Heart Beat

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Heart Beat Page 10

by Pratt, Lulu

  “I didn’t want to bother you.”

  The truth was, I didn’t want to see Wyatt. Not after our conversation and night together. I feared he would be put off by my reaction to our chemistry. I doubted many women resisted the trap he laid so perfectly, alluring me with his body and confident charisma.

  Another pause. The kind that had sent my mind wandering at his house. He stared at me with an intensity I couldn’t decipher. The uncertainty was overwhelming with possibility. Was he upset with me? Did he find me attractive? Would Wyatt force the issue and pick up the conversation I so abruptly ended on the phone? My heart fluttered waiting to hear the words I could feel forming on his lips.

  “Come with me, Sadie.”

  “Come with you where?” I noticed the hint of excitement in my tone.

  “The Clear Festival. There’s going to be plenty of inspiration there, and a few new artists I need to meet.”

  I’d heard of the festival, of course. But without my first payday from this new gig as his pianist, I couldn’t afford to attend. The annual festival lasted from sun up to sun down, with three different stages showcasing the best up and coming talent from Tennessee and beyond.

  Playing the Clear Festival was a dream for me, though it was far beyond my reach. You had to first break into a market, garner a loyal fan base, and release music people wanted to hear. I had yet to achieve any of those requirements.

  Wyatt, on the other hand, was too successful for a show at the Clear Festival. He was signed to a major label, with massive success throughout the country. Adding him to the lineup would bring the festival past capacity trying to make room for his fans who were willing to travel long distances to support him.

  “It’s work, Sadie. Research. Networking,” Wyatt added when I failed to respond. “We’ll add this to your hours for the week.”

  He walked towards his fancy red sports car as though it was settled, the confidence in each of his steps. I wanted to argue, to tell him I had other places to be even though I didn’t. But I really wanted to go to the concert, and with it now being a part of work, I didn’t see how I could reject his invitation. After a moment of reluctance, I followed him.

  Wyatt played music too loudly to welcome conversation, a detail I was personally happy about. I didn’t look forward to picking up where we’d left off, addressing how electric things were between us. He was my boss, and there was nothing good that could come from us stepping out of bounds with each other.

  We arrived at the Clear Festival at a back entrance reserved for VIPs, according to the signage. A young man approached the driver side of the car, welcoming Wyatt by name without checking the clipboard in his hand. He waved towards a blond man in a white button-down shirt, who sprinted towards the car to take Wyatt’s keys.

  “I’ve never seen valet at a music festival,” I said as we walked towards the entrance.

  “If I had to deal with the traffic getting a parking space, I’d never make it inside,” Wyatt chuckled.

  Somehow his relaxed mood effected mine instantly. I exhaled deeply, walking into the festival with fresh eyes. I’d never been to a music festival for inspiration, or anything related to work. I felt important when a group greeted us at the entrance.

  “Hey, Wyatt! We’ve got a list of people we want you to watch perform. A few new artists to the label. Having you at their show would be great for association,” one dark-haired woman noted.

  “And there are two artists I want to introduce you to backstage. I think they could both be good collaborators,” an older man added.

  “Speaking of introductions,” Wyatt looked to me and my stomach tensed nervously. “This is Sadie Westaway-Dane, the talented new artist who is reviving my career and breathing life into our next album.”

  They all turned to me like they hadn’t even noticed I was standing there. It was endearing to hear him speak so highly of me as a musician. The woman looked me up and down with suspicion before whispering to a short man at her side.

  “It’s a pleasure.” They all embraced me one by one with unique proposals of what they could provide for my career, or how badly they wanted to hear my music.

  “All right, let’s do this!” Wyatt announced after the group had welcomed me.

  I walked on clouds through the festival, soaking up as much information and inspiration as I could manage. Grateful for the opportunity to rub shoulders with people doing just what I wanted, I promised myself I would not do anything to ruin this dream I’d stumbled into.

  Chapter 20


  AFTER A FULL day at the festival, walking from one set to another in a whirlwind of introductions and entertainment, my mind was racing. I had new ideas for video treatments, lyrics dancing about, and a newfound appreciation for Sadie.

  She was brilliant, finding a way to compliment artists without being star struck. She knew how to play the background when necessary, but whenever I asked for her input, she didn’t hesitate to give thoughtful feedback. She could detect flaws in melodies instantly, offering solutions when prompted.

  It was clear that she was passionate about music, a rarity in the business at this stage. There were plenty of people who wanted the success and fame that came along with being a popular artist, but very few cared about being a great artist.

  The latter took dedication and commitment to a craft. If you wanted to master an instrument or technique, you had to practice, longer than the average person was willing to. Sadie had proven to me that she had what it takes, going as far as to reject me before I could even tell her what I wanted.

  She was too smart to be blindsided. She could see what I was thinking before I even admitted it to myself. Something about her just captured me. It was more than her physical appearance, although she was gorgeous. It was more about the way she thought, and even more, the way she made me feel.

  For as long as I could remember, people had been telling me I was a big deal as far as music was concerned. Deep down, I never believed them or bought into the hype others saw in me. With Sadie, I could see in her eyes that she truly thought me worthy of the praise I’d been rewarded as an artist.

  She respected me, seeing more than a handsome face and attractive body. She was an accomplished musician herself, and she admired me in a way that I’d never experienced before. She inspired me to believe in myself as honestly as I ever had.

  “Do you mind if I use your restroom? I couldn’t bring myself to use the Porta-Potties,” Sadie asked when we arrived back at my house.

  “Of course,” I answered excitedly, grateful I wouldn’t have to make up an excuse to extend my time with her.

  I wasn’t ready to part. Not after such an incredible day together. I wanted to hear her perspective on the shows, and know how she thought we could infuse any of the music we’d heard at the festival in the new album.

  So, when she returned, I’d already prepared two of my Jack Daniel’s and sweet tea concoctions. Sadie smiled, accepting the drink. I was relieved, wondering if she really did want to head home immediately or if she too hoped to spend more time together.

  “At this rate, I’ll never get my car back,” she giggled before sipping the drink.

  “I can have someone drop it off to you,” I offered.

  “No, it’s fine,” she waved me off. Carrying the drink, she walked towards the living room, sitting on the sofa before taking another sip. “I needed a drink after a day like today.”

  “It was a lot, huh?”

  “Yeah,” she sighed. “But in the best way. Like, so inspirational and just… emotional, if that makes sense.”

  “I feel the same way. I wanted to go straight to the studio after seeing the new young blond guy perform.”

  “Alex, was it? Or Alec? Something like that.” She squinted her eyes, recalling his name.

  “Yeah, I didn’t know if he was going for the European sound or what with the name, but his set was pretty cool,” I said.

  “I liked him, but it didn’t feel real to
me,” she answered with what felt like apprehension.

  “No?” I frowned. If there was any performer I thought we’d both enjoyed, it was this kid. I hadn’t anticipated her feeling differently. “Why not?” I asked, settling onto the sofa beside her with my own drink in hand.

  “We’re going to need more of these,” Sadie smiled as she finished off her drink.

  “You can have whatever you want.” The words fell from my mouth unexpectedly, but they were absolutely true. Sadie’s eyes narrowed for a moment. Not wanting to make her uncomfortable, I took her glass and left to get her a refill. I could feel the tension rising and wanted to avoid it for as long as possible after the way she reacted the previous night.

  When I returned, she looked deep in thought. I handed her the refilled drink, and she took it without looking into my eyes. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  I sat beside her, wondering what she was thinking until her lips part. “It was like he was reading the greatest speech in the world. It connected, and I agreed with all he was saying, but I knew they weren’t his words.”

  She finally began to explain herself, pausing before adding more depth. “I watched him perform and instantly wanted to know his team. I was impressed by the writing and wondered who had supplied the lyrics. He moved around the stage, and I wondered how many hours he’d rehearsed.”

  I understood her completely. Everything in the music industry was a production, but while most viewers weren’t perceptive enough to see through the smoke screen, Sadie was.

  “It kind of made it so clear why you’re so successful.”

  The words caught me off guard. I hadn’t imagined her bringing this back to me. “Me? How?”

  “You write the lyrics, so when you sing them, you feel that. You’re the author reading his own book, the technician running the software they created. No one could ever perform your songs better than you, because they’re yours. And it’s the same with your performances.” She glanced at me.

  I swallowed my entire drink in one gulp, feeling like my throat was closing in. “My performances? I basically just stand behind the microphone, sing and play a little guitar.”

  “Exactly. Anything else would feel forced, unlike the person singing the song. It’s so authentic, and I think that’s why people connect with you. I know it’s the reason I did.”

  I stiffened instantly. She’d connected with me? God, I’d never wanted someone so bad. I took a deep breath, willing my body to slow down, but it was emboldened by the liquor, ignoring my requests.

  “If I saw you get on stage with choreographed dance steps, I’d know it wasn’t you. I’d see through it. If you posted a selfie online every day, it would ruin my idea of you. I never thought you were a guy who would do that. So it’s refreshing that you don’t. It’s proof that you are who you say you are.”

  I was stunned. She spoke directly to my heart, and my body reacted almost violently, urging me towards her. It took every ounce of control I managed to stay still, rather than attack her with all the passion I felt for her. Sadie looked at me with curiosity.

  “Was that too much? I didn’t mean to weird you out.”

  “You didn’t weird me out,” I said, calmer than I felt.

  “No? How does it make you feel?”

  “Like I need you.”

  “What? You need me? You’re Wyatt Hart,” she huffed in disbelief.

  “Look.” I closed my eyes for a second, trying to stop myself, but it was useless. My fingers pushed through my hair roughly. “I know this whole thing shouldn’t happen,” I motioned between the two of us. “At best, we’re collaborators, working together on a project. At worst, I’m your boss. And I’ve tried to push this back. I’ve tried to ignore this pull between us.”

  I wasn’t alone in this. I could sense it from the way she looked at me with wanting eyes. She wanted me as badly as I wanted her, or at least she thought she did. My body shifted restlessly.

  Thankfully, I was able to stop myself. With one hand on Sadie’s thigh, I froze, waiting for the next move. It was up to her. She had control without question. Whatever she wanted to happen, would. But she had to be the one to make the call.

  “What does that mean?” she finally asked, breaking the pregnant silence.

  “I want you.” I paused, waiting for a response that never came. “You know that. I don’t need to tell you. But I’m not going to move without you telling me you want the same.”

  Sadie swallowed slowly, looking at her drink before chugging it all in one gulp. “You want me to tell you I don’t want you?” Her voice was weak, like speaking the lie hurt.

  “Ideally, I’d like to hear the opposite.” I moved closer, watching as she relaxed as my hand rested on her thigh. Leaning in, I teased the tip of my lips along her neck, speaking softly. “I’d like to hear that you want me, because I’m craving you.”

  “Wyatt,” she whispered. It was a plea, and I instantly put space between us, determined not to force what wasn’t there. Sadie released a soft moan as I backed away.

  “Do you want me to stop?” I asked, looking into her eyes. “I only want what you want.”

  She looked at me with darkened eyes. I was rock solid, praying for permission between labored breath. My manhood hardened further when her lips began to curl upwards with what I hoped was approval.

  “Wyatt, I’ve wanted you from the moment we locked eyes,” she said softly.

  “What does that mean?” I asked bluntly, needing the clarity so that I couldn’t fuck up. I knew what I wanted to hear. And I knew I would do everything within my power to make my wish my reality, including misconstrue Sadie’s answer. I was desperate not to destroy the trust I felt between us. I needed to hear the words.

  “You know what it means,” Sadie breathed, leaning slightly forward, offering herself to me.

  “I need to hear you say it,” I urged her, painfully aroused.

  “Yes.” Sadie’s voice was lustful, yet helpless. She wanted me to take control, and I was ready to do just that. “I want you, Wyatt.”

  I’d never been happier to hear four words in my life. I hesitated, thinking I was dreaming. It was too good to be true. Sadie was perfection; passionate and intelligent on top of being drop-dead gorgeous. She made me feel like the man I wanted to be, and now I would get to make her feel as special as she made me feel.

  Chapter 21


  WYATT’S BODY FELL over me in a wave of lust. His kiss was rough, and the scent of patchouli and sandalwood filled my nostrils. I was already wet with want for him.

  I’d never gone against the rules. A lifetime of playing it safe felt like a mistake the second I tasted Wyatt. This was what I wanted, what I needed. His tongue pressed against mine, and my breath stalled with a feeling I couldn’t place. My heart was beating fast, and my stomach muscles were tense and contracted, my arousal swift and demanding.

  My legs wrapped around his torso as he pushed me onto the sofa, our bodies instantly melding together. Each of us moved quickly, tugging clothes from the other’s body without care. My hands raced over his hot skin, finally released from the limitations I’d put on myself. This was what I’d wanted from the second I saw him, but I forced myself to ignore the pull, knowing it was inappropriate.

  I’d never been so turned on in my life. The slickness between my legs was proof of how badly I wanted him. Pushing the fabric of my dress past my hips, Wyatt quickly trailed down my body, leaving my lips bruised from his aggressive kisses. The lace of my panties ripped in my eagerness to remove them.

  Before I knew what was happening, he’d started kissing my center with soft lashings of his tongue. I cried out, arching my back to shamelessly beg for more. He obliged, licking and kissing my sex before sliding two fingers deep into my slit.

  “You’re hot for me,” he growled before returning to his teasing dance around my clit with his tongue. “You taste so sweet.” I never orgasmed with a guy before, but I was certain th
at Wyatt knew what he was doing.

  “Wyatt,” I moaned, feeling myself already hovering at the cliff of pleasure. I was ready to fall off, having never reached a climax from foreplay. He seemed to have a map to my ecstasy, rushing toward the sensation that was a bit overwhelming.

  “Don’t fight it, Sadie,” his voice was gentler as his fingers stroked me rhythmically, curling to touch a target of pleasurable pain. A wave of warmth was crashing over me.

  It was all too much. My hand fell to his head, urging Wyatt’s head as my body called for the pressure. Tugging at his hair, I cried for him, moving my hips to ride along his tongue.

  When his teeth grazed against my sweet spot, I lost control. Coming fast and hard, my vision went black for a moment. Wyatt moved quickly, sheathing himself in a condom before my legs stopped shaking.

  “Do you want this?” he whispered as he hovered above me. I could smell my arousal on his breath, and it turned me on even further. I glanced down, and his cock was bobbing with want.

  “Fuck yes, Wyatt.” I whispered, looking deep into his eyes. “Please,” I begged when he remained still. I was desperate for him, feeling empty without him.

  He slid into me, my wetness welcoming him. He cock was stretching me, and he released the sexiest moan I’d ever heard. His throaty roar pushed me toward another orgasm instantly. Moving like someone who had studied how to make love to me, Wyatt gripped my hips to position me just right.

  He was needy, and yet commanding. He also knew what I wanted, but he also needed me. I could feel it in the urgency of his movements. It was like his life depended on feeling me, and I was happy to be his lifeline.

  Spreading my legs wide, I opened myself to him, singing his praises as he elevated my body to new levels. It was a new melody between us, an explosion of pleasure, and my new favorite song.

  “Fuck,” he bit out. “You’ll make me come.”

  “I want you to. Let me feel you,” I whispered in his ear.

  His eyes clenched shut as though the words hurt. His body tensed as he lifted himself on both elbows, rising and falling into me faster and faster. Sweat dripped from his body to mine, binding us even further.


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