Twelve Lords

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Twelve Lords Page 7

by Max Jager

  Shaking her head she smiled as she looked back at the closed door. "She isn't worried about letting you down if she can't have more. She knows there is that chance since she is my daughter. She was more worried about giving you that perfect little boy in there. She wants a daughter to dote on more than anything I know this from when we would talk. But she gave you the son she wanted too. Her way of thinking, that way…"

  With wide eyes Kurosai gasped as what Chiyo was saying finally sank in. Now he understood fully what she meant when she said about if she didn't take after her mother. Looking at the door himself he couldn't hide the shock that was in his voice. "That way if she is like you and we only ever have one pup, I would have my heir."

  Nodding as she looked back up at him, Chiyo had more tears streaming down her face. "Precisely."

  Kurosai couldn't stop the small amount of pain that he felt to know that was why she was so adamant that she wanted to have a son the entire time she was pregnant. But it wouldn't have mattered to him in the least if she had a son or a daughter. It wouldn't have changed a thing! "It wouldn't have mattered though. Had we had a daughter, she would have been trained by me the same way that Kiyoshi will. She would have been named my heir and had the title handed to her when I was done. The strongest in all the lands. And strong enough to hold it and deal with those that didn't think she could. It wouldn't have mattered in the least if she would have birthed a daughter." Then without another word to Chiyo he rushed through the door to his mate and pup, holding her face in his as he told her exactly the same thing he just told her mother. Pulling a bright smile and a round of sobs from her as she hugged him.

  With a smile and tears streaming, Chiyo watched through the door as she slowly closed it. The look of sheer joy on her daugher's face was the most wonderful sight that she could ever hold. And was able to see so much the last few months that she couldn't get enough of it.

  Once the door was closed she walked down the hall, passing the open door to her daughter's study. Walking in she looked up at the portrait of Kento and Miyu. "Lord Kento. Lady Miyu. Your son turned out simply wonderful and I know that you are proud of him. As proud of him as I am. And I hope you continue to watch over your grandson as he grows. I have a feeling that one will be an even stronger, better man than his father."

  Making of a Lord Chapter 11

  Looking out the window as he waited for Sorae to come, Kurosai let out a long sigh as he stood in his study. One week has passed now since the birth of Kiyoshi and it was time to send out the announcements of his birth to the other Lords. Though unlike when he mated with Sorae, it was mandatory that this be done as the heir to the South. Inviting all of the other Lords, their families and nobles to see him. Turning his eyes to the north, he let out a growl. He just knew that once Chirio got word about his son's birth, that Kenji would find out about it. And seeing he is the leader of the dragons at the moment, he would send someone to see him. Seeing as he sees himself as a Lord. And he knew that the only threat on his son would come from him. Or possibly Yori. But Koraen, Chirio and Torakus would not be a threat at all.

  Balling his hands into fists at his side Kurosai narrowed his eyes even harder. 'I dare anyone to try and touch him. Anyone.' Hearing the door slide open he turned to find a concerned Sorae standing there. "Sorae…."

  Her eyes full of worry over the emotions that she could feel rolling off of her mate Sorae moved slowly into the room. "My Love what's wrong?"

  Hearing the amount of worry that was in her voice Kurosai smiled as he held his hand out to her, his mood already getting better. No matter what was going on the sight of her holding their infant always made him smile and nearly forget what was going on around them. "I will be fine. There is something however that you need to know about now."

  Gliding to him Sorae laughed as she smiled up at him. "What is that? It cannot be that bad now can it?"

  An arm around her waist, he knew how this was going to affect her and had a pretty good idea what her reaction was going to be. With a deep breath Kurosai closed his eyes. "It is time. I have to send out the announcement of Kiyoshi's birth to the other Lords. We will have to do a presentation for him to the other three lords, their families. And Nobles and what not that want to come and see him that are of noble birth. Including a dragon if Kenji decides that he wants to send someone."

  Though she was calm for the most part, Sorae knew this. But she also knew that he wouldn't let anything happen to her or her son. And with the exception of Yori, her relationship with both Sarigi and Kintare, as well as the relationship that he had with Koraen and Torakus was solid. Everything would be fine. Then he had to say that a dragon may come. With a flinch as she tightened her hold on her son she shot terrified eyes up to look into his. "And someone in there somewhere will be the one or ones that will try to kill him."

  Nodding Kurosai kept his eyes on her. "They will try yes. I won't let it happen but that won't stop them from trying. Sick but it is as my father put it to me once, that it is the demon worlds way of weeding out the weak."

  Looking down at her sleeping son, Sorae closed her eyes then took a deep breath. Turning to look back up at her mate with a glare that she could feel made him proud, she let out a small growl. "Then send it out. And let them try and touch him."

  Pride shinning in his eyes Kurosai smiled brightly and gave her a sharp nod. "Exactly." Then he looked up with an odd look. "Why do I all of the sudden smell….." Interrupted by a knock at the door he turned and blinked. "Come in."

  The young maid opened the door and gave a bow as she stood in the doorway. "My Lord. Lord Koraen, Lady Kintare and their son Lord Shone are awaiting you and My Lady in the reception hall."

  "I thought that I smelled them but…." The giggle at his side caused Kurosai to look down at his mate as she smiled brightly up at him. "What do you know that I don't know? I haven't told either of them about Kiyoshi so why are they here so soon?"

  Laughing as she bounced her son as he started to wake, Sorae walked with him out the door and down the hall headed for the reception hall. "I would say that this is Kintare's doing. I started exchanging letters with all the Ladies around the time that I found out that I was pregnant."

  Giving her a half-smile with a nod, Kurosai laughed. "So the west knew that there was a son born in the South before anyone."

  Another giggle, Sorae gave him a sharp nod. "Exactly."


  Sitting and holding their three year old son Shone, Kintare could hardly contain her excitement to see Kurosai and Sorae along with the baby. "I can't wait to see him. Sorae said that he looks exactly like Kurosai, but instead of the dark blue markings, Kiyoshi's are ice blue like his eyes."

  With a smile as he stood behind them, Koraen had his hands on his hips. "I am sure that he is a fine boy. Though, Kintare you do know that we would have been getting the official announcement soon right? It usually goes out a week or so after the birth like with Shone."

  Nodding as she turned a brilliant smile on him, Kintare giggled. "I know this Koraen. However I don't care what anyone says I am Aunty Kintare and I wanted to get here to see him and spoil him before anyone else shows up and I have to share him. You get it now?"

  Laughing Koraen just shook his head. He learned the day she came to the palace how she was with babies. He should have known that Kurosai's son would be the same. "If you say so love."

  Before either could say anything they looked up as the doors opened and Kintare all but shoved her son into his father's arms. Already ready to take this new little one into her arms. Situating his son in his arms, Koraen couldn't help but smile warmly at her. She was always this excited whenever there was a baby around. It could be a human infant born to the lowest of the low in the human world, or the child of a god. She can't wait to hold it and tell it to call her Aunty Kintare.

  Smiling brightly as she walked in, Sorae laughed at the way Kintare gave her son to Koraen. Giving her a bow as she met them half way across the room she giggled. "Lady Kintare.
It is nice to finally meet you face to face."

  Shaking her head Kintare half glared at her as she crossed her arms and growled. "There will be none of this Lady stuff when you talk to me. Just Kintare will be perfect understood?" When she nodded, Kintare turned her attention down to the wide ice blue eyes of the week old pup in her arms and her heart melted. "Oh he is just adorable!""

  Laughing, Sorae could see that she was just itching to hold him. Moving him she held him out to her. "Here. I know you want to hold him. He is really good with others holding him."

  Walking up to stand just to the side and behind his mate, Koraen looked down at the pup that was now smiling up at his mate as she cooed at him. "Poor thing. He looks just like you Kurosai. Myself I was actually hoping that he would look more like his mother than you."

  Growling at his best friend with a half glare, Kurosai crossed his arms. "What exactly is that supposed to mean Koraen?

  Bursting into a fit of laughter Koraen closed one of his eyes as he looked at his friend. "Just exactly what it sounded like. I was hoping that he didn't look like your ugly mug."

  "Oh really nice."

  "Yeah I thought so."

  With a glare for them both, Kintare shook her head as she bounced the baby. "Just hush it both of you. That is the beauty of babies. While Shone looks more like me than you now dear, as he grows he won't look much like either one of us. He will be who he is going to be. Same with this little one. I have heard that some of the lower class dog demons can have a pup with say dark blue markings and dark blue eyes. And by the time they are grown they can have violet eyes and green markings. He could end up looking nothing like either of Kurosai or Sorae."

  Nodding with her own giggle, Sorae then looked over at the curious pup that was in Koraen's arms. "So this is Shone then?""

  "That is him. And he is quite the little grown up too. He is only three years old, born not long after you started living here actually. Yet he already acts like he is ready to take the title Lord of the West today." Handing Kiyoshi back to his mother she let out a long sigh as she took her son from his father. "I just wish he would act like the kid he is and not try to be like his Papa. But no matter how big he gets or acts he is always just going to be my little pup."

  Looking down at Kiyoshi as he started to drift off to sleep again, Sorae smiled knowinling. "I know the feeling all too well on that one now." Then she gave Kintare a bright smile as she looked up at her. Letting her head fall to the side with a giggle. "I am going to be meeting my mother in the garden for tea soon. Would you like to come with us? I am sure that my mother would be delighted to meet you as well as Shone."

  With a nod Kintare giggled. "That sounds wonderful. Lead the way Sorae."

  Watching with matching smiles as their mates and pups left the room Koraen and Kurosai sighed. They were Lords of lands. Mighty and strong and ready to deal with anyone who tried to stop peace in their lands. But one look from those females and they could be rendered mush.

  Turning to his friend Koraen let out a sigh as he dropped his head. "I knew that the announcements were going to be going out soon. But when she said she wanted to come early to spend time with the pup and your mate before everyone else showed up I did not argue with it. We need to talk."

  The tone of voice he had told Kurosai that it was serious. Turning to meet his gaze his face turned serious as well. "About what?"

  With a sigh, Koraen hardened his eyes. "Kenji and Shinra."

  His eyes turning to narrow slits of pure rage Kurosai made eye contact with Koraen. "What about them?"

  Matching his friends glare, Koraen crossed his arms. "It would seem that they have a new member of their house. Horani has been seen traveling with dragons by different nobles of mine that have reported it to me."

  Moving to look out the window where he could see Sorae and Kintare just reaching her mother he growled deeply in his chest. "Which means that I won't only have to deal with whomever he sends to kill my son, but my son's own grandfather as well. I know Horani hasn't forgotten what I did to him that day three years ago."

  "Do you really think that he will try something? Knowing how things are done with a presentation?"

  "I have no doubts about that" Turning a glare on his friend Kurosai growled. "I have no doubts that he still harbors such hate for his mate, daughter and myself that he wouldn't target Kiyoshi, or even Kiyoshi and Sorae just to make my life hell."

  Crossing his arms Koraen sighed as he closed his eyes. "Well I did bring a small force of my army with me. Not much just a couple dozen, they are on the other side of the West palace walls. They are yours to do with as you please if you need be. Not one of them would dare try to harm your mate or son. I know Torakus will only bring those loyal too." A glare in his blue eyes he opened them to make contact with Kurosai's iced blue ones. "So that only leaves whomever Kenji sends, Horani and those that might worm their way in with coming with Chirio."

  Nodding as he went through the doors, Kurosai headed toward his study with Koraen at his side. "Because they would be more loyal to Yori than to Chirio. I still don't understand what Chirio saw in that damned woman. She is nothing but a conniving vile excuse for a leopard."

  Nodding Koraen laughed. "I totally agree with you there my friend. I am sure she played the part well until Motoichi was born. After that she now things that her status and his is sealed. She forgets sometimes too easily that leopards aren't like us. They don't mate for life. She takes advantage of the fact that Chirio was raised by good parents and wouldn't put his mate and cub out without just cause for it."

  Reaching his study, Kurosai nodded. "Well at least I won't have to worry abut facing Chirio. She won't risk her own life or ambitions to try anything stupid. Those that she would bring with her yes." Reaching over he lifted two scrolls and sighed. "I swear I think that the only good thing to come out of that was Soichiro." He then wrote the messages to Chirio and Yori as well as Torakus and Sarigi about his son's birth and handed them out the door to a maid that was walking past. "Take these to the messengers and have them devlievered at once." Once she was gone he turned back to Koraen. "Now I got some help with it, we get to talk security for our mates and children."


  Making of a Lord Chapter 12

  Standing when she saw who was with her daughter, Chiyo gave a low bow with a smile. "It is an honor to meet you Lady Kintare."

  A gracious smile and a small bow, Kintare laughed as she sat Shone on his feet before her. "And you must be the Lady Chiyo that your daughter has spoken so often about. I too am delighted to finally meet you. I can now see where Sorae got her sense and her beauty from."

  Keeping her smile as she stood straight, Chiyo let out a small sigh. "You are too kind My Lady. However I would prefer that a Lady does not refer to me as such. Please just calling me Chiyo will be more than enough from you My Lady."

  Shaking her head side to side as they all sat down Kintare giggled with a smile. "You are Lady Chiyo to me whether you like it or not. I couldn't care less what agreement you have with your daughter's mate. If you want me to call you only Chiyo. Then you will call me only Kintare. If not, then you are Lady Chiyo."

  Another bright smile, Chiyo bowed her head. "In that case My Lady you may call me whatever you wish to call me."

  Laughing as she looked over at Kintare, Sorae shook her head. "I told you that it wouldn't work on her no matter how you worded it."

  Pulling Shone down to sit next to her Kintare smiled with a shrug. "I had to try. Though there is one thing I don't understand Lady Chiyo." Then looking back up at her she let her head fall to the side. "With me I understand the concept. However with Kurosai, there is no more need for you to be formal when you are talking to him. He is your daughter's mate. That makes you in turn also part of the Southern Pack."

  Sitting her tea cup down Chiyo nodded as she smiled brightly. "That would be correct My Lady. My first day here he tried to get me to agree to call him only by his name. However I do what I do out
of respect."

  Giving her an odd look, Kintare blinked then looked down to help her son take a drink of his tea. "I know he knows that you respect him Lady Chiyo."

  "Not just respect to him, but respect for Lord Kento and Lady Miyu is why I will address their son as Lord Kurosai or My Lord." Looking up at the sky as the wind blew past them all she let out a content sigh. "After all I owe them a great deal."

  Giving her mother an odd look, Sorae had no clue what she was talking about. "Mama what in the world are you talking about? You have never told me that before. What is it that you owe them?"

  Her blue eyes dancing, Chiyo reached over and pulled her grandson into her arms as she laughed. "That is simple my dear. I owe them for how they raised their pup. The values and sense of right and wrong they instilled in My Lord. Had he been any different than he is right now because of them, I wouldn't have you and this beautiful boy in my life as I do now. And I know it is all thanks to Lord Kento and Lady Miyu in a way. They raised him to be the way he is and I could never thank him enough for what he did for you."


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