Twelve Lords

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Twelve Lords Page 4

by Max Jager

  Letting out a sigh, Kenji cracked a single eye open and glared at the dog standing over him. He was alone. No daughter. Closing his eye again he growled. "Where is your pup at Horani? You know what the deal was. You help me kill Kento and Miyu. Give me your daughter. And when I slaughter the South I let you and your mate live. So where is she?"

  Keeping his glare at the ground, Horani growled. "Kurosai. I did not tell him what I was doing ahead of time. But he figured it out somehow. I was blindsided when I walked in and got the crap kicked out of me and then he kept her."

  Growling low as he stood up, Kenji saw how the dog started to shake. He was such a bad liar. Kenji knew that he told him just from his actions right now. "I call your bluff on that one. You have an over confident big mouth and blabbed about something." Horani confirming it at how his heart raced, breathing stopped and his body tensed. Turning and headed for the palace he sighed. "Oh well. Though he did meddle in another's dealings and will have to be taught a lesson at some point. Go home Horani. Go home and don't do a single thing about anything until you hear from me first. If you do and screw up what my plans are." He then stopped and turned glaring green eyes on him that made the dog pale and flinch as fear flew into his eyes. "I will personally gut you like a pig. Understood?"

  Horani glared up was froze with fear. They say that Kento when truly angry about something like this was someone to flee or fear. But there was no way he had anything on this dragon before him. The look in his eyes. He would as soon kill him as look at him. His only hope of living when he invades is if he does exactly as he is told. Giving a bow he was finally able to find his words. "Yes My Lord." Then turned and made a quick escape out of the court yard and headed for a home he had there in the North.

  Making of a Lord Chapter 5

  With eyes closed and content sigh, Sorae found herself on her first night in the palace once again out in the middle of the gardens she had big plans for. The end of her first day in the Southern Palace and her first day of a life without the abuse of her father. Though she was still in awe of the fact that she was there to start with. Let alone all the things that have happened since he told her that he was staying there. Saving her from a fate that would end in her untimely death had her father been able to take her to the North. And yet though the day started out horrible, Kurosai was a miracle when he stepped in and saved her.

  Another sigh as she smiled and placed a hand over her chest. 'And for that I will forever be indebted to him. No matter what the future holds for me.'

  Even thinking about him now sent a warm feeling swimming through her as she smiled. Never had she imagined that he would be so kind and gentle from that day he first flew over her. That day he seemed majestic as he flew over her. Nearly out of reach. And yet here she was staying in his palace and talking with each other like they have known each other forever.

  "You are up late."

  Jumping at the sound of her mother's voice next to her Sorae smiled. "Mama. I didn't know you were there. Yes I can't sleep." She then turned and looked up at the moon with her smile.

  Looking up at the moon herself Chiyo sighed with a smile. "You know you come by that naturally. It comes from me."

  Looking at her mother as she moved to sit next to her on the bench, Sorae was confused now. "What do I get from you that comes naturally?"

  Sitting down and smiling at her daughter Chiyo laughed. "Looking up at the full moon. I have always loved doing the same thing. And it seemed only right that the day I was to have my only precious pup, it was during a full moon. In fact you were born on the first night of a full moon."

  Looking at her mother with an odd look Sorae didn't know that. "Really I was? I never knew that."

  Turning back to the moon Chiyo sighed with a warm smile. "It just never really came up. But from the very start, your second night of life you starred up at the moon all the time. Like it was the most wonderful thing in the world."

  Nodding as she also turned back to the moon, Sorae leaned back with a sigh. "There is defiantly something about it that is almost magical."

  "And it is lucky for us as well." Letting out a sigh Chiyo then turned to see confused blue eyes looking at her making her smile. "That's right. The full moon is lucky for us."

  Giving her mother a very odd look, Sorae just blinked. How could the full moon be lucky to anyone? "How so Mama?"

  Pulling her pup over for a hug Chiyo laughed again. "Well to start with my dear, I gave birth to my only precious pup under the watch of a full moon. And Lord Kurosai has blessed us with our salvation from him, and our first night free of his abusive ways, is on the first night of the full moon. Yes I would say that the full moon is lucky for the two of us. Wouldn't you say?"

  Looking down at her lap with a sigh as her eyes turned sad, Sorae kept her smile. "I just think that it is so ironic as well. That the full moon is tonight. I feel reborn never having to worry about Horani again. Though I can't say that I am not surprised by his actions today. I know you have always talked so highly of him and his parents. But I would have never thought that he would have done all that he has done today for someone like me."

  Hearing the pain in her voice Chiyo's smile faded. A hundred years of nothing but abuse from her father it seems has taken more of a toll on her self-confidence than even she thought it had. Reaching over and brushing Sorae's hair back from her face she forced a smile. "Why would he not would be the more accurate question."

  Hugging herself Sorae stood and moved to stand next to the koi pond that wasn't far away. The very same pond that he spoke his first words to her next too. Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes as she looked up. "Because of who I am Mama. Before he kicked him out of court I was nothing but the daughter of low ranking noble. Then I became the pup of an ex noble. I just can't wrap my head around why someone like him would do so many wonderful things like has done for someone like me. I am thrilled and overjoyed that he has. Just can't fathom why."

  Moving to stand next to her daughter, Chiyo knew now just how much deeper the abuse her father put her threw truly went. So much more than no confidence. Turning her to face her she framed her face in her hands and smiled as tears started to stream down her face. "My darling pup. I know your father told you so many things over the years. None of them were true by any means. Not a single one of them I have told you that from the day his insults turned on you. Today Lord Kurosai has proven that his father lives on in him. Lord Kento would have done the same thing for you Sorae. Not because of what your station is. But because they would not stand by and let someone like your father do something like that to anyone. Demon, half demon or human. It wouldn't have mattered to them. Your father was wrong on so many levels."

  Leaning in and hugging her mother Sorae smiled again. Though it was more of a forced smile. "I know that Mama. I really do. It is just going to take me a while to get used to it and undo what he did. I know it isn't true but I guess you hear something enough you start to really think it is true even when you know better." Easing away from her mother she gave the moon a last look. "But it is late. I am tired and want a good start on the garden tomorrow. I am going to bed." Then she kissed her mothre's cheek and made her way toward the palace. Using all her strength of will to not let the tears spill from her eyes.

  Turning to look at the moon one last time Chiyo let a few stray tears fall. She saw the looks in their eyes. All they needed was a push or divine intervention. "Lord Kento. Lady Miyu. I know you have seen it as well. The look in their eyes. Please help aid the healing of my daughter's heart. Your son can do that in ways I think even we couldn't understand. If you would be so kind as to help me. I would be forever grateful."


  Looking up from his desk when he smelled her tears, Kurosai growled. Part of him wanted to run to her and console her and let her know everything would be fine. But he knew that unless his demon decided to claim her it would not be fair to her. If she bonded with him and he did not her, he wouldn't be able to ever forgive himself for

  Turning glaring eyes down at his desk he fisted his hands. 'Damnit why won't you do something already you damn beast. I am already head over heels for that woman. All I need is you to show up and do something about it.'

  A knock on the door pulled his thoughts from Sorae as he turned his head. "Come in Umarus. What is it?"

  Walking in with a bow Umarus sighed. "You are up late My Lord."

  With a sigh as he looked at the many scrolls on his desk he groaned. "Tell me about it. And I still have all this paperwork to finish from where I didn't do any of it today. Everything with Horani and Sorae today I just put it off until now."

  Kneeling before Kurosai's desk, Umarus nodded as he closed his eyes and crossed his arms. "That is understandable. However I thought that you would want to know that I sent a scout to watch over Lady Sorae's home. Just in case he showed up. He hasn't returned but there is a female there according to the scout."


  "Another dog demon. There is not smell to think that she is anything to Horani."

  "That bastard." Letting out a long growl as he crossed his own arms Kurosai glared at the desk. "I should have killed him when I had the chance and not let him slink off into the night."

  "As do I. However….."

  Standing and dropping a couple scrolls in his lap Kurosai headed for the door. "Congrats Umarus. You get to finish this for me. I need to let lose some steam." Stopping at the door he turned a smile to his glaring friend. "And you did exactly what I would have done in the situation of Father. So don't beat yourself up about it. We will just have to keep our ears out and make sure they stay safe and sound in the palace walls."

  Then he left and found his way to his room, then up on the roof where he could see into Sorae's room. Her sleeping form illuminated by the moonlight. Including the paths that her tears trailed on as she cried herself to sleep. Fisting his hands as he stood there with determined eyes he growled before he looked over his shoulder and out toward the North. "I may not be able to promise you the world right now Sorae. But there is one promise I can make you right here and right now. He will never touch you again. Ever."

  Making of a Lord Chapter 6

  Smiling brightly, Sorae stood and wiped the sweat from her brow with the back of her hand. After a few weeks of planning, and now two weeks of laboring all day long in the court yard, she had the flower beds made and arranged according to Lady Miyu's plans. Making a large maze out of the entire court yard. With a nod she sighed. 'I just hope that she approves of how I am doing it.'

  "Well I see you have the frame work done. Once it grows I am sure it will be a true maze."

  Turning her smile to Kurosai as he walked up next to her, Sorae giggled as she closed her eyes. "I do. Now that they are all made and ready I am going to start planting in the morning. Thanks to the notes that your mother kept about each and every flower, I can have flowers blooming each spring into the late fall of every year."

  Nodding with a smile and crossed arms, Kurosai looked around. "That sounds amazing. And I am sure that mother would love it if she was still here. It looks even more impressive from the rooftops." With another bright smile he was about to have her show him what all she has done when he turned to Umarus coming up to them. "What is it Umarus? Is something wrong?"

  Shaking his head side to side Umarus smiled as he crossed his arms. He knew what Kurosai's reaction was going to be to what he had to tell him. "No. Nothing is wrong. But you do have some visitors that are waiting for you in the reception hall right now."

  Blinking as he gave him an odd look, Kurosai let his head fall to the side. "Wait I do?"

  A nod of his head as he crossed his arms, Umarus smiled. "Yes My Lord. A noble from the east is here with his mate and more than a few of his chicks. I am sure that you can figure out their reason for coming here."

  With an annoyed growl Kurosai crossed his arms as he dropped his head. "I swear they are going to drive me insane with all of this! I wish they would just give it a rest already."

  Looking up at him with an arched eyebrow and confused eyes, Sorae had no idea what he was talking about. "What is going on?"

  Giving her a sigh, Kurosai shook his head as he relaxed. "I am sorry about that. It is just that all the nobles keep trying to shove me having a mate and son down my throat. And not just the nobles from my lands either. I tell them all that I am still young and I won't have it forced down my throat and take a mate just for the sake of having one. And now it seems another one from the East has come."

  Smiling still as she looked down, Sorae laughed as she gave a small nod. She knew now that she had fallen in love with him. No matter how she tried to convince herself that he did what he did as nothing more than a kind gesture with the way her father was, it didn't stop the fact that she fell in love with him hard and fast. And that scared her because if her demon decided to come out, and not his, she would be doom to spend the rest of her life alone, while he would move on and mate someone else. That was the one thing that scared her now. "I see then. Well Kurosai you have guests and I really must head for the hot spring. I know I must look a fright and a bath would do me some good. Good day to you both." She then gave Umarus a small nod and then turned and walked away before anyone could say or do anything to stop her.

  Reaching out to stop her, Kurosai blinked as he was too late. The sudden change in her mood worried him. She seemed upset and mad all at the same time. But hearing a laugh to his side, Kurosai turned and glared at Umarus. "What the hell is that for?

  Shaking his head Umarus smiled as he crossed his arms. "You just don't see it."

  A loud and deep growl escaping him, Kurosai glared at his friend as he crossed his arms. "See what?"

  Turning and walking away from him Umarus laughed. "If I have to spell it out for you then you truly do not see it My Lord. I just hope that you realize what is going on before doing something rash and stupid."

  Growling even louder, Kurosai narrowed his eyes at Umarus as he kept walking away from him. "Not helping you know."

  Waving his hand in the air, Umarus kept walking with a smile. "You have guests My Lord."

  Disgruntled, and having every intention on talking to Sorae about the sudden change in mood with her just now, Kurosai turned and went inside toward the reception hall. Walking in he stopped and blinked when he saw what was in there. A falcon and hawk mated pair with at least twenty female chicks of theirs standing around. He had never had someone bring so many of their daughters at once before. He didn't know what to think about this one. "Hello."

  Turning with a smile and a gracious bow Sanosuke closed his eyes as he greeted him. "Lord Kurosai. It is an honor that you approved my council without my having sent word first. I am Sanosuke, a noble of the Eastern Lands." Standing he put an arm around his mate. "This is my mate Kimiruka."

  Nodding his head, Kurosai kept eye contact with Sanosuke. "What is the council for?" Another glance at the many females there that were all smiles and looking at him with wide eyes, he sighed. "Though I think that I may already know."

  Smiling, Sanosuke turned and gestured toward his daughters as he sighed. "These are all of our unmated daughters. Word has reached the East through your noble Horani that you are now searching for a proper mate. I have come to offer you any one of my daughters that you would like to choose. I know that at least with you my mate and I would not have to worry about them not being home."

  Dropping his head to look at the floor to hide his glaring eyes, Kurosai growled pulling shocked eyes to him. "I see then. Tell me Sanosuke. How did Horani inform Torakus about this?"

  Even more confused Sanosuke just stood there for a second with an arched eyebrow. "We were informed three days ago. He came to the East himself and told not only Lord Torakus but the entire court about it. I was the only one who had unmated daughters so I decided on my own to make the trip here. Is something wrong My Lord?"

  Rubbing his temples as he let out a long sigh, Kurosai let his shoulders slump. "None of
this is your fault. And you and your flock are welcome to stay the night to get rest before your return home. However you were misinformed by him. Horani is a traitor to the South. Little over two weeks ago he told me flat out that he was going to force his only pup, his daughter to mate with a Northern Dragon. I am sure that this is just a ploy that he has cooked up to get some sort of revenge for not letting him take his daughter when he left my palace."

  Gasping his eyes went wide. Though the few relieved sighs from a few of his daughters kept him in the moment. Most of them were excited but knew there could be the possibility that it wouldn't happen and he was sure they were disappointed. Had he known this he would have never come and told them anything about it.

  Giving him another bow Sanosuke sighed. "I understand fully My Lord. I apologize for the sudden intrusion. However if you don't mind my asking how would this be revenge?"


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