Angel Of Mine

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Angel Of Mine Page 6

by Zane Michaelson

  “Your will remains strong, even if your body is failing you.”

  “What the hell are you talking about, Angelo?” I said, relieved the beautiful church was now empty.

  “You’re dying, Ella.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, I’ve never felt better in my life.”

  His eyes locked onto mine. “This is the journey everybody must make, and your life here on Earth is at an end.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Perhaps I am, but I want you to know, you’ll go on to a better place.”

  “I don’t want to go anywhere.” My voice rose several octaves higher. I placed my hand on my stomach and gasped, feeling the air being drawn from my body. Staggering forward, Angelo caught hold of me. “Oh, no.” The excruciating pain had returned full throttle.

  “It’s your body’s way of telling you to stop fighting.”

  “Why are you saying these things to me?”

  “Because it’s my duty.”

  “Duty? Is that all? I love you, Angelo.”

  “And I love you too, but this is the way it was always meant to be.” He tenderly stroked my face. “It’ll be much easier if you stop fighting and surrender to what must be.”

  Bright light poured into the church and suddenly, I felt calmer than I had in weeks. Any anxiety I felt now washed away. I wasn’t scared anymore, and somehow, I knew Angelo was telling me the truth.

  “But my parents, my sister, what will I tell them?”

  “They already know.”

  “How?” I couldn’t comprehend the magnitude of what he was telling me. “I haven’t spoken to them for a couple of weeks now.”

  “The day we met by the River Dee–you collapsed on the riverbank and never regained consciousness. Your family have been at your bedside ever since. The doctors couldn’t do anything for you–the cancer was too advanced.”

  “Cancer?” Even saying the word sent shivers down my spine.

  “Yes,” Angelo replied.

  “But I only had Peritonitis, not cancer.”

  “No, my love…” He choked back a sob, unable to continue.

  “You’re telling me the truth, aren’t you?”

  He nodded, then looked around.

  “This church, and everything we see is real, and while we can see it, nobody can see us.”

  “How is that possible?”

  “Your soul is still bound to your body, still Earthbound, but it’s roaming, preparing for its final journey.”

  “It feels so real to me.”

  “That’s because it is. Everything else, your mind has conjured to ease your transition.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Are you really here?” I said, shocked and scared my own mind had played the cruellest of tricks on me. “Have I imagined your love for me?”

  “My love for you is real, but the rest is merely an illusion.”

  “But my parents, my sister...” I choked on my words.

  “They have said their goodbyes and accepted it is your time.”

  “I want to see them.”

  “And you will, one day.”

  “Is this really my body?” My whole existence had just been turned upside down. “Am I really here?”

  “Your soul is here.”

  I wiped my eyes.

  “The essence of you is here with me–touch, feel for yourself. Here.” Angelo held out his hand. “You can feel me as much as I can feel you, but your human body rests in the mortal world, dying. Your family don’t want to lose you, but...”

  “But, I did wake up, you found me, remember?”

  “My love,” he said tenderly. “I would not lie to you about this. You know this already.”

  “Then how did you know? I collapsed, and you were there.”

  “I came to you when you needed me most. It’s my job to make sure you find your way home.”

  “Your job?”

  “I’m your guardian angel and I’ve protected you since you were born.”

  I shook my head, feeling like I was taking a leap into insanity.

  “I don’t believe in angels.”

  “Then let me show you.”

  I staggered backward as a magnificent pair of golden, yet iridescent wings opened behind him. I was speechless and began to cry. “Oh, my God,” I blubbed. The scars at the top of his back. It all began to make sense to me.

  “I’m afraid not,” he replied, smiling. “His wings are a sight to behold – mine are nothing in comparison.”

  “You’re telling me the truth, aren’t you?”

  “I never wanted to mislead you, but was certain you’d come to the realisation yourself, if given enough time. I should have known your will to live was too strong. The man that grabbed you in the bar, and ambushed us in the taxi to the hotel was…”

  “You know him?”

  “Yes. He works for the other side, so to speak. A reaper Angel–sent to procure souls before they pass through the gates of heaven.”

  “And he wants mine? But why?”

  “Your number was up, it’s that simple really. We all have a quota to fill, but I wasn’t going to let him have yours, not without a fight.”

  “This is madness.”

  “You’ll understand everything once you are safely back home.”

  “My home is in England.”

  “I mean your spiritual home.”

  “It’s still not my home,” I argued.

  “Every journey begins and ends there, Ella.”

  “Do I have to go?”

  “It’s your time, but I promise you, shaking off the final restraints of your human body won’t hurt a bit.”

  “What do I have to do?”

  “All you have to do is take my hand, and I’ll do the rest.”

  “But where are you taking me?” I kind of knew what he was going to say, but I needed to hear him say the words.

  He seemed surprised by my question. “To Heaven, of course.”

  “It really exists?”

  “Oh, yes, you’ll love it, and in time, the loved ones you’ve left behind will join you in Paradise.”

  I burst into tears. “And you promise I’m going to Heaven, not the other place.” I pointed to the ground.

  He laughed at me. “I swear to the Almighty, you’re going up, not down.”

  “Will I see you again?”

  “If it is our destiny, yes.”

  I didn’t believe him. “Let me guess… in your line of work, falling in love with the person you’re guarding isn’t encouraged.”

  He laughed, and his eyes sparkled. “I’ve broken quite a few rules in getting you here.”

  “But you’re an angel, one of the good guys.”

  “Yes, I am an angel and should know better, but God gave us all a heart, so we could love.” He tore his T-Shirt off, throwing it onto the floor, standing bare chested. I hadn’t noticed before, but his skin had a golden tinge to it. He shimmered beautifully as sunlight poured through the stained-glass window above the altar. And finally, I could see so clearly what was always there, but was remiss to admit–the glow of his aqua blue eyes, brighter than they’d been before.

  “If you’ve been a little naughty, will they take away your wings?” I wasn’t sure how unruly angels were punished.

  “I hope not,” he said, as they opened to their full majestic span. “It would be such a shame.”

  “Wow,” I said, dazzled by the sheer size and beauty of them. “Your wings look like they’ve been illuminated by a million tiny lights.”

  “Thank you, but there are much more impressive sights where you’re going.”

  “I don’t want to say goodbye to you, Angelo.”

  “Then don’t,” he said, pulling me into a kiss.

  I felt a surge of energy pass through me as he engulfed me with his arms.

  “But I’ll never see you again, will I?”

  His face told me all I needed to know, despite his answer.

  “I’ll find a way.”

  “You will?”

  “Until the end of time.”

  I looked up, closed my eyes and kissed him gently on the lips.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I replied, surprising myself. My ‘body’ was trembling with anticipation of the unknown.

  “Lift off.” He enjoyed this part, I could tell.

  I kept my eyes closed. I was terrified of heights and let out a shrill scream. He wrapped his wings around me, scaring me a little as I assumed he’d need them to fly. Then, as though feather light, we rose into the air.

  “Don’t drop me,” I cried, burying my head into his chest.

  “I promise you, I won’t.”

  “Oh, my God,” I screamed. This was worse than any rollercoaster I’d been on. My stomach was still on terra firma, or something to that effect.

  Seconds later, he spoke soothingly to me. “You can open your eyes now, Gabriella.” It was strange hearing him call me by my full name. “The view is spectacular. You shouldn’t miss this, as it’s a one-time kind of opportunity.”

  I was terrified now, feeling the vast emptiness all around me. “I’m scared.”

  “Don’t be,” he said. “I’ve got you.

  I trusted Angelo not to drop me, so slowly, yet cautiously, I opened my eyes. My mouth gaped at the sight before me.

  “Woah,” I exclaimed. There were no words that could adequately describe what I was seeing.

  “I told you.”

  Tears ran down my cheeks.

  Where were the fluffy white clouds surrounded by blue skies? The half-naked cherubs playing golden harps?

  Humanity had their ideas about dying unbelievably wrong.

  We were travelling through the universe at great speed, past uncharted galaxies. I was transfixed by the colours around me and gawped as we flew past planets I’d never seen before. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It really was worth dying just to witness this.

  “Angelo, where are we?”

  “Right now, we’re travelling through the Cosmos, but not for much longer.”

  “How long does it take to get to Heaven?”

  “The distance is great, but mere minutes in Earth time.”

  I didn’t want to miss a thing. Where was my camera when I needed it?

  I was excited, but at the same time, desperately sad I was leaving my family behind. How would they manage without me?

  “Your family will grieve for you, Ella, but that is nature’s way. Soon enough, they will learn to smile again, knowing one day you’ll all be reunited.”

  “Did you read my mind?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry,” he said. “I do try not to use that particular gift, but you’ll be able to see your family again, once you’ve come to terms with your own death, whenever you wish to.”

  “But they won’t be able to see me, will they?”

  “Human beings have strange abilities that even angels don’t understand. Our maker isn’t exactly forthcoming about his plans for the human race as a whole.”

  “Have you met God?”

  “In a fashion,” he said. “I’ve never seen His true form. He prefers to hide behind the brightest of lights.”

  I thought it strange his own angels didn’t know what he looked like, but who was I to question anything?

  “Where does he come from?” I asked, as we zoomed faster past more uncharted planets.

  “That is not for us to know.”

  “But he created the human race?”

  “Yes, that’s correct,” he replied. “He has a large place in his heart for humanity and is rather fond of telling his angels we will be surprised by how enlightened human beings will eventually become. Even if some of us are sceptical, we have to trust in His word.”

  “Some of us see things we can’t explain.”

  “Yes, that’s true. Some see their loved ones, while others don’t, but if you wish for something hard enough, you can make it happen.”

  “Look,” he said. “We’re nearly there.”

  I blinked. It was like a mirage. Was it really there? “Where are we?”

  “The Heavens,” he replied.

  “Plural?” I asked.

  “Naturally,” Angelo said. “There are billions of people here.”

  I was awestruck.

  A cluster of thirteen planets nestled in a corner of what appeared to be the end of the Cosmos. I could see nothing beyond the planets. One larger planet was surrounded by the twelve smaller planets. Something about it struck me as odd, but then it came to me.

  All things scientific were a total mystery to me, but even I could see the planets were too close together.

  “You’re wondering why each planet doesn’t crash into the other, aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” I replied. “How is that even possible?”

  “After all you’ve seen, you ask the same question most others do,” Angelo replied.

  “It’s jarring when seeing it for the first time.”

  We flew closer.

  “You’re home.”

  “They all look so beautiful, but which one is my home?”

  “You get to decide for yourself.”

  “Me? I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can,” he added. “Tell me where you soul belongs.”

  “There,” I said, pointing to the largest of the planets. “That’s home.”

  “Your wish is my command.”

  We built up speed, and I closed my eyes as we approached.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Welcome home,” Angelo said. “Careful, you may be a little disoriented.”

  My feet touched the ground, and there it was again, that surge of energy. My soul knew it had returned to its spiritual home.

  “Home,” I said, bending down to touch the grass. I was dazzled by the colours as everything seemed so much more vibrant here. “It is so beautiful.”

  “You will be happy I promise.”

  He was sad, I could tell. Turning to face him, I let out a sob. “Stay with me, please.”

  “You know that’s not possible,” he replied. I could see his tears threatening to spill. “As much as I want to, it is not allowed.”

  “I love you so much, Angelo.”

  “As I love you, Gabriella. Always.”

  In the distance, I could see a hooded figure approach.

  “Your guide is here,” he said.

  “What?” I asked, alarmed. “You’re leaving me, now?”

  “I’m afraid so,” he replied, bending down to kiss my cheek. Then without warning, he opened his arms, his feet no longer on the ground. Gliding slowly away from me, his wings unfurled, opening gloriously. “Goodbye, Gabriella, my love,” he whispered, and within the blink of an eye, he was gone.

  I ran across the field, desperately searching the skies for him. “Angelo,” I cried. “Come back.”

  But he didn’t. He was gone.

  I fell to my knees and wailed. All my anguish spilling forth.


  I turned as a woman approached me.

  She was mesmerising, and I wasn’t sure if she was human or angelic. Whatever she was, her eyes glowed as Angelo’s had.

  “Who are you?”

  “My name is Safira,” she said. “I’m here to tend to all your needs.”

  “Where is Angelo?”

  “I’m afraid I cannot answer that question.”

  “But why?”

  “He’s done what was expected of him.”

  I buried my head in my hands and sobbed.

  I love you, Angelo.

  “And he loves you too. You should never forget that, Gabriella.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Five Years Later

  I sat on the porch, staring into the distance.

  A light breeze swept around my house, causing the windchimes to sing their familiar tune.

  Lush forests surrounded me as far as the eye could see, but beyond that, what I’d affectionately named, Cloud City, loomed l
arge. It was nothing like anywhere I’d seen on Earth.

  A shining metropolis visible from every corner of the Heavens. Don’t ask me how. I was no expert in physics, but everything here seemed to defy logic.

  The Heavens consist of thirteen planets. The largest is where I call home, but we’re free to visit the other planets as and when we wish.

  I’m never lonely as I have friends in other parts of the Heavens, and I suppose I could live elsewhere, but I take comfort from the fact Cloud City is close by.

  Though it’s never been confirmed to me, I was certain Angelo was here, or he is when he isn’t back on Earth helping more souls find their way home.

  I’d asked the question so many times.

  Where is he? When can I see him? But I was wasting my breath.

  Eventually I decided to take the human approach and go straight to the big man at the top. Not as easy as you’d think.

  Two days ago, I stood outside the golden arch, the entrance to the shining metropolis, requesting an audience.

  “Excuse me,” I asked a passer-by, “Does God live here?”

  No answer, but he gave me a curious look then hurried past.

  So, I asked the next person and was greeted with silence.

  Nobody would tell me anything.

  It seems we weren’t permitted to see him. Only his angels were bestowed that honour.

  I knew I was wasting my time and in the blink of an eye, I was back in my little house.

  “Goodnight, my darling,” I said, peeping my head around the door.

  “I love you, Mummy,” she replied.

  I’d just closed Aria’s bedroom door when I heard somebody at my front door.

  “Hang on,” I called, rushing down the stairs to greet my visitor.

  There is no need to rush, Gabriella. I could hear him in my head. I will wait.

  I opened the door, pleasantly surprised by my visitor.

  “Michael. It’s so nice to see you.” I stepped aside as his wings folded behind him and disappeared. “Please come in.”

  Michael was part of the inner sanctum. One of God’s right-hand men so to speak, and with that position came authority that demanded the highest level of respect.

  He stood over seven-foot tall, hair like spun gold, skin reminiscent of alabaster, the irises of his eyes red with speckles of gold. Beautiful in every sense of the word to me, but for a human being, he would appear monstrous and terrifying.


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