Twelve Lords

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Twelve Lords Page 11

by Max Jager

  "Exactly." Sorae then turned worried. "Can we?"

  Leaning in Kurosai seared his mouth with hers as he pulled her flush against him. "You know what. I am lucky."

  Blushing, Sorae let her head fall to the side. "Lucky?"

  Kissing her again Kurosai laughed. "That's right. I not only get blessed with a mate that is a vision to behold. Beautiful beyond words. But she is just as smart as she is lovely. I get the best of both worlds."

  Excited with a smile Sorae gasped. "So we are going to do it?"

  "That's right."


  Gliding into the dining hall that evening beside her mate, Sorae held her head high with pride as she smiled. Everyone taking their seats she looked around and smiled to see everyone there, but her son and mother. 'I do hope that they agree to what Kurosai and I have come up with.'

  As they all ate, Sorae joined in with the Ladies talking about the chicks and pups and what they all wanted for them as they grew up. But now that everyone was almost done eating, it was Kurosai that broke the silence with a serious topic. "If I may be permitted to interrupted the small talk Ladies. I have something I would like to talk to everyone about."

  Now that all eyes were on him, he made eye contact specifically with Torakus and Koraen. Sitting back in his chair he sighed. "Torakus informed me that Horani, Sorae's father is hunting in the woods to the west with leopards. I have no doubt that he is hunting. I also have no doubt that Chirio will go along with the plan that Sorae and I have come up with to change things up some."

  Crossing his arms Koraen growled. "How are you changing it and why don't you just go take care of that bastard?"

  "Koraen! Now who has a foul mouth in front of the kids?" Kintare then glared at her mate with crossed arms.

  Rolling his eyes he dropped his head. "Sorry kids."

  "I want to go and take care of him. But. I let him leave that day and didn't go after him then. Other than saying right after that I wanted to take a mate, he really hasn't done anything wrong." Reaching over and taking Sorae's hand he sighed. "I will not risk my son in this even anymore than I have too." Kurosai then turned and looked everyone else. "And nor will I risk the lives of the women and children at this table. Therefore, Sorae and I have come up with a different way of doing the presentation this time. One that will keep everyone safe."

  Arching his eyebrow as he leaned on the table with confused eyes, Torakus nodded. "I can go along with that. This is your Palace and your tradition to change. How are you doing it?"

  With his ice blue eyes meeting the bird's gold eyes he growled as the more he thought about Horani and Shinra the angrier he got. "In a few days when Chirio gets here with his mate and cubs, soon as he is here the presentation will be done for all of those here, as well as them. The next morning, Kintare, Sarigi, Yori and Chiyo will all be in the safe room with the pups, chicks and cubs. Along with guard you wish to place with them." His eyes flicking from the bird to Koraen, Kurosai had more of a pleading look in his. "I am asking that you two, and will ask the same of Chirio when he gets here, to stand with me while I present my son to that she devil and brace for the attack I know will come from Horani."

  He then let out a long sigh of relief when both Koraen and Torakus smiled and gave him a sharp nod. Making it much easier for him to breath. He didn't think they would say no, Koraen he knew wouldn't. But knowing that they would do this without a fuss really helped to ease some stress.

  Though he agreed to it, Torakus was still just a little confused about this whole thing. He wondered why her father would attack and try to take out his own grandson. He knew he was a spineless coward, but he mated for life. Family was everything to dogs just like falcons. "Sorae. How it happened I really don't care. I am just glad that Kurosai obviously has a mate that is strong enough to stand with him. And has a brain. But I have to ask. I know your father is a coward. Why would your father be a threat to your son like this?"

  Making everyone flinch, even Torakus, Sorae flinched as an instant glare and dark growl came from her as she crossed her arms. Her eyes turning down to glare at the table. In just a few days her nightmare that was Horani would be over and she couldn't wait. But right now it still made her angry. "I would have to guess it was because I was born his daughter instead of his son. That was what he told Mama when the beatings on her and eventually myself started, I am here and mated to Kurosai because he brought me to my salvation three years ago. He was going to make me mate with a dragon in the North. He ran his mouth and Kurosai kicked him out. And Umarus stopped him from taking his rage out on Mama and brought her here. In his twisted mind I am sure that he has millions of reason why he would want to kill not only myself, but Kiyoshi and Mama too." She could feel the pride rolling off of Kurosai as an even darker growl came from her. "But I know one thing. I will see my own head roll before that….that…..that thing every touches my son."

  When she realized that everyone save Kurosai, Koraen and Kintare were staring at her with wide shocked eyes she sighed as she relaxed and dropped her head. "I am sorry about that. It is just that my life before the day Kurosai stopped him from taking me to the North, my life was a nightmare. I can't stand him and would like nothing more than for him to vanish so I will never have to worry about him again."

  With a laugh and a half-smile, Torakus leaned on back in his chair. "Well then after that explanation there is no point in asking the other question."

  His eyebrows arching, Kurosai looked at him like he had ten heads. "What was that question going to be?"

  Laughing as he winked at him, Torakus nodded. "I was going to ask if he would really be a threat, a real true threat to his own grandson. But after that explanation there is no doubt."

  Shaking his head Kurosai growled. "No doubt in the least."

  Seeing how upset Sorae got, and how the atmosphere went from one of enjoyment and laughter to something monotone and serious, Sarigi turned her bright smile to her mate. "Well I for one can't wait to meet the little put. I bet he is a most handsome little thing."

  When all she got from her mate was a glare and a hiss she couldn't stop the fit of giggles. Once she caught her breath she looked up at him and sighed. "Well then stop talking about stuff that shouldn't be talked about right now dear."

  Total confusion on everyone's face, Kurosai's iced blue eyes darted between the birds gold ones. "Um am I missing something there?"

  Turning a glare on Kurosai, Torakus was still not amused about this in the least. "It's nothing….."

  Looking up at his father from where he sat between him and his mother, Sanzo had large innocent eyes as he blinked. "I know. Papa are you still upset that Mama said that Lord Kurosai was handsome?"

  Turning a glare and a hiss at his son Torakus sighed when he just giggled. "Chick you talk too much."

  Looking down the table at the even more confused Kurosai, Sarigi giggled with a smile. "On the way here he was saying how he hoped that your son looked more like his mother than your as he put it, ugly mug. So I told him that I remembered a handsome Lord of the South coming to see our son when he was born."

  Hissing, Torakus's usually smiling face was anything but at the moment. "Like I told you then and I am saying it now. Not amusing."

  Turning her smile on him again she nodded. "Oh I beg to differ on that darling. I find it very funny."

  His arms still crossed, Torakus glared down at his mate as the laughs around the table sprang out. Including from his son and Shone. "So still not amusing Sarigi."


  Nursing her son, Sorae sat on the bed and couldn't stop the content smile that played on her face. Even with the threat of the dragon that was just on the other side of the palace, her father just outside the palace walls, and whomever else would decide to try. Just knowing what their plan was to keep everyone safe, she was content and felt safe.

  Sitting up as he leaned over and kissed the side of her head, Kurosai smiled at her. "A true smile. I haven't seen that on your since I told you that I had
to send out the announcement."

  Closing her eyes as she looked at him, her smile brightened as she opened her eyes. "It is just nice to know that at least for now all the lands get along with each other and will work together is all."

  Arching his eyebrow, Kurosai gave her an odd look. "For now?"

  Letting her smile fade some as she pictured that evil little cub. Sorae couldn't help but think that he was going to be the cause of a lot of pain in everyone's lives. "Motoichi. I know I shouldn't feel this way about a child, but that cub. There is something about him and his mother that send chills down my spine. He is going to be the cause of a lot of trouble and pain someday I know it. I Just hope that it doesn't have anything to do with Kiyoshi."

  Laughing Kurosai took his now full son and moved him to his bed. "Even if he does, Kiyoshi will be strong enough to stand against not only him but probably the entire North all on his own."

  Smiling as she looked over at her contently sleeping son as he rolled under the blankets. "You know. I have a feeling that he will change everything, all the lands for the greater when he is grown."

  Laughing as he pulled her down to lay with him, Kurosai kissed the top of her head. "What do you mean by change everything?"

  Curling against him Sorae sighed as she closed her eyes. "That's right. I just know. Call it a mother thing. When he finds his mate one day, she will be just as strong as he is. And they will throw all the lands for a whirl wind. Changing the way lots of things are done. All for the better of course."

  Looking over at his pup as he let out a small growl pulling laughs from him and Sorae, Kurosai smiled. "I can agree with that. His mate will be a force to reckon with when they bond. No one will be able to stand against them. No matter what force they have.

  A content sigh herself as Kurosai drapes his arms around her, Sorae nods. "That's right."


  Glaring through the window that he knew belonged to Kurosai and Sorae, Horani growled low in his chest. In that room was his mistake of a pup and the Lord that he would have his revenge on again. Fisting his hands at his side, he growled low in his chest. "You bastard. I will show you what happens when you cross me. You will pay for that the rest of your life."

  Hearing the footsteps bellow him, Horani looked into the glaring eyes of a leopard. "What do you want Hiroto?"

  A snarl in his voice, Hiroto crossed his arms. "Are you really sure that you want to do this Horani?"

  Dropping down to glare face to face with him, Hdieaki growled. "What the hell does that mean?"

  Not wavering, Hiroto hardened his glare as he snarled. "Meaning that when we agreed to come with you, it was because you said you wanted to over throw the South. We are all just looking for a good fight and know that Kurosai would give it to us. And we are all tired of the peaceful and complacent ways of Chirio as of late. That was the reason why we all came with you. They others here may not have a problem with it. but I draw the line when it comes to killing kids."

  Throwing his hand up, Horani growled as he leaned up into Hiroto's face. "Then get the hell out of here. That bastard ruined my life. He will pay for this one forever. If you can't be a man about it then you aren't needed."

  Growling loud and deep making fear leap into the dogs eyes. Turning and walking out of the woods he looked over his shoulder. 'If Kenji is anything like he is. I will have to rethink my loyalty to Lord Chirio. And I know how to prove that I repent for what I have done.' He then transformed and shot straight for the North.

  Another leopard growled as he started to go after him. "He is going for the North!"

  Shrugging as he jumped back up in the tree, Horani threw his hand up. "Let him go. Even if he tells Chirio what our plan is. It doesn't matter. Shinra is already inside."

  "But what if Kurosai should try to…."

  Laughing then giving a wicked and vile smile at the palace, Horani shook his head side to side. "Don't worry about it. Just like his father before him he won't change tradition. He is arrogant that way and thinks that he can protect everyone. This will show him that he can't." Then a shine in his black eyes, Horani turned on the leopards that were gathered under the tree. "And if anyone else shares his weakness get the hell out now. Our only targets are three. My mate. Daughter. And my grandson. I want Kurosai to live knowing that he will never have another mate. Or son. And that he lost them because of me. So does anyone else want to wuss out?" When no one left but he saw the same excitement in them that he felt he turned back to glare at the window. "Good. The presentation will be the morning after Chirio arrives. You all know what to do when the time comes."

  Making of a Lord Chapter 16

  As he walked with his mate and cubs, Chirio was more than a little annoyed about how things were going. As usual, Yori was on his right side, Motoichi next to her. Glancing over at them, he had to force himself not to sigh as his eyes rested on his mate. Unlike the other Lord's, they didn't mate for life with a bond that will let the other feel what they are feeling. So he had no clue what was ever going through his mate's mind, or what she was feeling. Though he would like to, he doubt that he really needed to know what she was thinking about. His eyes then adverted down to his eldest cub and he had to close them as he looked straight to hide the glare that leapt in his eyes.

  Motoichi was his on. His eldest and his heir. He knew that feeling the way he did about him and his mother was not normal for a father to feel toward his on and mate. But he couldn't get over this feeling that by taking her as a mate, and the vibe that his son gave off. That the North was going to go through hell for his reign as lord if he didn't figure out something fast to stop it. There was just something about the cub that he didn't like. And that is what bothered him most that he didn't have the unconditional love instantly that a father should have for a son.

  A soft sigh in his arms pulled his attention from his mate and eldest, to his youngest son. Soichiro. He was everything he had hoped that Motoichi would have been as well. Kind. Polite and well-mannered. Never looked down on anyone that he met for any reason. Even when the humans and their children that came from one of the poor villages. Whereas his brother had an attitude like he was better than everyone else in the world. 'Including myself and his brother no doubt."

  Looking over at the way that Chirio carried her weakling of a second son, Yori tried to hide her glare as she looked at him. He still cradled him in his arms like he was a newborn cub. Indulging in his weakness. "Chirio. When are you going to wake him up and make him walk? He is old enough now to make this journey on his own. Not have you carry him like he can't do a thing on his own."

  Not hiding his glare, Chirio looked down at her as a growl rumbled through his chest. "And where is your compassion for your cub Yori?"

  A quick laugh and Yori turned away from him. "If he showed he was strong like Motoichi then I would have more. But he just shows daily how weak he is. I have no compassion for that."

  A deep breath and a sigh, Chirio looked back down at his son and half smiled. "Each is different Yori. There is no reason to play favorites between cubs."

  Growling herself, Yori crossed her arms as she shot him a hard glare. "Oh Like you don't? I don't see you spend nearly as much time with Motoichi as you do Soichiro."

  Hardening his glare on her Chirio snarled. "I have tried to. He refuses to let me in. Like hearing a thing I got to tell him is nothing more than a bother for him and he doesn't have the time for it. Something he has learned from you I have no doubt."

  With an annoyed sigh, Yori turned her head straight. "Whatever Chirio."

  Turning to face straight again, Chirio then stopped and growled. There was a transformed leopard coming right at them and fast. Knowing that his heartless mate wouldn't hold him, Chirio turns and hands Soichiro off to his guard Kenta.

  Stepping out in front of everyone he watched as it got closer, then transformed back to his human state when he was close. Pulling his sword, Chirio readied himself for what could happen when he got there.

; Hiroto could sense Chirio's readieness to fight and slowed to a walk. Once he was within talking distance he dropped to his knee and laid his sword on the ground. "Lord Chirio. I wish to ask you for your forgiveness."

  "My forgiveness for what?"

  Keeping his head down, Hirot took a deep breath. Myself. And three dozen others left your army and went in search of Horani when we heard he was planning to fight with Lord Kurosai. However, once we heard the plans, what his true intentions were came out. He didn't want to fight with Kurosai at all. But instead wanted to garget his mate, daughter and her young pup."

  Stepping closer to him with a glare and a growl, Chirio narrowed his eyes. "Why did you leave to go in search of him for this in the first place?"

  Still not moving, Hiroto was still as stone. "When I joined your army, it was when Kenji and Shinra were trying to cause unrest in the North. I joined for the chance to fight a good fight only. That was the only reason. But when that stopped so soon, and peace came. I was itching for a fight. I merely wanted to fight someone who would fight back with just as much force or more as I."


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