Stealing Spaceships: For Fun and Profit

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Stealing Spaceships: For Fun and Profit Page 23

by Logan Jacobs

  “Oh god, yes!” she screamed out, and then her screams became incomprehensible as she climbed up to a climax that made her quake.

  Before her legs even stopped shaking from her latest orgasm, I rolled her over so that she was on top and her long legs straddled me. I pushed myself deeper inside her, and the princess rode my hard cock until I felt her muscles start to tremble again. I grabbed her by the hips to thrust myself even deeper inside of her, and she screamed out my name again.

  Every muscle in her body quivered as she orgasmed a third time, but I held her in place as I felt my own body spasm. She was too tight and beautiful to resist any longer, so I let go.

  “I’m cumming,” I growled as the first spray began to fill her tunnel.

  “Please, please, please,” she begged, and then we both trembled against each other as I emptied into her womb. It was one of the best climaxes I could remember, and when I finished, I just kept my cock inside of her, and we collapsed together onto the sweat-soaked sheets. She stayed on top of me, as if she couldn’t stand the thought of me pulling my cock out of her even now that we were both finished.

  “That was…” Orla trailed off.

  “I know,” I said with a grin.

  “Thank you,” the princess said, almost shyly.

  “No, thank you, princess,” I told her.

  “You were… amazing,” she giggled, and then she moaned as another tremor took control of her body.

  “So were you.” I never smoked anymore, but I would have killed for a cigarette in that moment.

  “You are still hard inside of me.” Orla laid her head against the scars on my chest.

  “And you are still really tight around me,” I chuckled.

  “And… uhhhh. You came a lot… I… uhhhh.” She ran her fingers slowly over the dents in my skin, as she spoke, and her movement grew slower with each new scar she traced until she breathed softly on the edge of sleep. “I really liked it.”

  “Me too,” I said, but that was obvious. Of course I loved cumming inside of a beautiful princess.

  An alarm sounded from the bridge. It came through only faintly into the sleeping quarters, but the steady low-pitched beep was unmistakably an alarm of some kind.

  “What’s that?” The brunette sat straight up in bed, and my cock slid out of her wet tunnel with a slick sound.

  I swung my legs over the side of the bed and started to put my clothes back on.

  “Is it-- is there going to be more turbulence?” the princess asked.

  “Nah, it’d sound more urgent if that was the case,” I told her. “Just some kind of incoming alert. Probably a Dominion ping to warn people of some specific ship that’s been spotted stealing or killing or some such.”

  “Or to warn people to watch out for tall blond men with white eyes,” Orla said with a smile. “I hear they’re very hard to resist.”

  “Oh, I think you might mean, they’re fucking impossible to resist,” I laughed.

  I gave a little bow before I helped her to her feet. While the brunette put her own clothes back on, I slipped on both boots and then just admired the view as the long-legged princess tugged her shirt back over her bare breasts. As soon as we were both dressed, we headed back to the bridge to see what the low-pitched alarm was trying to tell us.

  The alarm was for an incoming Dominion alert, alright, but it wasn’t for some rogue ship or reports of heightened turbulence. That would have been way too helpful. Instead, the alert was for the latest public edition of the Dominion’s Most Wanted. And there in the middle of the Most Wanted on the ship’s display was a picture of Orla Medalla herself.

  The bounty on her head had increased to almost double what it had been. And more than that, it was now citizen-wide. That meant the bounty wasn’t just intended for law enforcement officials anymore. Now, any citizen of the Dominion could see it, if they were paying attention. And that meant any citizen of the Dominion could try to capture Orla and claim the reward for themselves.

  The princess nodded to the small print at the bottom of the Most Wanted bounty, and I followed her gaze.

  “Last seen in the company of smuggler Leon Cotranis,” I read aloud, “who is believed to be armed and dangerous. A smaller reward will be offered to anyone who brings Leon to the authorities or has information regarding his or Princess Orla Medalla’s whereabouts.”

  “This is bad, right?” the princess asked.

  “Oh, it’s bad,” I agreed. “I’d take the fucking turbulence over this shit any day.”

  “Trevor, I’m sorry that--”

  “Smaller reward?” I swore. “I’m only worth some unspecified smaller reward? And meanwhile, that fucking cheapskate asshole of a so-called smuggler is still getting all the goddamned credit? That is just-- that is just balls.”

  “That’s what you’re upset about?” Orla laughed and then pressed a hand to her mouth.

  “Among other things,” I defended. “If I’m gonna go down, I’d at least prefer it to be as Trevor Fucking Onyx, instead of as that sloppy piece of shit.”

  “Oh, I’d say you went down as Trevor Onyx,” the princess whispered in my ear. “I seem to remember screaming your name when you… you know. Went down.”

  “Well, aren’t you just a picture of encouragement?” I laughed as she kissed my cheek.

  “I’m very encouraging when I’m satisfied,” Orla said with a smile.

  “If I remember correctly, you were satisfied a few times just now,” I answered.

  “Don’t go getting all full on yourself,” she warned.

  “Why, because that’s your job?” I winked.

  The princess gave a playful push to my chest.

  “I can’t help it,” I said. “I’m on the Dominion’s Most Wanted now, or at least I’m still counting it, even if they did get the wrong name. Either way, that’s bound to stroke the ego a little.”

  “I can think of something else I’d like to stroke again,” Orla murmured.

  “I bet you can,” I said with a grin. “If there was any justice in the galaxy, we’d be able to just autopilot for a solid week before we came up for air.”

  “Are you sure we can’t?” Orla asked. “I mean, do we really have to stop at the Antioch? Maybe our fuel could… I don’t know, maybe it could last us a little longer?”

  I glanced at the fuel gauge even though I already knew the answer. Orla moved at the edge of my vision, but by the time I looked back at her, she was seated in the copilot’s chair again.

  “I wish, sweetness,” I sighed. “But we’ve got 24 hours, tops, before we’re at the space station, and we’re still cutting it a little close to running out of fuel before we get there.”


  I looked down when she tapped my arm. The princess held my shielding glasses out toward me, and I stared down at them. I hadn’t even seen her reach under the controls to grab them.

  “What’s this for?” I asked her.

  “For when we dock,” the princess answered. “I don’t want anyone to-- look, I know the Dominion is looking for Leon, not you, but if anyone saw you and thought you were still a part of the Vespidae, or even that you were at some point in the past, then I… I just want you to be safe.”

  I took the glasses from her and folded them in my lap.

  “Trevor?” she whispered again.

  “Princess?” I teased.

  “I wish…” But she trailed off.

  “You wish that there wasn’t a massive bounty on your head, so everyone and their mother wouldn’t be looking to turn you in for a quick buck?” I finished for her.

  “Something like that,” she murmured. “How are we supposed to refuel without somebody recognizing me?”

  “We’ll just have to do it very, very carefully,” I exhaled. “No one can say I don’t like a good challenge.”

  “I’m not dying my hair,” Orla declared.

  “Did anyone ask you to?” I laughed. “Brown is just about the most common hair color there is, so you�
�ll be less likely to stick out if you just stick to your natural color.”

  “The most common hair color there is,” the princess repeated. “Well thanks a lot, Trevor.”

  “I think you’re very beautiful, Orla,” I said with a cheeky grin. “Brown hair and all.”

  “Aren’t you just a big riot?” the brunette groaned.

  “I don’t know about a riot,” I answered, “but I have been told I’m pretty big.”

  Orla smiled despite herself.

  “So about that whole ‘being satisfied a few times’ thing,” the princess started.

  I shook my head innocently.

  “Oh, don’t make me say it,” the long-legged brunette moaned. “You know. When you made me climax a--”

  “Oh, that,” I laughed. “Well, sure. What about it? Did you want to say thank you or something?”

  “How about we try for a few more?” the princess asked eagerly.

  I bounded across the space between us in a second. She gave a little pretend shriek as I grabbed her by the hips, and then I lifted her up until she wrapped her long legs around my waist.

  “Why stop with a few?” I grinned. “Let’s see what kind of record we can set. We’ve got just under 24 hours before I’ve gotta guide this old ship into the Antioch, and that seems like the perfect amount of time to try to set a record in.”

  “Oh, you’re very bad,” Orla teased.

  “Actually,” I said with a wink, “I’m very good.”

  The next twenty-four hours passed in a blur of sweaty sheets and acrobatics, to the point that even I lost count of how many times Orla finished. The last number either of us remembered was somewhere approaching the same number of hours we’d been at it, even with the occasional breaks we took to rest her shaking legs.

  I guided the Skyhawk directly into the fuel docks of the Antioch. The one bright spot of the whole Dominion’s Most Wanted mess was that they might have pegged that smuggler asshole as the one who was with the princess, but they hadn’t pinned anything onto the Skyhawk herself. That meant we weren’t immediately flagged as a threat or worse, immediately shot down by the Antioch’s defense systems.

  Even small space stations like the Antioch had enough weapons to defend themselves from anyone who fancied they might rob the fuel docks and skate away back into space. Sure, they could try, but they’d be shot out of the sky before they even celebrated their getaway. So by and large, folks didn’t try to pull that kind of shit. There were exceptions, but of course, there always were.

  As soon as we docked, the fuel drones went to work underneath our ship to fill the ship’s tank back up. I would have been perfectly content to just stay put until the drones finished their work, but we needed water something fierce, so I adjusted my glasses to make sure they were tightly plugged into my skull and got ready to leave the ship while Orla was still getting her legs under her in the passenger quarters.

  Orla appeared in the main hold just as I lowered the boarding ramp. She had changed into street clothes, and I was surprised again by how functional they were. Fancy, but functional. She had arranged her thick brunette hair down around her shoulders, and it fell halfway down her back.

  “And just where do you think you’re going?” I asked.

  “With you, obviously,” the princess answered.

  “No, you’re not,” I said firmly.

  “Yes, I am,” she snarled.

  “Am I, or am I not, the pilot here?” I demanded. “And do you, or do you not, have a bounty on your head the size of a fucking supernova?”

  “Trevor, please,” Orla begged.

  “Nope, that’s not fair,” I groaned. “You know I like it when you say my name.”

  “I can help you,” the princess offered. “I know we need water, so I can help you get that, or whatever other supplies we need. But if I don’t get off this ship and take a shower, I just don’t think I can carry on.”

  “That’s a touch dramatic, don’t you think?” I laughed. “Even for a princess.”

  “I mean it, really,” the long-legged brunette insisted. “I’d rather be shot by the Dominion than go another day without a shower.”

  “I take back what I said,” I sighed. “Now, you’re being dramatic.”

  “Okay, well if you don’t like those reasons, I have one that I know you won’t be able to resist,” Orla said.

  “By all means,” I answered. “And just what is this irresistible reason?”

  “Money.” The princess smiled. “Lots and lots of money.”

  “I’m listening,” I exhaled.

  “I promised you that I would pay if you took me to the Napoleon,” Orla explained. “So, if you’ll still take me there, I’ll still pay you. I just need to make a withdrawal.”

  “Mhm,” I responded. “So I’ve got two questions about your grand plan, princess. One, you sure you still want to join up with the ULA after everything that went down on Orpheus?”

  “Of course,” the princess said instantly. “The officers on the Napoleon will understand, if any word got to them about what happened. And they’re different. They don’t blow up schools or anything even kind of like that. They’re good people. They have morals and standards.”

  “Do they now?” I asked dryly.

  “Yes, and I want to be a part of what they’re working toward,” she said earnestly.

  “I’m glad to see your ideals weren’t affected by the bump you took to the head,” I sighed.

  “What’s your second question?” Orla asked.

  “My second question, and the more important of the two, is just how exactly do you plan to avoid being recognized by literally every person we see?”

  “Princesses always wear their hair up,” the brunette sniffed.

  I looked at her hair that was now so carefully arranged in long waves around her shoulders, and I laughed.

  “Ah, I didn’t realize,” I teased.

  “I’ll be quick, I promise,” the princess pleaded. “I just want a quick shower, and then I’ll withdraw your money and we can jet off into space before anybody recognizes me or flags my bank withdrawal.”

  I considered my options. On the one hand, it was a shit idea. The Antioch was a small space station, but it was still a multi-world one, and it still operated within the borders of the Dominion’s reach. Anyone with eyes would recognize Orla the moment she didn’t keep her head down, and shit would hit the fan if that happened.

  On the other hand, the promise of all that cash was very tempting. I had already scuffed the Skyhawk more than I’d wanted, and there was a decent chance Favian Grith wouldn’t take kindly to the bit of wear and tear I’d taken her through. He might bring down the price he had promised me for that asshole’s ship, and I might be confident, but I wasn’t stupid enough to take on an entire fucking space station full of Grith’s men.

  But if I took the money from the princess, then it wouldn’t matter so much if the mustached crime lord knocked down his promised price. And since she seemed so hell-bent on joining up with her precious ULA, in spite of everything, I might as well pocket the money myself and take her to them.

  “Well,” I sighed, “I did say I like a good challenge.”

  “Does that mean I can come?” Orla murmured.

  “Yeah, fuck it,” I answered. “Why the hell not?”

  “Oh, you won’t regret it.” The princess clapped her hands excitedly.

  “I already do,” I exhaled. “Come on.”

  I checked the time before we left the ship. Fueling docks usually only let you stay there for about an hour once refueling was finished. If you planned on a longer stay, you had to take your ship back out and park on the other side of the station, at the passenger docks.

  I did not plan for us to stay that long.

  I deposited all my weapons in an easily accessible compartment at the end of the boarding ramp. As soon as I locked it with a code, I signaled to the princess that I was ready. That was the other thing about fueling stations. If any bit of w
eaponry was detected by their scanners as you left your ship, you’d be shot up six ways to Sunday by their on-station defense systems.

  I strolled onto the Antioch with Princess Orla Medalla on my arm and no weapons to speak of. I really did like a challenge.

  The princess kept her head down as we passed from the fueling docks into the passenger section of the space station. For a small station, it had an impressive amount of food, but I gripped Orla’s arm tightly and focused on the task at hand. First, we had to get showered, then get the princess’s money, and then maybe, if there was time, we could grab a bite of real food to take back onto the ship.

  Still, it was hard to resist the smell of actual food as we passed each new stall. Meal replacement bars were nutritious and substantive, but they smelled like the plastic they came wrapped in. Nothing like the smoky meats I smelled now, or the syrupy pancakes and donuts that lined either side of the station street. My mouth started to water, but I pushed on ahead.

  The showers weren’t far from the docks. They were just far enough to force people to walk past the best-smelling food stalls. Like on most space stations, there were three options for the showers, but I guided Orla into the last one. It was the only option we had where we could both shower together, and I sure as shit wasn’t gonna trust the people on the Antioch not to spot and hand over a scared princess just as soon as she got her clothes off. At least this way I could keep an eye on her.

  We left our clothes in the locker room with a worker drone. The drone promised to have them washed, pressed, and returned to us by the time we finished our shower, and I had to admit that I wanted to see if the robot could actually deliver. Besides, my clothes could use a good wash.

  The showers themselves were surprisingly cool. I reminded myself that these weren’t the steam rooms of Ineocca, so they weren’t intended to be the most comfortable or relaxing. No one was trying to conduct business or pleasure here. Everyone was just trying to get cleaned up as fast as they could before they got back on the road to wherever they were headed.

  Still, we caught more attention than I would have liked. It made sense. We were both significantly more attractive than the average space traveler, and when you threw in my shielding glasses on top of Orla’s porcelain skin, we were bound to draw more than our fair share of looks.


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