The Finding

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The Finding Page 27

by Nicky Charles

  She pulled his shirt free from his pants and slid her hands under the material. His skin was hot and smooth. Cassie allowed her hands to roam; over his ribs, his back, down to his waistband and then back up to bury in his hair, tugging lightly on the silken locks. Bryan shuddered in appreciation and then sat up, abruptly pulling his shirt off, before leaning over her again, kissing her cheekbones, her nose, her forehead.

  With trembling fingers, she rubbed his chest, caressing his stomach then tracing the border of his waistband. Her fingers fumbled as she undid the button and slid down his zipper. Then, with a trembling hand she slid beneath the material, exploring the thatch of body hair she encountered there. A source of heat was just beyond her finger tips and she steeled herself to reach lower. How would it feel to touch a man so intimately? Her palm tingled in anticipation.

  “Yes! Touch me. I need to feel you holding me...” He whispered the words, his hips undulating gently and she moved to comply, but something held her back.

  Was she ready for this? Part of her screamed yes, but another part hesitated. You don’t really know him. He’s a werewolf. What are you getting yourself into?

  “Cassie, please. Now. I can’t wait much longer...” There was desperation in his voice and she felt tears begin to form. She wanted to please him, but... “You did it for him. For Kellen.” He spat the word out and she winced, shamed at the truth.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean, too. It was an accident. I’ll...I’ll make it up to you!” Taking a deep breath, she tried to move her hand lower, but Bryan was fading away. “No. Don’t go! I...I can be what you need. Just give me a chance!”

  But he didn’t listen and in an instant she awoke in her bed, weeping from rejection. Hot tears streamed down her face as she reached out her hand to touch the pillow and sheets beside her. The other side of the bed was empty and cold. She was alone; always alone.


  Bryan woke with a start, his heart pounding, his skin covered in sweat. He was on the couch in Cassandra Greyson’s living room, having refused her offer of sleeping in Kellen’s room. It wasn’t the other guy’s fault exactly, but Bryan had taken a dislike to the man and anything associated with him. True, Kellen had cared for Cassandra and had been her support during a time when Bryan hadn’t been around, but it still felt as if the other man had trespassed. His wolf was intent on claiming Cassandra and Bryan wasn’t sure if he’d ever be able to talk the creature out of its fixation with the girl.

  Throwing back the light blanket that covered him, he grimaced, realizing he’d found release during the incredibly erotic dream he’d just had. He hadn’t done that since his early teenage years. Rubbing his face with his hand, he peered at the clock; four-thirty. They had to be up in another hour and he wasn’t feeling sleepy anymore.

  With a sigh he stood and grabbed yesterday’s clothes, heading to the bathroom to get cleaned up. He hadn’t gone back to his hotel the previous night, not completely trusting Cassandra. Exactly what she might do on her own, Bryan wasn’t sure, but he wasn’t taking any chances. He wouldn’t put it past her to try to travel to Chicago without him; perhaps heading to the airport and hoping to get a standby flight. The look of dismay in her face when he announced he was staying led him to believe he wasn’t too far off the mark.

  He shook his head. There was a bit of a headstrong streak in her that would get her into trouble one of these days. As her Beta, he intended to be around to pull her out of whatever mess she landed in.

  By time he was done showering, a light was showing under Cassandra’s door. Good. She was up. They could head back to his motel to pick up his things and then grab a fast food breakfast on the way to the airport. Knocking lightly on her door, he relayed the plan to her and then headed back to the living room to wait.

  He hoped everything would go according to plan in Chicago. If it did, they’d find Kellen and set him free, deal with Hugh and Eddie, then get tickets back to Canada. Ryne and Kane could take care of Aldrich and Marla and by tomorrow, everyone would be heading back home.

  Bryan rolled his eyes and snorted. Yeah. Right. When did things ever go that smoothly for him?

  Chapter 16

  Mel stretched and yawned, tired of travelling. The flight to Chicago had been unremarkable, the only real issue being that they’d had to leave Stump River in the middle of the night to drive to Toronto. Beyond that, time was spent waiting to go through security checks, waiting to board, waiting to disembark, waiting to find their luggage; all the typical tedious tasks of travel.

  Ryne had blatantly used his good looks and commanding presence to hurry their own passage through the system. Crowds parted when he walked by, a look had others letting him in line while the female employees hurried to do his bidding when he graced them with his slow, sexy smile. Finally, they were climbing into a taxi bound for the motel where they were all planning to meet.

  As the taxi pulled away from the curb, Mel hit him in the stomach.

  “What was that for?” He looked at her in surprise.

  “You basically bullied your way through the airport. No one dared say no to you.”

  “So? You didn’t want to spend all that time waiting did you? And it wasn’t bullying. I never said anything threatening.”

  “No. But it wasn’t really fair to the other passengers to use your Alpha status on them.”

  He shrugged. “If you’ve got it, why not use it.”

  Mel rolled her eyes. Her mate was arrogant to the extreme at times and could be unremorsefully rude. Still, it had got them out of the airport quickly. She rubbed the curve of her stomach and shifted to a more comfortable position. The baby had to be lying on her bladder.

  “Are you all right?” Ryne’s attitude melted away in an instant and he was suddenly all care and concern; brushing her hair from her face, putting an arm around her shoulder.

  “I’m fine.” She smiled at him and then looked away, feeling guilty. Even after her standoffishness this week, he was still looking out for her. She knew she’d been weepy and irritable, that he found her behaviour inexplicable. The fact that she’d even blocked the mental connection afforded by their blood bond had hurt him. Yet, in her own defence, she hadn’t known what else to do.

  The news she’d received had thrown her completely off kilter; the possible implications had made her shudder. However, now that Daniel had reassured her and helped her sort out the mess with Lycan Link, she wasn’t sure how to broach the topic with Ryne. Last night, she’d just gathered her courage when this surprise trip to Chicago was announced. Packing, gathering passports, rushing to the airport... She shook her head; it had left no time for intimate conversation.

  Hopefully, this business with Aldrich could be taken care of quickly. Mel wasn’t sure what the brothers had planned but sometimes ignorance was bliss. And then there was this woman—Marla—who had apparently wreaked havoc with the pack long before she’d met Ryne.

  Mel knew part of the story; murder, attempted murder, theft, betrayal; the list of sins went on and on. From the look in Ryne’s eyes when he mentioned the woman... Well, Mel was just glad she wasn’t Marla.

  The cab pulled up to the curb in front of the motel and Ryne helped her out of the back seat. Their rooms were pre-booked and supposedly across the hall from Bryan and Cassandra’s. Her lips quirked mischievously as she contemplated the fact that the two were sharing. Bryan’s obsessive interest in the girl over the past three years hadn’t gone unnoticed. She was curious to find out if their face to face meeting had lived up to his subconscious expectations? If the room booking was any indication, it must have!

  Kane and Elise had a room just down the hall. It would be interesting to finally meet Kane face to face, Mel mused, especially given her recent discovery. She wondered if Kane was anything like Ryne and how he’d react to meeting her. She was sure she and Elise would get along, but Kane was a bit more aloof, always preoccupied with pack business. Webcam visits were fine, but seeing the man in the flesh... A number of po
ssible scenarios had played out in her mind during the flight; she wondered which one would become fact.

  “Melody?” Ryne spoke her name and she looked up at him, suddenly realizing they were standing in front of the elevator.

  “Sorry, I was just thinking about meeting Kane and Elise.”

  He guided her into the elevator and pushed the button for the third floor. “You’ll get along fine, I’m sure.” He yawned and stretched. “I can’t believe we had to catch such an early flight. Kane and Elise aren’t due in for another couple of hours, so you have time for a nap if you’d like.”

  “That would be nice, especially if you join me.” She let her hand drift down his back and cup his rear.

  “Melody?” He shot her a look full of both surprise and hot arousal. Well, he would be surprised given the cold shoulder she’d been showing him this past week. When he found out the cause though, he’d understand.

  Mel smiled up at him wickedly. “We have some lost time to make up for, don’t you think?’

  Ryne didn’t question her sudden about-face. Instead he growled and pulled her closer, nuzzling her neck, then grazing her mating mark with his teeth. Excitement shot straight to her core. How had she done without this for so long?

  She felt him probing her mentally and hesitated before pushing on his shoulders until he eased back.

  “Melody?” His look was questioning, hurt.

  Mel bit her lip and looked down, not sure what to say, how to broach the subject. She’d never thought herself a coward, but she wasn’t sure of Ryne’s reaction.

  Ryne sighed heavily, then wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, tucking her head under his chin. “It’s okay. Whatever’s going on, whenever you’re ready to tell me, just know I’ll be here for you.”

  “I love you, Ryne.” She kissed an exposed spot at the base of his neck and spread her hands over his chest.

  “I know. I love you too.” He swept her up into his arms and kissed her thoroughly. “Let me show you how much.” The words were whispered against her lips and she melted into him not even noticing the elevator door sliding open as they arrived at their floor.

  Mmm, she thought to herself. Maybe if she were lucky, Kane and Elise’s flight would be delayed.


  Cassie nibbled her lip and cast yet another sidelong glance at Bryan. He sat beside her reading a magazine and hadn’t spoken a dozen words to her since they’d boarded the plane. She turned to look out the window, but since it was overcast there was really nothing to see. Flying in a cloud could be so boring. The magazine in her own lap lay there unopened; gossip about celebrities held little interest for her.

  She exhaled softly and continued contemplating Bryan’s sudden reticence. It wasn’t as if he was a chatter box, but at least yesterday he’d been relaxed around her, talking casually. Now he was so formal and uptight. Was he angry? Had she done something wrong? Made some strange werewolf faux pas?

  In her mind, she went over the events of the morning, but found nothing unusual. He’d been showering when she got up. She packed a small bag of essentials, some of which were already in her carryall from her planned escape the previous day. Then they’d gone to his motel to collect his things and he’d checked out of his room. At the drive-thru they’d ordered breakfast sandwiches and ate them at the airport while awaiting their flight. She shook her head; it all seemed ordinary enough.

  At first, she’d been happy not to talk. Her dream last night had been both erotic and confusing; the memory leaving her embarrassed to face him. After all, it wasn’t everyday that she dreamed of having her hands down the pants of a man she’d just met. And then, at the end when she’d suddenly froze... What was that all about? Her past was just that, her past. Why would another man—Bryan—bring it up? And how had he known she’d been with Kellen?

  It had been bad enough when her nocturnal imaginings were about being a wolf and meeting another wolf in the forest, but now that the wolf was being replaced by a human...

  Her train of thought stuttered to a halt. Wait a minute. The wolf in her dreams...? Could it be Bryan? She had only a vague recollection of what he’d looked like as a wolf when he’d chased her down in the park, but surely it was the same creature! Suddenly, she had to know.


  “Hmm?” He answered vaguely and didn’t look up from his magazine. Had he even really heard her? She suppressed the need to hit him and sighed.

  Oh well, maybe it was easier if he wasn’t looking at her. His eyes always seemed to be seeing right into her mind, as if he knew her very thoughts and these definitely were not thoughts she wanted to share with him! Yet... She was curious. Besides, what where the chances, really? And if she asked in an idle manner, he’d never have to know... After a moment’s debate, she decided to try again.

  “Bryan? What do you look like? When you’re a wolf, I mean?” She kept her eyes averted as she tried to casually whisper her question, conscious of the passengers around them.

  Out of the corner of her eye she saw him close his magazine and look at her quizzically. “Most wolves have similar colouring to their human form, though not all. I’m a light brown with hazel eyes. Why do you want to know?”

  She gulped. That was the wolf in her dreams! Struggling to appear nonchalant, she shrugged. “No real reason. Just curious. You want me to show an interest in werewolves, so I’m trying to do my part.”


  “And what?”

  “There’s more. I can sense you’re holding something back.” He half turned to face her, folding his arms and giving her an unwavering stare.

  Cassie shifted nervously, feeling the weight of his gaze, the command in his eyes. It was hard to defy. The animal inside her whimpered, urging her to speak. She licked her lips, shot him a quick glance, and then looked away again. There was a subtle power about him that seemed to force the words from her. “I...I have...dreams.”

  “Dreams? Really?” Bryan shifted in his seat, his whole demeanour suddenly seeming watchful, wary. He cleared his throat and looked away. “What... What kind of dreams?”

  “Well...” She felt embarrassed sharing the memory but something was driving her onward as if revealing this bit of information was of the utmost importance. “I...I dream that I’m in the woods, being chased by this light brown wolf with hazel eyes. He runs after me, catches me and...and pins me down. Then, my neck.”

  As she spoke, her voice grew quieter until she was almost whispering, her awareness of the man beside her increasing by the moment. She could feel the heat generating off his body; was aware of the tempo of his breathing, the way their arms almost touched on the armrest. “I...I guess that’s sort of a typical werewolf type of dream, right?” She gave a nervous laugh and looked up at him through her lashes.

  Bryan was staring at her, a shocked expression on his face. Then he blinked and looked away. “ Actually it isn’t.” He cleared his throat again and answered slowly. “Werewolves just have normal dreams, like people do.”

  “Really?” She furrowed her brow. “So, why do I have that particular dream? It’s happened over and over again for years.”

  “Well...” He exhaled heavily, then glanced around as if to make sure no one was listening in. Most of the other passengers were dozing or watching a movie. Even so, he shifted closer to her and slid down lower in his seat. She did as well, leaning closer to hear his hesitant words. “The funny thing is a dream sort of like that, too.”

  Cassie turned to look at him face on and found herself staring directly into his eyes. Surprisingly, he was closer than she’d thought. She could feel his breath against her face and somehow, his fingers had become tangled with hers. Did he realize that? She suspected the answer was no.

  “I know. I said most don’t, but a few do.” Bryan looked down, seemed to suddenly realize he was holding her hand and let go. He leaned away and ran his now free hand through his hair, looking ill at ease. “I...I�
��ve been told it signifies the fact that you’re inner wolf knows who will be its mate. The two wolf spirits are meeting on some other level of consciousness.”

  Her heart started to beat heavily in her chest and she hardly dared ask the next question, but knew she had to. “So... What does your dream she-wolf look like?”

  “She’s chocolate brown with green eyes...” He spoke the words reluctantly, as if he were anxious as to how she’d take the news, then shot her a nervous look. “Just like you.”

  “Like me?” Abruptly, she sat up straight, speaking louder than she intended, her voice squeaking. Several of the passengers turned to look their way and she smiled weakly then sank down low in her seat again. Finally, they turned away. After clearing her throat, she whispered earnestly to him. “But... There must be lots of chocolate brown wolves in the world, right? And lots of light brown hazel-eyed wolves, too. Right?”

  “Um...sure.” Bryan’s eyes locked with hers. She searched his, staring deeply, sensing another presence, a primitive wildness within him. It called to her, beckoning her, daring her, and an answering response arose within her. Her heart thumped heavily, like an ancient drum creating a rhythm that surrounded her, mesmerized her, pulsed through her very being until she couldn’t separate herself from it.

  Electricity seemed to zing back and forth between them. She licked her dry lips and inhaled deeply, intensely aware of his masculine scent. Bryan did the same thing, half closing his eyes. The moment stretched between them, the surroundings fading into the background. Images from her dream flashed before her eyes; Bryan half naked leaning over her, his hands on her bare flesh, caressing, bringing every nerve ending to awareness. How she longed to feel that way again.

  Bryan reached forward and touched her cheek with his finger tips. Cassie closed her eyes, concentrating on the sensation. She slowly exhaled as his thumb stroked her lower lip and leaned her head into his hand. Half-opening her eyes she saw him drawing closer. His nose brushed her jaw line and then her ear lobe; she could feel him inhale...


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