Broken Scars

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Broken Scars Page 13

by J. M. Walker

  “Did you work on your skills so you wouldn’t get caught?” Lucas asked, turning on his computer.

  “I would never do such a thing. I haven’t touched a computer since.” I winked.

  He chuckled. “Right and I’m your knight in shining armor.”

  “You are?” I kissed his cheek. “My hero.”

  He smirked, shaking his head. “Let’s do some research.”

  “Alright.” I clicked some keys. “I actually did research on you to make sure you weren’t married,” I confessed.


  “Yeah. Although Killian and I didn’t date for long, it still hurt.” I coughed when Lucas tensed beneath me. “Anyway, it’s done and over with. But that was one of the reasons I tried finding out as much information on you as I could.”

  “I get it.” Lucas kissed the back of my neck. “I promise that I’m not married and have never been married.”

  “Good.” After realizing the cameras between the two buildings where my attack happened, came up with nothing, I went in search of Lena’s ex. Hacking into the police records, I searched his name.

  Geoffrey MacKan. Even his name sounded douchey.

  Half an hour later and we came up with nothing. “He doesn’t have a record at all.”

  “He has to have done something.” Lucas slid out from beneath me and started pacing.

  “There’s not even a speeding ticket.” I continued searching. Maybe I missed something. “I can search her parents. Do you know their names?”

  Lucas shook his head. “I’ll call Lena.” He left the room.

  I nodded, going back to the computer. There was nothing on her ex.

  Lucas came back a moment later. “Here.” He handed me a piece of paper with two names on it.

  “Okay. Let me work my magic.” Although my magic was coming up short it seemed, I was able to find out that Lena’s parents weren’t as perfect as they led on. “I don’t think tax evasion will stop them from having custody of her daughter though.”

  “There must be something more,” Lucas added.

  “I’m not sure.” I massaged the back of my neck. “I hate not being able to find out anything.”

  “We’ll figure this shit out,” Lucas said.


  “Let’s take a break. You also need your rest.” Lucas held out his hand.

  I slid my fingers in his, letting him pull me gently to my feet.

  He shut off his computer, walked me out of the room and locked the door behind us. “I need to fix the security on this room,” he mumbled.

  “I can help you with that. Maybe you should have a fingerprint scanner or something,” I suggested.

  “See?” He kissed my temple. “This is why I like you.”

  I laughed, wincing when a sharp pain stabbed me in the ribs. “I need these to heal.”

  “They will. In time.” Lucas went to the kitchen.

  I sat on the couch in the living room and pulled the blanket around my legs.

  He came back a moment later with two bottles of water. “I’m sure you’re wishing it was a beer or something stronger.”

  “Yeah.” I took the bottle from him and removed the cap before taking a long swig of the cool water. “But this will do. It’s safer this way I guess.”

  “I know that feeling.” He placed his arm on my lap. “How are you feeling?”

  “Just sore but my headache has gone away.” I looked up at him. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

  He nodded once.

  Turning to him, I picked at a fuzz on the blanket. “Lucas?”

  “Yeah, Lily?”

  “Can I ask what happened to your eye or the scars on your mouth or any of the scars you have for that matter?” I cleared my throat. “I know it’s not my business, but I just want to know more about you. I know what you’ve told me already but…”

  “My past is not a good one, Lily, and I’ve spent years trying to forget it.” He stood from the couch and headed toward the kitchen. “Are you still hungry?”

  I sighed. “No. I’m fine, thank you.”

  “Alright.” He disappeared into the kitchen, not answering any of my questions. I had a feeling that it would be a long while before I got what happened out of him.

  If ever at all.


  COLD, BLACK EYES STARED down at me. Pain sliced through my lips forcing tears to roll freely down my cheeks, but I didn’t cry out. I didn’t make a sound. I refused. Because then they would know that they’d won. It was what got me in this situation in the first place. They liked it when we screamed but not when they had company over. It made them look bad. It made them look like they weren’t doing their job in taking care of us properly. It made them look like vile human beings if we screamed. Even though the walls in the basement were soundproof, sometimes they brought their guests to the den which was right above where we stayed. And if we tried hard enough, if we screamed loud enough, we could be heard. Maybe not a lot. But some. Enough that it pissed them off and made us regret ever opening our mouths in the first place.

  Why didn’t anyone ever ask about us?

  “You think you’re so smart, boy, trying to scream, thinking they will hear you?” The cold eyes glared at me, the voice rough as it slid over my skin.

  “Fuck you,” I murmured, which came out muffled. I wasn’t sure if he understood me but when he pulled his hand back and his fist landed against the side of my face, I clearly thought wrong.

  Spitting out the blood that had coated my tongue, I struggled against my binds.

  “Sit still.” He grabbed my face, his fingers digging into my cheeks. Taking the needle dangling from the string in my lips, he continued sewing my mouth shut. Once he was done, he cut the string with scissors and took a step back. He crossed his arms under his chest and smirked. “Now you can’t say any of that shit that always interrupts our production. I really have no idea why I never thought of this before.”

  “That’s because I’m the one who thought of it.” She came up beside him, wrapped her arm around his shoulders, and kissed his cheek.

  He turned and cupped her face, placing a hard smack on her lips. “You watch too many horror movies.”

  “But it works.” She smirked. “Doesn’t it?”

  He grinned, covering her mouth with his.

  I looked away, but the sound of kissing only became louder and louder. It quickly escalated until they were both panting and gasping for air.

  “Are you disgusted by us, boy?” the man demanded. “Is she not good enough to watch? I know you like it when she rubs that rose oil on you.”

  I swallowed hard, trying to ignore what was happening in front of me.

  The sound of skin slapping against skin, followed by moans, slid into my ears. I counted down the days until I could watch them die. Until I could find out their names and make them beg for me to end their lives. It would happen. Maybe not now. Maybe not tomorrow. But I had made it a mission to end them.

  “Look at me, boy,” the woman demanded.

  I looked their way, but I shouldn’t have. The man had her bent over the desk, his body slamming into hers. Her eyes were bright with lust and the sounds of pleasure only grew as he fucked her hard and rough.

  Something at the corner of my eye, caught my attention.

  Mel stood off to the side, hidden in the shadows but I could still see her. She brought her finger up to her mouth. I thought she was telling me to be quiet. It wasn’t like I could say anything anyway. But when she stuck her finger in her mouth instead, the tiny hairs on my body rose. Her gaze locked with mine. She brought her hand down to her shorts, reaching beneath the hem and pushing it lower. When she reached that spot between her legs, she chewed her bottom lip.

  I shouldn’t have been watching but I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t take my eyes away. She had sucked me into her world, seducing me with the mere touch of her finger. Her gaze fell to my lap, a slow smirk spreading on her face.

  I shoul
dn’t have reacted the way I did.

  This was wrong on so many levels. My body betrayed me but I couldn’t help but watch Mel touch herself.

  The man noticed.

  I paid for it.

  All because of her.



  I woke to the spot beside me, empty and cold. I sat up, not sure where Lucas was. Maybe he had gone for a drink of milk. I would do the same if I couldn’t sleep.

  After our evening of watching movies and pigging out on popcorn, I had fallen asleep on the couch only for Lucas to carry me to his bed. I was still sore from the attack but with him taking care of me, I felt much better than I would have if I had to do it on my own.

  Sliding out from beneath the covers, I went to the bathroom. When I was finished, I headed back to bed only to find Lucas huddled on the floor in the corner.

  “Oh God.” I rushed to him, dropping to my knees in front of him. “Lucas, what’s wrong?”

  He didn’t answer but his big, tattooed body shook and trembled.

  I touched his shoulder, his skin cold and clammy.

  He jumped, throwing himself in my arms and knocking me over.

  “Hey.” I wrapped myself around him, holding him against me. “You’re fine, Lucas. I got you. It was just a nightmare. I’m here. I’m always here.” I murmured those words over and over until he stopped shaking. He didn’t release me. He only squeezed me harder. The tight hold he had on my body made me wince as the pain sliced through my ribs, but I didn’t care. I was there for him. No matter what.

  “Did you want to talk about it?” I asked, running my fingers through the hair at his nape.

  He pushed his face into the crook of my neck, his hot breath fanning over me.

  “Lucas,” I whispered, straddling him.

  Although we were wearing clothes, I could still feel every inch of him pushing between my thighs. But this wasn’t the right time. I knew that. Even though his body clearly didn’t.

  “Hey.” I leaned back, cupping his face. “As much as I like you between my legs, now’s not the right time.”

  He looked away, kissing my palm.

  “Lucas.” I placed a soft peck on his scarred lips before standing and holding out my hand.

  He placed his fingers in mine, letting me help him to his feet. Although it was dark in the room, I could see the outline of the bulge in his pants because of the lighting of the moon. I shivered. God, he was beautiful. Feral. And all mine.

  With his hand in mine, I led him to the bathroom and turned on the water to the tub. “Take off your sweatpants,” I told him.

  He did, his thick tattooed cock standing proud and pointing toward his belly button.

  Clearing my throat, I stripped as well and stepped into the tub.

  Lucas did the same, sitting in front of me.

  I sat behind him, wrapping my legs around him and pulling him back against me. “Talk to me.”

  “I hate talking,” he muttered, his voice rough with sleep.

  “I do too. It seems my grandma has been the only one I’ve ever talked to until you came along,” I said, placing a soft peck on his shoulder.

  “I had a nightmare. Or more like a memory.” He scrubbed a hand down his face before rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t have a good childhood. At all.”

  “You said…you said you were molested.” I didn’t want to have this conversation and I knew that he didn’t either, but I also knew that it could be a form of therapy.

  “Yeah, about that.” Lucas cleared his throat. “I need to see your face.”

  I moved out from behind him and sat across from him instead.

  He cupped my cheek, blowing out a slow breath. “I was thrown into the system. I was juggled between a few foster families and the final one, adopted me. Maybe they couldn’t have any kids of their own, I don’t know, but they adopted as many as they could. By the time I was finally able to escape; they had adopted six. I don’t know why no one looked for us. Or looked to see that we were okay. I questioned it then and got in trouble. But I can only assume because we were adopted, the case worker deemed them as fit parents.”

  “Wow.” I grabbed the washcloth off the edge of the tub and ran it over his thick bicep.

  Lucas cleared his throat again which I had quickly come to realize he did whenever he was nervous.

  “Hey, whatever it is you’re going to tell me, I won’t judge.”

  Lucas met my gaze then. “My adoptive parents were into child porn and all of us kids were victims of it.”

  My mouth fell open.

  “It went on for as long as I can remember. Although I’ve tried to forget a lot of it.”

  “Have you talked to anyone about it?” I asked gently.

  “No. Technology then wasn’t like it is now. So things took a little longer to be proven and shit.”

  “Oh, Lucas.” I grabbed his hands. “I’m so sorry for what you went through.”

  He pulled away, leaning against the side of the tub. “I...”


  “Fuck.” He rubbed his neck. “No one knows what happened to us. Except for the people involved.”

  “Not even the authorities?”

  He shook his head. “Not from me anyway. There’s only one person who knows but I never actually told him. He just figured it out on his own. So I haven’t actually said this out loud. Until now.”

  “Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me.” I grabbed his hands again, thankful he didn’t pull away that time.

  I linked my fingers between his, running my other hand down his forearm. My palm brushed over bumpy ridges.

  “We weren’t just raped repeatedly,” Lucas muttered. “We were tortured as well.”

  My chest constricted, my throat working hard over the lump that had suddenly appeared in it. My eyes welled. “I…” My voice cracked.

  “Don’t, Lily.” He cupped the back of my neck, leaning his forehead against mine. “Don’t.”

  “It’s like some fucked up horror movie.”

  “It was worse than that, baby.” He kissed my head. “But I’m fine.”

  “Are you really?” I asked, looking up at him.

  “We were forced to do drugs but it’s also the reason I continued doing them,” he said, ignoring my question. “It helped me forget. My demons are loud. Especially when I’m sleeping or trying to fall asleep. It’s like my brain only becomes louder in the silence of the night.” He pinched my chin, tilting my head back. “But they’ve been quieter than usual since I met you.”

  “Really?” I cupped his shoulders.

  “Yeah, Lily Pad.” He pulled me into his arms, running his fingers down the center of my torso. “I’ve never been with someone like you. And I know this is new for both of us, but I like you. I like you a lot.”

  “I like you too, Lucas.” I brushed my hand over the intricate designs on the side of his shaved head.

  He smirked. “Can we change the subject now?”

  I nodded. “Thank you for telling me what you’ve told me so far. I imagine it wasn’t easy.”

  “It wasn’t but I feel a bit better getting it out. I know there’s a lot I haven’t said and I want to tell you, but I need time.”

  “I know.” I kissed him softly on the mouth. “I understand that.”

  “Good.” He pulled me flush against him. “I know another way that could make me feel better too.”

  I smirked against his lips. “What’s that?”

  Lucas ran his hand down my spine to my ass. His fingers brushed between the cheeks of my rear.

  I shivered. “Lucas,” I whispered.

  “My adoptive parents used to make us watch them having sex. Someone…someone I was forced to…I caught her touching herself.” Lucas kissed my shoulder. “I knew it was wrong, but it still turned me on. And I would get whipped for it. He would say that his wife turned me on and he would force me to fuck her when it wasn’t them at all that made me hard.”

ucas.” Bile rose to my throat at what he had gone through. “It was…you were watching…” I couldn’t wrap my head around what he just revealed to me.

  “He would force me to do things—”

  “Stop.” I silenced Lucas with a kiss. “We can talk more later.” It was wrong on so many levels. The depravity of what he had gone through. How someone touched themselves only for Lucas to get in trouble because of it. How hard his cock was between us. Was it me that turned him on or what he had gone through? It wasn’t natural. Was it?

  “I disgust you,” Lucas said, dipping his fingers between my legs.

  I whimpered.

  “But I also turn you on.” His arm wrapped tighter around me. “And it confuses you. Doesn’t it?”

  “I…” Did it? “I don’t know. I don’t know what’s going on. You’re hard and you’re talking about your fucked-up childhood and the abuse you went through. I feel sorry for you. I feel so damn sorry but at the same time, I want you to fuck me. What’s wrong with us?”

  “I’m fucked in the head, Lily.” Lucas brushed his index finger over the tight spot at my ass. “I’ve always been fucked up. And I know you have issues too.” He pushed his finger into me, igniting a hard moan from my lips. “You’re an alcoholic. You want to be a better person and you try so damn hard to be but there’s that tiny bit of darkness still in you,” he said, sliding two fingers into my pussy. “You saw me and wanted me that first night. I may be blind in one eye, but I can still tell when a woman wants me to fuck them within an inch of their life.”

  “Oh, God,” I said, riding his hand. “I’ve never wanted someone like I want you and we just had the heaviest conversation ever and now you’re finger fucking me. I can’t…this isn’t…” I moaned when his hand picked up speed. “This isn’t normal.”

  Lucas bit my chin. “Were we ever normal, Lily?”

  “I…I don’t…you were dreaming of someone else.”


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