Wolf Leader (Wolves of Wisconsin Book 5)

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Wolf Leader (Wolves of Wisconsin Book 5) Page 6

by Marie Fraser

  “Have you ever been to her before? What are her powers? Does she really do magic?”

  God… and her questions had started. Quickly, Steve began to think of something to change to the topic, but nothing struck him this time.

  “Uh- yeah. I have visited her before.”

  “What for?”

  “I had to ask her for some things. It’s irrelevant, Agnus, really.”

  Agnus raised her brow at him questioningly, and Steve groaned inwardly. But luckily, before she could force him to come clean about everything, the dark forest loomed into view.

  “Are you scared of forests?” Steve asked her, an evil smile playing around his lips.

  “No…,” Agnus said, looking about her hesitantly.

  “Hey, hey,” Steve said, pressing her arm lightly, “it’s alright. You got me, okay? It’s gonna be just fine.”

  Agnus nodded, and they stepped out of the car. She gripped Steve’s hand tightly, and they walked ahead, dodging the spiky branches and leaves. Steve knew the way well. He led her ahead, careful to not take any wrong steps.

  Soon, they were standing in open space. Around them, the trees stood tall and dark. It was a circular space, trees skirting the edges. Steve lit his torch and shed light upon the earthy ground. Agnus gasped beside him. An alchemy circle was carved in red upon the forest floor. It was Steve’s wild guess that the red ink was most probably blood.

  Steve told Agnus to stay absolutely still. He walked over to the very center of the circle. He said a silent chant, brought his fists together instantly and thrust it into the ground.

  In a split second, a lot of things happened.

  The moon whisked swiftly into view, and Agnus’s shrilly gasp pierced right through the pressing silence in the forest. The ground gave away beneath them, and they fell, through a deep, deep hole, finally hitting a carpeted bottom. Pitch black darkness swallowed them from all corners. Steve was lying on his back. Agnus’s shaking fingers brushed against his face, and he curled his fingers around them. From his other hand, Steve withdrew the torch from his pant pocket. The yellow light fell in slender branches across Agnus’s delicate face. She was only inches away from him. Steve looked into her eyes, the honeyed rich shade of them.

  “Have I ever told you how incredibly beautiful you are?” He whispered, and in that tiny space their breaths mixed. Her lips parted, and Steve bent his neck, bringing his mouth forth. And then they were kissing. Warm, wild energy melting in their mouths.

  “Oh, what a pretty girl you’ve brought along, Steve.” The witch’s voice snapped Steve out of his daze, and both of them instantly broke apart.

  What the fuck was he thinking? Kissing a girl in the witch’s lair?

  Steve pursed his lips, and rose to his feet. His ears suddenly felt very hot now. The witch was smiling, her grimy teeth shining as they caught light.

  “I’ve come for business-”

  “But wait a minute,” the witch cut him off mid-way, her eyes screwing in thought, “weren’t you barred from ever touching a mortal girl?”

  Color rushed into Steve’s face, and he wanted to hit her in the face.

  Upon his silence, the witch’s smile grew wider, “After what happened with Nancy?”

  “Stop.” Steve’s voice was cold, and firm.

  “Who is Nancy, Steve?” Agnus asked, and Steve wished he could just evaporate into thin air.

  “Oh…” The witch edged closer. “She doesn’t know, does she?” She asked, and then clapped her hands excitedly. The witch neared Agnus, but before Steve could say anything, she said,

  “Would you like to hear an interesting tale, pretty girl?”

  Agnus looked in confusion between the two of them. The witch gripped her wrist, leading her to the center of the hall where a thick embroidered rug was rolled out. Steve followed after her.

  “Leave her alone, hexe. I’ve something to ask you about.”

  “All in good time, dear,” she said, smiling as per usual.

  “She doesn’t need to know,” Steve said.

  “No, I do, Steve,” Agnus looked at him harshly, “I’m done staying in the dark.”

  Chapter VIII:


  “Well, that’s it,” the witch said, seating done on the carpet. Agnus joined her, while Steve leaned his body against the pillar, his lips pursed, and face in shadow.

  “Steve Turner,” the witch began, “pretty girl, is the leader of the wolf community in the Sauk county-”

  “What?!” Agnus was incredulous. Wolf? How in the world was that possible?

  “Oh, I see, he hasn’t told you anything, has he? I’m afraid you are in for a lot of surprises, then. Well, yes, he’s a wolf. But he appears in his human form most of the times. It is only at night, when he goes on his regular hunts does he transform into his monstrous form.”

  “So, you’re saying that there are more like him? Like a complete community?”

  “Yes, in the whole of North Wisconsin, actually. Their kingdom is in Vilas, where the royal family resides. And so, like every other wolf, Steve was informed of his real identity on his fifteenth birthday. Being immature and careless, he did not pay much heed to the crucial instructions that were told to him by Noah Wesley, the Prince of Vilas. And that cost him everything. For when Steve was seventeen years old, he slept with a mortal girl, Nancy. By doing so, he broke one of the binding rules of his community, which was that he was not permitted to bring a mortal girl to bed until he had turned twenty. With disobedience came of course, serious repercussions. Following his reckless mistake, Steve was forced to swear that he would never be able to bear kids with a mortal girl, and if he did, he would be disbanded from the wolf community. If he wished to marry, he could only do so a girl who belonged to his own community.”

  The witch fell silent.

  Agnus did not know what to say. All this time, Steve knew he couldn’t take it any further with Agnus, and yet….No, Agnus distinctly remembered now. When Agnus had allowed him to take things to the next level, Steve had refused – not because he didn’t want to, but because he couldn’t afford to. He was bound by a stupid curse.

  “But surely,” Agnus spoke finally, “there must be some catch.”

  Steve came out from the shadows, hard lines splayed across his face.

  “No,” he said, “there isn’t it.”

  Agnus felt her heart sink. She couldn’t believe it.

  Steve motioned towards the witch. He withdrew a small glass bottle from his pocket and handed it to her. She surveyed it closely, and then smiled.

  “What is it?” Steve asked impatiently.

  “Information like this comes at a cost, boy.”

  “What do you want this time?”

  “I’ll reveal it afterwards. But you’ll be bound to agree to it.”

  Steve frowned. “This seems unfair. Declare your wishes right now.”

  “Don’t forget whose lair you’re in, young boy.”

  Steve took a moment to consider. “Very well,” he said finally. “Tell us now, whose slime is it?”

  “It is one of fiend’s followers-”

  “You mean – Bane?”

  The witch smiled. “Yes. You remember him, don’t you? After all, you’re the one who slayed his brother.”

  “But, he was killed-”

  “His family was yes, but Bane fled. No one was able to find him afterwards. And now, he’s back. To gain control of Sauk again.”

  “But where did his followers come from? The boys…the disappearances – he is recruiting an army, isn’t he?”


  Agnus noticed the coldness that settled on Steve’s face now. Clearly, he was scheming a plot.

  “But where is his lair?”

  “South of Sauk county, very close from here.”

  “How do we kill him?”

  “Bane’s the host of his followers. Kill the host. His entire army falls to pieces.”

  Steve nodded. “Thank you, that is all I wished to kn
ow.” Agnus rose to her feet, and walked over to his side. He pressed her hand lightly. Agnus’s heart skipped a beat. And right there, in that moment, Agnus resolved to do everything she could to find her way past the curse. This wasn’t it. Her love for Steve wouldn’t be doused by some stupid curse.

  “And now, for my part of the deal,” the witch said, clapping her hands together, grinning. “From this day forth, Steve Turner, you are forbidden to kiss that pretty girl standing next to you. And if you do, your soul shall be forced to submit me till the end of this world.”

  “No!” The world crashed beside Agnus. This was impossible. She couldn’t let that bitch take Steve away from her. But the witch’s smile only grew wider and more malicious, and Agnus took an angry step towards her. Steve gripped her behind, his eyes glassy and face unreadable.

  “Agnus, leave it, you can’t do anything about it. Come on, let’s go.”

  He led her away, and Agnus sensed the tears filling her eyes.

  Chapter IX:


  “Agnus, it’s too dangerous,” Steve told her for the hundredth time. “I agreed to your request earlier but this time, I can’t. Bane is a fucking fiend, don’t you understand? He and his followers are professional fighters. You won’t stand a chance against them, and I can’t promise to protect you. It’s too risky.”

  Agnus stayed silent. She was thinking of something, and Steve didn’t like it. Because this meant she intended to keep something from him, and it was almost always for the worst.

  He walked over to the sofa and sat beside her. He traced the smooth skin of her hand gently.

  “Tell me,” he said, “what is it?”

  “Nothing,” she said, averting her neck to face him. “I agree with you. It’s too dangerous. But you won’t get hurt, right?”

  Steve took in a deep breath. “I won’t. I promise.”

  They sat in silence for some time, and then Steve spoke, “I must leave tonight. The more I wait, the more people he kills and kidnaps.”

  Agnus nodded. And, Steve got to his feet. He opened his bag, and pulled two swords out. He strapped them to his back, and checked for the blades in his boot. When he was ready, he walked over to Agnus’s side and pulled her into his arms.

  She looked deeply sad, and the sight ached Steve’s heart.

  “I can’t even give you a goodbye kiss,” she said, eyes looking away.

  “Hey, hey,” he gently held her jaw, “we’ll find some way out of this, okay? I promise you this is not the end.”

  Agnus nodded, and Steve headed for the door. Stealing one last look of her beautiful face, Steve stepped outside, ready to cleanse Sauk once again.

  * * * * * * * *

  That night, Steve embraced his real form. As he turned into a wolf, a strange energy possessed his body and finally, he felt whole again. He shot through the dark lanes, and empty roads at high speed, the cold winds whipping at his sides. His eyes were fixed ahead, his body radiating a pure sense of purpose and determination.

  He had only ridden an hour, when Steve hit south of Sauk. And, he found a tall, dark edifice loom into view. There were guards stationed at the front gate. Steve counted them quickly. Four. This shouldn’t be too hard. Steve pulled his bow and arrow from his back. Stationing himself carefully behind a tree, he took aim. The arrow whizzed through the cold sir, and hit right in the beast’s heart. Steve’s movements were fast. For as soon as his first victim toppled to the ground, he was followed by another. The next two beasts grew alert of his presence and rushed towards the edge of the forest. Steve quickly withdrew his word, and in one clean blow, he slit their heads off.

  Quietly, Steve tip-toed to the entrance, and tried the door. It was locked. The keys dangling from the guard’s belt shone under the moonlight, and Steve unhooked them instantly. Inserting the key, he rushed inside, closing the door behind him.

  Chapter X:


  Even when Agnus promised to Steve she would stay back at home, she knew she was lying. She’d come too far on this trail now, and there was no way she was going to stop. And so, when Steve left her apartment, right after thirty minutes, Agnus sneaked into the night, armed with two blades and a sword.

  When Agnus reached Bane’s lair, she found dead bodies of two guards at the entrance. It was evident that Steve was already inside. Agnus snuck inside and found the corridors shrouded in darkness. She had only walked a few steps, when loud voices and the sound of swords clashing sharply, echoed in her ears. Instantly, Agnus followed the sound. She walked down an extensive hallway. It ended in a huge hall. Agnus peered inside and saw two men dueling each other furiously. Agnus’s heart sank. For on her side of the hall stood Steve, his face bruised and thick blood rushing down his face. Without thinking, Agnus rushed inside, blade in her hand. She aimed it at Bane and it missed him by a close call. Furiously, Bane rushed at her, and Agnus held her blade, horrified by his swift movements. But before he could hit, Agnus heard the sound of a sword sheathed beside her. A swift swish and a sword drove through Bane’s stomach. But Bane’s body was too heavy and it toppled ahead, his fangs digging into Agnus’s neck.

  Agnus let out a blood-curling scream. Pain spiked through every cell in her body, and Agnus gasped for breath. She knew she was going to die, for she couldn’t breathe and a raging fire roared through her blood. Steve was by her side, and he cradled her face.

  “Agnus,” he said impatiently, “please stay with me.”

  “I-I love you, Steve,” Agnus whispered, her voice faint and quaking with pain.

  And Steve brought his mouth to her neck, and sucked her blood. Agnus was horrified. She couldn’t understand what he was doing, until the pain began to subside from her body.

  And then - an unusual thing happened. Agnus’s body began to squirm furiously, and Steve withdrew his mouth from her neck. Agnus looked at him in horror, but he appeared calm. Agnus’s hair stood on end, long and pearly white. And a tail pulled out from her back. In a split second, Agnus’s body had transformed into a wolf.

  And, Agnus had never felt more wonderful in her whole life.

  Chapter XI:


  The next morning, when Steve’s eyes shot open, he was breathing heavily. Sweat smeared half his face, and his heart thumped so frantically as if it would burst any moment now. As flashes of his nightmare traversed his mind, he shuddered. He had seen her die. Right before his very eyes. And he had done nothing about it. For the enemy wolves had reached to her first.

  Steve’s mind throbbed under the weight of those devilish images. He closed his mind, forcing the darkness in, to replace those ugly scenes. To wipe them away. Steve couldn’t breathe. His chest was still lurching, and his stomach, too, and he barely reached the nearest basin before he was sick.

  He clutched the edges of the bowl, dragging in ragged breaths as his heart finally slowed. He wiped his mouth with a shaking hand, straightened, and continued towards the bathroom. He was already unbuttoning his tunic when he reached the doors and saw that the room beyond wasn’t empty.

  Agnus was perched on the stone rim of the large bath set into the floor, dipping a comb into the water and running it through her loose hair. She was wearing only a robe, open at the waist, and though Steve had witnessed most of her last night, he still blushed at the sight of so much fair skin. His shirt still half buttoned, his hands slid back to his sides. At the very sight of her face, he sensed a tremble ripple through his body.

  Agnus’s amber eyes drifted up to him. “You’re awake.”

  Steve ran a hand through his hair warily, his brows furrowing under the exhaustion.

  Agnus seemed to sense the discomfort tugging at his mind, and so asked, “What’s wrong?” The comb came to rest in her lap as she took in his creased face. “Do you want me to go?”

  He honestly didn’t know. But after that nightmare, and long periods of ambiguity, he couldn’t pretend anymore, couldn’t pretend that everything was alright, and the thought of being alone wit
h his thoughts terrified him.

  Agnus was starting to rise when he said, “Don’t.”

  She sank back to her knees. And Steve began to undress with quick, efficient motions. He expected Agnus to look away, but she watched steadily, a curious light in her eyes as the servants peeled off his shirt, unlaced his sandals, unfastened the buttons at cuff and collar with hands steadier than his. The servants peeled away his shirt, exposing his bare, creamy white chest, smooth except for the scars at ribs, slender shafts swirling beneath his heart. Branded obviously in night hunts.

  Steve stepped forward. He left his trousers on and padded barefoot straight down the beautiful inlaid steps and into the bath, the warm water embracing his ankles, his knees, and his waist. The clear pool fogged around him. He waded to the center of the bath and went under, folding to his knees on the basin floor. His body tried to rise, but he forced all the air from his lungs and dug his fingertips into the grate on the bath floor, and held on until it hurt, until the water smoothed around him, and the world began to tunnel, and no more water condensed on his warm skin.

  And when at last he rose, breaking the surface with a ragged gasp, Agnus was there, robed discarded on the edge of the bath, her wavy chocolate brown hair held up by some deft motion of the comb. Her hands floated from the surface of the bath like lilies.

  “What’s wrong, Steve?” she whispered, her breath soft against the nape of his neck. And before he could answer, she was kissing him, her fingers brushing his hips beneath the water. Heat flared through him, simple and physical, and Steve fought to keep his senses as Agnus’s hands caught the laces of his trousers and began to drag them loose.

  He wasn’t sure if he wanted this to happen now. Or in the water at least. But they were alone, and the light swirls off fog lifted off and past his nostrils, doing something to his head. Agnus’s eyes were liquid marbles of honey, lashes fluttering delicately over them and coaxing him closer to her. Such a delicate face that held so much unknown wonder, and a kind of power he couldn’t comprehend. But he wanted what she embodied.


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