Sweet Royal Beginnings: Jane & Mikal (A Royal Vow Novel Book 0)

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Sweet Royal Beginnings: Jane & Mikal (A Royal Vow Novel Book 0) Page 1

by Lizabeth Scott

  A Royal Vow Novella

  Sweet Royal Beginnings

  Jane & Mikal

  By: Lizabeth Scott

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  Copyright © 2014

  All rights reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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  The Royal Vow Novels

  Sweet Royal Beginnings – Novella Jane & Mikal

  Sweet Surrender – Mari & Ki

  Sweet Denial – Ella & Zahir

  Sweet Seduction – Kassie & Taj

  Sweet Temptation – Chellie & Siran (Coming Soon)

  Hearts of Gold (Coming 2015)

  A Sheik for Rose

  A Music Star for Annie

  A Cowboy for Mary

  Table of Contents

  Sweet Royal Beginnings

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Next in Line

  Chapter One

  She finally had all ninety-six Julian Bost Elementary School fifth graders in place for their picture on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building with Senator Margaret Redd. She hurried into place in the back right and smiled, waiting for the photographer to give the all clear.

  In her mind she was running through the itinerary for the rest of the afternoon. They still had the National Air and Space Museum and the National Gallery of Art yet to tour. As much as she loved field trips, she looked forward to the long bus ride home. The students would be so tired they would sleep the entire six hour drive home.

  Which meant that she could pull out her paperback and find out what happened next with Prince Omar and his heroine Belinda. She was at a really good part, and she couldn’t wait to find out if Belinda finally tells the prince that she loves him. It was her secret obsession, romance novels. It didn’t matter the genre. Contemporary, western, historical, she loved them all.

  The concept of finding that one special someone was something that she believed in. She refused to give up the dream of one day finding her own hero. It wasn’t like she hadn’t been looking, but she had certainly kissed a lot of frogs. She had had offers of marriage, but she refused to settle. None of her past relationships were the one. They were nice, wonderful men, but they just didn’t do it for her.

  She wanted to be swept off her feet by a dashing gent and whisked away to a happy-ever-after life. When he kissed her she wanted her heart to race and to want nothing more than to fall into his arms and his bed. He would be strong and caring and always consider her needs. And he would be faithful to her. Their love would be so strong she would never even give one infinitesimal thought that he would stray. And he would be so good in bed that he would make her toes curl.

  No, stop…delete! “Arghhhhh!”

  Jane Smith dropped her head into her hands and groaned. That was all crap. It started out pretty good, but then it turned to one hundred percent crap. She wiped her hands over her face and tucked her short blonde curls behind her ears in frustration. The Contemporary Writing class she was taking this semester was kicking her butt. She felt the entire concept of finding one’s true love was obnoxious. And love was just an emotion better suited for dogs and cats not for people.

  No one had ever loved her, and she certainly never found a single person worthy to receive her love, if such an emotion existed. Her parents surely hadn’t loved her when they left her on the steps of a church twenty-three years ago. And her four foster parents certainly never loved her. They loved the paycheck, but not her.

  So how could she write a sappy happy-ever-after writing assignment when everything in her told her it was all just a bunch of lies probably, conceived by greeting card companies? She checked her watch, began to stuff her notebook and papers back in her book bag, slung it over her shoulder, and quickly made her way to her last class. It better not run over today because she could not be late for work. There was a big international group coming in and all the girls had to have special clearance before they were allowed to work the event. There should be big tips involved with high rollers like that.

  She was already thinking of how to split the money she earned tonight between her never ending bills when the classroom door closed behind her.


  “Hurry up Jane. They are already lining up,” Elsa said as she ran by and popped her on the bottom.

  “Hey!” Jane yelped and pushed the last pin in her butt length black wig and ran as fast as her five inch heels would allow. Line-up was a weekly hassle, but all the girls had to do it. There were never any exceptions. Each girl’s weight was checked along with uniforms and costumes to keep in compliance with the club. But it paid well, really well, and let her work just on the weekends so she had time to devote to her college career. And pay for it.

  Shortly after Jane started her first year of college, a girl in one of her classes suggested she apply for a job at The Club. She worked her way up from waitressing to hostess, and now had the best paying job as a dancer. She could easily clear a grand a night, and all she had to do was show her boobs and wear a G-string.

  Of course when she graduated she planned to move away from the city and put her dancing days far behind. She fully intended to forget they ever existed. It was only a means to accomplish her goals. She had her eyes focused on her end goal. She wanted more than anything to be an elementary school teacher.

  The first few beats of her music started, and it was show time. She pushed her nerves down just like she always did. At least she no longer threw up before each performance. The bright lights hit her full on, she heard her cue and started the movements she had perfected to entice the predominately male audience into thinking she wanted each and every one of them. If they only knew she was actually going over her study notes for tomorrow’s calculus quiz in her head.

  Her entire show was done by rote. She was never present in the moment as she danced. Even when her top came off and the cheers and applause became deafening, it was just another night of work. When her dance ended, she bent to pick up the money from the stage floor. That was the moment she felt the most vulnerable. There was no music, the show was over and the reality of what she had done came crashing in. She wasn’t proud of what she had to do, but she wouldn’t apologize for it either.

  “Excuse me, ma’am. I believe you missed one.”

  Jane shivered at the voice she heard before she even turned around to see who spoke. She couldn’t place the accent, but it alone was doing strange things to her stomach. When she turned and saw the owner of the voice, her breath caught in he
r throat and she forgot to breathe.

  His deep blue eyes held her prisoner. She couldn’t look away as they drew her closer to him one step at a time. “I believe this is yours.” He spoke again. Goose bumps ran over her skin. It was impossible to hide her reaction from him in her current state of undress.

  She finally broke his amused gaze and looked down at what he was referring to. A one hundred dollar bill held between two fingers. As he brought the bill up to hand it to her, his knuckle brushed one hardened nipple ever so slightly. She sucked in air as shivers ran straight from her nipple to the land of the lost between her legs.

  The moan she heard couldn’t have come from her. Could it? “Th…thank you.” She breathlessly answered as she slowly pulled the bill from his fingers and tried to cover her breasts with the money she was holding in her hands.

  “How about a…private performance?” His midnight blue eyes smiled right along with his perfect full lips. The total effect was stunning and caused her to lose focus.

  “No...” She swallowed to wet her throat and tried again. “No,” she shook her head trying to convince him or herself, she wasn’t sure. “I don’t do those.” She stumbled over her answer.

  “Pity. Are you sure you couldn’t make an exception? “His left eyebrow slanted up and his lip lifted in a sly grin. “You could bring a friend if you want to. I wouldn’t mind.”

  What was she doing standing there topless talking to someone like him? It was quite obvious what he wanted. She took one last regretful look at him and then turned and walked backstage. He may be the most handsome man she had ever seen, but she wouldn’t lower her standards any more than they already were. It was a pity someone so handsome could turn out to be such a bottom feeder. Bring a friend, ha!

  “Do you know who that was?” Elsa stopped her as she rounded the curtain.

  “Who, that man?” She jerked her thumb backwards towards him.

  “He’s a prince. Next in line to be king I understand. Don’t you watch the news or read any of the rags? He’s like a major player.” Elsa kept trying to peer around the curtain to catch another glimpse of him.

  “Well, he only handed me a bill I dropped.” Jane started pulling the pins from her hair and continued on to the dressing room. It felt so good to get the itchy wig off and run her fingers through her short blonde hair. She loved her no fuss no muss short hair. Five minutes after a shower, a few products later, and she was ready to go. She needed to get back to the dorm and study.

  “He’s so dreamy. I wish I could meet him.” Elsa plopped down in the chair next to Jane’s dressing station and began to adjust her platinum blonde wig and touch up her already perfect stage make-up.

  “I didn’t meet him Elsa. He handed me a bill and that was it, no names were exchanged.” She was not going to tell Elsa that he had wanted more because she would never hear the end of it. She stuffed the money she had earned into her backpack, changed into her blue jeans and T-shirt and threw a plaid shirt over the top.

  “Well I’ve gotta go.” Elsa put down the powder brush and jiggled her top to push her breast up further. “I hear them playing my song. Hey, maybe I’ll get lucky and he’ll hand me some money. Or maybe he’ll get lucky and I’ll take it!” Jane could hear Elsa laugh all the way to the stage. She just shook her head and smiled at Elsa’s incorrigible behavior. It was impossible to not like her.

  Elsa was a lifer. She had no other ambition than to dance at The Club and pick up extra money on the side. Jane was only there for tuition and only to dance. Other than Elsa, Jane had no friends at The Club. She came, she danced, and she left. Once she walked out the backstage door she was once again just plain Jane Smith.

  “Jane,” Randy the manager called as he walked into the girl’s dressing room. He knew he was supposed to knock before entering, but he never did. “I need to see you in my office.”

  “Sure thing Randy. Just let me wash my face. Give me five, okay?”

  “Well, make it snappy. I don’t have all day, you know.”

  Jane washed the heavy make-up from her face, glad to be rid of it. Stage make-up had to be thick so it didn’t wash her out under the lights. Sometimes it felt like it was smothering her. The heavy eye make-up supposedly accented her hazel eyes, but she just found it a pain to remove. And it burned her eyes. After she washed it off, she put on moisturizer and lip gloss, grabbed her book bag, and headed to Randy’s office.

  After knocking and hearing Randy give permission to enter, she pushed the door open and stopped. The man from earlier was standing in front of Randy’s desk his blue eyes detailing every inch of her body. Her breasts spontaneously began to tingle remembering his touch. “Here she is. Jane come in. Prince SuMartra is interested in acquiring your services for the night.”

  Her eyes stuck like glue to his. She heard Randy talking, but she saw what his blue eyes were thinking. “No, thank you. I have already told him I only dance. If that’s all I’ve gotta go.” She turned to leave.

  “Jane,” Randy stopped her, “Prince SuMartra personally asked for you.” Randy said with a bit more force.

  “Randy,” his lyrical accent swept over her. “Perhaps you would give me a few moments with Ms. Smith.” His eyes stayed locked onto hers.

  He waited until the door closed before he turned his full charm on her. “I think we got off on the wrong foot, Ms. Smith. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Prince Heriad Mikal SuMartra.”

  He said his name like he expected her to bow.

  “And….” She was not impressed by his name or his positon. His accent however did it for her, and that was just too bad.

  “And I would like to take you to dinner, if I may.” He turned the full 100 watt smile on her. Even his teeth were perfectly straight and white. But still she wasn’t moved. Or at least she hoped he didn’t know she was.

  “Listen Mike.” She couldn’t help but smile when he cringed over her misuse of his name. “I have already told you I am not for sale.”

  “I do not wish to buy you. I wish to buy you dinner. Only dinner. At a restaurant of your choice.” She was a determined delight. Her obvious lack of interest in his position pleased him.

  The thought of Mike in his fancy suit sitting in a booth at Chiggers Bar and Grill was almost enough to make her accept his invitation. Almost. “Sorry Mike. I’ve really gotta go. It’s been real.” She was gone in a flash and left Mikal scratching his head.

  What just happened? Never had he been turned down. He was thirty years old and had never been dismissed by anyone. But one small slip of a girl, Jane Smith, if that was really her name, had. She didn’t know it, but she had just issued a challenge and he loved a challenge.

  Mikal had watched all three of her shows. Her body was magnificent. Her breasts alone would keep him frustrated for days. Perfect firm round globes perfectly sized for his hands. Her waist and hips were slim and the muscles in her stomach and abs were taut. He desired her. Women in places like this were always for sale, at the right price. He never paid for it, but for her, he was willing to make an exception.

  Her flat refusal had intrigued him. And the way she had reacted to his touch on her breast excited him. It was, of course, no accident. She would be passionate when they came together. And they would. He was now sure of it. She fascinated him as no one ever had before and he found it…refreshing.

  When she had walked into the office, she had taken his breath. In the wig she performed in she had been a temptress. But with her own natural blonde hair, she was spectacular. He had never been attracted to short hair before, but on her, he wanted to run his hands through it and mess it up even more. She was beautiful even without the added make-up she wore on stage.

  Yes, Ms. Jane Smith had met her match, and they would come together. He would bow to her tonight and give her the point, but the match was far from over.

  Chapter Two

  Jane couldn’t believe the nerve of that man. Dinner. Did he think she bought that for even a second? It was very obvious wha
t someone like him would want with someone like her. She was far from the most attractive girl at The Club. Her body was slim and straight. She had even been told she had a boyish figure. Thank goodness she got lucky in the boob department or she would never have landed the dancing job.

  She still blushed when she remembered the interview process she had to go through to get the dancing gig. They had been more concerned about her boobs than about her dancing ability. Which was again in her favor, because she had never had a dancing class in her life. All of her moves on stage she had learned and perfected by watching while she waited tables and practiced in her dorm room.

  The walk back to campus had cooled her down some. She really needed to focus on studying. The test tomorrow was important to her grade point average. She had to maintain a “B” average to keep her scholarship. It wasn’t a full scholarship but without it she wouldn’t be able to afford school. She was able to stay in the dorm for free as the residential advisor so she didn’t have to pay rent on an apartment. It was really the first place she had ever lived that felt like home. She would miss the family atmosphere when she left.

  She walked up the five flights of stairs to her room and dumped her book bag on her bed. She unloaded the money from the night and began her ritual of straightening the bills and sorting them before she counted them. When she got to “his” one hundred dollar bill she took her time straightening it. It even smelled like him. Not that she smelled it or anything.

  All totaled, she had a pretty good night. She got out her envelopes and divided the money into each one, the tuition envelope taking the biggest part. And her “house” envelope the smallest. Someday she hoped to own a house, a house she could paint any color she wanted and decorate any way she wanted, even putting nail holes in the walls to hang pictures on. A wreath would decorate her front door for each season. A big turkey would be cooking in her oven for Thanksgiving, and at Christmas she would have a tree, with presents. The only problem was going to be the turkey. She had no idea how to cook. But she would learn. She would go to the library and check out a cookbook and learn to fix a turkey with all the trimmings.


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