Omega Magic

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Omega Magic Page 2

by Maggie Hemlock

  “Oh my god, guys!” Zoey sprinted into the room phone charged and in hand. “Vicky just sent me a text! Like the Grim Howlers are having a concert next weekend like five miles from here!”

  “Gut me now!” I groaned.

  “What time is the concert?” Darian asked.

  “Like it starts at nine, but it might go all night.”

  “Your curfew is dark,” Darian said. “Until things are solved all omegas go on lockdown at sunset.”

  “Ross,” Zoey whined her lips snarling in frustration. “Tell him I can go!”

  “He’s right. We can’t be too careful right now! Sorry, Zoey,” Ross frowned and helped Wrynn set the table. “It’s just not a good time. They’ll be other concerts, though.”

  “But I’ve never seen them in concert! I’ll die if I miss this one!” Zoey sighed and dropped her shoulders. “I have to go! I just have to! Don’t be like Mom and Dad, Darian! You’re the cool older brother or don’t you remember?”

  “You’ll live and go to their next concert. One that takes place in a more peaceful time,” Darian sighed. “Sorry, Zoe, but unless this is over by then the answer’s no.”

  “Ugh!” Zoey growled. “You’re just as bad as Mom and Dad with not wanting to let me do anything! I’m not a baby anymore!”

  “Zoey, you’re at university now. You’ve got to act mature even when you don’t feel like it,” Ross told her. “We’ve all went out of our way to get you here and even find you a possible mentor. Don’t meet Logan acting like a bratty teenager.”

  “Gosh! You’ve gotten old too since having a baby!”

  “Zoey!” Darian warned.

  “It’s not fair! Do you think it’s fair Wrynn?” Zoey tried to pull him into the debate.

  “I’m not getting involved. I think the curfew is a good idea. Darian just wants us all to be careful and safe.”

  “I didn’t come all the way to Hemlock Academy to be treated like a pup,” Zoey sighed.

  “Then quit acting like one, sis,” I finally got involved. “Let’s have lunch and then I’ll take you to meet Logan. He’s not family maybe he’ll commiserate with you.”

  “I need to find a mate so you bossy men can’t tell me what to do anymore,” Zoey grumbled but took her seat at the table.

  Chapter Three


  “Hello?” I answered Wrynn’s call as I tried on my non-prescription glasses for the hundredth time that afternoon. I wanted to look more distinguished and respectable, but the glasses only made me look like a nerd. Sure, I was a nerd, but that didn’t mean I wanted more help looking the part.

  “They’re on their way,” Wrynn said.

  “Did Ross tell Darian not to go handing out my key willy-nilly?” I put him on speaker phone and took the glasses off again.

  “Yes. I don’t know what Darian was thinking. He lets Ross away with murder. Sure, he was welcome everywhere on Hemlock Mountain, but this isn’t Hemlock Mountain.”

  “And I’m not a Hemlock,” I sighed.

  “Hey, don’t talk like that. I’m a Hemlock!” Wrynn laughed.

  “True, but you didn’t barge into my house unannounced until I told you it was okay. And that’s only because your Alpha kept sending you over here for pheromone blocker like an errand boy.”

  “I don’t mind being his errand boy. It has big perks,” Wrynn laughed.

  “I don’t need to hear about anything big or perky on the dean,” I blushed.

  Before he true-responded to Wrynn, I, like every other omega at Hemlock Academy had a huge crush on Darian. He never messed around with faculty or students, though. So, I never stood a chance, but it didn’t stop me from daydreaming about it. Now that Wrynn was my best friend remembering those fantasies was embarrassing. I pushed away the memories and looked for any excuse to leave the conversation.

  “I gotta go. They’re knocking on the door,” I lied.

  A second later, someone actually knocked on the door.

  “Zoey’s a bit upset. Go easy on her,” Wrynn said. “She’s a good kid.”

  “Everyone keeps saying that so it’s a little hard to believe,” I laughed.

  “That’s because you’re used to dealing with Alpha brats who think they can walk all over everyone. She’s an omega.”

  “Doesn’t mean she’s mature enough to be here.”

  “Aww. . . Logan, don’t be like that,” Wrynn frowned. “Give her a chance. Just think where we’d be if Darian didn’t hire unmated omegas.”

  “Fair enough. You win this one, Hemlock,” I laughed.

  “I’ve got a lot of points to catch up on, Fox.”

  “The battle continues,” I laughed and ended the call.

  Another knock sounded on the door.

  “Hold onto your panties! I’m coming!” I stashed the glasses in the medicine cabinet and headed for the door.

  “Sorry, I forgot my panties at home. I’ve got nothing to hold onto!” A guy called through the door.

  “Eww. . . Don’t say panties! You’re a boy!” A teenage girl whined.

  I stopped. I hadn’t opened the door yet. I could go into the lab and ignore the Hemlocks at my door. Squaring my shoulders, I headed for the door. They may be Hemlocks, but Foxes never back down from a challenge.

  I swung open the door ready to lecture the girl on patience, but the words fled. My head swam with a delicious scent of the likes I’d never smelled before. Musky and woodsy hidden behind soap and tangy aftershave. My knees shook like branches in a storm and I gasped for a breath only to be overtaken by the scent again. I couldn’t bring myself to look out the door. I stared up at the ceiling taking in the scent and refusing to give in to the primal urge to throw myself into his arms.

  Finally, I was done with fuck-bois and Alpha brats. At least, I hoped I was.

  He’s a Hemlock. So, who knows? They’re always a mixed bag.

  “Alpha,” my wolf said softly. The sound more a coo than an actual word. Usually, he grumbled and growled at everyone. The sound bubbled up his throat and I swallowed it down before it crawled out of mine. My wolf’s active interest soothed me as his scent settled on in the air infiltrating my mind with each and every breath.

  The sexy beast standing on my cauldron-shaped welcome mat left me breathless. My wolf stood up from his lazy spot raising his ears and sniffing the air drawing in another breath of the scent that made me want to rip my clothes off and drop to my knees.

  “Are you okay?” The girl asked.

  She looked a lot like Ross and Darian, but with softer features and better-groomed brows.

  Then, my gaze moved to him before I was ready. Classic sexy Hemlock features stared back at me. Big brown eyes framed by dark brows and high-cheek bones. A dimpled chin settled below plump lips that made an omega like me ache for him to kiss and suck every inch of my body. Powerless to stop the sweat dotting my forehead and the crimson blush that overtook my face and neck, my gaze sank lower. His broad shoulders stretched the black band t-shirt he wore. Most Hemlocks prowl around in power suits during the day, but this guy made a t-shirt look like the fertility gods designed it.

  “What’s going on with you guys?” Zoey asked looking from me to her brother, but neither of us spoke for a long moment.

  “Zoey, go wait in the car. Blast your Giggling Howlers or whatever you call them,” he said.

  “Grim Howlers!” Zoey stomped her foot. “And why do I need to wait in the car? You dragged me over here to meet this guy!”

  “Go to the car,” he said again.

  “Yes, run off and play little pup. We have pups of our own to make,” my wolf murmured inside my chest and my blush deepened.

  A familiar hunger coiled in my stomach and squeezed until I let out a happy expectant sigh. It was the sound that shook me back to my senses. I’d swore off romping for a reason. It never ends well.

  “But he’s our Alpha!” My wolf growled at me. “Our true-Alpha! Just look at him! Let’s raise our tail for him! He’s the one we’ve waited
on! We haven’t romped in forever! It’s been more moons that I want to think about!”

  “No, there’s no need,” I said when I finally found my voice.

  “Yes, there is,” he stepped closer to me and fighting every instinct of my wolf I stepped away.

  “There’s plenty of time to figure out all of. . .” I didn’t have a word for as his dark-eyed gaze locked to mine.

  “There’s nothing to figure out,” he smirked.

  “Are you two true-responding?” Zoey asked. “Is this what it looks like?”

  “Go! Car! Now!” He growled.

  What was his name? Ross or Wrynn or someone had mentioned his name, hadn’t they?

  He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close. My insides turned to jelly, and I longed to surrender to all the promises his eyes made. My heart beat against my ribs syncing with my Alpha’s racing heart. His lips hovered over mine a split second from claiming them, but I dropped low and swerved out of his grasp.

  A smile pulled at the corners of his mouth as I stepped back. His legs tensed for the chase.

  “No! I’m not playing chase!” I crossed my arms in front of my face and squeezed my eyes shut. “Work comes first. Pups come first. We’ll figure all of this out later.”

  A few seconds passed, and no one spoke. I peeked between my arms with one eye. Gone was the lusty look of conquering replaced by an unreadable expression. It settled between confusion and protectiveness.

  “How do you guys take your tea?” I asked and escaped into the kitchen before they could answer.

  Chapter Four


  My wolf growled and paced back and forth inside my chest. Who hurt him? Who in my omega’s past caused that scent of fear and insecurity to fill the air? I’d eviscerate him and leave him for the vultures.

  “Are you alright, bro?” Zoey asked shifting her weight nervously from foot to foot like she did anytime fear filled the room.

  “Go wait outside, Zoe,” I sighed.

  “No,” she whined and shook her head. Her wolf was still too young to know the difference between the different kinds of fear.

  “Then, sit down,” I pointed at a green plaid sofa.

  Zoey sat down and looked up at me waiting for my next order.

  “Stay,” I pointed at the sofa again.

  In a rare moment of obedience, she stayed on the sofa. I hadn’t given a lot of thought to the where or the how I’d meet my omega, but ideally, she wouldn’t have been there.

  “Stay,” I grumbled to her again as I headed into the kitchen.

  Logan’s sweet smell filled every inch of his house making it impossible for me or my wolf to ignore. He stood in front of the stove staring down at a cast iron tea kettle. Away from Zoey’s prying teenage eyes, I took in his lean muscular form and round sculpted ass filling out his slacks. My wolf let out a throaty growl that I pushed down.

  “I know what’s supposed to happen after true-mates meet,” he said, but didn’t turn around to look at me. “We’re supposed to jump each other.”

  I took a few steps towards him and waited for him to retreat again, but this time he didn’t.

  “What are you afraid of?” I asked and kicked myself for phrasing it so bluntly.

  “Nothing,” he squared his shoulders, but his scent told another story. His desire and excitement hid behind a wall of fear and uncertainty. As a tracker, I’d spent a lot of time learning to differentiate between smells. My wolf knew there was no immediate threat to Logan’s well-being, but I needed to be closer to him to protect him from what caused his fear.

  “We just need to take care of Zoey first. She’s still a pup. She’s a pup in a new situation and she comes first. We’re the adults,” Logan said still not looking at me.

  “We can reschedule her tour,” I said and took a few steps closer to him.

  “That’s not how the Academy works. Even the dean took care of business before. . .”

  “Getting down to business?” I arched a brow and barely swallowed a laugh.

  “Exactly,” Logan nodded. “We’ll get Zoey settled in and then we can talk about what all of this is.”

  “You know what this is,” I stepped closer to him drawn by the bond already forming between our wolves. Every step lessened the tightness in my gut from being so far away from him. I’d made fun of my brothers in the past for acting like fools after meeting their true-mates. Now, I was the fool.

  “Tour first. Talk later,” Logan said finally turning to face me.

  His thick blonde hair fell in short waves around his face framing his bright blue eyes lined with long thick lashes. His slender nose led to the soft pink lips I never wanted to stop kissing. He frowned at me and my wolf stood more alert, ears perked listening for danger that wasn’t there.

  “I don’t think I’m going to make it through the tour without being able to touch you,” I told him and took a few steps closer.

  “I’m. . .” He started but paused. He leaned against the stove careful to avoid the kettle’s side.

  I paused mid-step not wanting to spook him as I’d done in the living room.

  “Go ahead,” I nodded to him suddenly wanting to know every thought that crossed his mind, so I knew what he needed protection from. I yanked on the pack link, but he wasn’t connected yet. He wouldn’t be for some time after I claimed him. My eyes darted to his covered shoulder and I sniffed trying to smell his claim-gland from where I stood on the other side of the kitchen table.

  “Already mine,” my wolf growled.

  “I’m abstaining from mating,” Logan blurted before he lost his nerve.

  “Why would you do that?” I asked before I could stop myself.

  “Because Alphas like you have to ask questions like that,” he turned back to face the kettle.

  “Alphas like me?” I took a step towards him unable to stop myself. “You don’t even know me, mate.”

  “Exactly and you tried to jump my bones in the living room,” he said.

  I’d never do anything to hurt him. I’d disembowel anyone who did.

  “Look,” he turned to face me. “I know true-mates are supposed to be different, but I’ve had my heart stomped on enough already.”

  “I’d never break your heart,” I said. “You’ve been around Hemlocks long enough to know how we feel about our true-omegas.”

  “Then you should be able to wait until a proper place and time and until I’m ready for you to touch me,” his lower lip trembled as he spoke.

  Don’t cry. I’ve always been a sucker for any crying omega. If you start crying in front of me I might just go hunt down any Alpha who smells like he ever walked past you and leave him for the vultures.

  “Touch isn’t just about sex,” I stepped closer to him and this time he didn’t turn away from me. “It’s about bonding and affection. It’s about me knowing your safe and content despite all the fear you’re scenting off right now.”

  Logan bit his lip.

  “You can trust me,” I said.

  “I don’t know if I can trust myself,” Logan’s lip quivered again. “In the living room, I almost gave in. I wanted to. Right there with the door open and the world free to watch. I wanted to. My wolf wanted to. But. . . I’m not ready.”

  “And that’s okay,” I stepped close enough to touch him, but didn’t.

  Frost above me, I wanted him, but not afraid. I wanted him wet and eager, tail wagging and tongue panting for more. And I was willing to wait for it. What else could I do? This beautiful blonde omega was mine for life and I’d wait eternity for my first taste if that’s what it took.

  “I don’t know that I can handle you touching me without giving in,” Logan said.

  “Then I won’t let you,” I pulled him into my arms and he nuzzled into my chest. I held him tight as our heartbeats synced together as they did in the living room. I kissed the top of his blonde head and took in his sweet scent. Being close to him, calmed my wolf and my protective urges to leave for dead any wh
o harmed him in the past.

  Then, I pulled back and rested my forehead against his. I gazed into his bright blue eyes seeking out the pain I wanted to wash from his memory. Logan wrapped his arms around my neck putting us even closer together. My cock had a mind of its own hardening and lengthening as if he called it to attention.

  “Can I ask you something?” Logan looked at me through his lashes.

  “Ask anything you want. I’m an open book to you, mate,” I said careful not to brush my lips against his as I spoke.

  “What’s your name?” He asked with a tiny smile.

  “We didn’t get around to introductions, did we?” I chuckled, and he shook his head. “I’m Jessie.”

  “Well, Jessie, my next question is how you like your tea, because if I stay this close to you like that,” he glanced down at the bulge in my pants. “I’m going to forget all the reasons I swore off mating.”

  “Would that be so bad?” I grinned.

  “Only in a very good way,” he laughed and swerved out of my arms.

  Chapter Five


  I wanted to call Wrynn back. I needed someone to talk me down and to talk sense into me. To make me see logic. Right now, I wasn’t even sure what logic was. Was logic postponing the tour and surrendering to every naughty thought that passed my mind? Or was it just the opposite?

  The irony of the situation didn’t escape me. When I first met Wrynn, he and Darian had just true-responded within the hour. I talked him down and assured him he hadn’t lost his mind. Maybe I had, though. Jessie was even sexier than Darian. He was sexier than any Alpha, Hemlock or otherwise, that I’d ever laid eyes on. Though, I’m sure their true-mates would disagree.

  Teatime at my tiny dining room table was stiffer than if the Queen of England herself came to call. Zoey watched us. Her blue eyes darting back and forth between Jessie and me like fascinating zoo exhibits she couldn’t look away from.

  “How does it feel?” She asked when neither of us spoke for a long time.


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