The Finding

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The Finding Page 41

by Nicky Charles

  The change happened at an alarming rate. Instead of the usual gradual morph when skin and bone melted and reshaped with fluidity, this appeared to be a sudden agonizing slam with all the grace and finesse of a train wreck. Limbs cracked loudly and reshaped in the blink of an eye, hair tore itself through skin, joints shifted, nerves and muscles spasmed, teeth ripped through gums while muzzles pushed outward grotesquely distorting features. It was like something out of a horror movie, too terrifying to watch yet holding the observer captive with morbid curiosity.

  In mere seconds it was over and two black wolves lay unmoving on the floor.


  Elise dropped her tea cup on the floor, gasping as pain slammed through her. She gripped the edge of the table, her knuckles white as she fought not to pass out. “Something’s wrong.”

  “Wha...? Oh God!” Liquid sloshed over the table as Mel set her own cup down abruptly. She seemed to be struggling to breathe, her eyes squeezed tightly shut.

  Around them patrons turned to stare and Elise forced herself to stay calm, fighting the panic that welled up inside her. They were in public, surrounded by humans. She couldn’t give in, no matter how desperately she wanted to. Leaning forward slightly, she whispered to Mel. “We have to get out here!”

  Mel nodded, her arms wrapped around her abdomen, as she rocked in place. Her lips tightly compressed as if she were fighting to stay in control.

  Elise swallowed hard. A sick feeling roiled about in her stomach and it was all she could do to keep from bolting from the coffee shop.

  “My friend’s ill. We...we have to go.” She stumbled over an explanation as she gathered her coat and purse, then helped Mel stand up. Holding her arm, she guided her around the server who had come to clean up the spill, then through the maze of crowded tables.

  Once outside, Mel collapsed against the wall of the building, turning tortured eyes to Elise. “What...?”

  Elise shook her head. “I don’t know.” She pressed her hand to her mouth and stared upward, blinking rapidly. They were on a crowded downtown street; falling apart wasn’t an option. She was the senior Alpha female and Mel looked horrible. It was her job to take charge. Duty first, she reminded herself. Wasn’t that what Kane always said? Duty first. Trying to purge the emotion from her voice, she cleared her throat. “The baby...?”

  “It’s fine. Don’t worry. It jumped when I felt that sudden...whatever it was that we felt...but it’s fine now.”

  “Good.” Elise rubbed her forehead and took a deep breath, trying to remain detached. That’s how one got through difficult situations, or so she’d been told but it was rather hard to do when it felt like someone had just ripped your heart out. “That was intense. I’ve never felt anything like it before.”

  “Any idea what happened?”

  Pursing her lips, she shrugged. “Kane blocked me out this morning—the silly man.” She paused and blinked, struggling for calm before continuing. “He didn’t want to worry me while he was on a ‘mission.’ But just a moment ago, the block vanished with no warning, as if he completely lost control and then... wham!” Elise shook her head again. “Kane doesn’t lose control. Not ever. It’s one of the frustrating things about him. But he was in pain; intense pain. I think he transformed, but it shouldn’t have been like that; agonizingly painful.” Her eyes filled with tears as emotion began to take over despite her efforts to prevent it. “I can’t sense him now. There’s nothing there at all; no thoughts, no feelings...” Her breathing hitched and she forced herself to take deep breaths, fighting against the feeling of despair that rose inside her. “He can’t be...” She clenched her fists, unable to voice the words.

  Mel grabbed Elise’s hand and held it tightly. Her chin wobbled and it took several tries before she could speak. “It’s the same for me. I just suddenly had a jolt, almost like he stuck his finger in a socket and his feelings crashed into my brain and then, just as quickly, they were gone.” She wiped her eyes. “I feel of hollow inside, like a part of me is missing.”

  Their eyes met and they stared at each other, sharing the pain and emptiness of suddenly losing an integral part of themselves. Even when mates blocked out their mental connection, there was still a sense that the other was there, but now a black void existed on the fringes of their minds where just minutes before a living, breathing mate had been.

  Elise turned to look down the street, towards Aldrich’s building. “It makes no sense though. Who or what could take out two Alpha’s at exactly the same time?”

  Mel turned as well. “I don’t know, but we need to find out.”

  Elise nodded and stuck out her chin. Her despair was fading and her logical mind was taking over. She refused to believe that both Kane and Ryne could be...gone. “Come on. We’re not going to stand here and wallow in our misery. Something is going on and we need to figure it out.”

  Mel sniffed and wiped her nose. “I agree. Ryne and Kane are in that building and we need to find them and help them with...whatever this is.”

  They hurried down the street until they stood on the sidewalk in front of the building that housed Aldrich’s penthouse.

  “What now?” Mel looked at the entrance. A security guard stood in the entry way, his arms folded across his chest and a bored expression on his face. “Do you think he’ll let us in?”

  Elise peered at the man carefully. “I think he’s sleeping.”

  “Then maybe we can just sneak by him.”

  “No. If we get caught, he’ll never let us in.” Elise nibbled on her lip then smiled when an idea came to mind. “We’re going to try the old ‘pregnant woman needs a bathroom’ routine.” She grabbed Mel’s arm and dragged her to the entrance, hissing instructions as they went along. “Look pale and worried. Hop up and down a bit like you really need to go pee, too.”

  Mel rolled her eyes. “You’re talking to a pregnant woman, remember? I always have to go pee.” Nevertheless, she put her hands around her belly to help emphasize its size and tried to look anxiously in need of a washroom.

  Elise pushed the door open and smiled at the doorman. “I’m so sorry to bother you but my friend here really needs a bathroom. Is there a public washroom in the lobby that she could use?”

  The man took in how Mel was shifting from foot to foot, looked at her swollen stomach and finally her anxious face. He sighed heavily as if moving his eyes had been a huge effort. “Sure. Go to your right. Third door on the left.” Slowly, he reached out and pushed the button that released the door then leaned back against the wall as if to resume his nap.

  Elise and Mel slipped through the door and turned right as the man had indicated. Sure enough, a washroom sign was ahead.

  Mel winced apologetically. “I’m sorry, but just thinking about it... Well, I have to go.”

  “That’s okay.” Elise pointed at herself. “Two kids. I know how you feel. Just try to make it fast.”

  Mel nodded and slipped inside then moments later returned looking much relieved. “Okay, I’m ready. Which way do you think?”

  They looked around, but saw no sign of an elevator beyond the one right across from the front door.

  “We can’t use that one. That man might wake up and see us.” Elise pointed out.

  Mel nibbled on her thumb nail. “There’s a set of stairs just behind us... Oh no!” She grabbed Elise’s arm and pulled her behind a potted plant.


  “Another security guard and he’s definitely more awake than the guy at the door!” She looked around then pointed. “This way. There’s some kind of patio at the end of the corridor. We’ll slip outside until he’s gone.”

  They hurried down the hallway and stepped outside.


  “That will be our ride.” Mr. Aldrich nodded toward the approaching chopper and stood up. “Miss Matthews, did you contact Dr. Mason?”

  “Hmm?” Marla blinked at him.

  “Dr. Mason.” Mr. Aldrich looked exasperated. “I gave you the instructions less
than an hour ago. We need to have Cassandra declared mentally unfit and locked up as soon as possible.”

  Cassie narrowed her eyes. So that was his plan! She’d spend the rest of her life locked up and most likely drugged out of her mind while Mr. Aldrich controlled the estate! The money didn’t concern her, but the idea of being locked up and drugged did!

  Already too much of her life had been spent being restrained, one way or another. Kept in a figurative glass cage by her uncle, hiding from werewolves, drugging herself every month... She shook her head. No, she couldn’t go through that again. Not now that she’d had a glimpse of what her life could be like. Slowly she started to inch away.

  Mr. Aldrich continued. “Once I have her out of the way, I’ll start to work on the estate funds so that I have complete control of all finances.”

  Carefully Cassie edged farther away. She wasn’t sure where she was going to go but staying wasn’t an option. There were a few roof vents she could hide behind and what looked like a rooftop access to the elevator shaft to the one side. Perhaps she could make it that far. The door might not be locked and once inside, well... She’d figure out that part later.

  A gust of wind caught her by surprise and she stumbled. The movement attracted Mr. Aldrich’s attention and he grabbed her arm and dragged her back, his fingers biting into her arm. “Don’t even think about it.” He pressed the gun’s barrel to her side and she winced at the feel of it against her ribs. “You’re worth more to me alive, but even dead I can still profit from you. A werewolf corpse should fetch a pretty penny, don’t you think Miss. Matthews?”

  “Corpse?” Marla frowned at the word and shot a glance between Cassie and Mr. Aldrich.

  “Yes. Even dead, I’m sure scientists would be interested in studying her.” He gave Cassie’s arm a shake.

  Marla licked her lips, squinting against the wind. “I...I don’t think—”

  “You’re not paid to think, Miss Matthews. And in case you’re getting squeamish, let me tell you, I know about the items you’ve been pilfering from the Estate. Swanson followed you several times. I have dates, amounts... You cross me and I’ll see you in jail for stealing.”

  Marla sputtered in protest though it did little good.

  Mr. Aldrich continued, not listening. His eyes were a bit glazed as he spoke, excitement filling his voice as it rose to be heard over the noise of the approaching helicopter. “So you will assist me with Cassandra, Miss Matthews, no more of this foolishness. If all goes as planned, in a few years we’ll hand her over to science as a living specimen. It will be a dramatic revelation and turn the table on the damned beasts that have haunted me these past three years.”

  A specimen? Turned over to scientists? Mr. Aldrich was talking about her as if she wasn’t even there! As if she were nothing more than an animal! Cassie gasped, affront and fear filling her. There was no way she’d let herself be stuck in some cage to be poked and prodded like some lab rat. She wasn’t a freak; she was just...different!

  “We need to go.” He began walking, one hand gripping her upper arm, the other holding the gun pressed to her side.

  The natural wind, combined with that created by the helicopter circling the building made walking difficult and Mr. Aldrich bent forward to counteract the force of the moving air. As they drew closer and closer to the landing pad, Cassie became more desperate, digging in her heels, no longer caring that Mr. Aldrich might shoot her. She was not getting into that helicopter. There was no way that...

  Her vision blurred again. There was a buzzing in her ears, her skin prickled. Was she going to be sick? Was she shifting? Tension built within her. Oh God, it was happening again! Her breathing quickened. She felt like she was hyperventilating, her muscles tightening, straining and then the air shimmered around her...

  Cassie had a vague impression of Mr. Aldrich gasping and stepping back, then in an instant he was no longer at eye level. He seemed to loom over her as if she were much shorter than she’d been mere seconds ago. His fingers were no longer holding her arm, the gun no longer pressed to her ribs. Relieved to be free, she started to back away, only to trip when she realized she now had four legs to coordinate instead of two and the remnants of sticky tape around her ankles!

  Scrambling, she sought to get her feet under her and shake off the now loose tape. The rough surface of the roof felt strange under her paws, the wind whipping her fur about and whistling past her ears was stimulating yet confusing at the same time as a myriad of scents swirled by. She ignored them though, keeping her eyes fixed on Mr. Aldrich, trying to judge his next move.

  He was pale—no doubt as surprised as she was—and he seemed to be trembling slightly. Then a change came over him as he appeared to recover from the shock of her transformation. His features hardened, his eyes narrowed. Even before his hand moved, she knew what he intended to do.

  Letting out a woof, she spun around and began to run. A shot rang out—her hearing was even more acute now and the sound seemed louder than it had been inside the apartment—then a bullet dug into the roof’s surface mere inches from where she was.

  With a yelp, she jerked to the side as small bits of debris shot up and hit her in the face. Her legs tangled and she fell sideways, skidding across the rough surface. Even through her fur coat, she felt her skin being abraded, her ribs protesting. She rolled over, gained some control, and sprang to her feet again, taking off running once more.

  Behind her, the rhythmic thumping of the helicopter blades distorted the sound of pounding feet. Some instinct had her swivelling her ears back, trying to determine how close Mr. Aldrich might be. Her heart was pounding, panic washing over her at the thought of being shot or, even worse, being captured, drugged, and put in a cage.

  Her wolf was coming to the foreground. Cassie could feel it taking over, telling her to run in a zigzag pattern that would be harder to hit, to keep low to the ground. Her eyes darted back and forth, searching for cover, a place to hide.

  A roof vent was to her right so she veered that way, ducking behind it just in time to avoid the spray kicked up by the next bullet. Spinning around, she crouched low and peeked out. Mr. Aldrich was farther away than she thought he’d be; almost on the other side of the roof.

  She couldn’t help but grin briefly as she realized how fast she must be in this form. And her wolf seemed to be a quick thinker too. In the middle of all her panic, a pleasant feeling washed over her and she knew the animal was pleased with her line of thought. Was that her tail thumping behind her? She chanced a quick look and saw that it was—silly beast she thought fondly—then returned her gaze to the scene before her.

  The helicopter was still circling the roof, the pilot leaning out and yelling at Mr. Aldrich. Something about the wind and having difficulty controlling the helicopter. She couldn’t make out the words clearly.

  Keeping one eye on them, she tried to decide her next move. The rooftop elevator access was a few yards away but as a wolf, she wouldn’t be able to open the door to get inside, so that eliminated one possible means of escape. Her next best bet was to circle back to the penthouse. Surely Bryan and the Alphas would have made it past Mr. Aldrich’s goons by now. A small frisson of worry swept through her when she thought about the man she’d spent the night with.

  She was aware of him—his thoughts and feelings—in some strange way. It wasn’t totally clear but she was sure at this moment he was feeling impatient, worried, and angry. And he wasn’t hurt—she knew that too and was thankful—but what could be keeping him? It wasn’t that she was looking for a rush in and rescue her but she hadn’t expected to handle this all on her own. And what about Kellen? Was he all right? How severe was his injury? A whimper escaped her as she worried about the men in her life.

  Mr. Aldrich shouted out an instruction and she pulled her attention back to him again. He was heading this way.

  “You go to the right. I’ll go left. There’s no way for her to escape.”

  Cassie perked her ea
rs at that statement and then jerked her head around. Damn! She’d forgotten about Marla; the woman had been so unresponsive earlier she had dismissed her. Definitely a mistake. Marla was approaching from the rear and Mr. Aldrich was in front.

  Getting to her feet, Cassie began to back away from the two people who were approaching her. Exactly what she’d do if they came too close she wasn’t sure. When Hugh had been hurting Kellen, she’d attacked him but it had been a spur of the moment thing. The wolf had taken over and acted on instinct. This was more premeditated. Did she have it in her to knowingly attack? The thought of biting and scratching someone, even someone intent on harming her, made her feel sick. But what else could she do? As Mr. Aldrich had said, there was nowhere to go.

  She kept her head low and emitted a warning growl.

  Chapter 25

  Mel and Elise huddled near a grey cement wall in the shelter of potted evergreen. The small patio area they found themselves in likely served as a gathering area for the building’s occupants on nice days. Unfortunately, today wasn’t a day for sitting around the picnic tables and enjoying the spring flowers. A cold wind whipped around the building, stirring up bits of dirt and garbage that had collected over the winter making their hiding place less than ideal. However, since there was a security guard lounging just inside the door, they really had very little choice. Discovery would mean being kicked out of the building and put them even farther away from their mates.

  Elise peered through the scented green branches, then ducked back out of sight. “He’s still there.”

  “Why’d the guard have to take a break right by the patio doors? Why isn’t he out patrolling the halls on the far side of the building? We need to get upstairs and help our men.” Mel grumped.

  A sigh escaped Elise’s lips. “At least the empty feeling inside me is fading. Sometimes I think I can sense Kane but then other times I wonder if it’s wishful thinking . There’s a connection, but it feels off.” She shook her head. I can’t explain it, other than it’s like he’s there, but not there. It’s frustrating.” Leaning her head back against the cement wall, she rolled her shoulders, trying to relax her tense muscles. Being an Alpha’s mate was taxing. You spent a lot of time alone worrying, yet knowing you had to let him go and do what he was born to do. There was no solution—you just had to accept it as part of life—but it didn’t mean she had to like it.


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