Dog Justice

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Dog Justice Page 4

by Cherie A. Rohn

the one he vaguely remembered from the crime scene.

  “Are you Alexander Allen?” Kelly asked.

  “Yeah. So what?” The smell of alcohol was so strong that Detective Kelly took an involuntary step backward.

  “That dog you picked up a few days ago—a little Schnauzer—do you know where he is? We just came from animal control and he’s not there.”

  Howls from an animal clearly in pain echoed throughout the house.

  “Stand aside,” ordered Kelly. He shoved Alex out of his way, racing toward the urgent cries. Victoria stuck to Kelly like a shadow.

  In the kitchen, chained to an old stove, a miniature German Schnauzer strained wildly at the King Kong-sized choke chain around his neck.

  Herman shouted but what came out was a strangled whisper. “I knew you’d find me, Victoria. Even Thomas believed we could trust you!”

  Complete shock swept over the two. Kelly turned pale. Victoria swayed, about to faint.

  An angry voice brought them back to their senses. “You can’t take him. He’s mine,” screamed Alex, jumping between Herman and the intruders.

  “Quiet, while I add up all the things I’m going to charge you with,” snapped Kelly now in control of his senses. “For starters, dognapping, suppressing evidence in a homicide, cruelty to animals.

  “Listen, Alex, I’m going to give you a break. I’m taking custody of this dog, and I advise you to forget the whole thing.”

  Alex released Herman with great reluctance. “If only my friend would send me the money he promised,” Alex whined. “I wouldn’t have to mess around with lousy talking dogs that refuse to talk!” But by this time he was addressing an empty room.


  A Dream that Isn’t a Dream

  In the quiet refuge of Victoria’s penthouse apartment, an exhausted Herman lay on Victoria’s plush armchair gathering enough strength to speak. Gingerly, he turned his bruised neck to face his rescuers.

  “My friend Thomas named me Herman. I only want you to promise me two things. Then I’ll tell you anything you wish.”

  “Whatever you want, I’ll do it if I can, Herman,” answered Victoria. All the while, she was wondering. My goodness! I’ve had some strange experiences, but am I really having a conversation with a dog?

  “First,” rasped Herman, “I want you to make absolutely sure the ones who killed Thomas are punished and second, if anything happens to me, I want to be buried next to my friend.” Victoria nodded assent.

  Herman explained the whole story up to the time of his rescue. He paused often to drink from the clear bowl of cool water Victoria had thoughtfully placed in front of him. Victoria and Kelly listened with rapt attention, hardly blinking for fear they would soon wake up from this incredible dream.

  “…and that’s all I know.” Herman sighed as if the weight of the world had been lifted from his aching shoulders.

  Victoria inhaled deeply to steady her reeling thoughts. “You came to the right person, Herman. I give you my solemn promise I’ll do everything humanly possible to bring Thomas’ killers to justice. And I’ll use every resource in my power to see that the world benefits from your special gift. You can count on my personal protection, my new friend. I don’t say this lightly.” She gave Herman a reassuring pat. Victoria picked up the phone on the antique table by her side and dialed quickly. In less than a minute, she was talking with her most trusted lawyer. They arranged a meeting for the following morning.

  She turned to Detective Kelly. “Until Thomas’ attackers are behind bars and Herman is legally under my protection, we need a temporary place to hide him.”

  In an instant, it came to her. “What about the Victory, my yacht? I can instruct Captain Wolf to anchor off shore…”

  “Great idea,” Kelly piped in. Now I realize why this woman is so successful, he observed. She makes the Energizer Rabbit look like it’s standing still!

  “…and Scarlet, my personal secretary, can keep an eye on our poor friend here,” Victoria continued. “He could really use some TLC.”

  Herman looked up, a glint of hope in his eyes. “I know Scarlet will bring Bijou, her poodle. She can’t go anywhere without that little dog.” Victoria gave Herman a sly wink.

  Herman’s pulse raced at the thought of seeing Bijou again, but fatigue and pain won out. “What if she doesn’t want to see me?” he whispered as he drifted into peaceful unconsciousness. For the second time in his short life, Herman sank into a deep, dreamless sleep.


  The Victory, a Luxury Yacht

  “Are you sure this isn’t some kind of a trick?” Captain Wolf squinted hard at Herman who had politely introduced himself to the captain, their five-person crew, Scarlet and, once again, Bijou.

  At the sound of a human voice flowing from Herman’s mouth, Scarlet screeched, “The dog’s talking! The dog’s talking!” Her eyes rolled back in her head and she toppled over in a faint.

  It looked like no real harm was done. Scarlet began to regain consciousness. The distraction gave Herman just the opportunity he was hoping for—a chance to take Bijou aside.

  A lot has happened since our last meeting, Herman thought, half-afraid to look at Bijou for fear she would drift away like a beautiful white cloud. Bijou was so close, he could make out the little pattern of curly, poodle fur covering her snow-colored forepaws.

  Good thing I ate that dog biscuit, Herman told himself. The box said, “Keeps doggie breath in check.” Sure hope it works.

  “Thanks for delivering the envelope with the red star on it, Bijou. Without your help, I’d still be chained to that smelly stove.”

  Bijou forced a big smile, determined to hide her alarm at how haggard and thin Herman appeared. Why even his beautiful black eyes have lost some of their luster, she noticed, saddened by his painful ordeal.

  Bijou cocked her head to one side, her little bow mouth turning up at the corners in a mischievous smile. “How could we meet again if I didn’t make certain Victoria read that letter?” Bijou placed her dainty paw ever so gently on Herman’s somewhat scraggly one.

  Bijou’s touch sent shock waves racing up and down Herman’s spine. His normally wiry hair straightened as if he had stuck his paw in an electrical outlet. Herman’s flying-saucer eyes stared unblinking into space. Red, green and blue lights exploded in his head and a crooked, cartoon-smile froze comically on his face.

  Bijou giggled into her paw at the hilarious sight. I do believe I’m having quite an effect on that dog, she mused. I'd better leave him alone. He might be embarrassed if I’m still here. Bijou thoughtfully returned to Scarlet’s side.

  “Oh no,” Herman groaned regaining his senses. “She’s gone. I made a fool of myself.”

  Scarlet was sitting up now, looking less pale. Victoria inwardly scolded herself for not warning her friend about Herman.

  “Captain Wolf,” announced Victoria. “What you see and hear is the real thing. And it’s everyone’s job to make certain that no one, and I mean no one, catches so much as a glimpse of Herman.” Victoria aimed her famous “I mean business” look at Captain Wolf, Scarlet, and the entire crew. I’m relying on all of you to carry out my orders. I’ve had each of your favorite foods and other supplies stored on board. Plus, my personal chef is here to cook for you. All I ask, my dear friends, is that you communicate only with me. If the public hears about Herman you can imagine the mess it would create. And it would put our poor friend here in great danger.”

  In less than a week the authorities granted Victoria legal custody of Herman. The tough little critter grew stronger with every passing day. Anything less would be impossible considering the attention and care he received, especially from a snow-white poodle.


  The “Doggonedest Dog Detective”

  Meanwhile, Detective Kelly systematically pieced together his case against Thomas’ alleged killers. It’s a clever scheme even if I say so myself. All I need are the answers to a few crucial questions from my star witness.

  Kelly l
eaped from the launch to the gangway. He sprinted up the stairs leading to the Victory’s carefully waxed deck. Rocky gave his old friend a good-natured slap on the back.

  “Good to see you Kel. Victoria is expecting you, the “Doggonedest Dog Detective,” as she fondly refers to you.” The two exchanged hearty laughs on the way to the lounge.

  “My goodness!” Kelly exclaimed taking in the whimsical scene before him. Herman reclined on a great stack of pillows amid the quiet richness of the wood-paneled room. Victoria and Scarlet hovered nearby like maternal aunts fussing over a newborn infant. Bijou adjusted Herman’s new plaid blanket, taking care to tuck it gently around Herman’s still scrawny body.

  Kelly, quick to notice Herman’s improved physical appearance, shook his head in mock seriousness. “If I knew it was going to be this tough for you, Herman, I would have found you another place.”

  “Yeah, but somebody has to do it,” Herman responded with a devilish grin.

  “I see you’re pretty busy, Herman, so if you can answer a couple of questions, I’ll be on my way.”

  “Ladies.” Kelly smiled broadly at the three females and nodded his head. Absentmindedly, he removed the well-worn toothpick from his breast pocket and held it poised in one hand.

  Victoria noticed Detective Kelly’s drawn appearance. “You look like you could use a cup of hot coffee, Detective Kelly. Has it been a long day?”

  “A cup of coffee sure sounds good, Victoria. This case is taking a lot out of

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