Shadow Queen (The Dresha Fae Tales Book 1)

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Shadow Queen (The Dresha Fae Tales Book 1) Page 3

by Bex Taylor

  “Enough. Come back to me,” Senka ordered.

  The monsters emerged from the guards, stalking back to her side before sinking into her body. They were her, and she was them. They were one. Senka turned to the last monster. The biggest, the one she knew, had always been at her side.

  “Let him live. We must leave while we still can. We will get our revenge soon enough.”

  The shadow nodded. Stepping up to her, it dipped its head into a slight bow before disappearing within her. Senka closed her eyes for a moment, let her body soak up the power of her monsters. When she opened them, she saw two pairs of wide eyes staring at her.

  “Are you two okay?” Senka asked, rushing over to them. To her relief, they both seemed unhurt, and neither of them flinched as she ran her hands over them.

  “Senka, your eyes. They are black,” Lina pointed out.

  “I know. I figured they would be. They have always done that when anger had been the strongest emotion. I can only assume that now I have embraced my power, they will stay this colour.”

  “We need to leave. People will come here soon enough. I had saddled up the horses I can only hope they are still there,” Ash said.

  “Get us to the stables I will blanket the palace in darkness so we can escape.”

  “Where will we go? To the unseelie court?” Lina asked.

  “No. I won’t be welcome there either. I’m not royal blood, and I don’t want to entertain another court again unless it’s my own. There is baron land a week's travel from here. Land that no-one knows of. But one that my father made me promise to flee to, should my secret ever be discovered. We go there. And we build our own court,” Senka replied.

  “You lead, my shadow queen, and we will follow,” Lina said, kneeling at Senka’s feet. Ash followed. Senka shook her head, placing a hand on each of their shoulders.

  “Rise you two. You have saved me today. You will both play a big part in building my court. We are friends I expect you to treat me as a friend and not as your queen. Now let’s get out of here,” Senka said.

  The pair got to their feet, and the three of them raced towards the stables. Senka drew on the shadows that danced on the walls of the castle, asking them to cover the three of them as they ran. The bells of the palace rang out, but by that time Senka, Lina, and Ash were on their way. Leaving the summer court behind and heading out into the dangers of Dresha.

  It would take them a week to reach the baron realm, but Senka was sure it wouldn’t be an easy ride. They would be hunted. But she didn’t feel afraid. She had her shadows, her monsters. And they would protect her. Like they had been doing all her life.


  Oran stared at himself in the mirror. The scar that ran down his left check from his temple to his jaw lay stark against his tanned skin. It was taking longer than it should to heal, and Oran knew it was because of the evil that created it. He shuddered slightly at the memory of the attack. The monsters his sister had unleashed, killing his guards and robbing him of his flawless complexion. To make matters worse, she had escaped under a blanket of shadow. In the month that had passed since that day, there had been no word of his sister. Just the rumours of a Shadow Queen making her mark across Dresha. Yet no-one had seen her, or those that had, hadn’t survived the experience.

  A knock at the door brought him out of his musings.


  The door opened to reveal his advisor, Cyrus. A striking faerie, from the best bloodline in Colar. He had been Oran’s advisor since he had become king. Before that Cyrus had been a loyal friend to Oran, he had been the one to find out the truth about Senka when the guards had heard the rumours. His mind was lethal, and Oran knew how lucky he was to have the fire faerie at his side.

  “Your majesty, I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Cyrus greeted him.

  Oran flashed him a slight smile as he shrugged into a teal coat, the edges of it weaved with gold thread to represent the sun.

  “You never have to apologise for interrupting anything, Cyrus. But I am assuming you don’t bring me news on my sister?” Oran asked.

  “I’m afraid not. But my men are following a new lead. I doubt they will find anything, but they have been ordered not to stop until they find her. Someone must know something.”

  Oran let out a small laugh. He doubted they would ever find his sister. He hoped it was because she had been killed, but he knew that was a naïve dream. Senka was more powerful than he had ever believed.

  “Why are you here?” Oran asked.

  “Because my sister has finally arrived at court.”

  Oran straightened at this. He had met Enya a few times since Cyrus had come to court. Her beauty out shone any other female faerie in Colar, and Oran had decided that she would be his queen. Cyrus had assured him that their father was very happy with the proposal, and so was Enya. It was an easy match. Oran’s father had wanted him to wed the ice court princess, but Oran didn’t want to mix the blood of the north with that of the south. He had always had his eyes set on Enya, and now he had the freedom to pursue the love he wanted. Something that other kings didn’t have the luxury of.

  “We must not keep her waiting.”

  Oran passed Cyrus, but the glance of his reflection in the mirror caused him to stop. Enya hadn’t been to court since the dreaded night. She hadn’t seen Oran’s new look. Repulsion swept through him as he turned away from his friend.

  “I can’t see her. I’m a fool to think she will look at me with this disgusting scar on my face,” Oran hissed.

  “She will think you more a fool if you were vain enough to think that little of her. I wrote to Enya. She knows what happened here. She knows what happened here. She loves, Oran. She always has. You will receive her, and you will present her at court. Then we can start the preparations for your wedding. The sooner you have a queen at your side, the sooner the summer court will become secure once more. You need to produce an heir as soon as possible. If your sister is still alive, and she produces an heir before you… I don’t need to tell you what could happen,” Cyrus told him.

  Oran nodded, glancing one last look at himself in the mirror, before following Cyrus out of his chambers. Cyrus was right, if he didn’t marry soon and produce an heir then it would put the summer throne at risk. There were already whisperings amongst the other courts. None were true, and none spoke of the murder of King Dritan. Cyrus had twisted the rumours to Oran’s advantage. Now Senka was feared by all of Dresha and hunted by them. She was on the radar of the soldiers of The Guild, the fae that were trained to protect the whole of Dresha. Those fae had no claims to courts but could be hired to work for the royals. Oran knew little of them. The Guild was in the farthest north of Dresha, but he knew enough to know they were formidable assassins, and that even Senka wouldn’t be a match for them.

  “She is waiting for you in the throne room. I think she will leave you speechless with her beauty,” Cyrus said, and Oran didn’t miss the pride in his friend’s voice.

  “Your sister has always been beautiful, Cyrus.”

  Cyrus didn’t reply, because they had stepped into the throne room, and Oran had frozen in the doorway. His friend had been right, Enya looked divine. Her long sand-coloured hair was woven into the shape of a shell on her head. Her teal eyes, matching his coat, shone with a light Oran had missed, her skin kissed with the sun. She wore a dress of sea green, decorated with threads of golds and silvers. A necklace of pearl decorated her neck, matched with earrings that set off her flawless features. Moving closer to Enya, Oran noticed her eyes had been outlined with a black liquid to exaggerate their beauty.

  “Your majesty,” Enya greeted him, dipping into a low curtsy.

  “Please, rise. You are to be my queen. That makes you my equal. You don’t have to bow to me,” Oran told her.

  Enya did as she was told, stepping forward and running a finger over his scar. Oran stood still, closing his eyes to her touch. Only opening them when she spoke.

  “My brother told
me what your sister did. I am so sorry that you had to endure that alone. I hope your men find her and she is punished for what she has done. To kill your father, and then attempt to kill you. That is a treason that can’t be ignored.”

  “Don’t worry, Enya. We have the best people hunting her. She won’t get away with what she has done,” Oran assured her.

  Enya flashed him a bright smile, before turning to her brother and embracing Cyrus tightly. Oran couldn’t help but smile. Enya hadn’t flinched at the site of his scar, and that only filled him with more faith in the union. He couldn’t deny his body’s need when he felt her finger trace his scar. He longed for her hands to devour all his body and hoped it wouldn’t be long before she was in his bed. He was king now. He didn’t have to wait until their wedding night if he didn’t want to.

  “Your majesty.”

  Oran turned at the sound of a guard's voice. He was about to snap at him for the interruption but was stopped by the sight of a raven sat on the man’s shoulder. The guard looked uncomfortable, and Oran didn’t blame him. A raven never brought good news, and there was something about the way this one was eyeing him that made Oran feel uncomfortable. The raven took flight, dropping the letter that he had been carrying into Oran’s hand. He then settled on the arm of the throne. His dark eyes watching Oran closely.

  Oran went to open the letter, but it was snatched from his hand by Cyrus.

  “What are you doing? This is clearly from your sister,” Cyrus snapped, forgetting for a moment where they were. Oran let it go, knowing his friend was right.

  Cyrus passed the letter back to the guard who had come in with the raven. The guard looked terrified as he opened it.

  “Lick it. We need to be sure there is no poison in the ink,” Cyrus demanded.

  The guard sent Cyrus an uncertain look but obeyed the order. Oran felt the tension in the room. He was certain that his sister wouldn’t use poison. That was a coward’s weapon of choice. Senka would seek her revenge another way. Something more sinister. Something that Oran would not expect.

  “It seems there is no threat, your majesty,” Cyrus said, breaking through Oran’s thoughts. Oran nodded mutely. Reaching for the letter that Cyrus was holding out to him.

  Oran could feel the eyes of the other four fae in the room. He wished he could take the letter and read it in peace, but he didn’t see the point. Cyrus would demand to know what had been said, and Oran wouldn’t keep any secrets from Enya. He glanced up, his eyes falling on the guard. He didn’t need to hear what was being said.

  “Leave us,” Oran ordered.

  The guard dipped into a low bow, before disappearing out of the throne room. Oran watched him. It wasn’t until the door closed behind him; did he return his gaze to the words on the parchment in his hand. Senka’s familiar wavy scrawl filled the lines in words that made Oran’s summer blood run cold as ice.

  Dearest Brother

  I hope this letter finds you well. That your wounds have healed from our last encounter. I wish I could show remorse for what I did, but you deserved to suffer. You are lucky I commanded my shadows to let you live.

  I know that you have sent men to hunt me down. I should warn you that you are wasting time and resources on your attempt to stop me. The men you have lost have faced the traps I have left. And I can only assume those that have survived them have very little information. It’s very easy to manipulate a terrified and broken mind.

  You are of course now king of the summer realm. And it is up to you whether you top your search for me. But you will never find me, Oran. I am hidden in the shadows, and there I will stay until the time is right for me to destroy your home, your people, and your pride.

  You will not know when I’m coming. Nor will you know how much devastation I can bring.

  But rest assured, brother, I will take your happiness. I will take all you love, just as you took all I loved from me.

  Stay safe, King Oran.

  Because the Dawn of the Shadow Queen is here, and she forgives no-one.

  Oran felt his body tremble with rage. He re-read the letter, before Cyrus snatched it from his hand, reading it himself. He felt Enya place a tentative hand on his arm, her large eyes looking up at him, asking a silent question. Her soothing touch quick to settle his anger. Not wanting to worry her, Oran forced a smile to his lips, patting her hand gently. Ignoring the look of concern Cyrus was sending him.

  “There is no need to worry, Enya. Cyrus and my soldiers will deal with the news this letter has brought. It’s what I pay them for,” Oran whistled, and a water nymph appeared in the room. She curtsied low in front of him. “Enya, this is Lucia. She will be your personal maid from now on. I trust her, and I know she will look after you. Why don’t you get changed, ready for dinner? I need to speak to your brother about what we are to do next.”

  “You are too kind to me, Oran. I look forward to seeing you later,” Enya said, standing on tiptoes and brushing a kiss on his cheek.

  Oran said nothing as she followed Lucia out of the room. Once the door closed behind them, he turned to Cyrus. The summer faerie’s eyes blazed with the flames of his magic.

  “What are you going to do about this? Please tell me you aren’t planning on heeding her warning and giving up the hunt. We should be upping our resources. She has threatened you-”

  “She has threatened me, but I know my sister and she won’t make it obvious what she is going to do to me. Or when she is going to strike. I understand your concern, and I won’t pull the soldiers that are currently hunting for her. But I won’t send any more. I need all the protection that I can get around the palace. As soon as Enya and I are married, we will try for an heir to the summer throne. I cannot risk any harm coming to her and my son. Senka will not win this war, no matter how long it goes on for. She can claim herself a Queen, but she never will be a true one. She has commoner blood in her, the unseelie darkness. She will never be recognised, and she will never build the army she is planning,” Oran said.

  There was a flutter of wings, reminding Oran of the raven that had come in with the messenger. He shuddered as the black bird took to the sky, swopping down low over his head, forcing him to duck, before disappearing out of the open window. He heard Cyrus draw in a sharp breath. Clearly, he was just as unsettled as Oran was with the bird.

  “I don’t think she needs an army, Oran. She is more powerful than you think. You don’t know how dark her magic runs. What if what she unleashed on you was only the beginning?” Cyrus pointed out.

  Oran had thought about this. He had his doubts about his sister’s abilities. But he would not admit that to anyone, not even Cyrus.

  “You have my orders, Cyrus. You will relay them to my head guard, and then you will get ready to join me and your sister for dinner tonight,” Oran ordered.

  He didn’t wait for Cyrus to reply, turning to leave the room, making his way to his chambers. Senka had sent her threat, and Oran admitted he feared his sister. But he would not show his fear to any of his people. He wasn’t sure he would even share it with Enya. This was a feud between two siblings that had been torn apart by shadow and light. Eventually it would end. And Oran was determined to have the light win.


  Black had always been her colour, and now she could embrace it without hiding under the pretence of the summer court. The silks of her black dressed whipped around her as she walked towards the throne room of the shadow palace. Today was the day she would see her throne for the first time, and she couldn’t wait to see what the unseelie sculptor had created for her. Lina had overseen the design, and Ash had been in charge of the construction of the masterpiece. Both of them had kept Senka away. Lina had refused to show her the design, assuring her she knew exactly what Senka needed and wanted. Senka trusted Lina completely, but a part of her had wanted to be part of the planning process.

  “Your majesty, dare I say that you look beautiful today,” Ash greeted her at the onyx door of the throne room.

  Senka sent him
a warm smile. She knew the wood faerie was right; she looked every bit the Queen she now was. Her amber hair was pulled half back, the rest hanging in waves down her back. The points of both her ears were studded with black diamonds that matched the jewels in the crown that sat on her head. Earrings made of black diamonds hung from her ears, matching the necklace that sat perfectly against her long, pale neck. The dress she wore was made of the finest black silk. The bodice was a moulded corset giving out to a long silk skirt that had a slit showing off her left leg when she walked. The corset was incrusted with tiny white diamonds that danced like stars when they caught the light. Senka had been with the dressmaker as they made the dress. It was the finest piece of clothing she had ever worn, and it was fitting for this day.

  “Thank you, Ash. I had this dress made specifically for today. I wanted to look regal as I sit on my throne for the first time,” Senka replied.

  Ash smiled, placing a hand against the door. His green eyes sparkling with excitement. Senka felt it too, her body humming with anticipation at the seeing the last piece to her home.


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