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Jaybird Page 20

by M. A. Foster

“It’s mine,” I tell her. “No one uses this room but me.”

  “Uses it?” She curls her lip in disgust and takes a step back.

  Jesus, Zach, you’re an idiot. “I mean this is my room. I don’t bring girls here, Jay.” Only Chelsea’s ever been here, but never in my bed. That’s definitely a conversation I need to have with her. Sooner than later.

  “Okay.” She nods, smiling as she reaches behind her back and tugs the strings on her bikini top. The strings fall to her sides but the small triangles remain in place, covering part of her breasts. I’m on her in a flash, my hands sliding down the back of her bikini bottoms to grip her perfect little ass, guiding her backwards toward the bed. I lift her up, toss her on the bed, and she bounces forcing her breasts pop to out of her top, prompting both of us to burst out laughing.

  I crawl on the bed and lay beside her. “Jay, we don’t have to do this. It’s not why I brought you here.”

  “I know, but I want to. Just….” Her chest is heaving and she looks unsure.


  “Please don’t hurt me again, Z,” she pleads softly.

  “Never. I’ll never hurt you, Jay,” I promise, pressing a kiss to her nose before scrambling from the bed in search of a condom. “I’ll be right back.” I know Cam keeps them in his nightstand.

  “Hey, where are you going? Bring that fine ass back here.”

  ZACH PRESSES A kiss to my nose and chuckles.

  “Did I fall asleep?” I ask, stretching.

  “Yeah, but only for like ten minutes. You okay?”

  “Yeah.” And my lady J is a very happy girl.

  “Your what?”

  Oh, shit. Did I say that out loud?

  Zach throws his head back and laughs. “Yes, you did.”

  I snort, feeling the embarrassed flush creep up from chest to my cheeks.

  “Are you blushing?” he teases.

  “Well, I can’t call it my Va-jay-jay because that’s what Weenie calls me.”

  “Why do you call her Weenie?”

  “Because I couldn’t pronounce Evangeline. She was a little bitch when we were kids and wouldn’t let me call her Eva, so now she’s stuck with Weenie.”

  Zach shakes his head. “I can’t wait to meet her. Are you hungry?”

  “Kind of. I should probably check in with my mom.”

  “You do that and get dressed. We’ll drop off Sir Licks-his-dick-a-lot at my house and go get some lunch.” I smack his chest and burst out laughing.

  “We can call him ‘Sir’ for short.” I laugh again as I return one of Mom’s three missed calls.

  “What are you doing?” she asks in way of answering.

  “We’re at Cam’s. Zach brought his dog over here and we were out on the beach.”

  “Cam’s out of town.” I know where she’s going with this, so I steer the conversation another direction.

  “I know, and you should see this house, Mom. It’s worse than their bachelor pad in Malibu. I think Cam needs an interior intervention. This house is too nice to be this pathetic.” She laughs and I know I’ve avoided an interrogation and a future uncomfortable conversation. “Anyway, we’re leaving now to drop off Buddy at Zach’s and then we’re going to get some lunch. What are you doing?”

  “Actually, I’m going out tonight. Some old friends are throwing me a ‘welcome back’ dinner at Oceanside Grill in Pelican Cove. I heard it’s good.”

  “You heard that from me, goofball. Cole and I ate there last weekend.”

  “Oh.” She laughs. “That’s right. Anyway, Bass is going with me, so I’ll need to know your plans before we leave.”

  “I should be back in plenty of time. We’re just going to get lunch.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you in a little bit. Love you.”

  “Love you. Mean it. Bye.”

  ZACH PULLS UP to a large two-story Mediterranean. It’s not as big as Brad’s, but it’s not small. “This is your house?”

  “Yeah.” He smiles, pressing a button to open the garage before opening his door and climbing out.

  “I always wondered what your house looked like.”

  “I’ll give you a tour another time. I need food.” He shuts the driver’s door and opens the back. “Come on, Buddy.” Zach lifts Buddy out of the backseat and sets him on the ground. “I’ll be right back.” He jogs into the garage and Buddy runs after him.

  A second later, a white BMW rolls past the Jeep in the driveway and pulls in the garage. Obviously, they’re Zach’s parents. An older version of Zach gets out of the driver’s side and eyes me curiously, as Zach’s mother—the infamous Elizabeth Easton—a petite woman with long brown hair, climbs out of the passenger side and joins his father at the back of the car. Zach’s father murmurs something to his mother before both look in my direction.

  “Who are you?” his mother asks loudly. I can tell by her tone that she knows exactly who I am.

  Okay, I’ll play along.

  Opening the passenger door, I step out and walk toward them. This is awkward as hell for so many reasons. The main one being that they hate my mother. “I’m Jayla.” I hold out my hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Easton.”

  Ignoring my hand, she looks me up and down, rolls her eyes before she turns and walks inside.

  Okay, then.

  Zach’s dad shakes his head as he watches his wife walk away, then turns to me with a kind smile. Holding his hand out, he says, “I’m sorry about that. Apparently, she forgot to take her happy pills today.” He chuckles awkwardly. “I’m joking. Kind of. I’m Michael Easton, but you can call me Mike.”

  “My mom wasn’t kidding. Zach looks just like you.”

  He chuckles. “I could say the same to you. I feel like I’m looking at Emerson twenty years ago. It’s nice to finally meet you. So, how do you like it here so far? You settling in okay at school?”

  “So far, so good. I’ve made a few friends and I’m really happy to see Zach again.”

  Mike nods knowingly. “Yeah. He’s pretty crazy about you.”

  THE DOOR LEADING into the house from the garage slams as I stand at the sink, filling up Buddy’s water bowl. My mom storms into the kitchen with her face twisted in irritation.

  I frown. “What?”

  “That was fast,” she says, slamming her purse down on the counter.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about the girl in my driveway.”

  If she wasn’t my mom I’d tell her to fuck off and mind her own business, but she is my mom, so I say, “I’m sorry if it bothers you, but she’s not Emerson.” I move around her to set down Buddy’s water bowl.

  “Why her, Zach?” She throws her arms out. Now she’s being dramatic. “Out of all the girls in this city, why her?”

  “Because I love her,” I argue before heading for the door.

  “You don’t even know her!”

  I turn to face her. “What are you talking about? I’ve known her since I was six fucking years old.”

  “Watch your mouth, Zach.”

  I take a deep calming breath. “I’m eighteen. You can’t tell me who I can and can’t love. You said you wanted me to be happy. Well, she makes me happy. And if you don’t want to know her, then it’s your loss. But I’m not going to stop being with her, so get over it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m taking my girlfriend to lunch.” I don’t wait for a reply before I jerk open the door and walk out.

  “HEY, DAD,” ZACH says, coming out of the garage looking a little more than pissed. He shoots his dad a look and I know it’s because his mom must’ve said something about me.

  “Hey, son,” Mike says. “Jayla was just telling me you guys took Buddy to the beach.”

  Zach looks over at me and smirks. “Yeah. Did she tell you she changed his name?”

  My eyes go as big as saucers. Don’t you frickin’ dare, Zach. “Zach—”

  “Oh?” Mike looks down at me and I give him a polite smile.

  “He’s kidding,”
I say with an uncomfortable laugh.

  Zach laughs. “Jay thinks the name Buddy is dull and boring—”

  “Oh, my God, Zach, shut up.” I swat at him, but he dodges my hand.

  Mike plays along. “What’s wrong with Buddy? Logan named him.”

  “Nothing. It’s a cute name. Buddy is a sweet dog. It fits him perfectly,” I rush out.

  “So, she changed his name to Sir Licks-his-dick-a-lot.”

  I bury my face in my hands, mortified as Mike guffaws and Zach joins in.

  “That’s a mouthful,” Mike says with a laugh. “I’ll be sure to pass that on to Logan.”

  “Tell him Sparkles says hello,” Zach adds and I backhand him in the stomach.

  “YOUR MOM SEEMS… nice,” I say before taking a bite of my sandwich. Zach and I are having lunch at this little bistro tucked between a clothing boutique and the Starbucks. Above them are loft apartments. I like this area. It’s cozy.

  Zach lowers his sandwich and his mouth forms a straight line. “What did she say to you?”

  “Nothing. I think that was her being nice.” I shrug. “I wasn’t sure what I expected the first time I met your parents. I know they hate my mom.”

  “My dad doesn’t,” he offers. “I’m sorry if my mom was rude to you. She’ll get over it.”

  I don’t remember my mom ever saying she hated Elizabeth. “Did you ask your mom why she hates mine?”

  He nods. “Yeah, but she wouldn’t tell me. My dad said it’s between them and to leave it alone. Honestly, Jay, I don’t give a shit anymore. It’s their problem.”

  “I agree. I’m not my mom, so if she doesn’t want to know me and my awesomeness, it’s her loss.”

  Zach grins. “You are pretty awesome.”

  After lunch, Zach drops me off at home and tells me he’ll be back later to pick me up for our date.

  I FIND MOM inside her walk-in closet, digging through her clothes. Her closet is set up similar to mine, except for the two additional rooms I have for my shoes and bags. The other I use for storage and my luggage. I plop down on her gray tufted velvet sofa and prop my feet on the ottoman.

  “Hey,” she says. “How was your day with Zach?” I decided now isn’t the time to tell her about my first face to face with Elizabeth Easton. Mom looks over at me and frowns. I stiffen.

  Did he leave marks on me? “What?”

  “Your face looks a little sunburned. Did you not wear sunscreen?”

  I shrug. “I forgot.”

  “Jay, you have to wear sunscreen when you’re out in the sun. I’m serious.”

  “Okay, calm down, woman. What are you wearing to your dinner tonight?”

  She sighs, dropping her shoulders. “I have no idea.” She’s so cute. It’s like she’s going out on her first date or something. I shudder at the thought. So not going there.

  I wave her off. “Pick out a few outfits and try them on. I’ll tell you which one looks the best.”

  “Okay.” She turns and disappears down one of the aisles. A moment later, I hear the hangers gliding across the rails.

  I pull out my phone to check my messages while I wait for Mom to try on her outfit. There’s a text from Evangeline. I miss you, Va-jay-jay.

  I snort and text her back. Miss you too, Weenie. When will u b back?

  My mom walks out wearing a pair of boyfriend jeans rolled up at the bottom with a cream-colored top that’s open in the back and brown, open-toed ankle boots.

  The top? Yes.

  The boots? Yes.

  The jeans? Fuck, no.

  I shake my head and she looks down at her outfit. “What’s wrong with it?”

  “It’s the jeans. I don’t like those jeans on you. They’re too baggy in the front.” I know how boyfriend jeans are supposed to fit. I’m not the only one who lost weight after my dad passed.

  “They’re supposed to be baggy. They’re boyfriend jeans.”

  “More like ‘your boyfriend’s jeans.’ Are you smuggling a wiener in there, woman?” I snort. “They should be called ‘boyfriend-repellant jeans.’”

  My mom bends over, holding her side, and laughs her ass off.

  I’m on a roll. “I think it’s time to break up with the boyfriend jeans and find something that fits your body.” She has a kick-ass body for a woman nearing forty.

  “All right. Fine.” She turns and disappears down the same aisle.

  My phone vibrates on my lap and I lift it to see a reply from Evangeline. A few weeks.

  I can’t wait to see you. I miss my Weenie. BTW I spent the day with Zach.

  What?! And you’re just now telling me, you bitch! Lol

  Details later. With Mom right now.

  Ur killing me. Okay. Fine. TTYL xoxo

  Mom’s phone starts ringing on the ottoman and I lean over to see who it is. “Cam’s calling. Want me to answer it?”

  “Yeah,” she calls out from somewhere.

  “Cameron,” I sing into the phone.

  Cam is silent for a beat before he says, “Jayla?”

  “Hi, Cam. Mom’s getting dressed for her party.”

  “What party?”

  “Some dinner party some of her old friends are throwing for her at Oceanside Grill.”


  “Hey, I was at your house today with Zach. We went to the beach. And while I think your house is beautiful, it looks like a squatter has taken up residence.”

  Cam barks out a laugh. “It’s not that bad. It has everything I need.”

  “Your godmother is a decorator. Why haven’t you let her go to town in there? She did a fantastic job on our house.” I wave my hand around even though he can’t see me.

  “I haven’t had time to think about it.”

  Mom walks out wearing a pair of skinny jeans with the same top and ankle boots. I let out a whistle. “Damn, woman. If I weren’t your daughter, or a female, and was into the whole cougar thing, I’d totally hit on you.” I laugh, prompting Cam to laugh on the other end of the line.

  She smiles. “So, this outfit is a yes?”

  “It’s a hell, yes.” I give her a thumbs-up. “Talk to you later, Cam. Here’s Mom.” I hold out the phone to her. “I need to get in the shower and get ready. Zach will be here soon to pick me up.”

  “BOWLING?” JAY EXCLAIMS from the passenger seat, leaning forward to look out the windshield as the neon letters B-O-W-L-I-N-G light up one by one.

  “Cyber bowling,” I correct as I pull into the Pelican Cove parking garage. “Is that cool?” I could’ve taken her to a party, but I get the feeling she doesn’t care for high school parties. Both times, she dipped out early.

  She turns to me with excitement dancing in her eyes. “Heck, yeah!” she exclaims, reaching for the door handle. “I love bowling. You’re going down, Easton,” she throws over her shoulder, hopping out of the Jeep and closing the door. She moves to stand at the back of my Jeep, looking around cautiously, while waiting for me to join her.

  Jay is tense when I take her hand in mine. Gripping my hand firmly, she clings to my arm, scanning the brightly lit parking garage. I give her hand a gentle squeeze. “What’s wrong?”

  She grimaces and loosens her grip. “Sorry. Parking garages creep me out. Especially at night.” She shudders.

  I chuckle and look around. “Yeah, I guess they can be pretty creepy, but you’re safe with me.” I lift my arm and draw her to my side as we exit the garage and follow the walkway until we reach the doors of the bowling alley.

  “Wow. This place is packed,” she says, looking around and bobbing her head to the beat of Flo Rida’s “My House.”

  “Good thing I called ahead and reserved a lane. We just have to check in and get shoes.” Taking her hand in mine, we head toward the counter.

  “Zach! Jay!” a female voice yells over the music. We both turn to see Lexi waving as she makes her way toward us. Surprise flashes across her face when she sees our joined hands. “Oh, my God! Are you guys on a date? That’s so cute,” she coos.
r />   I chuckle and release Jay’s hand. “I’m gonna go pay,” I say, leaving the two of them to their girl chat.

  The girl at the check-in counter looks up from her phone as I approach. She looks familiar, but I can’t remember her name. She slips her phone in her back pocket and smiles. “Hi, Zach,” she says, in a flirtatious tone, pushing out her chest.


  Jay walks up and wraps her arm around my waist, Lexi standing just behind her. “Z, Lexi says there’s an open lane next to hers.” She turns her attention to the girl behind the counter, who is openly glaring, but Jay either doesn’t notice, doesn’t care, or she’s going for the ‘kill ’em with kindness’ act. “Hi,” Jay says.

  The girl sneers at Jay, then turns her attention back to me. “Sorry, we’re full tonight. The wait is an hour.”

  I smirk. So, it’s like that. “I have a reservation.”

  “Oh, uh… let me look it up.”

  Yeah, you just go ahead and do that.

  She stares at the screen and taps a few keys on the keyboard, suddenly taking her job seriously. “So, have you talked to Lindsay lately?” she asks.

  “Who?” I ask, confused.

  “Why would he talk to Lindsay?” Lexi asks, as confused as I am.

  The girl shrugs. “You guys were at Brad Manning’s party together last weekend.”

  Oh, I get what she’s doing. Drama.

  “Oh, yeah,” Jays jumps in and plays along. “How is Lindsay?” she asks in a sugary sweet tone.

  “She’s fine,” the girl answers, keeping her eyes on the screen. “Your reservation is under Easton?”


  “Kristen, can you put them at the lane beside Evan and me?” Lexi asks.

  Kristen. That’s right.

  “What lane are you on, Lexi?”


  “Sure.” She taps the keyboard again. “I put you two on lane ten.”

  Kristen asks for our shoe sizes, then reaches below the counter to grab them, while I swipe my debit card and enter my pin.

  “Here you go.” Kristen hands over our shoes with a pair of socks, still new in the package.


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