definition, 25, 41, 58–61, 64–66, 67, 146, 165
impiety charges, 1, 5, 10–11
justice and, 61–62, 65
nature, 50, 58–61
paradigm, 56–58
pursuit of philosophy and, 24–25
reverence, 65, 67
Socrates’ beliefs, 11, 14
subjectivism, 59–60
terminology, 64
See also Euthyphro
See also religion
Plato Academy, 17, 152, 158, 159, 160, 162
on Aristophanes, 18
dialogues, 14, 16, 18, 42, 154 chronology, 21, 45, 135
“middle” dialogues, 135–141, 153–154
origin, 158
See also individual dialogue titles
on Diogenes of Sinope, 158
on education, 12
Forms, 56–58
immortality, 36, 148–150, 160–161
medieval philosophy and, 162
metaphysics, 139–144
Peloponnesian War, 2, 5
Popper on, 173
portrait of Socrates, 15–16
recollection, 36
religion, 141
separate Forms, 50, 135, 139–144
Socrates and career, 135
development, 135, 136, 152–154
politics, 112–113
sentence, 13
Socratic vs. Platonic philosophy, 20–21, 135–154
source of information, 17–19
on Sophists, 3
virtue, 68–69
works. See individual titles
politics art of ruling, 127–134
civil disobedience, 116–117
Crito,, 14, 113–122, 125, 130
Hegel on Socrates, 166–167
I.F. Stone on Socrates, 174–175
just ruler, 130–134
justice and, 115, 118–120
loyalty to Athens, 112–120, 113, 173
obedience to superiors, 114
overview, 112–134
philosopher-king, 12, 88, 126, 127, 134, 137, 152, 153
republic of moral inquiry, 120–122, 124–127, 134, 151–152
social contract, 117
Socrates’ critique of democracy, 8, 14, 112, 120–122, 134
Socrates’ trial and, 157, 173, 175
Socrates’ views, 109, 122–133, 151
speech of the laws, 113–116, 117–118
theory, 151–152
See also justice; Republic
pollution, 53–54
Polycrates, 112, 157
Popper, Karl, 172–174
Porphyry, 158
power, happiness and, 103–104
Protagoras, 3–4
Protagoras beauty, 142
Forms, 57, 139, 142
happiness (good life), 92, 95, 111
immortality, 149
knowledge, 66, 147
moral weakness and, 20
politics, 121
rhetoric, 118
setting, 4
Socrates as speaker, 21, 30, 36
virtue, 25, 66, 68–69, 73–80, 86, 88, 100, 125, 137, 153
See also hedonism; virtue
psychology, 148–150
public good, 107
Pyrrhon of Elis, 157
Pythagoras, 105, 154
reason, 159, 171, 173 and appetite, 110, 149, 150, 172
and sense, 140
In Hegel, 164, 169
part of soul, 21, 137, 149
vs. instinct (in Nietzsche), 170, 172
recollection, 33, 35, 36, 43, 81, 84, 90, 121, 125, 136, 137–138, 141, 144–145, 148–149, 165
Reformation, 162–163
religion Athens, 6–8
care of the gods, 61–62, 63, 65
divine command theory, 59, 60, 116
‘god at Delphi,’, 11, 15, 23
Greek mythology, 46, 59, 61, 66
nature of right and wrong, 59
nature of the gods, 65, 67
Plato, 141
pollution, 53–54
Socrates’ beliefs, 11
See also piety
Renaissance, 162
Republic Apology and, 136–138
argument, 101
Book I, 30, 44, 65, 95, 101, 118, 127–134, 166
elenctic dialogue, 30
Forms, 21, 35–36, 137, 141
goodness, 142–144, 166
happiness, 126
immortality, 148, 149
irony, 44–45, 128–129
just ruler, 130–133
knowledge, 145–146, 147, 153
method, 138, 153
moral theory, 150
perplexity, 30
Popper on, 173
religion, 7
rhetoric, 118
ruling art, 127–134, 151–152
setting, 127–128
social contract, 117
Socratic vs. Platonic philosophy, 20–21, 152
Thrasymachus, 44–45, 128–33
tripartite soul, 21, 35–36
See also philosopher-king; politics
rhetoric, 3, 9, 96–97, 99, 101, 106–107, 113, 118, 128–129
right opinion, 68, 81, 86–88, 126, 138, 144, 153
Robinson, Richard, 138
Salamis, Battle of (480 BCE), 2, 87, 92
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 156
Scholastics, 162
self-control, 7, 47, 100, 104–106, 107–109, 110, 111, 137, 150
Sermon on the Mount, 162
skeptics, 12, 157, 159–160
slave, examination, 33–35, 43, 84, 147
social contract, 117, 120, 148
Socrates biography, 1–2
birth, 1
circle of associates, 158
historical context, 1–5
interest in youth, 161
legacy. See legacy
method. See method
nature of philosophy, 19–22
parents, 1–2, 42
pederasty, 161
perceptions of. See legacy
Plato and. See Plato
portrait, 15–16, 17, 19, 20
trial. See trial
See also specific concepts
Socratic fallacy, 41
Socratic problem, 17–19, 156 information sources, 17–19
Sophist,, 26–27, 31, 139
Sophists, 3–5
Sophocles, 170
Sophronicus, 1
Sparta, 2, 45, 115, 121, 124
Spinoza, Baruch, 163
state. See politics
Stoics, 159, 160
Stone, I.F., 174–176
subjectivism, 59–60
superior persons, 102, 103–104
Symposium (Plato) Alcibiades, 45–48
early work, 21, 45, 135
Forms, 21, 45, 140, 141, 145, 153
goodness, 142
irony, 45–48
legacy, 176
setting, 45–47
Socrates’ interest in youth, 161
translation, 162
Tertullian, 160–161, 163
Theaetetus,, 2, 42, 43, 45, 61, 68, 136
Themistocles, 2, 86, 87, 92, 107, 124
The Thirty, 2–3, 5, 8, 121, 123, 173
Thucydides, 2, 120, 122
Timaeus, immortality, 149–150
tragedy, 170–171
trial accusers, 8–10, 157
charges, 1, 5, 10
death penalty, 12–14
guilt issue, 10–12, 167
Hegel on, 166–167
I.F. Stone on, 174–175
intellectual background, 5
jury, 5
overview, 5–14
perfect storm, 14
political interpretation, 8, 112, 157, 173, 175
procedures, 10
reasons, 6–10, 175
tripartite soul, 21, 36, 152
United States, Socrates as democrat, 173–174
utilitarianism, 102, 118–119, 120
virtue 20th century and,
conflict of virtues, 55
definition, 39, 40
Form and, 82–84
discussing, 15, 151
eudaimonia and, 40
expert knowledge, 73–74
happiness and, 90–92
hedonism and knowledge, 76–80
Montaigne and, 163
moral weakness, 77–80
nature, 30–31, 39, 68–89
Platonic dialogues, 68–69
practical wisdom, 81–88
right opinion, 68, 81, 86–88, 126, 138, 153
teaching, 86
See also courage; justice; knowledge; piety; self-control
Vlastos, Gregory, 141, 156
Voltaire, 163
wisdom. See knowledge
Xenophon Apology of Socrates,, 6, 10, 18, 156–157
Hegel and, 167
I.F. Stone and, 175
Memorabilia,, 18 definitions, 156
influence, 159
polemic, 13, 157
politics, 112
Socrates’ innocence, 11
Socrates’ trial, 6, 7–8
Oeconomicus,, 18, 156
Peloponnesian War, 2, 5
perception of Socrates, 156–157, 158
portrait of Socrates, 15–16
source of information on Socrates, 6, 17–19, 167
Symposium,, 15, 18, 156
youth and Socrates, 11
Xerxes, King, 2
Zeno of Citium, 159
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