Tease Me (Temptation Series Book 2)

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Tease Me (Temptation Series Book 2) Page 17

by Kally Ash

  “Right. Thanks.”

  Beau stepped into the club, his eyes scanning for either Vee or Lisa. He walked toward the bar, pushing past people and trying to avoid making eye contact with anyone. On his second pass of the floor, a shrill laugh caught his attention. He turned, the crowd spreading like he’d willed it to reveal Lisa with a martini in her hand. She was talking to another man, her free hand flirtatiously touching him on the shoulder and bicep. That wasn’t what pissed him off though. It was the fact that she was drinking while pregnant. Was she that stupid?

  His anger was like a living thing inside him, forcing him into action. He strode over to her, the words he wanted to hurl at her burning on the tip of his tongue. Grabbing her by the shoulder, he spun her around, her drink spilling from her glass and tipping all over him.

  “Hey!” she shouted, staring at her now empty glass. “That was my—” She looked up, the color draining from her cheeks. “Beau?”

  “Hey, man, you owe the lady a drink.”

  He stared at the twentysomething guy, hating everything about him. “Fuck off,” he barked. “Lisa, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

  She tried to pull free of his grip, but he tightened his hold. “You’re pregnant. What do you think you’re doing?”

  The douchebag said, “Wait, you’re what?”

  “Pregnant, you cocksucker. I doubt you’d want to have anything to do with her. Now, why don’t you take yourself home to Mommy,” he sneered.

  He watched the guy turn tail and run, then turned his attention back to Lisa. “I’m waiting.”

  “For what?” she retorted, her arms folding over her chest in defiance. “What are you doing here?”

  “What am I…?” He was at a loss for words. Looking around at the overflowing drinks, at the blatant use of drugs, he asked, “What am I doing? What the hell are you doing?”

  She huffed. “I came out with some of my girlfriends.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “I thought you said you didn’t have any friends, Lisa. You begged me to go to prenatal appointments with you because you claimed there was nobody else who would go with you.”

  “I…” Her eyes darted to someone behind him and he glanced over his shoulder to find Vee standing there with Natasha. He knew Vee hadn’t texted him. Had it been Natasha? She mouthed something to him but couldn’t make out what she said.

  When he turned back around, Lisa was in tears. Oh, for fuck’s sake. This was the last thing he needed: hysterics.

  She clutched at her stomach, tears streaming down her face. “We lost the baby. I’m so sorry.”

  He shook his head, unable to believe what he was hearing, what level she was stooping to. Un-fucking-believable.

  “I don’t believe you.” His tone was cold and even. “I don’t believe you. Were you even pregnant in the first place?”

  The tears stopped flowing, her face smoothing out like she hadn’t even just had an emotional outburst. “You belong with me, Beau.”

  He ran his hands through his hair, wondering if this was actually happening. Was it actually happening? “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  She straightened her spine. “We belong together.”

  “Your five minutes are up, buddy,” a man said, and Beau turned at the sound of his voice. The bouncer. Of course.

  “Hey, man. Thanks.” He pointed at Lisa. “I found her. Thanks for letting me in.” Taking Lisa by the wrist, he pulled her outside with him despite her protests.

  “Let me go, Beau!” she screeched, yanking her arm away. She glared at him, her expression like thunder. “You had no right to do that!”

  “I had no right to come and collect the woman who was supposed to be pregnant with my child because she was fall-down drunk at a club?”

  “Well, now you know I’m not pregnant.” She threw the words at him. “Are you happy now?”

  “Happy? Am I happy? You single-handedly ruined my entire life!”

  She stepped into him, putting them toe-to-toe. “Well, you ruined mine first.”

  “We broke up, Lisa. It’s over. Why the fuck did you think a fake pregnancy would be the answer? How in the hell did you get that positive pregnancy test when I was sitting outside the goddamn bathroom? And what about the positive blood test?”

  “I had a sample of my pregnant friend’s pee stashed in my bag, okay?” she admitted with a shrug. She wasn’t even sorry. She wasn’t even remorseful for what she’d done, for the pain she’d caused. “And I never got a blood test.”

  “How did you see this playing out, huh? In a couple of months, it would’ve become clear you weren’t pregnant, so what were you going to do then?”

  Crossing her arms, she just stared at him. It was almost as if she were saying you figure it out.

  “You were going to get pregnant to cover up the lie?” he hissed, his hands making another trip through his hair. “Why would you think I’d touch you again?”

  Shrugging, she said, “That’s the beauty of alcohol.”

  Did he ever know this woman? She was going to get him drunk, get impregnated and, what, they live happily ever after?

  “You’re unbelievable. Unbelievable!” He stalked away, only to return a moment later. “You and I will never get back together again. And after this stunt?” He couldn’t even finish his thought. All that was running through his head was thoughts of ways he could hurt her more than she’d hurt him.

  “It’s over, Lisa.”

  “Beau,” she started, desperate.

  “No! Fuck you.”

  Pushing past her, he began walking back to his car. He passed loved-up couples as he walked, hating them all just a little but hating himself more. How could he have been so stupid to believe Lisa? He should’ve asked more questions, realized there was no possible way she could’ve been pregnant by him. If he actually bothered to think it all through, he would’ve realized it sooner.

  He wondered if this changed anything with Vee. Vee. He stopped dead, making one guy behind him swear at him.

  “Sorry,” he muttered, stepping to the side to let the foot traffic flow past. This changed everything, didn't it? Lisa wasn’t pregnant. He wasn’t going to be a father. He had no reason to remain loyal to her.

  “But that wasn’t the issue,” he told himself. Lisa being pregnant didn’t mean a thing to Vee. The fact that he’d failed to tell her about it in the first place was the problem. So how could he make it better? How could he fix this? Evangeline was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, have a family with. She was it for him and he’d lost her twice now. He wouldn’t be doing it again.

  Spinning around, he began back to The Nightingale, determined to explain to her that he was going to prove himself to her, that they were going to be together again. He rounded the corner, seeing the line to get in. This time, he waited—somewhat impatiently—to be let back in again.

  At the front of the line, the same bouncer who let him in before looked him over.

  “She didn’t go back in,” he told him. “She got an Uber or something.”

  “I’m not here for her,” he replied. “Can I go in?”

  With a curt nod, he stepped aside and let Beau inside. It took him a few minutes to get adjusted to the dimness of the club, his gaze traveling over everyone in there, scanning the crowd for Evangeline. He hoped she was still there.

  He saw Natasha in one of the booths, chatting with a guy who looked like he’d just stepped off a surfboard. She turned her head just then, seeing him there. Turning back to the guy, she said something and got up.

  “You know the truth then?”

  He nodded. “You were the one to text me?”

  “I was. You deserved to find out what a snake she is.”

  “How did you—”

  “Find out?” she asked. “Vee and I were in the bathroom when we overheard Lisa talking to her friend. She was actually laughing about how she played you and believed every single lie she fed you.”

  “I’m gl
ad I found out. I mean, it would’ve all come out eventually, I guess.” Although as he said the words, he wondered whether her plan would’ve played out like she wanted.

  “What are you going to do now?”

  “Where’s Vee? I’m going to make this right.”

  Natasha’s expression fell, but she pointed to a table about thirty feet away. Beau turned, and everything seemed to move in slow motion. Evangeline was sitting beside a guy who had his hand on her knee as he leaned in and whispered something in her ear. He could feel his blood pressure rising but jerked when someone touched his arm.

  “I know this sucks, and I was rooting for you, Beau—really I was—but you hurt her for a second time.”

  “I love her,” he hissed, irrationally angry at Natasha for stopping him from killing the guy eye-fucking his girl.

  “If you love her, let her be happy.”

  “She can be happy with me. I know she can.”

  Natasha shook her head slowly. “She was happy with you, but I can’t let you break her again.”

  “I wouldn’t. I won’t.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I just do.” It was a weak answer and he knew it. He had no idea what was around the corner. All he did know was that he loved that woman.

  “If you love her, let her choose to come back. She knows the truth now, just like you do. She has to be the one to choose.”

  He looked back at Evangeline. She actually looked happy talking to this other guy. Happy and... carefree. He had only caused her pain.

  “You’re right.” Turning to Natasha, he said, “You’re right. I have no right to ask her to come back to me another time. I’d only hurt her again.”

  She nodded, but didn’t smile. “I’m sorry this happened to you, Beau. I like you.”

  “Thanks,” he replied softly, leaving the club and leaving behind the dream life he’d thought he’d have with Vee.


  Evangeline’s skin prickled with awareness as Ethan leaned in and whispered in her ear. His question was a simple one, and one she’d asked many times before.

  Want to get out of here?

  They were six simple words. Six simple words and she would be leading him to her apartment—or him leading her to his—and stripping off her clothes. They wouldn't talk because they wouldn't need to. They would take what they wanted from each other and leave satisfied.

  No mess. No emotions. Just fucking.

  She could do that. She could.

  Looking at him, she smiled. “Let me just go to the bathroom first.”

  He smiled. “I’ll be waiting, Evangeline.” He said her name like he’d just promised to do deliciously sinful things to her body.

  She slid from the table, passing by Natasha.

  “I’m out,” she said softly.

  “The guy?” she asked, her eyes alight.

  “The guy,” she replied. “Stay safe, okay?”

  “You too, babe.”

  Evangeline wound her way through the crowd, navigating to the ladies’ room. She didn’t really need to go; she just wanted a moment to breathe. Planting her hands on the edge of the sink, she sank into them and looked at her reflection. Her mouth stretched into a smile briefly, then disappeared. She could do this. She needed to forget Beau and the only way she knew how to do that was to physically remove him with the touch of another man.

  Ethan was charming. He was attractive. He was smart, funny, and he understood her life. He had the same life.

  Yet, she hesitated. She felt like she would be betraying Beau if she were to sleep with this guy. But what did she owe him? He lied to her so easily, unwilling to let her make her own decision about what was going on. Turning on the faucet, she cupped her hands under the flow and splashed her face with water. She could do this.

  “I can do this,” she repeated.

  Snapping some paper towels from the holder, she dried her hands and threw it into the trash can by the door. With one final exhale, she walked back to the table.

  “Ready, beautiful?” Ethan asked.

  She nodded, picking up her purse from where it sat on the table. “Your place or mine?” she asked over her shoulder.

  “I’m on Melrose,” he said.

  Closer. “Your place it is.”

  He took her hand, twining her fingers with him. The action was so familiar she jerked away.

  “I’m sorry,” Ethan said. “Too much?”

  “No, it’s not that,” she replied.

  “Really?” he asked, staring at her with a knowing smile. “I get it. I just slipped back into couple mode. I know that this isn’t about building a relationship. This is fucking to forget, right?”

  “You make it sound so cheap.”

  He shrugged. “When human beings get hurt, they need comfort.”

  “But doesn’t it feel strange that we both know this is what we’re doing?”

  He smiled. “Doesn’t it feel great that we’re both getting the comfort we need?”

  He was right. She needed this. Forgetting the feel of Beau on her skin, being in her, was a memory she wanted to erase.

  “You’re right.” She smiled. “I need this.”

  He stretched out his hand, offering her the chance to choose. Tentatively, she slid her hand into his and let him lead the way.

  Ethan’s place didn’t look like much from the outside, but inside, the loft conversion was edgy and minimalist, and she immediately liked it.

  “It’s not much,” he said.

  “No, I like it. It’s no-nonsense, to the point.”

  He wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her into the line of his body. She could feel the strength in his arms, the pull she felt toward him. About a month ago, she would’ve happily kept him as a fuck buddy. Leaning in slowly, he kissed her slowly and thoroughly until she was left panting for air. His hands ran down her arms, settling on her waist before sinking lower.

  Beau used to touch her like this. Beau. Her Beau. She broke the kiss, staring at him. He sighed.

  “You’re thinking about him, aren’t you? The guy you walked away from?”

  Guiltily, she nodded. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I get it. Too soon?”

  She stepped away, her legs a little shaky. “I’m sorry.”

  “Nah, don’t be. If I’m honest, it feels a little weird to me too. I can’t stop thinking about my ex.”

  Evangeline laughed. “We’re a good pair, aren’t we? We can’t even get over our exes?”

  Ethan grinned. “At least we tried, right?” She nodded. “How about this: we watch some trashy TV and get drunk.”

  “Actually, that sounds perfect.”

  “So what are you going to do?” Ethan asked, scooping out a handful of popcorn from the bowl sitting between them. Never in a million years did she think this is where they’d end up. How did this go from a straightforward hookup to them hanging out and talking about running bars and where their former relationships went wrong?

  “What can I do?” She took her own handful of popcorn, dropping it into her mouth. “He knows that I know about Lisa’s lies, but he never came back to the club. That’s got to mean something, right?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe. Maybe not. If I’d just found that out?” He whistled through his teeth. “I’d want to just be alone to process that for a while.”

  “You think I should just leave him to think?”

  “Maybe for a day or two. Then I suggest you just go over there and apologize for being a damn fool.”

  “Hey,” she replied in mock outrage, throwing some popcorn at him. “I had a legitimate reason for being angry with him.”

  Ethan flicked some popcorn from his shoulder. “Yeah, you did, but from what it sounds like, you were also being stubborn.”

  She crossed her arms in a huff. “What about you?”

  “Me? What about me?”

  “Tell me what happened with your girl.”

  “Oh, that,” he said, his tone sudden
ly somber. “Yeah, I’m not sure what’s going to happen there.”

  Tucking her leg under her, she turned her body toward him. “Who left who?”

  “She left me, I’m afraid to say.”

  “And what did you do?”

  He sighed, looking down at his hands for a minute. “I didn’t do anything... I don’t think.” He looked at her, searching her face. “She said I worked too much.”

  “But that bar… It’s your life.”

  “Uh-huh, but she doesn’t see it that way. All she sees it as is something to distract me.”

  “If I’m going to be honest with you, she sounds a little needy.”

  A ghost of a smile touched his lips. “She is, but I like it. I like to be needed.”

  “You’re breaking my heart, Ethan,” Evangeline said.

  “What? Why?”

  “Well, we never would’ve worked out if this thing progressed into anything more. I like independent, strong men who don’t need or want to be relied on.”

  “Like your ex, huh?”

  Beau truly was the man she wanted. Would he ever take her back after the way she treated him though?

  “You should go and see him. Tomorrow or the next day.”

  “Maybe I will,” she said softly. “And you need to cut back on your hours if this girl is the one for you.”

  “Maybe I will,” he said, his words echoing hers.

  Evangeline’s phone beeped. It was a text from Natasha.

  Home safe. I got three.

  The text was signed out with a winking emoji and she shook her head.

  “What does that mean? She got three?” Ethan was peering over her shoulder at the message.

  “Three orgasms,” she replied.

  Ethan snorted. “Tell her I gave you four.”

  “You’re awfully confident about that.”

  “Well, my ex never complained.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “Maybe that was the real reason she left.”

  “That’s cold, Evangeline.” She shrugged. “So, are you working tomorrow?”

  “Yeah. I’ll head in around four. You?”


  She looked at the time. It was nearing five in the morning. They’d been talking for hours.


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