The Finding

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The Finding Page 44

by Nicky Charles

  Lifting his chin, he set his face into an expressionless mask and strode up to the building. He pulled open the door without even a glance at the sleepy security guard posted there.

  The man grunted in surprise and stumbled to his feet. “Hey, you can’t—”

  Franklin didn’t break his stride, merely flashing his Service badge. It was outdated, but if no one looked too closely they’d never know. “Government business. Out of the way unless you want to cited for obstructing justice.”

  Meredith followed behind elbowing the guard in the stomach when it appeared the man might try to stop her.

  “Hey! Lady, watch it!” The guard rubbed his stomach and hurried after them, straightening his jacket in what was likely a feeble attempt to look in control. “This is a private building. You can’t just walk in.”

  “What’s your security clearance?” Meredith snapped the question at the guard.

  “No. Don’t waste your time on him.” Franklin directed the comment at Meredith, pleased that his skills hadn’t tarnished from lack of use. “He’s obviously not involved.”

  “Unless, it’s a clever ruse. Perhaps we should bring him in for questioning. He might know something.” Meredith gave the man a considering look before moving on.

  Striding through the lobby as if they had every right to be there, they made their way to the elevators, the guard trailing behind, sputtering questions of who and what and why.

  “Penthouse suite, now.” Franklin barked out the command, pleased when the man jumped. He smiled inwardly. Damn, but I still have it, he thought to himself.

  “I...I’m sorry, sir, but that elevator is out of commission. Er...what branch of the government are you with?”

  Franklin and Meredith exchanged looks of concern. How were they going to save Cassie if they couldn’t get up to the penthouse?

  “Alternate entrance?” Meredith ignored his question and gave him a hard stare. There was no indication of the worry she must be experiencing.

  “There’s just the stairs, but they’re only used in case of fire.” The man explained apologetically. “It’s forty storeys up, you know.”

  “Johnston!” A voice called from down the hallway. Another security guard was walking towards them. “Why aren’t you answering you’re phone?”

  “Sorry, Vanderpelt. I was dealing with these people.” He gestured towards Franklin and Meredith then added in a sotto whisper, “Government suits.”

  Vanderpelt nodded. “Sorry to interrupt. When you’re done here Johnston, we have a dead dog in the courtyard. Seems if fell off the roof somehow. Big grey brute; almost looks like a wolf.”

  “A wolf?” Meredith started and paled.

  Franklin struggled to keep his face implacable. “Can we see it? We’re dealing with the illegal smuggling of wolves and have reason to believe the occupants of the penthouse are involved.”

  “Smuggling wolves?” Vanderpelt gave a disbelieving look then shrugged. “Sure. Whatever. As long as I don’t have to dispose of the carcass. Follow me.” He turned and led the way to the patio.

  When Franklin stepped outside, he saw two young women standing near a dead animal and fear clenched his chest. Could the wolf be Miss Cassie? Meredith grabbed his arm, obviously looking for support as they walked closer.

  Franklin narrowed his eyes, wondering who the women were. One looked vaguely familiar and he searched his memory. Ah! Her pictures were in Mr. Greyson’s files, the ones he had hidden away along with the wolf picture that had started it all. It was Miss Greene, the young reporter. He furrowed his brow in a moment of indecision before deciding to take a chance on her.

  He nodded towards the women. “Those are two of our agents. We’ll need to talk to them in private about this matter.”

  Vanderpelt rolled his eyes, but agreed. As he walked away, Franklin could hear the man muttering about how his tax dollars were being spent on ridiculous projects like capturing wolf smugglers.

  Franklin loosened Meredith’s grip on his arm. “I’d better approach alone. If one of them is what I think she is, she’ll be leery of strangers.” Taking a deep breath, he approached the women. “Excuse me, are you Miss Greene?” He spoke softly and the woman turned as did her companion, looks of shock on both their faces.

  “I...Yes, that’s me. And you are...?”

  “Franklin. I worked for Mr. Greyson and am a friend of Miss Cassie.”

  Both women gave him a wary look and he tried to reassure them without tipping his hand too much.

  “I’m aware of Miss Cassie’s...special qualities...and am only concerned for her wellbeing. Might I inquire if...” He swallowed and nodded toward the dead wolf on the ground.

  For a moment neither woman spoke, they just studied him carefully, then Miss Greene slowly shook her head. “Miss Cassie isn’t here”

  “Ah...” He let his relief be seen. “That is exceptionally good news. Do you know where she might be?”

  Both women looked up and Franklin followed their line of sight to the rooftop. He tightened his lips and exhaled in frustration.


  Bryan gritted his teeth as he pulled himself up, one arm cradling his bruised ribs as he tried to stand on his injured limb. The bullet had gone straight through and he could feel the warmth of blood still trickling down his leg. Nope, silver wasn’t deadly to werewolves, only an allergen, but dammit, it hurt and he was more sensitive than most. A stinging burn accompanied the throbbing of the wound, traces of silver left behind as the bullet passed through. It would also slow down the healing process. Shit! He took a hobbling step and exhaled loudly trying to rise above the pain.

  Looking up, the sight that met his eyes, drew all thought from his injuries however. Aldrich had just tossed Cassie into the helicopter and was now climbing in after her!

  Bryan clenched his jaw and began running. It was a slim chance, but maybe...

  “Up! Up! I want this thing in the air now!” Aldrich was shrieking instructions, the wind carrying the words towards Bryan.

  Damn! He couldn’t be too late. If Aldrich got away...

  The chopper began to slowly rise, wobbling slightly as the gusting winds battered it. The pilot seemed to be cautious in his manoeuvres, perhaps leery of flying in such conditions or perhaps shocked from what he’d probably witnessed.

  Pain rippled through his body with each breath he took and shot up and down his leg with each pounding step, but he didn’t falter. Closer, closer...

  Hanging on to a safety rope, Aldrich was leaning out, looking down even as the helicopter rose from the rooftop. The man crowed over his success, calling down taunts. “You lost. I won. I’ll always win against you. You’re nothing but freaks of nature!”

  “What’s going on” The pilot could be heard shouting questions back at Aldrich.

  “None of your business. Just get us out of here.”

  “Okay, but strap yourself in and stay away from that door. The winds are strong and we’re in for a rough ride.”

  “Yes, yes. Just go!” Aldrich waved his hand dismissively at the pilot and looked out again, no doubt gloating over his escape.

  Bryan inhaled deeply and tensed his muscles. The man might think he was getting away, but...

  Taking two final running steps, Bryan leapt into the air and grabbed hold of one of the chopper’s skids with one hand. His added weight made the helicopter list to the side and the pilot cursed violently. He could hear whimpering coming from inside the chopper; Cassie must be waking up! Gathering his strength Bryan managed to bring his other arm up as well so that he now had a two handed grip.

  Above him, he could hear Aldrich shouting directions at the pilot. “Shake him off! Shake him off!” There was terror in the man’s voice and well there should be, Bryan thought to himself with a snarl, but first...

  “Cassie!” He shouted her name, praying she would hear him. “Cassie, wake up! You’ve have to get out of there!”

  He took a brief glance down and gulped when he saw how high up h
e was; the drop was at least twenty feet to the roof top. If Cassie didn’t wake up and jump out in the next few seconds, they’d be too high up and the drop could be deadly.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Ryne and Kane as well. They weren’t moving quickly, but at least Cassie wouldn’t be alone should the worst happen and he didn’t make it.

  Suddenly, the chopper began to swing from side to side and he snapped his focus back to the skid he was holding onto with all his might. Obviously, Aldrich had persuaded the pilot to follow the command to shake him loose.

  Bryan tried to chin himself enough so he could swing one leg up, but his injured limb refused to cooperate. Cursing, he tried to bring his other leg up, only the chopper swung around in a circle and he missed. His arm muscles were burning, trembling from the strain and his bruised ribs protested being stretched. Fear and pain had his hands sweating. He felt his fingers slipping and sought to tighten his grip, when something smashed against his fingers.

  Reflexively, he jerked away and found himself dangling by one hand.

  “Ha! Take that!” Aldrich was hanging half out of the helicopter, and had used his foot to stamp on Bryan’s fingers.

  Suddenly, Cassie’s head appeared, peering out the door. “Jump, Cassie!” Bryan issued the command, but her wolf whimpered, instinctively scared of the height. Its front paws shuffled nervously as it looked down. He could see the fear and confusion in her eyes, but there was no time for pretty words. It was leap from the chopper or be carried away by Aldrich to suffer who knew what.

  Better the devil you know, he whispered to himself. Praying she’d survive, he growled his instructions. “Now! I’m giving you an order.”

  For a moment their eyes locked. He saw pure trust and belief shining in them, her faith that he wouldn’t lead her astray and then...Cassie launched herself from the helicopter, the force of her pushing off causing the machine to sway even more.

  “No!” That’s my werewolf!” Aldrich shouted in fury.

  The man’s words ruined any chance of Bryan hearing Cassie land. Was she safe? He closed his eyes; he’d made the best decision he could, he told himself. Ignoring the sick feeling in his stomach, he was about to turn and look down when Aldrich swore.

  “Damn you! You’ll pay for this.” The man was inching along the skid, intent on stepping on Bryan’s other hand.

  Bryan clenched his jaw and slowly pulled himself up with one arm until he could swing the other up, grabbing onto Aldrich’s ankle.

  “No! Let go! Take your filthy hands off me!” Aldrich kicked and jerked, obviously desperate to free himself. Bryan tried to hang on, but knew his strength was almost spent. His fingers slipped a bit more. The wind buffeted the helicopter again and it swung around, Aldrich leaned even further out of the chopper still struggling to shake free, only his grip on the safety rope keeping him from falling.

  And that’s when it happened. Bryan watched the expression on the man’s face as it switched from pure rage to terror and then... Aldrich’s hand slipped on the safety rope and he screamed, toppling into space. It happened in a split second and before Bryan could think to let go, the lawyer’s weight jerked against his arm and he too was pulled down.

  There was a sense of air streaming past him, a crowd gathered below, the rooftop and the edge of the building rushing closer and closer and then...nothing.


  Cassie crouched near Bryan’s unconscious body, uncaring of the hard surface beneath her knees or the cold wind that whipped her hair into her face. People were hurrying past her, but she didn’t look up to see what they were doing. Instead she kept her eyes glued on Bryan, watching the steady rise and fall of his chest, the pulsing of the vein in his neck. She hadn’t dared move him, unsure of what type of injuries he might have sustained, instead she forced herself to just stroke his hair and press a careful kiss on his forehead.

  Ryne had assured her, he’d be fine; that Bryan’s metabolism would quickly heal any breaks or even a concussion, but she hadn’t really believed it until he started to move about and murmur.

  “Bryan. Bryan?” She stroked his face and grasped his hand. “Please wake up and look at me so I know you’re really all right.”

  Bryan’s closed eyes quivered, then he slowly opened them and looked at her blearily. A crooked smile formed on his lips. “Hey! You’re okay.” He reached up to cup her cheek and she leaned into his caress, sniffling lightly as a few stray tears escaped. “Ah Cassie, don’t cry.”

  He moved to get up and she jerked her head away, pressing her hands to his chest to keep him on the ground. “Don’t you dare! You stay right here until we’re sure you haven’t damaged anything.” She leaned back and called for their Alpha. “Ryne! He’s awake. Can you come and check on him?”

  Ryne sauntered over, a towel wrapped around his waist. He seemed impervious to the cold temperatures as he hunkered down beside Bryan. “Your mate’s worried about you. You okay?”

  Cassie shot her Alpha a panicked look at the word ‘mate.’ What was Ryne talking about? She opened her mouth to protest, but then clamped it shut. Time for that later, Bryan was what mattered right now.

  Bryan moved to sit up again and Ryne didn’t stop him so Cassie just bit her lip. Supposedly Alphas knew best. “Yeah, I’m fine. Feel like I’ve been hit by a truck though.”

  Ryne nodded wisely. “Falling out of a helicopter will do that to you. Anything permanently damaged?”

  Slowly, Bryan moved his limbs, wincing when it came to the leg that had been shot. “Nothing permanent though my leg stings. Aldrich was using damned silver bullets. I’ll probably have a rash for weeks.”

  A crooked smile broke out on Ryne’s face and Cassie sensed he’d been more worried about his Beta than he’d let on. “Maybe Cassie can help you apply some cream.” He winked at her roguishly and she felt her face burn with embarrassment. What was it with Ryne and all the sexual innuendo?

  Bryan jerked his chin towards Ryne. “A bit cold for sunbathing or were you using Aldrich’s hot tub?”

  Ryne glanced down at his near naked form and chuckled. “Nah, when Kane and I switched forms, a little low on energy and had to make some concessions. Luckily two cleaning ladies came along and we persuaded them to lend us some towels.” Ryne grinned. “They were very helpful and under the impression that some elaborate security check was going on. You know anything about that?”

  “I might. Was one of them concerned about your manners?” Bryan quirked an eyebrow.

  “Yep. She preferred Kane and felt I was rude. Can you imagine?”

  “Definitely delusional, I’d say.” The two men laughed and Cassie could see the friendship they obviously shared.

  Ryne got to his feet. “We have quite a mess to clean up here. Concocting a story to cover all of this won’t be easy”

  Bryan slowly got to his feet. A few grimaces passed over his face hinting that he didn’t feel quite as fine as he claimed. “I’ll be with you in a minute, Ryne. I just need to...” He flicked his eyes towards Cassie and smiled sheepishly, giving a small shrug. “You know.”

  Ryne glanced between Bryan and Cassie. “Yeah, I know. I just finished with Mel a few minutes ago. Needed to reassure her I wasn’t dead. And Kane’s still with Elise.” He chuckled and walked away.

  Inexplicably, Cassie suddenly felt shy. Staring at the ground, she struggled to think of what to say. “I’m glad you’re all right.” She rolled her eyes and shook her head; that was a dumb thing to say. The man had almost been killed trying to save her.

  However, Bryan seemed to have no problem knowing what he wanted. He took her by the shoulders and pulled her close, kissing her soundly before releasing her abruptly. “God, Cassie, I’m so glad you’re all right.”

  “Me? I’m okay. My ankles and wrists hurt a bit from absorbing the shock of landing, but other than that I’m fine. You’re the one we were all worried about.”

  He shook his head then wrapped his arms around her. Rocking
her gently, he rested his chin on her head. “I wasn’t sure... When I told you to jump, I prayed we weren’t too high, that you’d be fine. I didn’t know if I was making the right decision, telling you to jump, but I wasn’t sure where Aldrich might take you and if I’d be able to track—”

  Cassie stopped his ramble of self doubt by twisting in his arms and kissing him. When she felt him relax, she slowly pulled away. “I trusted you. I knew you’d never tell me to do something I couldn’t handle.”

  “Yeah, well...” He pulled her close again, rubbing his cheek against her hair. Cassie sighed and melted into him, content to stay within the haven of his arms while others dealt with the chaos around them.

  All too soon, Bryan sighed heavily and released her, his hands loosely resting on her hips. “I should go help. But first tell me what happened to Aldrich.”

  “He’s dead.” She stated the fact plainly feeling no remorse over the man’s demise. “You landed on the roof. He didn’t.”

  Bryan winced. “That’s going to be hard to explain.”

  “Not really.” Kane strolled up to them in a state of undress equal to that of his brother’s. “We have some unexpected help from some friends of yours, Cassie.”

  “Friends of mine? Who...?”

  Kane nodded his head and Cassie looked in the direction he indicated and gasped, barely able to believe her eyes. “Franklin?”

  The man in question was framed in the French doors that led into the penthouse, looking much the same as he always had, well except he wasn’t wearing his butler gear. He took a half step towards her, a smile breaking out on his face and Cassie began to run towards him, barely aware of Bryan’s hands releasing her.

  “Franklin!” She launched herself at the old man, nearly knocking him over, but he managed to brace himself. His arms wrapped around her, hugging tightly and she buried her face in his shoulder inhaling the long forgotten scents of cologne and peppermint that she’d always associated with him.

  Leaning back, she smiled up at him. “I’m so glad to see you, but how...?”


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