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Chopped Page 9

by Charles, Colleen

  Chapter Eighteen


  “Has anyone ever told you that you are a massive, massive hunk of man?”

  Bill sidles up to me, a brandy old-fashioned with extra cherries in one hand and a meatball on a toothpick in the other.

  I fight a grin. This man is hard not to like. “Not lately.”

  “I have to know.” He waggles his eyebrows and makes a show of popping the round ball into his mouth. “Is everything big?”

  Instead of answering, I grab a hot dog from the buffet table and put two of them together, end to end. His eyes widen into saucers and his hand flutters up toward his neck. “Well, bless your little heart. And Dove’s, too. She’s not going to be walking a straight line ever again, is she? Just don’t kill her. I rather like that girl. Why do you huge guys always pick the tiniest chicks? That’s never made any sense to me.”

  I laugh and clap Bill on the shoulder. Since I’ve gotten to know him, I’ve enjoyed our banter. “I didn’t choose her. She chose me. Big difference.”

  He juts a hip out. “How did she choose you?”

  “She trespassed on the wrong private property. I don’t know what story she told you, but the moment I saw her, I popped her on the back of the head with the butt of my ax and carried her back to my cabin so I could fuck her senseless.”

  Just when I think I’m going to have to fetch the smelling salts, Bill bursts out laughing. “You’re full of it. But thanks for giving me some inspiration for my next sexual fantasy. I need to go now so I can ask Dan if he’s willing to play ‘lumberjack’ with me in our bedroom tonight. Can I borrow an ax?”

  As soon as Bill walks away, Jules joins me at the food table. Dove’s friends, led by Liz, threw together this impromptu going away party for her as soon as our cabin became botanist friendly.

  “Have you told her yet?” my sister asks, taking a sip of her chardonnay.

  “Not yet. She’s having so much fun. When we go home, I’ll have her all to myself, so there’s no need to keep her from her friends. She’s going to have to get used to not having so much social interaction. I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like from college to a cabin in the woods.”

  Julie nods. “Thanks to the electricity, she’ll have Skype. And she can grab an ATV and ride into town, weather permitting. It’s not as bad as it could be. Even Shadow Falls has Uber. And the fact that I don’t have to worry about you anymore… priceless.”

  “What are you two so deep in conversation about?” Dove asks, joining us.

  Julie gives her a brief hug. I’m happy that they get along so well. I can’t wait for Dove to meet Steve, her husband, and their two little boys. I know everyone will love her.

  As much as I love her.

  I haven’t told her yet, but I will. We’ve only known each other for a few weeks, but it feels like a lifetime. Once I’m done unwrapping her personality like layers of pretty paper, I can declare myself. For someone with Dove’s logical mind, feelings can’t enter the equation until after she’s proven her hypothesis.

  But for now, there’s something I really do need to tell her. “You know how I told you that I lost out on a football scholarship when I blew out my knee?”

  I move toward Dove and keep my gaze riveted to her. I catch my breath, waiting for her to answer.

  Her body deflates a bit. “Of course, I do. My heart breaks for you. There’s nothing like the college experience. Now, there isn’t any need to attend for a decade to get that college ambiance like I did.”

  Her words tug at my heart. “I’ve felt a hole inside me ever since that happened. Like something was missing.”

  She puts my hand in hers. “I totally understand. There’s something about improving yourself through learning that’s good for the soul.”

  “I checked into some grants that the forestry department offers at the college of Northern Minnesota. Seems they put aside money for people who are stewards of the land.”

  Her eyes widen. “And?”

  “And I got one. I am going to be the world’s hugest and oldest lumberjack freshman. Most of my classes will be online and my work will be out in the field, but I will have to come here once a week at least. You know what that means?”

  She hisses in a little breath and claps her hands together. Her excitement for me melts my heart. “What?”

  “We’re going to have to buy a car. Look what you’ve done to me, Dove. You’re a bad influence. All of my simple ways have flown by the wayside or they’re about to.”

  She circles my waist with her arms and snuggles into my chest. “Some rules are made to be broken. When doing something means positive growth, that’s when it’s okay. When it leads to your demise, that’s when you need to stand firm in your beliefs. In this case, your previous stubbornness is misplaced. And, Gray… I’m really, really proud of you. You are going to be the best forest ranger in the history of Minnesota.”

  “Who said anything about becoming a forest ranger? I thought I’d be a bear tracker.”

  She slaps me on the stomach. “Stop being ridiculous.”

  “Just call me Grayzzly Adams. I might even bring one home to live with us. Just think… you won’t even need bear spray because your boyfriend will be the bear whisperer.”

  “Well, I guess when your bar is so low you might trip over it, you need to raise it.”

  A hug her tight. “Is that so? I raised my bar pretty high when I went after you, didn’t I?” My confession is so soft it almost isn’t there. But she tips her chin and lifts her lips for my kiss. I’m happy to oblige and I swoop down and capture her mouth with mine.

  My heart flips over as the feeling rolls toward me, worried it might overwhelm me if I let it. But part of me just wants to let go and express my love for her right fucking now.

  “Ew, get a room, you two,” Bill says, returning to get another plate of food.

  Dove steps away from me and I immediately feel the loss of her sweet heat. “We have a room.” She points. “Right down that hallway. We could go there, but I don’t think you’d enjoy the noise level.”

  He scrunches up his face into a twisted grimace. “I think I liked the Dove who didn’t get laid a lot better. She had more time for me.”

  I laugh, stroking her back. “Is it wrong that I’m happy about that? The thought of another man touching my woman turns me into a Neanderthal.”

  She gives me a little squeeze. “As long as you’re my Neanderthal. With an ax instead of a club.”

  Her words are thick with emotion, and my skin prickles as she rubs my forearm. It’s as though I can hear her thoughts. My eyes touch the planes of her beautiful face, lit with the force of the afternoon sun. “I will belong to you until my last breath.”

  Bill rolls his eyes and wanders away mumbling about gucky love and too much PDA. I reach for Dove, my fingers trembling as I push a lock of her long hair behind her ear, relishing the silky texture. When I speak again, I can hear the grit in my own voice. We’re independent people on our own, but we’re better together. “So, are we doing the damn thing? Together?”

  She laces her fingers with mine. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  One year later…

  I can’t peel my eyes off the perfect globes of Dove’s tits as she bends over to pick a leaf off a tree. Willing her V-neck shirt to gap open just enough, I sigh when it doesn’t. I can wait. She tugs at her glasses before tucking the specimen into a plastic protector. Undressing her with my eyes is one of my favorite things to do since she’s by far the most beautiful thing here. I pick herbs for my tinctures and teas, and she studies the trees in our forest. Every evening, we sit on the front porch and watch the sunset. After that, we usually catch an episode of This Old House.

  So shoot me. I compromised on dual ATVs, a telephone, and electricity to be with the woman I love.

  I can’t believe I’m jealous of a tree, but a jolt of annoyance rockets through me as she leans in
and caresses the bark, her hands then fluttering to the remaining leaves. I imagine that same hand drifting down my chest, over my abs, and then dipping even lower.

  My body tightens, almost stealing my voice. “Has anyone ever told you that you look really hot in those glasses?”

  At the sound of my voice, her head snaps around. Those lush lips turn into a smile and my heart flips over since it’s the one she saves just for me. “No. But if that’s what you’re telling me, I’ll wear them more often. I could even wear them to bed.” She cops a big bad wolf voice and continues, “All the better to see you with, my dear.” Then she throws a waggle of her eyebrows in for good measure when all I can think about is her watching me watching her.

  Fucking her until we’re both gasping for breath.

  I start to close the gap between us, making my strides deliberately slow. “So you like what you see, and you want to make sure you don’t miss anything?”

  Her heated gaze sweeps my body, landing on my crotch. “Oh, I definitely like what I see. Everything out in this forest is so big.”

  My cock jerks at her saucy words, but I stop a few feet in front of her. I want her to come to me. The thought of fucking her raw in a ray of sunlight suits me just fine. I even have a blanket in my backpack.

  “How’s your specimen hunting coming?” I put a strong emphasis on the last word, hoping to break her resolve to ignore me. She shifts on her feet and then returns to poking through the leaves, eyeing them with the same curiosity I’ve grown to love. When she’s in the zone, it’s hard to break her focus. But I’ve spent the last year learning every hot button she has and exploiting them every chance I get.

  She steps back and points. “Gray, can you reach that branch?”

  When her back turns to me, I step behind her and cradle her in my arms. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I give a little yank to keep her softness flush with my hard length. My breath whispers against the exposed skin of her neck until gooseflesh spreads across her silky skin. I moan as I soothe it all with my lips.

  “What if the bears hear us?” she whispers as if they’re lurking in the trees just waiting to attack once we get naked. “When you touch me, I lose my mind. No way am I going to be able to grab my bear spray if your tongue’s down my throat.”

  My hands travel up her ribcage to land on her chest. “I can think of an even better way for my tongue to be engaged than that. I love your nipples. I love how hard they get when I suck on them.”

  She puts her palms over mine and rubs her heart-shaped ass against my throbbing dick. “I like that, too.”

  “I think the bears would be so hypnotized by my hot wife, they wouldn’t even think of attacking. They’d just hurry back to the den and their mate, overcome with inspiration. Even bears like fucking.”

  Her blush warms me inside, and I reach up to place my palm on her flushed cheek. For all her saucy talk, she’s still pretty innocent and I love teaching her everything I know.

  I wrap my hands around her waist to keep her in place for my torment. “Just as long as the bears don’t stand at the tree line and watch.” I smile at her outraged hiss. “Unless you like the thought of being… watched.”

  As I speak, I inch my hands upward and tugged at the neck of her t-shirt, yanking it down to expose the fabric of her lacy black bra.

  “What are you doing?” she asks on a breathy sigh. “We’re outside.”

  “I’m searching for specimens, too. Ones with full breasts and wet pussies. Know where I can find one like that, Dr. Parker?” I point toward the tree, but at the same time, I pull the cups of her bra down, so her tits pop free and into my waiting hands. Perfection. My thumbs strum her nipples until she groans and leans back into me.

  “You don’t… um… conduct experiments.”

  Flipping her around in my arms, I bend my head and capture an erect nipple in my mouth. Sucking deeply, I tug on it with my teeth. “Oh, but I do.” I stop only long enough to blow on it as she shivers. “I’m doing an experiment on how long it takes a wife to come in the forest.”

  She stares at my lips devouring her, her pupils dilated, mewling with pleasure in the back of her throat.

  Dipping my hand inside her waistband, I flip the button undone with my fingers. “Hypotheses two, is the wife in question wet enough?” She straightens, but I stop her with a hand to her hip. “Careful, Doctor. We’re conducting a very important experiment here. Don’t tamper with the variables so it negatively affects the outcome.”

  She blows out a tiny pant. “We certainly want to retain control of the variables. Any good scientist knows that.”

  I give a yank until her jeans fall several inches. “Step out of the pants. Now.”

  Her foot kicks out and the pants sail a few yards toward my backpack. When she stands before me again in only her black lace bikini panties, I slowly lower my gaze.

  I can barely recognize my own voice. “The panties. Pull them to the side. I want to conduct this portion of the experiment.”

  Her fingers tremble as she reaches down and shoves the lace to the side of her nether lips, leaving her flesh bare for my hungry gaze, the paleness of her skin a sexy contrast against the deep black of the lace. I can’t believe I started this twisted game and my hand jerks as I dip a finger between her nether lips. Nothing but wet heat meets my touch.

  She moans. “How are we going to know how long it takes for a husband to come in the forest? Perhaps this should be a two-part experiment.”

  Cheeky wench. A new form of depravity creeps up from deep within to torment my brain until I can’t help but vocalize it.

  “Hmm… good point.” I unbutton and unzip my jeans and yank them low on my hips until my cock springs free. “We should add that to our data points.”

  “Why don’t we…”

  I put my hand over her mouth and lean down to breathe into her ear. “Uh uh, Doctor. This is my experiment. I call the shots. Now get on your knees.”

  As she sinks down to the soft dirt, she flicks her tongue out to moisten her lips and my cock twitches. I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard in my life. And this tiny person gets me going in a way I can’t really explain.

  She stills, waiting for my next command. “Suck.”

  A few minutes into my ridiculous ‘experiment,’ I realize it’s backfired in my smug face. I can’t hold out much longer. Dove takes to a blow job just like she does anything else, with extreme focus and perfectionism. She knows what I like, she knows what buttons to push, and she does it every fucking time.

  Her tongue swirls on the sensitive underside of my cock and I see stars. “Dammit, Dove. You know what that does to me.”

  My cock pops out of her perfect lips like a lollipop. “Just trying to keep the variables controlled, Professor.”

  Her breath comes in frantic little pants, her expression a mixture of defiance and lust. I know she wants to tell me where I can stick my experiment.

  “You controlled the variables too well, wife.”

  With one sweeping motion, I grip her underneath her arms and lift her high in the air. Her back settles against the tree she loves so much. Her eyes widen into moons and her breath falls from her mouth on a little sigh of pleasure. “What next?”

  “Put your hands on my shoulders and hold tight. You’re going to ride me.”

  Her gritty voice slays me somewhere deep inside. “Fuck me, Gray. I don’t care if the bears are watching. Although, I think Hank is.”

  “Nah, he’s after a rabbit or a fox or something.”

  I line up her hot, slick opening with the head of my cock. She locks eyes with me, but I don’t see anything other than her love for me and our life together shining back at me. I’m one lucky bastard and I know it. I can’t take another moment without being inside her, so I hold her by the waist and impale her on top of me in one powerful thrust.

  Dove’s pussy contracts along my straining cock and I kept my firm grip on her hips, not wanting to let her go. It feels so hot and wet. Too good
. The pleasure makes me want to roar like one of those damn bears she’s worried about. This woman. She’s beauty and she’s strength and she’s intelligence.

  She’s everything I never knew I needed.

  I reach between us so I can find her clit and send her over. My original experiment was to see how fast I could make a wife come in the woods. I don’t need a hypothesis to know she’s coming before me. Nothing’s more important to me than Dove. Her safety. Her comfort. Her pleasure. The little bud is already swollen and waiting for me to strum it to an explosive climax.

  I thrust hard and deep, any desire for being gentle floating away on her little sighs of pleasure. Crying out, Dove throws her head back, that silky mane of raven hair floating out around her torso. I admire the view of her full breasts bouncing as I touch places so deep inside her… places I’ve never gone before.

  “Gray,” she whispers. “I’m so close. It’s so good.”

  I draw lazy circles around her clit with my thumb. As soon as her muscles clench around me, I come so hard I almost stumble. After we both return to earth, I press a gentle kiss to her swollen lips.

  “I’m madly, deeply, completely in love with you, Doctor. I hope you enjoyed this experiment.”

  Her eyes twinkle with the light of a thousand stars as her hand drifts to her flat stomach. “Tell that to your future flannel-wearing mini-me.”

  She tells me then, whispering all the things that pour from her heart on waves and waves of love. How strong I am. What a perfect husband. What a loving and protective father I’ll be. I kiss her between the revelations, enjoying the feel of her lips underneath my own.

  I stare deep into her eyes, this woman I adore with every breath in my body, until I want to burst with the force of the emotion.

  “I love you, Gray. I’m so glad I fell in your forest.”

  I cup her cheeks and it hits me just how lucky I am. Together, we’ve created the perfect future from the beauty of nature’s bounty. “I’m just glad you fell for me.”


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