Everlonging Desires

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Everlonging Desires Page 8

by Daniel Elijah Sanderfer

  Skyler turned to Dustin, “I’m game if you are?”

  Dustin smiled, “I’m game!”

  Travis added, Just take the little-graveled road to the trail, you can’t miss it!”

  With that, the boys went for a walk. The evening air was cool on the ridge as it whispered through the pines and Magnolias. The last lightning bugs of the season were glimmering across the meadow.

  Dustin watched in amazement as they flew by them. Skyler held his hand tightly as they etched closer to the little pond adorned by park benches and street lights.

  He sighed, “Wow!”

  The setting sun highlighted the ridge of the mountain as it sunk lower in the sky. Dustin sat down on a park bench, and Skyler whispered, “Wait here!”

  He rushed over behind a tree and pulled out his acoustic guitar. Dustin’s face lit up with surprise, “What’s all this?”

  Skyler mumbled nervously, “I may not do well at speaking, but something I can do well is tell you in a song. “Dustin, I didn’t know what to say so this is for you,” He got down on one knee and slowly strummed his guitar. He began singing Whitney Houston’s I have nothing, and as he sang the song in a country style, tears fell down Dustin's cheeks. At that moment he was overcome with love for Skyler. Skyler sat his guitar down, and Dustin jumped up from where he was sitting and fell into the man’s arms.

  “Oh Skyler, I’m so sorry for anything I have ever said or done to hurt you. I know we rushed into things but I want you to know, I will never walk away from you.”

  He paused, and placed his hands on the sides of Dustin’s face, while he held the tears in the back of his throat; he spoke,“Dustin, I will love you forever.”

  Dustin whispered, “I love you too, so very much Sky, my heart needs you to live, just as my body needs the air.”

  A tear slid down the man’s cheek, and he whispered,“Then that’s all we need,”

  And their lips joined for a kiss so deep the willows above them longed to be in the man’s sweet embrace, and touch them.


  As the night settled in, Travis and Levi had finished cleaning up after dinner and made their way to the living room. Travis made a fire in the fireplace, and Levi was snuggled up under a quilt nearby.

  Autumn was settling in at Magnolia, and the big farmhouse could feel every crisp breeze that blew outside. Travis joined him on the rug in front of the fireplace, the faux fur was like velvet on their skin, and after staring into the blaze increasing just beyond the hearth. The blaze in their hearts had ignited.

  Travis was feeling frisky, and Levi was looking more beautiful than ever, with his alabaster skin reflecting the soft glow of the fire like a mirror.

  Travis turned to him, “You know if anything is bothering you, we can always talk about things and work them out?”

  Levi looked at him with a look of annoyance, “Do you really think if I was upset about something, I would keep my mouth shut and not talk about it, Please!”

  Travis laughed softly, and spoke with a whisper, “You know I won’t be this young forever? Are you sure you won’t get tired of me and want someone younger?”

  Levi quipped, “Now why the hell would I want that Trav, we have been together for a couple of years now, and we’re married. Now wouldn’t that pretty much tell you that I want you.”

  Travis leaned his forehead against Levi’s, “I know, I just get so scared sometimes.”

  Levi softened his tone, “Oh Trav, nothing can ever change how much I love you, No matter how old we get, I’m going to love you forever.”

  Travis smiled, and Levi perked his lips out to kiss him. After the kiss, Travis whispered with a breathy sigh, “You are so cute, and you haven’t changed a bit since the day we first met down by the pond.”

  Levi smiled, “Oh Trav I love you so much.

  Travis directed his gaze right into Levi’s mystical green eyes, “I love you more than anything in this world, and I will forever.”

  Levi rose to his knees and bent the man slowly backward with a kiss until they had become one with the rug beneath them.

  The fire blazed, and their tongues danced around one another’s like a couple spinning around a ballroom floor. Their hips bucked and pressed against each other’s bodies with a passion so great their cock’s ached to be released from their cloth prison.

  They paused for a moment to catch their breath, and Levi whispered, “Oh Trav, I have never felt more connected to you than I do at this moment.”

  Travis replied with a moan, “My sweet boy be one with me.”

  And Levi climbed on top of him, to continue their dance of love.

  Skyler and Dustin had been sitting in the tall grass around the pond talking for hours about their hopes and dreams. They had lost all track of time before Skyler checked his watch, “Shit kiddo, it’s almost midnight! We better get back up to the house!”

  Dustin slowly lifted himself off the ground and reached down with his hands to help Skyler, as they did they lost their balance sending Dustin falling backward into the pond.

  Skyler yelled, “Dustin! As he jumped in after him; His body was fully submerged, and he realized the little pond was much deeper than he thought. He could see Dustin struggling to get to the top for air, but he was entangled in the weeds lining the murky little ponds floor.

  Skyler watched as the boy slowly drifted down to the bottom, he swam as fast as he could over to where the boy was and untangled his shoe from the undergrowth. On the surface, it seemed like forever before a small group of bubbles highlighted the top and Skyler’s head popped up with a gasp of air.

  He had Dustin positioned on his back as he swam back to the shore, and climbed out onto the tall grass. He shouted, “Hang on baby, don’t you quit on me.”

  He continued pumping the boy’s chest relentlessly, but after swimming to shore, he was running out of energy fast.

  He paused for a moment and screamed at the sky as tears streamed down his face, “No, you can’t have him! You already took one boy from me!”

  He continued pumping the boy’s chest, “Dustin Please!”

  “Please! Please breathe for me!”

  He whined as he lifted from giving him his breath, “Please don’t leave me, I can’t make it without you!”

  He collapsed on the boy’s motionless body and gripped his shirt tightly in his hands between wails and catching his breath he prayed, “God please, please I can’t make it without him.”

  He laid for a moment on the boy's chest, and his tiny body contracted to release a series of coughs followed by water.

  Skyler rolled him over on his side and cradled his head in his arms. Dustin gripped his arms with his tiny hands and moaned, “Sky? Where are you Sky?”

  Skyler shouted with excitement as he rocked the boy back and forth, “I’m right here baby; I’m right here.”

  Dustin lifted himself to sitting position, “What happened?”

  Skyler was still breathing heavy from giving him CPR, but he spoke in between breaths, “You lost your balance baby, and fell in.”

  Dustin was panicked, “I don’t know what happened, I just went black and when I woke up, I was wet, and you were laying on my chest.”

  Skyler wouldn’t let him go; he rocked the boy back and forth and whispered, “Shh, Everything is okay now, your blue sky is here.”

  He got up off the ground and picked Dustin up with him; Dustin was shivering from the combination of cold water and the breeze blowing outside.

  Skyler quipped, “Let’s get to the farmhouse, Travis and Levi will be worried, and we need to get you warmed up.”

  Dustin wrapped his arms around Skyler as he carried the boy up the little path back to the farmhouse, Once they reached the door. Travis and Levi were asleep on the floor in front of the fire, Levi jumped up and ran to the door as Travis scrambled to figure out what the commotion was.

  Levi swung open the door, and screamed, “Oh my God! Dustin, Sky, What happened?”

r stepped inside, “We were sitting by the pond, and when Dustin reached down to help me up, he lost his balance and fell in.”

  Travis was sitting on the floor in front of the fire; he motioned Skyler to bring the boy over in front of the fireplace.

  Skyler got down on his knees and laid the boy down, Levi ran to get some towels from their bathroom just around the corner. He rushed back with them and handed one to Travis and one to Skyler.

  Travis winked at him, “Thanks kiddo!”

  Dustin wasn’t saying much; he was still shivering from being in the water and the cool air. He spoke quietly,

  “I’m sorry Travis, I’m getting water all over your nice floor.”

  Levi quipped, “Don’t be stupid! We just need to get you dry and warm.”

  Dustin never liked anyone to make a fuss over him; he was pretty independent to be as small as he was. He had managed to take care of himself before meeting Skyler; it was hard for him to get used to someone caring for him, especially after working someplace where his job was to wait on and take care of other people.

  Skyler shushed the boy, and he undid his shirt, and Levi hung it over the fireplace screen. Travis got out of the way so Skyler could unbutton the boy’s wet jeans and slide them down. He motioned for Levi to join him,

  He decided it was best to give them a moment alone and give Dustin the privacy to get out of the wet clothes. He told them as he made his way around the corner,

  “Levi and I will make some hot chocolate while you get out of those wet clothes.”

  He turned to Levi, “Can Dustin borrow one of your robes?”

  Levi smiled, “Sure!”

  He grabbed one from the back of the bathroom door and tossed it to Skyler, who replied with a grateful smile.

  Travis tussled the boy’s hair and smiled, “You’re so sweet when you want to be.”

  Levi smirked and stuck his tongue out at him.

  After a few moments, Travis and Levi emerged from around the corner with four mugs of hot chocolate and set them on the coffee table.

  Dustin was sitting up wrapped in the quilt, and his clothes were hanging on the fireplace screen.

  Skyler was holding the boy close, and Dustin was leaning back into him with his eyes closed.

  Levi handed Skyler his cup and Skyler whispered, “Thanks buddy.”

  He turned to Travis and shook his head solemnly, “This was just too close; I don’t know what I would have done if I lost him.”

  Skyler was visibly shaken by the whole event, and Travis empathized with the man. He could not have imagined what it was like to lose a fiancé much less losing the second one. Levi sipped his hot cocoa and offered a sage piece of advice to the grief-stricken man, “Sky, you were there for him, and you saved his life. I just want you to know that there was nothing you could have done to help Jimmy.”

  Skyler turned to him and smiled, “I know buddy, I understand that now.”

  Levi curled up and laid his head in Travis’ lap, and Skyler succumbed to his exhaustion and propped himself against the chair behind him as Dustin rested in his arms.


  During the night Skyler had awakened and carried Dustin up the stairs to their room. He tucked the boy in and went to get a hot shower. As the water gently ran down his body he was lost in thought; tonight was too close of a reminder of the night he lost Jimmy. He was overcome with emotion as he slid down the wall to the floor. He wept; he just could not imagine being alone again.

  He looked up and began to pray, “God, please help me to be open and talk to Dustin, I don’t ever want to know the pain of loneliness again. He closed his eyes; I can’t.”

  A quiet voice spoke from behind the shower curtain.“Oh, Skyler, you don’t ever have to worry about that.”

  Skyler turned the water off and slid the curtain open. He stood gazing into the boy’s sweet sleepy eyes. As he stood there in his nakedness, the water made trails down his body.

  He held back the tears as he spoke, “I want to be my best for you, but this is who I am. I am a proud man with a heavy heart. I just can’t stop thinking that something bad is going to happen and wake me from this dream I have been in.”

  Dustin slowly lowered his robe revealing his beautiful slender body. He stepped into the shower with Skyler and gazed up into his sad puppy dog eyes, “This is who I am; I will never leave you. You never have to know the pain of being alone again, because I can’t wait another day to become Mr. Skyler Cooley.”

  Skyler reached out to touch his face, and he closed his eyes as he leaned his forehead against Dustin’s. “I can’t wait to be your Sky forever, you’re my boy now, and I would die for you.”

  Dustin moved his lips closer to Sky’s, and Skyler gripped the back of the boy’s neck as he plunged his tongue into the boy’s eagerly awaiting mouth. Dustin’s body folded into his, and Skyler reached around him to turn the water back on.

  As the steam rose from their little private oasis, they made love; Skyler nibbling the boy’s neck as he pressed his fingers tightly into his moist flesh. Little moans of pleasure escaping Dustin and growls of indulgence from Skyler as he reached a climax with the help of Dustin’s nimble fingers.

  After their shower, they retired to their room to lay in one another's embrace. Dustin sighed, “Do you think we can find a reverend for Sunday who will marry us?”

  Skyler tightened his grip around him and whispered, “Of course we can, we will ask Travis and Levi in the morning.”

  The sun started peeking through the Magnolias out front, casting shadows across the room. Levi’s eyes sprang open, and he looked up at Travis who was still snoozing in the early morning light. He moved to get up from the couch and Travis opened his eyes and smiled at him, “Good morning punk.”

  Levi grinned and greeted him with a kiss, “How about some breakfast?”

  Travis stretched and yawned, “That sounds awesome, do you want to let the boys know?”

  Levi shook his head and whispered, “We better let them sleep in, I’m sure they are exhausted after last night.”

  Little did they know the boys were already awake and sitting in the dining room sipping coffee. Skyler grinned at them, “Morning fellas, I hope it’s okay we fixed some coffee; we couldn't sleep any longer.”

  Dustin was looking happy and well he added, “We’ve decided we want to get married here at Magnolia tomorrow!”

  Travis looked surprised, and Levi shrieked with glee, “This is wonderful, are you guys sure you want to do this so quickly?”

  Dustin grabbed Skyler’s hand, “We know we don’t want to wait any longer to say we do. We love each other, and this has waited long enough.”

  Skyler smiled at Dustin and then turned back to Travis and Levi, “Know any good reverends?”

  Travis shook his head, “We sure do, we will see if he can come after church services on Sunday.”

  Levi was more awake and ran over to where Dustin was sitting, “I can help you with everything, I know the perfect person! I will call her as soon as I know she is awake!”

  Travis frowned, “Oh No not Jeannie!”

  Levi grinned at him, “Yes, you know she is amazing and can whip this thing together.”

  Travis rolled his eyes, and Skyler smirked at Travis, “Why? What’s wrong? Who’s Jeannie?”

  Travis sighed and took a seat across from him at the dining room table, “Jeannie is our friend, and she sold me the farmhouse, she is loud and flamboyant and obnoxious.”

  Levi finished his sentence for him, “But she is amazing, and has great taste. Plus she owns the best little thrift shop in town.”

  Travis whined, “Can we at least have some breakfast first, before calling Glenda the good bitch?”

  Skyler and Dustin erupted in laughter at his comments. Once Dustin caught his breath he grabbed Levi’s hand and smiled, “Thank you so much for all of your help.”

  Levi blushed, “Oh don’t think anything of it. I love a good party.”

  Travis qui
pped as he walked toward the kitchen, “You are a good party!”

  Skyler met Travis’ hand for a high five as he passed him. Dustin and Levi grimaced, and Levi quipped, “OH MY GOD, TRAV YOU PIG!”

  Travis snorted as he opened the cabinet to search for a mug for his coffee. Dustin was watching the exchange with glee and glared at Skyler awaiting a snide remark from him.

  Skyler quipped, “What? I know my place.” And took another sip of his coffee, as he sat the mug down on the table a gleam flashed in his eyes as he asked Levi, “Do you want to know why I call him cowpoke?”

  Dustin quipped, “No! Do not tell them that story!”

  Travis yelled from the kitchen, “Wait I have got to hear this!”

  Levi took a seat, enthralled in what the man was about to tell them, and Travis rushed to the doorway and leaned while he sipped his coffee.

  Skyler began, “So here it is,”

  Dustin groaned, “Oh my god.”

  Skyler continued, “Well when I first met him, and we would chat he would have a hard-on, and I used to watch it in his jeans, and say dirty little things to get him harder.”

  Levi erupted in laughter, “You creeper!”

  Travis chuckled a hearty laugh, and directed his gaze to Dustin, “You okay over there, cowpoke?”

  Dustin was overcome with embarrassment and had covered his face with his hands. Skyler wrapped his arm around him and kissed the boy’s head, “You know I love you kid.”

  Travis smiled at Levi, “You going to make me some breakfast boy?”

  Levi’s eyes lit up with anger, “You mean I don’t get a sweet comment, just a go make your breakfast.”

  Travis locked eyes with him, and paused, “I’m sorry baby, Please go make me some breakfast boy!”

  Levi got up slowly from the dining room table and made his way to the kitchen, his eyes never leaving Travis’ the entire time. When he passed Travis, he stuck his middle finger up and stuck his tongue out at him.

  Travis took a sip of his coffee and replied to Levi’s gesture by grabbing his balls and winking at him. Skyler and Dustin were in tears from laughing at them.


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