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Jaybird Page 30

by M. A. Foster

  “Zach, why aren’t you at school?” Emerson starts toward me.

  “I have a sort of an emergency,” I tell her, pointing to the back door.

  “What’s wrong?” Her concern shifts to panic as she moves quickly toward my Jeep.

  I pull open the back door and gesture to the toddler in my backseat. “This is Zoe.” Emerson’s eyes nearly pop out of her head. “She’s Logan’s,” I tell her as she pushes past me and takes Zoe from her car seat.

  “Hi, Zoe,” Emerson coos, hugging her close to her chest.

  “Tack!” Zoe points her tiny index finger and reaches for me. I take her in my arms and she cuddles into my chest with her head on my shoulder.

  “Someone is a sleepy girl,” Emerson says in that sweet mom voice, caressing her back.

  “Her bag is on my front seat. Would you mind grabbing it?”

  Emerson grabs Zoe’s little suitcase and leads the way inside.

  “Is she hungry?” she asks.

  “I have no idea. Her mom’s friend Tina just dropped her off at my house less than twenty minutes ago. She said there’s a list of her favorite foods in her bag.”

  “Where’s her mom?” Emerson asks, opening Zoe’s bag and pulling out an envelope.


  Em’s head jerks up with wide eyes, mouth agape. “For what?” she whispers.

  Bass comes into the kitchen from the garage, stopping short when he sees me sitting at the counter with Zoe in my arms.

  “Something you need to tell me, Romeo?”

  “She’s Logan’s,” Emerson tells him with a laugh. “Her mom is in j-a-i-l.” She spells out the word as if Zoe knows what it means.

  “Did her friend say why?” Emerson asks.

  “Drug possession and petty theft,” I tell them and Bass’s eyebrows shoot up.

  “Have you talked to Logan?”

  “He’s not answering his phone. It’s midterms. I have them today too, crap!”

  “I can watch her if you think she’ll be okay staying with me. I don’t want to confuse her.”

  “She’s cute,” Bass says, then narrows his eyes. “Don’t get any ideas.”

  I chuckle. “That’s not happening for at least ten years.”

  Bass grins. “I knew there was a reason I liked you.”

  The garage door slams and Jay storms into the kitchen. “What the hell, Z? I’ve been freaking out. You haven’t been answering your ph—” She comes to a halt when she notices the toddler in my arms. An expression I can’t quite pinpoint crosses her features, but it’s gone just as quickly. She quirks a brow and says, “Is this where you tell me that you knocked up some—”

  “Dial down the crazy, babe. She’s Logan’s.”

  “Oh, thank God.” She exhales in relief and slaps a hand over her heart. “I’m way too young to be a stepmom.”

  That has us all laughing.

  She’s so fucking funny.

  Zoe lifts her head from my shoulder and looks curiously over at Jay. “Zoe, can you say hi to Jay?” I whisper to her.

  “Hi, day.”

  “Hi, pretty girl,” Jay coos and holds out her hands. “Can I hold you?” Zoe leans toward Jay with no hesitation. Jay pulls Zoe to her chest, hugging her tight, before settling her on her hip. “Are you hungry? You want some fruit?” She carries her over to the refrigerator and pulls out a giant bowl of fruit. This girl and her fruit. “Auntie JJ loves fruit.”

  Grace walks into the kitchen and does a double take. “Oh, a baby.” She smiles.

  “She’s Logan’s,” Jay tells her.

  “Hold on before you give her any of that,” Em says. “We need to make sure she doesn’t have any food allergies.”

  “Tina said she doesn’t have any allergies,” I tell her.

  “Who’s Tina?” Jay asks.

  “The woman who’s been taking care of Zoe. I felt so bad for her, Jay. She couldn’t have been more than twenty-two. Her husband died in Afghanistan and left her with four kids, plus she’s taking care of her sister’s two kids. She was driving some piece of sh—crap. I gave her some money. She wouldn’t take it at first, but I reminded her that it’s Christmas, told her to take it and put some extra gifts under the tree. She said she didn’t even have a tree, which means she probably doesn’t have any gifts for her kids.”

  “Aww. That’s so sad.”

  I nod. “I gave her four hundred dollars. I would’ve given her more, but that’s all I had in my wallet.”

  Bass smacks me on the back. “You did a nice thing.”

  I snort. “Did you get her information or her number? Maybe we can do something nice for her,” Jay offers, setting Zoe on the counter and positioning herself in front of her. “You want a strawberry?” Jay asks, pulling off the lid. “Auntie JJ always has fruit.” She plucks a strawberry from the bowl and holds it out for Zoe.

  “Have you talked to Logan?” Jay asks, popping a piece of melon in her mouth and my eyes zero in on her perfect, plump lips. She stops mid-chew and grins at me. The little tease.

  “I left him a message to call me and I sent him a text.”

  “Where are your parents?” Emerson asks.

  “Out of town. I stayed at home last night. It’s a good thing I did or I’m not sure where Zoe would be now.”

  “I’ll make her some breakfast,” Grace says, pulling some eggs from the refrigerator. My stomach rumbles. I want some breakfast, too, but…. I lift my wrist to look at my watch. “If I don’t get to school in the next fifteen minutes, I’ll lose my perfect attendance.”

  “Oh, my God, you’re such a nerd.” Jay rolls her eyes. “Go to school. We’ll take care of Zoe. Right, B?”

  “What about you? Won’t Alex be pissed?”

  She shrugs. “All I have to do is mention cramps. It works every time.” She waves me off. “Go. I’ll keep trying to get in touch with Logan.”

  “Or you can both go to school and I’ll take care of her,” Em offers.

  Jay pushes out her bottom lip. “But I want to stay here and play with Zoe.”

  Em rolls her eyes.

  “Let me get her car seat in case you need to go anywhere.” I start for the door.

  “No, just take my car,” Jay offers.

  “Zach, do you want me to call the school?” Em asks. “I’ll tell David you had a family emergency. He’ll understand.”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Bye, Zoe.” I kiss her on the nose.

  “Bye, tack.”

  I chuckle. She’s so sweet. I smack a kiss on Jay’s lips and then I’m out the door.

  “HEY, B, I need a favor.”

  “Princess, your favors scare me.”

  “I promise this is an easy favor.” I give him an innocent smile and he gestures for me to keep going.

  “I ordered a few things online for Zoe. The order was pulled and its ready to be picked up. All you have to do is go to the customer service desk and show them this receipt.” I hold out the printed confirmation. “I put the order under your name, so there shouldn’t be any problems.”

  He smiles, taking the receipt and shoving it into his pocket. “I’ll take care of it.”

  “You’re probably gonna have to fold down your seats.” I smirk.

  “I’ll be back.” Bass chuckles, grabbing his keys off the counter and leaving through the garage door.

  Mom and I spend the next hour entertaining Zoe with cartoons while we wait for Bass to return.

  “She looks like Zach,” Mom says.

  “I know, right?” I agree. “I wonder what our kids will look like.”

  “Slow your roll, sister. There’s plenty of time for marriage and babies. You haven’t even graduated from high school yet.”

  My phone rings and Logan’s name pops up on the screen. Suddenly, I’m a bundle of nerves.

  “Hi, Logan.”

  “I just got my brother’s message,” he rushes out. “You have Zoe?”

  “Yes. Oh, my God, Logan. She’s so adorable.”

bsp; “She is, isn’t she? Is she awake?”

  “Yeah. She’s sitting right here, watching cartoons with me and Mom. Call me on FaceTime so she can see you.”

  “Okay.” After a moment, Logan’s face pops up on the screen.

  Zoe’s eyes go wide with excitement and she points to the phone. “Daddy.”

  My eyes instantly fill with tears, as do Logan’s. He puts his fist to his mouth and clears his throat. “Hi, baby girl. Daddy’s coming to see you.”

  Zoe gasps, looks up at me with wide eyes, and in a hushed voice full of hope, she says, “Daddy comin’?”

  Mom laughs.

  “Thanks for watching her, Jay. I’m trying to get a flight out of here, but with it being so close to Christmas, it’s crazy.”

  “I have a plane, Logan,” I say.

  “I already took care of it,” Mom says, looking down at her watch. “George should be there within the hour. We’ll text him the information.”

  Logan blows out a breath. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

  “Don’t worry, Logan. We’re taking good care of her. Just get packed and come home to your little girl,” I tell him.

  “Thank you so much, Jay. Zoe, Daddy will see you soon.”

  Zoe points to the phone. “Daddy,” she says, then she does the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. She kisses the phone. And I melt into the sofa.

  Mom sniffs beside me. I turn to look at her and see her messing with her phone. “Did you just record that?”

  “Yeah. Logan deserves to have this beautiful moment captured on video.”

  I smile. “You’re beautiful. I’m so lucky to have you as my mom.”

  “Ugh, Jay. You’re killing me.” She wipes her eyes. “I love you, my little miracle child.” She’s such a dork.

  “I love you, too. Now go and wash your face.” I tug Zoe closer to my side. “You’re scaring, Zoe.” I snort as she tosses a pillow at my head.

  MY JEEP IS exactly where I left it this morning. I park Jay’s Range Rover in the garage and enter through the garage door. Stepping into the kitchen, I’m met with excited laughter and giggles.

  I tiptoe through the kitchen and look around the corner to see them all in the foyer. Zoe is tucked inside a mini white Range Rover.

  She didn’t.

  There’s clapping and cheering as Zoe grips the steering wheel and squeals with laughter while the car goes in circles.

  Jay turns and sees me peeking out from the kitchen. “Z!” She skips over to me and throws her arms around my neck. “How freaking cute is that? She’s has a Range Rover like her Auntie JJ. It’s remote controlled.” She points to Bass.

  “When did you buy that?”

  “Today after you left,” she says, leaning back to gauge my mood. “Are you mad? All she had in her bag was a freaking teddy bear and she kept asking for her daddy. I had to do something to keep her entertained.”

  “I’m not mad, babe.” I kiss her on the forehead. “It’s more than I would’ve done. I would’ve put on ESPN and called it a day.”

  “You’re such a guy. Do you think Logan will be mad? You know… maybe he wanted to be the one to buy her this stuff.”


  I look over to the great room. It looks like Toys R’ Us threw up all over the entire room.

  “I’ll wrap some of it up for Christmas. I just didn’t want Logan to have to worry about anything. Maybe we can give some of it to that Tina lady.”

  “Logan told me you sent your jet.” I cup her face in my hands and kiss her on the mouth gently, sweetly. “You’re the most thoughtful, selfless person I’ve ever known. Thank you.”

  “Actually, I offered, but Mom beat me to it.” Her eyes glisten and she smiles. “I got some pretty cool stuff. Wanna see?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  It’s entirely too much shit for a two-year-old, but I keep my opinion to myself because she’s proud of herself. I think Jay is more excited than Zoe. Who am I to burst her bubble? Besides, she also bought the necessary stuff, like a highchair, a stroller, and an extra car seat. Things Logan would never think of. Not until he needs it.

  “She went a little overboard,” Emerson admits, “but she means well. She didn’t have this growing up. Well, she had the stuff, but she never got to share it with anyone.” She leans in and says, “Except Bass,” then snorts.

  “Z, Logan’s here,” Jay whispers, as if it’s Logan’s surprise party. She looks ready to jump out of her skin. “What should we do?”

  “What do you mean? Open the door and let him in.” Who is this crazy person right now? She nods, biting down on her thumbnail. Why is she so nervous?

  “I’ll go get him.” I walk outside and wait for Logan to climb out of the car.


  “Hey,” he says, his voice full of emotion as he reaches for me. We do our usual brotherly hug pat on the back, but this time he doesn’t pull away. Instead, he tightens his hold as his body shakes. I squeeze back, comforting him and giving him what he needs. He pulls away and lifts his shirt by the hem, using it to wipe his face. “Did Jayla tell you about our FaceTime call today?”

  She didn’t. “No. And just so you know, she’s nervous.”

  He frowns. “Why?”

  “She was trying to be helpful and she went a little overboard. She thinks you’re gonna be mad.”

  Logan chuckles and shakes his head. “She sent her plane to New York to bring me home to my daughter. I don’t care if she bought her the goddamn Eiffel Tower.”

  I snort. “Close enough.” Logan starts to move past me, but I grab his arm. “Hey, did you ever call Tina back?”

  He exhales through his nose. “Yeah. She filled me in. I’ll talk to Dad about it tomorrow.”

  “Have you ever met her?”

  “No. Why?”

  “That poor woman is struggling, Logan. I couldn’t stop thinking about her trying to take care of six kids at Christmastime.”

  Logan’s eyes go wide. “Six?”

  Nodding, I tell him, “I gave her some money. She didn’t want to take it, but I insisted. You need to do something nice for her.”

  “Okay. I’ll figure something out, but right now I want to go inside and see my daughter.” I cock my arm back and slug Logan hard in the shoulder. “Ow! What the hell was that for?”

  “That’s for not telling me you had a kid. Seriously, what the fuck, Logan? I’m your brother, asshole. You don’t keep shit like that from me. Ever.”

  “I’m sorry, Zach. I’ll explain everything later. Right now, I just want to see my daughter.”

  Logan steps into the foyer and his eyes instantly fall on the mini Range Rover. “Really?”

  “It’s not the Eiffel Tower.” I laugh as we make our way into the kitchen and find everyone standing around the island piling their plates with spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread.

  “Daddy!” Zoe squeals from her highchair, her face smeared with spaghetti sauce and pieces of noodles. She waves her hands in the air and kicks her feet with excitement.

  Laughing, I look over at Logan, but he’s already pulling his spaghetti-covered daughter from her highchair and squeezing her to his chest. Zoe squeals again, puts her little hands on Logan’s cheeks and says in more of a whisper, “Hi, Daddy.” Her big blue eyes are wide and the expression on her face is so serious.

  It’s like she can’t believe he’s here.

  My heart fills with pride for my brother and my eyes well up with tears as this scene plays out in front of us. I look around the room and notice Jay has her head lowered, wiping her eyes. Bass seems to be interested in something on the floor and Grace is busying herself at the stove. Emerson has her phone out recording the whole thing.

  These people are amazing.

  Over the next hour, we eat dinner while Zoe babbles as if she’s telling Logan her life story. She’s still covered in spaghetti, and Logan has two spaghetti handprints on his cheeks. I laugh and pull out my phone to snap a picture.

  “Logan, she
looks sleepy and she’s covered in spaghetti. You can use my bathroom to give her a bath.” The look Logan gives Jay is priceless and she laughs. “Do you want me to give her a bath?”

  “Would you mind?” he asks, grimacing.

  She waves her hand dismissively. “Don’t be ridiculous.” She reaches for Zoe. “Come on, sweet girl. Auntie JJ is going to give you a bath.” She looks over at Emerson. “Mom, can you grab some of that stuff and bring it upstairs?”

  Just then we hear the door coming from the garage shut. Jay turns to me and mouths, “Harper.”

  “Hey, guys! What’s up? Well, hello there, spaghetti girl. Aren’t you cute,” she coos. “Who belongs to this cutie?”

  Logan raises his hand. “That’s me.”

  “Nice job, Daddy. She’s beautiful.”

  “Zoe, say hi to Harper,” Jay urges.

  “Hi, ahpa,” Zoe says in her sweet soft voice. Jay giggles and parrots her words. “Hi, ahpa. I’m Zoe from Boston.” Everyone laughs.

  “Need help?” Harper asks.

  Jay nods toward a pile of stuff on the couch. “Can you grab the bathroom stuff, pull-ups, and a pair of pajamas?”

  “I’ll help,” Emerson says.

  “I’m taking her into the guest room next to Harper’s room,” Jay calls over her shoulder as she heads for the stairs. Emerson and Harper pile as much stuff in their arms as they can fit and trail after her.

  “How you doing, Logan?” Bass asks with genuine concern.

  “I’m great now that I have Zoe back. I’ve spent the last six months trying to track down her mother.”

  “Drugs will do that. Some people just don’t appreciate the beautiful gifts they’re given. Zoe is lucky to have a father who cares. If you need anything, we’re here for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Bass nods and disappears through the kitchen, leaving Logan and me alone in the great room. Logan is silent while he looks around at all the stuff for Zoe. He snorts and shakes his head.


  Logan sighs and runs a hand over his hair. “Whitney and I dated briefly in college.”

  “I remember Whitney. You brought her home that one year for Thanksgiving.”

  “Yeah. We broke up right before Christmas, and then she left school. I never heard a peep from her again until she showed up with Zoe, claiming she was mine. I didn’t need a DNA test to know she was mine. She looks just like you and Dad. Which is weird.” He shakes his head. “Of course, the first thing I did was call Dad and got a DNA test for legal reasons. The tests proved Zoe was mine. Whitney moved in with me and stayed home to take care of Zoe while I went to school. Everything was good, until I came home from school one day and she was gone and her phone was off. I’ve been looking for her ever since. Dad contacted her parents, but they’d disowned her after she stole money from them. That’s why I came home that weekend in October. The private investigator we hired said she was in Heritage. She stopped by the house but Mom slammed the door in her face. That was probably when she was staying with her friend Tina.”


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