Out of Uniform Box Set: Books 1-3

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Out of Uniform Box Set: Books 1-3 Page 43

by Kennedy, Elle

  But she knew she couldn’t keep letting it happen. All the dates, the long talks…way too close to relationship territory here, and she knew from past experience just how bad she was at those. Back when she’d actually cared to find someone to share her life with, she’d only ended up broken-hearted. Now she knew better, and no matter how much she liked Matt O’Connor, she needed to put some distance between them before anything got too serious.

  Sensing Savannah’s hesitation, Annabelle’s smile widened. “He didn’t ask me to ask, I swear. It’s just that we haven’t seen him around the building the past week, so I figured he was hanging out at your place.”

  “Yeah, we’ve been hanging out,” she said carefully.

  “Does he make you melt in bed every time he calls you darlin’?” Annabelle mimicked Matt’s faint drawl, then laughed. “I just about did.”

  Savannah’s eyebrows shot up. “You slept with Matt?”

  Annabelle looked sheepish. “Yeah. I figured he’d tell you.”

  “Oh. He didn’t.”

  The icy jealousy coursing through her veins came out of nowhere. For some reason, her claws came out at the revelation that Matt and Annabelle had slept together. She tried to stop the annoying reaction, but it only intensified when she unwittingly pictured them naked together.

  “It was just a one-night thing,” Annabelle added. “Ryan was there too.”

  Savannah pasted a bright smile on her face, but she suspected Annabelle could see right through it. The other woman’s cautious tone had spoken volumes. “I’m sure it was fun,” she said, cringing at her overly cheerful voice.

  Annabelle let out a laugh. “You’re jealous.”

  “And you’re laughing about it,” she grumbled. “Aren’t you nice.”

  “I’m not laughing at you. Well, I guess I am, a little, but that’s just because you’re totally busted.” Annabelle’s brown eyes shone with delight. “You keep acting like you don’t care about Matt one way or the other, but this proves that you do.”

  Savannah eyed her suspiciously. “Did you…you purposely told me about having sex with Matt, didn’t you? You wanted to see my reaction.”

  “Yep,” Annabelle said, making no move to apologize. “I just know he’s really into you, and I wanted to make sure you felt the same way. Obviously you like him more than you’re willing to admit.”

  She wanted to protest, but couldn’t bring herself to do it. Annabelle probably wouldn’t believe her anyway, if she insisted she didn’t have deep feelings for Matt.

  But she didn’t have deep feelings for him. She liked him. She loved having sex with him. That was as deep as her feelings ran.

  Surrrre, said the mocking voice in her head.

  Gritting her teeth, she ignored the internal taunt. Even her own consciousness was trying to convince her she was in love with the guy. Well, she wasn’t. She didn’t do pesky emotions like love. Apparently she liked Matt enough to experience a spark of jealousy at the thought of him with another woman, but that did not mean she liked him enough to have a relationship with him.

  She suddenly realized she needed to make it clear to him where she stood. Matt and Annabelle believed there was some love connection happening between them, and who could blame them? Here she was, going to movies and lunch dates with the guy, listening to his funny family anecdotes. No wonder Matt and his friends thought the fling was turning into something more.

  Maybe it was time to set them straight.

  * * *

  Matt knew something was up when Savannah suggested they go to one of the busiest bars in town for their next date. The past week, they’d gotten closer than ever, and he’d started looking forward to their non-sex moments. He usually did most of the talking, but eventually he’d gotten Savannah to open up and tell him more about her life. She even confessed about her cheerleading days, which he teased her about mercilessly. He couldn’t imagine her doing cartwheels and shouting “B-E aggressive!” to a crowd of high school football fans.

  Each time she revealed something personal, though, she immediately pulled back, and this morning when they’d made plans to meet up tonight, he’d heard the unmistakable distance in her voice. He knew Annabelle had been at the shop earlier to go over some wedding details, and he wondered if she’d done or said something to upset Savannah. But he couldn’t imagine that happening. In fact, he was pretty sure he knew exactly why Savannah was acting the way she was.

  They were getting too close for her comfort.

  Pushing the thought aside, he focused on Savannah, who was sipping on a vodka-cranberry and laughing at the antics of a few younger guys arguing over by the pool table. He knew why she’d suggested the Sand Bar for tonight’s date. The place was loud and always filled to capacity, offering pretty much the opposite of an intimate atmosphere. This bar was one of his favorite dives—he came here often with the guys—but it wasn’t the place to have a real conversation, which was something he’d been looking forward to all day. But this was Savannah’s way of distancing herself. She’d been doing it ever since the beach. The sex was still as hot and passionate as before, but the emotional barriers Savannah kept in front of her heart only seemed to grow higher.

  “I’m in the mood for something different tonight,” she announced, a wicked smile curving her mouth.

  His guard shot up. “What kind of different?” He had to raise his voice over the din.

  Her gaze swept over the throng of bodies in the room. She lingered for a moment on a tall, blond-haired guy wearing a football jersey. “Him, maybe? What do you think, is he good in bed?”

  Uneasiness washed through him. “What are you suggesting, darlin’?”

  She shrugged, and the loose wide-necked shirt she wore slid down, revealing her bare shoulder. “Might be fun to have some company tonight.”

  A threesome. Christ, she was actually suggesting a threesome?

  His first instinct was to shout “hell no”. Not that he was a prude or anything. He and Ryan had indulged in plenty of threesomes. So had he and Aidan. But Savannah’s proposition absolutely floored him. Especially since he knew it was just another part of her plan to push him away. She probably expected him to balk at the idea, storm out in disgust.

  Or…maybe she was actually serious.

  He couldn’t deny that he’d met his match in the form of Savannah Harte. She loved sex just as much as he did, and she was always quick to initiate a fun way to spice things up. Like the other night, when they’d ordered that Chinese food and she proceeded to lick low mein noodles off his stomach. She definitely knew how to have a good time.

  So did he. Usually. But right now…shit, was she serious or should he call her bluff?

  He decided to test the waters first.

  “You want some random guy to join us tonight?” There was a sharp edge to his voice.

  Her gray eyes twinkled. “Why not? According to Annabelle, you’re no stranger to threesomes.”

  “Annabelle told you about that night?”

  “Yup. And she also said it wasn’t an isolated incident, for you, anyway.” Savannah leaned forward, and the neckline of her shirt sagged lower, revealing her creamy-white cleavage.

  Trying not to look at those mouthwatering tits, Matt kept his gaze on her face, studying her. “Threesomes can be entertaining,” he said neutrally.

  “Exactly. So let’s do it.”

  Before he could respond, a familiar voice sounded from behind them, and then Aidan Rhodes strode up to their table. “O’Connor,” he said, raising his beer in greeting. “What’s going on, bro?” He noticed Savannah and grinned, the dimples in his cheeks popping out. “Who’s your friend?”

  Interest flickered across Savannah’s face as she appraised Aidan. Matt wondered if she found Rhodes attractive. He wasn’t into guys, but even he had to admit that Aidan had it going on. Six feet tall, strong jaw, perpetual stubble, and of course, those dimples. Annabelle had once told Matt that women loved dimples.

  “This is Savannah. Sa
vannah, this is Aidan,” Matt said, then gestured to the empty chair at their table. “Have a seat, man.”

  Aidan sat down and took a long swallow of beer. “I’m not interrupting anything, am I? I came here with a few other guys from base, but two of them have already hooked up with total strangers and the third might be throwing up in the bathroom.”

  “Your friends left you all alone?” Savannah mocked, laughing softly.

  Aidan’s dark eyes swept over her, zeroing in on the cleavage Matt had been trying to avoid. “They sure did. Good thing I found some new friends.”

  Matt sipped his own beer, watching the casual interplay between Savannah and Rhodes. Nearly an hour passed, and although Matt was an active participant in the conversation, cracking jokes with Aidan, his mind was somewhere else the entire time.

  He watched Savannah and Aidan interact, wariness creeping up his spine. Neither one was outright flirting or anything, but he could tell they each found the other attractive. His chest squeezed at the thought, but at the same time, he liked and respected Aidan. He was a good guy, really truly decent, and if they were seriously going to have a three-way tonight, better with Aidan than some stranger.

  Matt almost choked mid-sip as he realized where his train of thought had taken him. Fuck, was he actually considering this ménage idea?

  “I’ll be back in a few.” Aidan’s voice made Matt lift his head. His friend had stood up and was already heading toward the restrooms.

  Matt noticed Savannah’s gaze focus on Aidan’s ass as he strode off.

  “I like him,” she remarked. “How come he’s not a SEAL like you? He’s just as ripped, physique-wise.”

  “You like his body?” Matt said darkly.

  “Sure.” She reached out to rub the center of his palm with her fingers. “It’s obviously not as super-duper sexy as yours, darlin’, but you’ve got to admit, he’s a hottie.” She cocked her head. “Have you ever had any threesomes with him?”

  Matt gave a reluctant nod.

  She raised one eyebrow. “Really. How were they?”

  “Pretty damn good,” he admitted.

  “So what do you think…?” She tilted her head again and flashed him a sexy smile.

  He clenched his teeth. “Do you really want to do this or are you trying to…”

  “Trying to what?”

  “I don’t know.” He felt frazzled. “Get me to break up with you or something.”

  “Breaking up implies we’re in a relationship. And we’re not. I just want to have a good time, Superman. It’s all I’ve wanted from the start. And I like Aidan. He’s really cute.”

  “Cute enough to fuck?”

  A brief flash of indignation blazed through her eyes. “Yeah, actually he is. And considering you’ve seen him naked while the two of you screwed who knows how many chicks, I don’t see how you can be upset with me for bringing it up.”

  She did have a point. Matt hated hypocrisy, yet here he was, getting pissed that she’d suggested something he and Aidan had already done a few times before.

  “You really want this?” He studied her intently.

  Savannah’s expression never wavered. “Yes.”

  “Fine then.” From the corner of his eye, Matt spotted Aidan returning from the men’s room. Just as Aidan reached the table, Matt stood up and clapped a hand on his friend’s arm. “You want to get out of here?” he asked roughly. “Savannah and I were thinking of heading back to her place.”

  Surprise creased Aidan’s features. “You want me to join you?”

  He lowered his voice. “My girl’s in the mood for some extra company.”

  Aidan slanted his eyes at Savannah, looking more than a little intrigued. “You want some company, honey?”

  Savannah’s cheeks turned a shade of pink. “You’d be into that?”

  “I’m into a lot of things,” Aidan replied with a husky laugh. He glanced at Matt. “You cool with this?”

  Matt forced a nod. “Definitely. I’m all about making Savannah happy.”


  Savannah’s apartment was dark when they walked in twenty minutes later. Aidan had driven over in his own car, while Matt and Savannah took the SUV. The whole ride over, Matt wondered if the gorgeous blonde beside him would call this off, but she didn’t say much during the ride, save for a few flirty remarks about how it had been ages since she’d done something this crazy.

  So here he was, still calling her bluff, still riddled with doubt that she’d actually go through with this. Not that the idea of a threesome freaked him out or anything. He was a healthy, red-blooded male who never had any inhibitions when it came to sex. Hell, his cock was already semi-hard and nobody was naked yet. If Savannah truly wanted to get it on with two men at once, he had no problem helping her live out the fantasy.

  But he would have a problem if it turned out this whole three-way thing was simply a ploy to put some more distance between them. He’d never pegged Savannah as the type to play games, and he sincerely hoped that wasn’t the case now, but considering her abrupt decision to invite a third player into the mix, he had to wonder. Especially since this bright idea had come days after she’d revealed some personal, emotional details to him, which she evidently hadn’t liked sharing.

  Savannah Harte was scared of relationships. He had no doubt about that anymore. He just hoped that fear wasn’t driving her right now, that it wasn’t a way for her to push him away.

  When they entered her apartment, however, pushing him away was not at all what she did. Instead, she moved closer and kissed the hell out of him, her tongue sliding into his mouth. He was gasping for air when she finally pulled away, surprised by her take-charge attitude. As he watched, she turned around and stepped toward Aidan, placed her hands on his shoulders, and leaned up to brush her lips over his.

  He knew he had no right to be upset, or even angry. He’d agreed to this stupid idea. But somehow he’d expected her to back out at the last moment. Looked like backing out wasn’t on her agenda. His stomach clenched as Savannah deepened the kiss with Aidan, who responded without any hesitation.

  Despite the aching of his heart, Matt’s body reacted the way it always did when the promise of sex hung in the air. His cock hardened, muscles tensed, skin heated. When Aidan’s hands slid down to cup Savannah’s ass, Matt’s erection twitched involuntarily. He hated that seeing another man’s hands on Savannah could get him going. He wasn’t sure he wanted to share her with anybody else, but at least here, with Aidan, he had some semblance of control. Aidan was a good buddy of his and Matt knew he wouldn’t do anything to hurt Savannah.

  “We need a bed,” Aidan rasped against Savannah’s lips, breaking the kiss.

  With a smile, she gripped his hand and led him toward the screen separating the living area from her bedroom. She paused to grasp Matt’s hand too, her hips swaying as she led the two men toward the bed. She really wanted this, Matt realized, and conflicting emotions warred inside of him.

  On one hand, he admired her confidence, how in tune she was with her sexuality. She knew what she wanted, went after it, and had no regrets. She was his perfect match, sexually at least, a rare woman who had zero reservations in the bedroom. She held the same enthusiastic outlook about sex that he normally did.

  Funny, how the tables had completely turned on him.

  Aidan paused at the foot of the bed, his dark eyes smoldering with heat. Matt noticed his friend’s cheeks were slightly flushed and he had that careless swagger that indicated he was probably a little buzzed from the alcohol he’d consumed tonight.

  Savannah glanced from one man to the other, shooting them a coy smile. “Come on, boys. Strip.”

  Aidan grinned at Matt. “I like her.”

  “So do I,” he answered roughly.

  Knowing it was too damn late to back out now, Matt bent to unlace his boots and kicked them aside, then unzipped his pants and let them drop to the floor. Shirt, boxers and socks came off, until he stood naked in front of Savannah. His cock
jutted out, begging for her attention. Aidan’s dick was at full salute too.

  Heat suffused Savannah’s gray eyes, darkening them to metallic silver. With methodical movements, she pulled her shirt over her head, shimmied out of her jeans and panties, and stepped closer to Aidan, fully naked. Then she slid down to her knees and wrapped both hands around his friend’s shaft.

  Matt clenched his teeth. When Savannah’s lips parted to wrap around Aidan’s tip, simultaneous jolts of arousal and jealousy struck him. He didn’t want to be turned on watching Savannah blow someone else, but he was.

  Lowering his hand to his throbbing erection, he stroked himself slowly while Savannah worked on his friend. Aidan groaned in approval, rocking his hips to meet Savannah’s lips. He moved backwards toward the bed, slipped out of her mouth and sank onto the mattress.

  Savannah promptly climbed up too and continued to lick at him eagerly. After a few seconds, she lifted her head and turned to Matt. “Are you just going to stand there?” Her voice came out in a teasing drawl.

  Still gripping his shaft, he walked over to the bed and stared at her enticing bottom. The way she was bent over Aidan left her fully exposed to him. Matt’s mouth went dry as he stared at her pink slit and the puckered ring of her ass. He moved toward her as if pulled by a magnet.

  She squeaked in delight when she felt his hands on her cheeks, spreading them wider. Using the tip of his index finger, he stroked her pussy, groaning when moisture coated his fingers.

  Savannah thrust her ass out even higher. “Please.” The pleading note to her voice made him smile.

  “Don’t be cruel,” Aidan laughed from the bed. “Give her what she wants, bro.”

  Sinking to his knees, Matt leaned forward and dragged his tongue along her damp flesh, eliciting a desperate whimper from her mouth. It came out muffled, what with Aidan’s cock deep in her throat. Forcing every drop of jealousy from his body, Matt focused on pleasing his woman. He licked her up like an ice cream cone, then thrust his tongue deep inside her. As he started suckling on her clit, he pushed two fingers into her and fucked her with them. When he felt her muscles clamp around his fingers, he quickly withdrew. She deserved to be teased a little.


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