Urban Nights- Saint & Narlei

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Urban Nights- Saint & Narlei Page 3

by Mercy B

  Narlei followed behind her after checking the mirror to be sure she was ready to go. Staring back at herself, she appreciated the caramel skin that coated her body with the cinnamon hues serving as little pleasantries. With each step she took toward the door, her nerves consumed her even more.

  “You sure you’re okay with keeping Ainsley?” She deflected.

  “Don’t play with me. Open that door with your nervous ass. I’ll lock up behind me,” Juicy waved.

  “Why didn’t you use your key to come in, anyway?” Narlei frowned.

  “Because I wasn’t sure if you had your date in here or what. Didn’t want to walk in on nothin’ I’d regret seeing. Don’t worry about Ainsley. It’ll be late when you make it back, so come get her when you wake up. Get some dick if he’s willing to give it to you.”

  “Juicy!” Narlei made it to the door.

  “I’m just saying. It’s been a while, girl. Let that thang hang!” Juicy gyrated her hips. “Let them lips drip!”

  “Juicy!” Narlei yelled.

  “Aight. Damn. I see you’ve got your panties in a bunch. I’ll see you, tomorrow. And, when I do, I want to know every fucking detail!”

  “Like I want to know every detail about what happened to your neck and don’t think I didn’t see your arm, either!”

  “Ain’t shit went on but some ass whooping. I’ll tell you about that shit, later. Get the damn door before the man beat it down!”

  The beating on the door began, again. Biting the inside of her lip, Narlei swallowed the air pocket that had made its way into her throat. She twisted the knob of her door, the smell of marijuana greeted her, along with the lowered lids of a smiling Saint.

  Narlei could’ve sworn he looked even better than he had a few hours ago as if it was even possible. Maybe it was the fact that she hadn’t seen a man worth mentioning in months or that she’d heard great things about him from two very reliable people that made him look more handsome. She couldn’t quite put a finger on it.

  “Shit. You showing out, tonight, huh?”

  “Tonight? You say that as if you’ve seen me more nights than this one,” Narlei reasoned.

  “I’m sure you didn’t look this fucking good, no matter what night it was. Got me looking like a bum and shit,” he tittered, stirring the blood that flowed through Narlei’s heart.

  “Should I go change?” She pointed inside of her home.

  “For what? That’s how shit supposed to be. Outshine me, shawty. Next time, I need to make sure that wrist, those ears, that neck, and those fingers are icy. But, fuck it, let’s roll.”

  Saint stepped closer, grabbing Narlei’s hand and pulling her closer. He was desperate to smell something other than chicken grease and biscuits on her skin as he had earlier. Satisfied with the peachy mist that she’d glazed her body with, he placed his chin in the crook of her neck.

  “You got my dick hard,” Saint admitted, never one to shy away from the truth.

  A gasp followed his revelation as Narlei stepped back to digest the information she was given. To her dismay, her eyes betrayed her and ended up locked in on the massive print in his denim. Closing them, she tried gathering herself while putting out the fire that he’d ignited inside of her.

  “This nigga has a mind of his own, too, so I suggest we get going before we both end up needing to change,” Saint continued his brutality, having no sympathy for a sexless Narlei.

  Saint waited until Narlei was off the porch and in front of him to follow behind. The residents of Southside littered the court, everyone stopping whatever they were doing to acknowledge Saint, who simply nodded in response to their greetings. It didn’t surprise Narlei to find a black Tahoe parked in the lot with the ignition activated.

  “Catch,” Saint barely gave her a heads up before the keys in his hand were tossed her way. She managed to catch them on the tip of her middle finger.

  “Why are you giving me these?” Narlei asked as she watched him head for the passenger side of the truck.

  “Because you’re driving.”

  With that, he lifted himself into the truck and left Narlei to do the same. Confusion and adornment both circling her system, she continued and walked around the stretched door that he’d opened for her from his side of the truck. The nervousness that she felt before his arrival was slowly dissipating after seeing just how much of a relaxed guy he was.

  “How do you know I can drive?”

  “I saw your driving record. Driving license and everything else the government has on you since day one.”

  “Stalker, much?” Narlei grunted, remembering what Juicy had said about him researching her identity.

  “Na, baby love. Got a lot on the line and needed to know who I was planning on fucking with. I was expecting to find something interesting, but you a square. That’s even better,” Saint read Narlei without hesitation or regret.

  “You really speak your mind, huh?”

  “What else is there to talk about? Besides what’s on your mind?” Narlei was taken aback by his direct demeanor.

  “Nothing, I guess.”

  “Exactly. You gon’ pull out or what?” Reclining his seat, Saint got comfortable for the ride.

  “You haven’t told me where we’re going, yet.”

  “It’s programmed in the system. Just drive.”

  Taking her precious time, Narlei reversed the truck and started out of Southern Heights. It had been forever since she’d driven, and the last thing she wanted to do was crash Saint’s whip. She’d never forgive herself and wasn’t sure if he would either. The navigation system chimed, giving her the first set of directions. She followed them closely as she watched Saint plug an aux cord into a cell. Music replaced the silence that coated the air, which was fine by Narlei.

  Ten minutes into their drive and a few to go, she decided she’d had enough of the tunes he was playing. There was heavy smoke filling the entire truck, thanks to the backwood he’d rolled and began smoking. It didn’t bother Narlei at all. She enjoyed watching him enjoy himself while getting on his level.

  Reaching forward, she lowered the volume of the music. “So, since you know everything about me, tell me something about you.”

  “Ain’t shit to tell,” Saint shrugged. “I’m a square ass nigga, too, but I’m real and I get to the money. That shit makes any motherfucker look cool.”

  “My friend, Juicy, said you don’t talk much.”

  “Ain’t much to say. I’ve told you that, already.”

  “Then, why do you seem to vomit at the mouth when talking to me?”

  “Let me rephrase that. Ain’t been much to say until I stumbled upon you. From the first word I spoke to you at Supper until now is the most I’ve ever said in a single day.”

  “Bullshit?” Narlei’s head whipped around to see if he was joking.

  He wasn’t. “Na. Real shit. Pull over there. Back in,” he instructed.

  They’d made it to their destination. Narlei was relieved. She got them there safely and without totaling the beautiful black Tahoe.

  “Ima be a gentleman and come around and get your door and shit. Hold tight.”

  Narlei waited, watching as Saint rounded the truck to get to her side. She wanted to be upset about the naughty thoughts she was having about him, but couldn’t be. He was something to see, and it had been a long time since she’d seen anything like him. Besides seeing the Mercer boys and their brother-in-law flock to their grandmother’s house every evening for dinner, there wasn’t much eye candy floating around Southside. If it was, she’d missed them. But, that was possible, seeing as how it was her first-time seeing Saint and she’d worked at Supper for months.


  “You sure that’s all you want? Don’t get brand new and end up leaving hungry. I’m trying to feed you.”

  And, I want you to, but not food. Hush, Narlei. She thought, battling with her desires.

  “I told you, this is it for me,” Narlei forked her greens. She’d chosen a grilled chick
en salad for dinner.

  “I know damn well you’re hungry. Order something else, too,” Saint insisted.

  “Really, I’m fine.”

  “You must have eaten before you came?” He questioned, seriously wondering why all she had on her side of the table was a half salad. She didn’t even bother with ordering the full serving.

  “Honestly, I did. My nerves are sometimes a pain in the ass and get the best of me. I didn’t want to leave hungry – as you insist – and I wasn’t sure how much I’d actually allow myself to eat, so I snacked on a cup of noodles while I got ready.”

  “Figures. Women are delusional. That not eating in front of a man shit is played out. You better run that nigga tab up. See what you working with and if you need to, cut his ass off the minute you leave his sight,” Saint had a steak, loaded potato, grilled shrimp and crab cakes.

  There was nothing to be embarrassed about. The munchies were on his ass, making him want everything on the menu, almost. He’d been chowing down for the last few minutes while Narlei prolonged her completion of the salad she was playing around in.

  “I’ll keep that in mind next time,” Narlei nodded.

  “Na. This is for you. Put your home girls up on game,” Saint removed the piece of steak from his fork.

  Chuckling, Narlei shook her head, “Whatever. Back to what I was saying. What’s your highest level of education?”

  “Bachelors in business. I’m online trying to get my Masters. Campus life ain’t really my thing anymore. You?”

  “I’m sure you saw that I have nothing more than a high school diploma. College sounded cool, but I didn’t want to suffocate myself in debt that it would take me a lifetime to pay off,” Narlei shrugged, sitting back in her seat, and dropping her fork.

  “I feel you. I’m paying out of pocket to avoid that shit. You trying to go?”

  “Not really. I’d much rather start some kind of business. I just have to figure out where my passion lies.”

  “It’s not hard. Once you have some time on your hands, it’ll come to you,” Saint encouraged. “Here!”

  Leaning over, he forced a piece of steak into Narlei’s mouth. Though he’d caught her off-guard, she was quick on her toes. The juicy piece of steak made her mouth water as it rolled around while she chewed.

  “Ummmm,” a groan fell from her lips.

  “Good, ain’t it?”

  “Yes.” She nodded.

  “Taste this shit, though.” Breaking a piece of one of his crab cakes he got a good amount on the fork and aimed it for Narlei’s mouth, “Open up.”

  I’ve been for you open. Can’t expand, anymore. Narlei’s thoughts were consuming her. She couldn’t quiet them, no matter how hard she tried.

  “Ummmm.” She moaned on the fork.

  “And all you wanted was a fucking salad. Here.” Saint shoved the plate full of crab cakes in her direction. He kept the fork he’d allowed her to suck on, wishing like hell it was his dick, instead. Gladly, Narlei accepted the plate and began to dig in. Without hesitation, he slid her salad to the side.

  “So, are you from Southside?” She asked.

  “You ask so many fucking questions, baby girl. I’m starting to think you the law. How about we talk about something besides my life and history? I think you’ve dug deep enough.”

  “Says the man that knows everything he needs to know about me and has had every question answered that he may have wanted to know.”

  “Na. I only know what’s on paper. It’s plenty other shit I’d like to know but can only be determined with time. Asking questions won’t get you anywhere. I could lie to every one of them motherfuckers and have you believing me up until I prove myself to be a liar. I’d much rather show you who I am and what I’m about than tell you. Ya people already let you know what it is. I don’t do much talking.”

  Nodding, Narlei accepted his response and changed the subject. “My daughter’s name is Ainsley.”

  “Beautiful name. So is Narlei.”

  “Yeah. My mother was on to something with that name. I actually love it.”

  “Me, too,” Saint smiled. “Dope shit. Is she your first and last orrrrr…” He dragged out the question.

  “I didn’t even see myself with her, but she’s here. So, I’m not setting myself up to believe that I won’t have another. Maybe when I’m married or in a serious enough relationship. Right now, with my finances in the gutter, I can’t even think of another child. You have any? Want any?”

  “Yeah. I’m trying for three. Two since you already holding one in the clutch for me.”

  “Me?” Narlei laughed. “What do I have to do with that equation?”

  “Aight. Keep playing. You know what time it is. I don’t have to spell that shit out,” Saint joined her in laughter. “Open up,” he insisted, feeding her another piece of his steak.

  Dinner was chill. Full of laughter, shots taken and hints thrown. The sexual tension that followed the two out of the restaurant was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. Narlei’s underwear didn’t stand a chance and Saint had readjusted his hard on at least four times already. When they made it to the truck, Narlei found herself pinned against the vehicle with her hands in the air.

  “I’m blaming you, baby doll,” Saint teased as he lifted her legs and guided them around his waist. He wanted her to feel the effect she had on him.

  “Saint,” Narlei moaned into his mouth as she allowed him to have his way with her. Unintentionally, she began grinding her hips, rubbing the seat of her romper into his crotch area. She was so hot below she worried that her fabric would catch fire at any second.

  “I’m trying to be your Sinner, tonight,” he confessed.

  “We’re in the middle of a parking lot.”

  “I know where the fuck we at,” he retorted.

  “Then why am I pinned against this truck and why are you seconds away from freeing your erection? I can’t do this with you. Please. Let me down.” Narlei begged, softly. She prayed he didn’t pay her any mind and took her to meet her maker on the parking lot before taking her home, but he did.

  “Whatever you say.”

  As hard as it was to do so, Saint lowered her to the ground so she could stand on her own. Taking a second to gather herself, Narlei sighed with relief. This wasn’t the night she’d planned in her head and the last thing she wanted was for him to think that she was a woman that was hot in the ass. Fucking on the first night wasn’t exactly a good look.

  “Step over.”

  Obliging, she stepped to the side so he could open her door. Once she was in and had the truck started, he slowly made his way around to the passenger side. The two shared the comfortable silence as she prepared to pull out of the lot.

  Saint plugged the same cell up and began searching for something to drown out the silence. Before settling on a song, he looked up to Narlei. She was visibly shaking, contemplating any and everything. He wasn’t sure why, but the look on her face bothered him. For the first time, he wondered what she was thinking. What was on her mind and how he could assist her in sorting it all out.

  “We’re grown, Narlei. Don’t be ashamed of how you feel or what you’re willing to get into. I’m your last stop, you can believe that. So, whatever you need is going to come from me. Dick. Dollars. A shoulder to cry on. A therapist to vent to. A best friend in your time of need or a pillow during that time of the month. We can take this shit as slow as you want but fucking me tonight won’t determine how good of a girl you are. I know who I’m pursuing.”

  She said nothing. Saint appreciated her silence, playing the music of his choice. Neither of them interrupted either’s thoughts on the ride back to Southside. It wasn’t until they pulled into the parking lot and their time together had come to an end did Saint feel the need to express himself. He wasn’t sure when the soreness in his chest had surfaced, but he was certain where it stemmed from – the thought of his night ending without Narlei in his arms.

  Turning the music down a no
tch so she heard his every word, Saint turned to face Narlei. She’d placed the truck in park and was reaching for the door to exit. She found the truck running, and that was how she planned to leave it. Grabbing her by the hand, Saint halted her departure.

  “Honestly speaking, I don’t want you going in alone. Sleeping in my bed tonight isn’t of interest to me. Not if you ain’t in that motherfucker with me. If that’s too much to ask, then cool. But, give a nigga something to look forward to in the morning.”

  “Like what, Saint?”

  “Your face. Your stanky ass breath. Anything. Anything but nothing. Anything but your absence. I ain’t ready for that, yet.”

  “Saint, I have no reservations of inviting you in, but I just need to know what happens next? Because we both know what is going to happen if you enter my home. It’s no secret and we’re both adults, consenting ones. But, what’s next? I’m not looking for a fling or just something to do when there’s nothing to do. I have a daughter that I’m setting an example for. The decisions I make affect her, too, even ones as simple as inviting you in and giving you any piece and part of me that you desire.”

  “I understand and maybe I haven’t made myself clear. If not here, I’m willing to take you to my home. A home that not even my closest friends have had the pleasure of gracing. A home that only my mother is aware of in case of emergencies. A home that I intentionally keep others in the dark about to protect my peace and my freedom if it came down to it. If that doesn’t make my intentions crystal clear, then I’m not sure what else will.”

  “Maybe you just telling me so I’m not forced to gather clues to find out.”

  “Narlei, I want you and not just for the night, baby doll.” Saint clarified, pulling on his blunt before putting it out. Reaching over, he opened Narlei’s door and then his own. “Come on.”

  He removed the second key from the ignition and made sure that Narlei hung on to the one he’d tossed her earlier. He’d given it to her for a reason. The two met at the front of the truck, taking one another hand. Saint fell back as he allowed her to lead the way, happy that the court was a dead zone.


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