Saving Graves: A Club Irons Novel

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Saving Graves: A Club Irons Novel Page 10

by Drew Sera

  “Don’t mind us, Yvette. I’m just showing a new Dom your knots.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Yvette replied with a smile.

  I wondered where someone learns all of this stuff.

  “Are there books out there that show someone how to do these knots?” I asked.

  “Not really. So much of this kind of stuff is still underground. You kind of just pick it up along the way. There are a few dungeons you might be able to catch a class or two at.”

  I nodded, knowing that I’d do just that. Mark showed me the ankle knots as well. I was so excited by this and into the knots that I missed the fire cupping scene going on in the backyard. I was much more interested in this rope stuff.

  “There’s lots of different type of rope, too. Many different varieties from cotton, jute, silk, nylon…the list goes on and on. Each one of those materials has their own properties. Some are better for strength if you’re going to suspend someone from ceiling cables. Some material has more stretch in it versus others. Lots to research there,” Mark said.

  I cataloged everything he said and couldn’t wait to research some. I’d have to find a class. I hung out with Mark a while longer by Yvette, and we spoke about rope bondage until the lights in the dining room dimmed.

  Was it time for the event with Yvette?

  Mark lifted his eyebrows and smiled at me.

  “Just about time, Anthony. Did you grab a condom?” he asked.

  I shook my head but followed him to the bar area and grabbed one out of the basket after Mark took one.

  “Yvette is a good bottom, and she loves cock. And she’s a little masochist, too.”

  I knew what that term was and smiled. By the time we got back to the living room, Yvette was being moved to the end of the table and positioned so that someone could fuck her while she sucked on someone else.

  I stood to the side, watching some guys use some sort of whip-like thing on her back while she sucked on some guy’s dick. The fucking started pretty quickly, and I was surprised by how courteous everyone was. I think I had conjured up some hideous and violent event in my head. This wasn’t anything like that at all. Everything was really calm, and Yvette really seemed to be enjoying it.

  I noticed that many of the guys had their pants unzipped and were stroking themselves while they waited their turn. I unzipped and freed my aching cock and stroked myself slowly as I focused on Yvette.

  Mark nudged me in the arm, and I briefly took my eyes off Yvette to look at him. He motioned towards Yvette and asked if I wanted to go next. I nodded, rolled on the condom and moved closer to the table. Once the guy ahead of me finished, I slowly moved behind the table and lined myself up with her pussy. Fuck, this was really happening.

  “Here, Anthony,” Mark said and held Yvette’s arms up slightly. “Take hold of the rope.”

  I gripped the section of rope that connected her wrists and then pushed my cock into her. Fuck me, this felt amazing! With my free hand, I gripped her hip and pump her pussy. This beauty that was bound in rope was taking it from me. All I could do was thrust as deep as I could go. The rope around her arms was mesmerizing to me and was all I focused on.

  “Fuck!” I moaned out and came inside a woman for the first time. Granted, it was in a condom, but I was inside her when I came.

  Fuck me, that was incredible.

  It appeared that the protocol was that you left the area after you came. As I walked away from the area, two naked subs were kneeling near the hallway and made eye contact with me.

  “Sir, may we?” one asked.

  I just stood there. What were they asking to do? They must have been able to tell I was totally lost and the other one spoke up.

  “We’re Master Roger’s house slaves, Sir. We’re to remove your condom and clean you up. May we?”

  “Yes, that would be great.”

  The ladies moved closer to me on their knees, and I moved my hands away from the waist of my jeans to give them the room they needed. One girl removed the condom while the other one wrapped my cock in a warm washcloth. She cleaned my dick, then wrapped my balls up in a fresh cloth before she massaged them.

  “Sir, there is a bathroom at the end of the hall on the right and another one in the foyer. Chilled beverages are on ice in the kitchen.”

  “Thank you, ladies,” I said as I tucked my dick back inside my boxer briefs and jeans. I winked at them when I zipped my pants and headed down the hall.

  I took myself down the hall to the bathroom and closed the door quietly. Leaning against the bathroom counter, I stared at myself for a moment before my face broke out into a huge smile. I fucked a woman! It was so fucking hot to hold the ropes that she was wrapped in as I pounded away.

  I guess I didn’t need to clean myself up since Roger’s house girls did that for me. How fucking nice was that? I splashed some water on my face and washed my hands before exiting the bathroom and going to the kitchen. I was fucking starved.

  As I gathered food on a plate, I noticed that the huge kitchen island was covered with dirty pictures, magazines, and toys. I spotted a glossy image of a girl bound in rope and pulled it closer to stare at while I ate. Fuck yes! This girl was hot with her arms bound behind her back, pushing her tits upward.

  “Hey, Anthony,” Mark said as he walked into the kitchen.


  “How’d you enjoy Yvette?” he asked as he poured himself a glass of whiskey before sitting down beside me.

  “I enjoyed her a lot,” I said, unable to hide my laughter.

  Mark was looking at the same picture that I was and chuckled. We had an interesting conversation while we ate about women and rope. Mark was very knowledgeable with the rope it seemed, and together we flipped through some magazines that were out on the counter.

  “Anthony, if you’re seriously interested, I’d suggest taking in class or two. There’s a great dungeon up in San Fran that offers classes here and there. Take in everything you can.”

  I planned on doing just that. Before I left with James, I noticed Yvette was curled up in Roger’s arms on a couch. He held his hand up and told James to make sure that I had his phone number. Mark also gave me his number. There were so many friendly people here, and all were willing to help me find resources.

  I was kind of worried about Yvette though and brought it up to James in the car.

  “Was she ok?”

  “Yvette will be fine. Roger was just giving her some after care.”

  “After care?”

  “Yeah, it’s the term used when a Dom, or Top, spends some time with the sub or bottom and tends to her. It’s actually very beneficial for the Dom, also.”

  Soon, we pulled up to my apartment and before I got out, James made sure that I had the address and name to the dungeon in San Francisco that they referenced. If these guys were telling me to visit this place, then it must be worth the traffic to get there.

  As I turned my shower on, I couldn’t help but think about what a fucking amazing night I had. I fucked a woman! It wasn’t as weird as I worried it was going to be or imagined. TV had me scared with all the “I love you” declarations you see characters whispering in the heat of the moment. Fuck, I'm so glad none of that shit went on. I didn't even look in her eyes because she was facing the other way giving some guy a blow job.

  For once, I felt accepted.

  After I took a shower, my phone rang. It startled me because it was after one in the morning. With the towel wrapped around my waist I picked it up.


  My dad’s worried voice came through the phone as I ran my hand through my hair.

  “I was starting to get worried.”

  “Sorry, Dad. I was just out with a few guys at a party.”

  I know how much he worries and I probably should have told him I'd be out this evening. He paused for a few moments.

  “I haven't talked to you in a few days, is everything ok?”

  “Everything is fine. I was at a party last night and then agai
n tonight. I went to the gym this morning and studied before the party. Everything is ok.”

  Everything was more than fine. I fucked a girl that was tied to a table. Life at this moment was being good to me.

  “Son, let's try to get together over the next few days for dinner.”

  I let my head drop. I knew he wanted to physically see me and that phone calls didn't satisfy this. Maybe he needed it, I don't know. But I was doing fine and didn't need a babysitter.

  “Ok. When?”

  “Well, how about tomorrow? Come over in the afternoon and we’ll watch football and order pizza.”

  My dad knew that I would prefer pizza and football over meeting for a sit down meal. I liked that the TV would help conceal any awkwardness between us and fill in that gap instead of having forced conversations. Between the medical files, doctor appointments, sitting with me at my counseling sessions with David, and the lawsuits, it was difficult for me to look at him sometimes. And conversely, I'm sure it was hard for him to look at his son.

  “Ok. I'll be over in the afternoon.”

  He seemed happy and we hung up. Before I shut the lights out, I grabbed the copy of Kink Magazine that I got this morning and thumbed through it. Within ten minutes I was rock hard and jacking off.

  I stood in the doorway to my mom and Bruce’s room, clutching my stomach and my bear. Bruce had kicked me in the stomach earlier and it wasn't getting any better.

  “Mom,” I said her name quietly as I stood beside the bed. I called her name again and she woke up. “Mom, my tummy still hurts.”

  “Anthony! For God’s sake, it not even midnight. It's my night off.”

  “It won't stop hurting.”

  “Anthony, did you really wake me up for a tummy ache? You can't deal with that on your own?”

  “It hurts bad.”

  Why wouldn't she help me? She reached out and pushed me away from the bed.

  “Go back to bed before you get in trouble.”

  She rolled away from me, so her back was to me. I was upset and angry that she wouldn't help me.

  “I'm going to call dad,” I bravely announced.

  “Your father doesn't care, Anthony.”

  “Yes, he does. He sent me my bear.”

  I held my bear up for her to see it as proof, but she wasn’t paying attention to me. Had she forgotten my bear? My dad sent him to me. He wouldn't send me a bear if he didn't care.



  “Go to bed, Anthony.”

  “But my tummy.”


  My mom was so mad at me and I started to cry. Why won't she help me? Bruce woke up and I backed away from the bed.

  “What the fuck are you doing in here you little shit?”

  “His tummy hurts and he's bitching about it.”

  “I want to call my dad,” I stated again.

  “Bruce,” my mom said.

  Bruce threw back the sheets and grabbed the belt off the dresser. I turned to run but Bruce grabbed me by my hair. He squeezed my arm really hard in his hand and when I began crying, he slapped my face.

  “Bruce, I don't want to hear him,” my mother said as I was dragged from the room.

  “I'll take care of it.”


  I woke up from the nightmare of being beaten with the belt, grabbing at the pain in my side. I was breathing hard and knew that I needed to try to calm down. Even though my dad says my heart is ok, I still tend to worry about it.

  I didn't feel like going back to sleep. I glanced at the Kink Magazine sitting on my nightstand and that wasn't even interesting me right now. I grabbed the remote and turned on Sports Center. I just needed some background noise and this would be good. I stared mindlessly at it for a while.

  The pain in my side wasn't subsiding and I had to get up and take some ibuprofen. Often, I would try to wait it out, hoping that I wouldn't have to take something for the pain. Tonight, I couldn't hold out though.

  When I got back to bed, I pulled over my plush football and held it over my side. Surprisingly, it instantly comforted the ache. I lay back down and turned the volume down on the TV and closed my eyes.

  With the address of the place James and Mark both recommended in hand, I jumped into my truck to begin the journey into San Francisco. Apparently, this place was one of the best in the country. They were a dungeon and also facilitated classes and seminars. I was going mainly to find out about a class and seminar schedule.

  I kept my eye on the clock to make sure I made it to my dad’s for the game. I parallel parked on the street about a few blocks away from the dungeon.

  I walked the few blocks to the dungeon and checked the address twice before going inside. Immediately inside was a small lobby and a counter with a hot girl with jet black hair standing behind it. She smiled brightly at me and asked how she could assist me.

  “Are you here to visit the store? If so, it’s right around the corner down this hall,” she pointed to her left.

  I nodded my thanks and followed the narrow hallway to their store. Eventually, I found the store and curiosity took front and center stage. There were mannequins elevated through the store sporting latex and leather. Mixed in by the mannequins were racks of the items that were on the models. Lining the walls were whips and various other implements that I would very soon know all about.

  As I roamed around looking at this newfound world, I spotted a section full of rope and bondage stuff. I slowly moved from the rope to the cuffs and restraints. Decorating the walls were framed pictures of beautiful women bound in rope or restrained to objects.

  A man who worked there came over to me and asked if I was looking for something in particular. I told him I was new to all of this and was looking around to get my feet wet.

  “Feel free to look around and let me know if you have any questions. I’ll gather some informational pieces of literature for you.”

  After the guy left me alone, I reached out to touch the colorful rope in front of me. Above it was a sign that said the material was cotton. I touched all of the rope that was on display and then moved onto the restraints. Some of it was leather with fleece on one side and some were metal. Images of me cuffing a woman in metal cuffs ran rampant in my head.

  I had been roaming around for quite a while when the guy came back over to me with lots of stuff in his hand.

  “There’s some info in here about classes and workshops we give each month that you might be interested in attending. I also gathered some fliers and postcards for some clubs and dungeons in the area beside ours.”

  “Great, thank you.”

  “Would you like to take a tour of the dungeon?”

  “Yeah! I’d like that.”

  The man introduced himself as Tim as I followed him down a hallway that fed into a huge open area which was their social gathering area. Tim walked me around the entire club and in the distance, I could hear some people and sounds of flesh being hit with something. I was trying not to make it so obvious that I was distracted by it, but I found it nearly impossible to concentrate on Tim.

  “Do you want to see where the noises are coming from?” he asked me.

  I nodded and followed quietly behind Tim. In another open space, were two women and a man. The man was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, watching the two women. One woman was naked and bent over the other woman’s lap being spanked.

  “That’s Lynn. She’s one of our Pro Domme’s,” Tim whispered.

  I nodded as if I knew exactly what that meant. I was frozen in the spot where I stood as I watched the woman spank the other. There was something really arousing about this to me. Eventually, the man pulled the woman from the Pro Domme’s lap and pushed her down to her knees. He unzipped, pulled out his hard dick and the girl immediately went to work sucking his dick. Jesus.

  The Pro Domme was looking in our direction and soon she stood and made her way over to us. Maybe it was my ego, but it looked like she was chec
king me out.

  “Hello, Timothy. Are you bringing me a young toy?” she asked.

  “No, Mistress Lynn. This is Anthony. He’s new to the lifestyle and is here to browse around.”

  She raised her eyebrows at me and this time made it very obvious that she was checking me out.

  “It’s too bad, Timothy. I thought you were bringing me a new toy to play with. However, we love newcomers, Anthony and are glad you are here. Make sure you take my card before you leave. I can help you with any questions you may have. I won’t bite...though you look like you’d be a tasty treat for me to sink my teeth into.”

  I’m sure I was blushing as I watched her rake her eyes up and down my body, but I think I kept my cool.

  “Nice to meet you, Mistress Lynn.”

  “Oh, the pleasure was all mine, Anthony,” she said before turning and walking away.

  I watched her ample ass shift beneath the latex as she sauntered away. When it was just Tim and me, he elaborated a bit on Lynn.

  “She loves the young men.”

  “What does she do exactly, if I may ask?”

  “She’s for hire.”

  I was quiet as I tried understanding exactly what that meant. Was she like a prostitute? What would someone hire her for?

  “Mostly submissives, or bottoms, hire her. Many times, it’s to get something they are missing in their life. Maybe something they’re afraid or intimidated to ask their partner for. In the case of the couple you just saw, the man loves watching his sub get dominated by another woman. When you see a Pro Domme, you’re really negotiating exactly what you want.”

  I nodded though I was trying to grasp all of this. I had a lot of things to research and made a mental note to write it all down and approach Roger or Mark. They both seemed to have been doing this stuff for years.

  When I got back to my truck, I found some paper and a pen in the glove box and began scribbling down things I wanted to ask about before heading over to see my dad.

  Even though I had my own key to the door and had lived here, I still felt funny just unlocking the door and walking in. After ringing the doorbell, I pulled on my San Francisco 49ers hat that he bought me a few years ago for my birthday. I always wore it during the games that we’d watch. During my first year in college, my dad and I got together every Sunday for football. It had become “our thing,” and I really liked it. But so far this semester, it’s been more difficult to get together.


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