouth was drawn into a straight line. She watched the blue of his eyes deepen before he lowered his lashes as if trying to hide his expression. “Just out
with friends. It’s no big deal.” Giving a shrug, he pulled on the leather jacket and adjusted the collar.

  “I know the kind of friends you mean and—”

  “You’re not my mother, okay? So lay off!” The angry words were flung at her and Cassie fought not to respond in kind. Both of them shouting wouldn’t solve anything. Someone needed to keep a cool head; as usual, it would be her.

  Taking a deep breath, Cassie steadied herself. “Kellen...” She stepped forward, her hand held out beseechingly. “Stay home. Please. Keep me company like you promised.”

  He winced at the word ‘promise.’ She paused until he finally met her gaze, then smiled tentatively, gently. “I...I made your favourite meal.”

  The words hung between them; the bubble of hope like a palpable entity while she waited for him to comment. She’d never been taught to cook, but had mastered the basics over the past few years. Her lack of ability was a standing joke between them; Kellen gently teasing her about her culinary disasters then helping her turn them into something edible. Spaghetti and meat sauce was one of her few successful, independent meals and he frequently claimed it was the best he’d ever tasted. He could be so sweet sometimes...

  Silence stretched between them and his lack of response forced the smile to fade from her face. She let her hand fall to her side and swallowed. Kellen shifted his weight before exhaling slowly. His eyes flicked towards her before lowering to stare at the floor. “I’ll just be a little while. When I get back, I’ll heat some up.”

  Clenching her hands, she concentrated on the feeling of her nails digging into her palms. Better to feel physical pain than to let the hurt settle in her heart. He was lying; he wouldn’t be a little while; he just said that to assuage his guilt.

  Bitterness crept into her voice. “No you won’t. I...I know you’re gambling again.” She watched his shoulders hunch as if to protect himself from her words. “I’ll not pay off your debts again.” The words were tossed out like a challenge.


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