Violent Ends

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by Sam Crescent

  She shrugged. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I do worry.” He reached out, taking her hand. He held her hand against his lips and kissed her knuckles. “This was not how I intended to start our date.”

  “How did you intend to start it?” she asked.

  He loved her curiosity.

  Reaching into the backseat, he pulled out the flowers he had delivered to the house before he got changed and had his little conversation with his sister. Over a dozen red roses.

  “Oh, my … they are so beautiful,” she said.

  “They are for you. A woman should be given plenty of roses in her life.”

  “Now that is sweet and kind of sexy.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek and immediately pulled away. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what this is.” She covered her mouth.

  “This is?”

  “Is it an actual date? A friend date? A date for family? I guess I assumed it was a date-date.”

  He smiled. “I wouldn’t bring my sister flowers. To be honest I wouldn’t even take my sister out on a date, nor would I take any of my sisters-in-law out on a date. This is a date-date.”

  “I’m so embarrassed right now. I don’t know what to do.” She held the roses and breathed in their scent.

  He watched her.

  For so long he’d been watching her from afar. Letting her go on dates with other men had been a nightmare. He’d been determined to let her spread her wings, at least in the realm of dating, but in no other part.

  She was all his.

  “I like you being here with me,” he said. “I want you to see this as a date. You’re a woman, and I’m a man. Simple as that.”

  The truth was, his cock was so hard right now. He wanted to take her back to his place, or at least a hotel, and show her in every single way that counted that she belonged to him.

  “I’d like that. A date-date.”

  “I think we’ve said date a lot in the past couple of minutes. Here, let me put the roses back.”

  He placed them on the back seat and pulled away from the curb.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I was thinking a nice meal, some dancing, and maybe a walk beneath the stars.”

  “That sounds so wonderful.”

  He knew it was because it was every woman’s dream date.

  The restaurant he took her to wasn’t anything fancy or expensive. There was parking to the back, and it was a place he came to whenever he wanted to get away from it all. There were times when life and expectations were too much.

  Opening her door for her, he held his hand out, waiting for her to take it. “I’ve surprised you?” he asked.

  “I don’t know what I was expecting in all honesty. I…”

  “Something fancy? More than anyone could afford? A valet to take my car and all the celebrities that make it a maze for the press?” he asked.

  “Something like that, yes,” she said.

  “You have the cutest smile.”

  “You don’t have to flatter me, Gideon.”

  “I’m not. You’ll soon learn that I don’t say anything I don’t mean.” He looked toward the restaurant. “Come on, they have the best food. It’s always busy here, but it’s a quiet place, safe, and far away from everything that is our city life. Everything I know you’ll like.”

  Chapter Three

  Seated inside the restaurant, Emma was surprised to see that it was indeed quiet and sweet. It was busy, but no one paid them any attention.

  “How do you know about this place?” she asked.

  Gideon seemed to be a man of many secrets.

  “I stumbled upon it several years ago. I was hungry. Stopped by to eat here. It was doing a little worse for wear, so I put some money in to invest in it. Best thing I ever did.”

  “Do they know you did?”

  “Nope, and I like to keep it that way. It’s always busy, and I make sure to pay for any refurbishment costs through a private company. It all works out in the end. I get good food and now great company.”

  She didn’t like the spike of jealousy that rushed through her at the thought of him being here with anyone else. “Do you bring other women here?”

  “No. You’re the first and only woman I’ve brought here. This is my place, Emma.”

  “Does that make me special?”


  She didn’t know what to think about that, so she grabbed the menu. Opening it up, she scanned through the list of foods and they all looked amazing, comforting, warm. She didn’t know which one to pick.

  “I’ve tried everything on this list. If you’re getting garlic bread, we’ll both eat some.”


  “When I kiss you at the end of the night, you’ll know why.”

  “You want to kiss me?” she asked. Her face started to heat up, and she couldn’t believe she asked that.

  “Shouldn’t every single date end with a kiss?”

  That she didn’t know the answer to either. The men she’d dated looked like they wanted to drop her into the nearest well rather than kiss her.

  “I guess.”

  “Don’t look so afraid. If you don’t want to kiss me at the end, it’s fine.”

  “It’s not that. I’m just … ugh, I’m not good at this.”

  “Relax, Emma. This is not some kind of test I want you to pass. I just want you to have some fun. Now, pick what you want.”

  He signaled the waiter over. Pushing her hair off her shoulders, she ordered the chicken parmesan with extra garlic bread, and held off dessert.

  She loved something sweet, but usually she went with a coffee with lots of cream and sugar.

  “So, how was your day?” she asked.


  “I just realized you can’t really talk about your day.”

  “I can. It’s kind of tedious though. A lot of driving around, stopping off at places to show the Dentons are indeed in charge and no one can take that away from us.”

  “Do you have a lot of people trying to overthrow you?”

  “We’re the kings of this kingdom, and like all people, they want the power to rule.”

  “Do you abuse your power? I know my dad did a lot. He had people fearing him to do stuff they would never do.”

  “I’d say we don’t abuse power.”

  “Crap, that was insulting, wasn’t it? I’m sorry. I don’t have a great filter from my brain to my mouth. I promise though, I do have a brain. I just don’t use it.”

  He chuckled. “It’s more than fine.”

  “You could say I’m not used to this.”


  “Yes. Spending time with a man. The dates I’ve been on haven’t gone great, and now, I don’t know. I guess I’m nervous. I wasn’t allowed to date. I was going to be just another pawn in my dad’s life. I was only to be seen and not heard and above all things to always look my best.”

  He took her hand, and she was thankful for the connection. “I don’t want you to be afraid when you’re with me. I get it. Your life has taken a complete one-eighty, and you’re trying to figure out what to do.”

  “It’s so much more than that. I never wanted this life. I once asked my mom how to get out. How to escape. She told me death was my only chance. This is such a morbid conversation.”

  “It’s fine. I have a feeling I’m going to have to spank you for you to realize you can tell me anything.”

  “You really don’t think about getting away from it all?”

  “Being a Denton, it wasn’t exactly granted to me to be part of any other life, Emma. This is it, but I want to be clear as well. I love this life. I love being a king here.”

  “You love hurting people?”

  “I love doing my job. I won’t let it affect my life, and it doesn’t stop me from sleeping. I have taken a lot of lives, but I don’t care.”

  “I don’t know if we should continue on this date.”

  “I would never hurt you. You need to know that.
I will never lie to you, and I will be open and honest with you.”

  She tilted her head to the side, watching him. “You’re speaking the truth now?”


  “Do you like my brother?”

  “Gabriel is an asshole, but he’s now my half-brother. It makes him family, and family will stick together no matter what.”

  “You didn’t tell my other brothers about my wish to leave.”

  “Why would I tell them?”

  “To make them stop me? I don’t know.” She wasn’t good at this dating thing.

  “How about we push our lives to one side and try and get through this meal just being Emma and Gideon?” He kissed her hand. “Don’t worry. Don’t stress about anything.”

  There were times that Gideon seemed rather … mechanical. As if he was just going through the motions. Then there would be sparks of life that made her realize there was a lot more to this man.

  “Okay. We can enjoy this meal.” Whatever happened, she couldn’t fall for him. Gideon being a Denton meant his real woman was out there somewhere. He wouldn’t ever belong to her. She had to remember that a Denton was someone else’s. She’d seen the men with their women, and even though she knew deep down in her core that she’d never find a man who’d treat her like that, part of her hoped someone would at least love her just as fiercely.

  For the rest of the meal Gideon talked with her about everything. Her likes. Her dislikes. What movies she loved and the books she enjoyed reading. It was nice to just relax in his company. To let the soft music flow around them and, for a couple of hours, pretend they were two ordinary people.

  In a way, that was exactly what they were, but it had been so long for her to feel anything.

  Once their meal finished, she sat back and resisted the urge to put her hand over her stomach.


  “I couldn’t eat another thing.”

  “Then we’ll take some truffles to go,” Gideon said, talking to the waiter.

  When the bill arrived, she tried to pay her fair share, but he wasn’t having any of it.

  “No, this is my treat.”

  “I don’t mind paying my way.”

  “Don’t make me cause a scene, Emma. You won’t like it.” He winked at her, and she felt that thrill travel down her spin.

  He’s not mine.

  He’s not mine.

  “Fine. Fine. I’m sure there is something I can treat you with.”

  “I’m sure there is.”

  With the check paid, their meal over, Gideon took her hand and led her out toward the car.

  He held open her door for her, and she found his gentlemanly ways really appealing.

  “I could get used to this,” she said.

  “You just might.”

  She didn’t know what to say to that, so she kept silent. From a young age she learned not to question things she had no control over.

  As she waited for Gideon to climb in, he put the truffles on the back seat with the roses and then they were on their way again.

  “Where are we off to?” she asked.

  “I was going to take us dancing, but I think a nice light stroll across a beach will do the trick.”

  “The beach is a couple hours out,” she said.

  “So, do you have anywhere else to be?”


  “Then how about we see the sunrise together? I promise not to burst into flames.”

  She laughed. “Please, you’re the furthest thing from a vampire.”

  “I know how much you love those things though.”

  “You got right into those movies, so don’t even pretend that you didn’t.” He had stayed over once while she’d been watching the Twilight movies. She loved them. Gideon liked to say he didn’t, but he was just as intrigued as she was about how they were going to end.

  “I’m not saying a word.”

  “They’re awesome, and I know for a fact I’ll be doing another marathon in a few months,” she said.

  “Count me in.”

  She chuckled.

  Damn it. She couldn’t fall for him.

  No matter what, she had to keep telling herself that.


  An hour into the drive, Emma fell asleep. It took all of Gideon’s control not to book them into a hotel.

  He didn’t want to rush this. The more time he spent with her, the harder it was to deny these feelings that she inspired. She was part of him. Part of his soul and he’d been denying himself for far too long.

  They had all been warned. His father, Maddox, had told him there was no place for control when it came to these kinds of emotions.

  He didn’t believe him.

  Gideon believed in absolute control. It was the way he’d survived many a tricky situation. He didn’t allow it all to go to his head.

  Rubbing at his temple, he smiled as he stared out across the open road.

  All he wanted to do was claim her, to let her know without a doubt that she belonged to him. Nothing could keep them apart, unless she never loved him. However, he wouldn’t allow her to ever not love him.

  He loved her so much it hurt to be away from her.

  Glancing over at her, he reached out and pushed some of her hair out of the way. He didn’t want anything to obstruct his view of her perfect face.

  So beautiful.

  So amazing.

  All his.


  Soon, he’d marry her.

  Have her naked in his bed, legs spread, taking his cock and enjoying it.

  His dick hardened at the thought of driving deep inside her virgin body, of taking her. She’d be so perfect for him as well. They were a match. He knew it, and he wasn’t going to let anything come between them.

  In the back of his mind, he saw the travel books.

  She wanted out.

  No matter how many times he tried to think of a way out, he knew it wasn’t possible. Emma could leave. She had the perfect reason to get out of the life, and he’d even help her, but the only problem was him.

  He didn’t want out.

  Rubbing a hand over his face, he kept on driving.

  All he wanted to do was give her the life she wanted, she craved, she deserved, only, he didn’t know what the hell to do.

  Not now.

  Not ever.

  He was royally fucked.

  Being a Denton didn’t give him an out.

  His position remained in the family for the rest of his life. He had enemies far and wide. He liked to rock the boat, to piss people off, and to make a name for himself.

  He pulled up toward the sea front. Being the only car parked, he kept the engine running so it didn’t get too cold.

  Removing his seatbelt, he turned to look at the woman that belonged to him.

  Emma Colton.

  He’d been so shocked the first time he saw her and knew she was his.

  Every instinct inside him begged him to take her. Instead, he’d shown great control, and now they were here, together. She was the most beautiful woman in the world as far as he was concerned. All she had to do was walk into a room to gain his attention. She shone brighter than any light he’d ever come across.

  Whenever he saw her smile, it brightened his whole world.

  She wants to leave. To create a life away from this, away from us.

  Could he make her stay?

  Gideon knew he could make anything happen so long as he put his mind to it. Even make a woman happy who really didn’t want to stay, but was that how he wanted things to go? For her to be so miserable in years to come?

  If he made her stay, he wouldn’t be around every single second of the day to make sure she was happy. There would be moments when she was alone and he couldn’t stop her feeling sad or angry, or miserable.

  The only other question he had … could he leave this lifestyle behind? Could he walk away from everything that he’d ever known?

  Staring at her, he knew that whatever
she wanted to do, he’d follow her.

  She owned his heart, plain and simple. He’d do whatever it took to make her happy. If that meant leaving, then he’d leave.

  He waited as she rolled over and watched as she slowly came awake. Her eyes opened, and he smiled at her.

  “Hello, sleepyhead.”

  It was amazing how just being in her company was enough for him. The distance he’d tried to keep wouldn’t be happening anymore.

  She owned him.

  Now, he had to own her.

  “We’re here? How long have we been here?”

  “A couple of minutes. Would you like to watch the sunrise with me?” he asked. “And how about that walk?”

  He held his hand out, and she took it. “Yes.”

  He released her hand, climbed out of the car, and grabbed his jacket so that she wouldn’t be cold. Rounding the car to her side, he opened the door and offered his hand, which she took, and waited.

  Once she was out of the car, he put the jacket over her arms, covering her, keeping her warm. Then taking her hand, he led the way down onto the beach.

  “This is really sweet, Gideon.”

  “No one ever taken you to the beach for a stroll?”

  “No.” She giggled. “They have never driven miles out of their way to make it happen either. This is really quite magical. Thank you.”

  He locked their fingers together.

  It was too soon to tell her what she meant to him, too soon to let her know the plans he had and hoped to achieve with her and her alone.

  So many things he wanted.

  A family.


  To spend every waking moment with her.

  “Have you thought more about leaving?” he asked.

  “I have. I mean, it’s not exactly hard to think about it. I work in the basement of your father’s casino. My life has been pretty limited so far, so thinking about a life away where I don’t have to worry about a security guard or anything like that is pretty damn appealing.”

  “Can I ask for one favor?”

  “Of course.”

  “Don’t make any rash decisions yet. I want the opportunity to … date you.”

  Silence met his confession.

  Date was the only word he could think to say that wouldn’t set off any alarm bells in her head.

  “Date me?”


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