Stolen: Brides of the Kindred 25

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Stolen: Brides of the Kindred 25 Page 30

by Evangeline Anderson

  But fearful or not, she lifted the hem of her own toga just enough for him to pretend he was entering her. Then she came down on top of him, her soft little pussy lips parting around the thickness of his shaft.

  But no sooner had he felt her wetness bathing him, than V also felt a bolt of pain go through her. He had been in the act of rolling his hips up, pretending to thrust into her, as he rubbed against her clit, but he froze in mid-thrust.

  Pain? How was he hurting her?

  “Penelope?” he murmured aloud.

  “Yes?” Her voice was tight.

  V looked into her big brown eyes—which were suspiciously bright—and saw that her lush mouth was pursed as though to bear some intense agony.

  “What is it, baby?” V pulled away, dropping his hips to sever their contact. “How am I hurting you?” he murmured in a voice meant for her ears alone.

  “You…you’re not.” She shook her head, but her body told a different story. She had begun to relax and enjoy his touch when V was sucking her right breast and easing the pressure of the built-up nectar. But now she was tight again, drawn in on herself with her arms crossed under her breasts and her hands squeezed into fists.

  “Bullshit, I’m not,” V growled. “You…” He stopped himself and glanced up at the red light over the bed. He was glad to see that it had gone dark. Maybe the “Watchers” had decided he and Penelope were doing their duty and flipped to another channel to observe another pair of breeders in a different hut.

  “Okay, we can talk. Now, I can tell you’re in pain,” he told Penelope firmly. “Either you tell me why or I’ll find out myself.”

  “I don’t…don’t understand how you could know that,” she whispered. “And anyway, I’m fine—honestly.”

  V frowned at her.

  “So I guess I’m finding out myself then. Okay, so since you didn’t seem to have a problem until we made contact down below…”

  Reaching out, he flipped up the bottom hem of her toga to examine her pussy.

  Penelope gave a little cry of shame and tried to cover herself but V was having none of it. In a single move, he switched their positions, flipping her over on her back and spreading her legs. He raised her skirt again and examined the area that seemed to be giving her pain.

  “V’rex!” she exclaimed, writhing against his grip but V gave her a stern look.

  “Hold still, Penelope. I won’t hurt you—just have to find out what’s wrong since you won’t tell me.”

  “Maybe I don’t want you to know!” she flared in a sudden fit of temper.

  “Too damn bad,” V growled. “I don’t like it when you lie to me, sweetheart. You’re clearly in pain and I’m gonna find out why. Now will you hold still on your own, or do I have to hold you down?”

  She bit her lip and he felt the warring emotions inside her. Shame was uppermost—clearly she didn’t want him to see because she was embarrassed of her body for some reason.

  V felt his heart melt a little at that. Penelope was so beautiful with her full, lush curves, but she couldn’t seem to see that about herself. He had never met a woman who was so gorgeous who didn’t seem to know it before.

  “It’s all right, baby,” he murmured, stroking the top of her thigh and looking up to meet her eyes. “You don’t have to be nervous or ashamed. Just let me in—let me try to help you.”

  Penelope was still nibbling her lower lip but his tone seemed to ease her uncertainty. At last she nodded and lay back to prop herself on her elbows. She watched him with an uncertain look in her big brown eyes but didn’t struggle anymore.

  “All right, V’rex,” she whispered and V felt some of the tension leave her body. “You can…can look if you want to.”

  “Thank you for trusting me,” V told her. Gently, he lifted the hem of her toga again, displaying her bare mound.

  Well no wonder she’s having problems! he thought, his eyebrows lifting at what he saw.

  Penelope’s bare little pussy mound was red and swollen, her outer lips puffy and almost twice their normal size. Peeking out from between them was her Goddess pearl, which looked the most inflamed of all. It was glistening with her juices and dark with need, almost as though it was begging to be touched and caressed.

  But when V stroked it very lightly with just one fingertip, she gasped and jerked away, in a reflexive motion. She was too sensitive even to be touched—at least with his hands or fingers.

  “Gods, baby…” He frowned down at her swollen pussy. “What’s happening here and how long has it been happening?” She’d looked a bit swollen and sensitive that morning, he thought, but this was much, much worse.

  “Not long, honestly. I mean, I’ve been sensitive there for a little while, but it didn’t get this bad until earlier when you were…were sucking my nipple,” Penelope confessed. “But I didn’t want to say anything about it because, well…” She looked away. “Because it’s embarrassing.”

  “It might be embarrassing, but it’s not your fault. I think I know what’s wrong,” V told her. He was remembering what the GL had said to his group of males before the Unification Ceremony.

  “You know?” she looked uncomfortable. He had a feeling she knew what he was going to say—knew what was going on with her—but he said it anyway.

  “Yes, I do.” He explained what the “Glorious Leader” had told his group of male breeders—about how the females who had been drinking Mother’s Milk would need male fluids deep in their pussies or they would have pain.

  “So I think this is happening because I’m not actually breeding you,” he finished, checking to make sure the red light was still off.

  “Oh, but…” Penelope’s face went white and he felt a sudden surge of fear from her. “But we can’t really…I mean you’re not going to…I can’t really get pregnant here!” she finally burst out. “I can’t bear the thought of having a baby taken out of me and turned into one of those horrible orange NeverBreeders!”

  “I’m not about to let that happen,” V assured her. “There’s no way in the Seven Hells I want any son of mine turned into one of those little fuckers. But we can’t let you go around like this either.” He motioned to her swollen pussy. “So to my mind, we have two options. One, I can shoot my seed on your pussy mound like I did our first night together—”

  “Oh, but that’s so risky,” Penelope protested. “I mean, because, well…” She bit her lip. “In order to heal me with your seed, you’d have to, uh, shoot inside me as well as on the outside. At least a little way. Because I have pain on…on the inside, too.”

  “Let me see,” V commanded.

  Her cheeks got pink and he felt another wave of shame coming from her but she allowed him to spread her legs wider and peer into the mouth of her soft little pussy.

  Sure enough, the redness and swelling extended inside, V saw. The poor little female was really in a bad way.

  “All right,” he said at last, nodding. “I could put just the head of my shaft near your entrance and come inside you, I guess—”

  “But you might get me pregnant!” Penelope protested. “I’ve, uh, seen how hard you shoot and how much you, um, produce when you, uh, orgasm,” she went out, her cheeks getting pinker and pinker. “If you actually shoot inside me, it’ll probably go pretty far and I’ll get pregnant for sure.”

  “Actually, you can’t get pregnant by a Kindred warrior unless you’re bonded to him,” V informed her.

  “Bonded?” She frowned. “I know a little bit about Kindred mating habits, but I haven’t been working with them for long. Does it have to do with your, uh, mating fist?” She gestured at his crotch, her cheeks getting even redder.

  “My mating fist and my stinger,” V told her and saw her blanch.

  “What…what does it have to do with that?” she asked in a faint voice. It was clear she definitely still feared his stinger. Well, he had promised not to use it on her until she asked him to, he reminded himself. It seemed that time was still far in the future.

�In order to bond you to me—and get you pregnant—I’d have to have my mating fist all the way inside your pussy, filling you with my seed at the exact moment I was stinging you and injecting my lust-honey,” V explained. “So you see, just putting the head of my shaft inside your pussy and coming inside you can’t give you a big belly.”

  “It still seems like an awful risk. What about all the crazy hormones in my system from the Mother’s Milk?” Penelope asked. “I think they’re supposed to make me extra fertile or something.”

  V frowned, considering.

  “You got me there,” he admitted at last. “I honestly don’t know if that changes things or makes you more likely to get pregnant or not.” He shrugged. “But since we don’t know, I guess that leaves us with option number two.”

  “Option number two?” Penelope got a little crease between her eyebrows. “What’s that?”

  “I’ll have to heal you,” V told her.

  “Heal me?” Her eyebrows shot up. “You mean like you healed my burn scar?” She pointed down to his initial on her left breast, which was still full of nectar, V saw with a frown. He needed to tend to her. “Heal me with your mouth?”

  “Sure.” He shrugged. “Why—is that a problem?”

  “Well, I mean…” She looked vastly uncomfortable and once again V felt conflicting emotions coming from her. Shame and embarrassment mixed with an incredibly strong desire.

  He remembered suddenly, how he had felt that same surge of desire from her when he’d talked about going down on her before. Penelope wanted to feel his tongue in her pussy—wanted to feel him lapping her tender little cunt—but for some reason she was also incredibly reluctant to let him do exactly that.

  She craved something she thought she didn’t deserve or shouldn’t have.

  “What is it, baby?” V looked at her intently. “What’s wrong? Why are you ashamed to let me lick your soft little pussy?”

  “V’rex!” She looked away from his eyes, her chest rising and falling as her breath quickened.

  “Well?” He waited patiently, wanting to understand her.

  “I…I just…” She shook her head.

  “I can tell you want it,” he murmured. Leaning down, he laid a gentle kiss on her inner thigh, making Penelope jump. “But you’re ashamed to want it. Why?”

  “My…” She cleared her throat. “My thighs. They’re not exactly thin, you know?”

  “Gods, I know it.” V dropped another kiss on her inner thigh. “So fucking thick and gorgeous,” he growled. “What male wouldn’t want to dive between such luscious thighs?”

  Penelope gave him a surprised look, as though she didn’t quite believe what he said. But at least she answered him.

  “My ex wouldn’t, for one.”

  “He must have been an idiot,” V said, frowning. “Why not?”

  “Well…” The shame was coming from her again. “He told me he didn’t like it because he didn’t like the, you know, the taste of me…of my, uh, juices. He said I tasted bad.” She looked down at her hands. “And I guess I’ve been self-conscious ever since.”

  “He didn’t like your taste?” V looked at her incredulously. “But baby, you taste fucking amazing.”

  Penelope frowned at him.

  “How would you know that? You haven’t…haven’t tasted me.”

  No, but he sure as hell wanted to! Like all Kindred, V loved to go down on a female and had the biological need to taste the one female he’d chosen to Claim. But he sensed he would have to convince Penelope of this before she would let him in.

  “I know I haven’t tasted you—yet,” he growled softly. “But I can tell by your scent how good you’ll taste, sweetheart.” Leaning forward again, he rubbed his cheek against the top of her mound, inhaling the sweet, devastatingly feminine aroma of her soft little sex. “Gods, so fucking hot,” he groaned, feeling his shaft twitch and harden between his thighs.

  “You’re just saying that,” Penelope murmured, but he could tell she wanted to be convinced.

  “I don’t lie,” V told her, frowning. “Especially when there’s no need to. “You don’t just smell good, Penelope—you smell like a female in heat. A female who needs to get fucked. And there’s no sweeter scent to any male than that,” he told her.

  Penelope’s face had gone pink with embarrassment again, but he could also feel her hoping he was telling the truth. She wanted to believe him—she just wasn’t quite there yet.

  “Look,” V told her reasonably. “Why don’t you just let me heal the outside of your soft little pussy? If that makes you feel better, maybe we can move on and you can let me heal the inside. What do you say?”

  Penelope nibbled her lower lip.

  “But what if…what if you start to, uh, heal me and you find out you don’t like the taste after all?”

  V wished he could reach through time and space and punch the bastard who had given her this complex. Clearly Penelope’s last partner had been a complete idiot and he had infected her with the idea that she wasn’t good enough—that she couldn’t possibly be worthy of the pussy worship she deserved.

  But since he didn’t have the ability to reach through the space-time continuum and punch the asshole out retroactively, he would have to convince her a different way.

  “Okay, let me try it,” he said to Penelope.

  “What?” Her eyes got wide.

  “I don’t want to touch you right now, because you’re so sensitive,” V told her reasonably. “So you do it—use your finger to gather some of your honey and then let me suck it off.”

  “Oh, but—” she started to protest.

  “It’s the only way you’ll believe me,” V’rex pointed out. “So go on—do it.” He motioned for her to touch herself.

  After a moment she did so, very hesitantly, though she made a little wince when she touched her own sensitive flesh.

  Poor little female—she really did need to be healed, V thought, watching her. Even if he hadn’t wanted so badly to taste her pussy, he still would have wanted to lap her thoroughly to ease her pain.

  Penelope inserted one finger into her pussy and pulled it out, shining with her juices. She was extremely wet with need, which only made V hotter. Before she could offer her finger to him, he took it, sucking it deep in his mouth to clean away her pussy honey.

  Gods! he groaned to himself, his eyes closing tightly for a moment, the same way they did when he tasted an especially fine vintage of wine or some exotic delicacy. She tasted like salt and heat and need and desire. She tasted like sex.

  V wanted more.

  When he opened his eyes and looked at her again, she was looking back with a surprised expression on her face.

  “You…like it?” she asked.

  “I fucking love it, little girl,” he growled hungrily. “Now will you let me heal you or not?”

  She bit her lip.

  “Just…just the outside to start?”

  “Just the outside,” V promised, though he fully intended to spread her sweet pussy wide open with his tongue and dive in fully at some point. After all, her pain and redness extended into the mouth of her pussy—so she was going to need to open up and let him tongue-fuck her to heal it.

  But he sensed she wasn’t ready for that yet.

  Gently, he reminded himself. Patience. Let her open up to you in her own time.

  Accordingly, he waited for Penelope’s short, uncertain nod before he started.


  Penny couldn’t believe this was really happening—couldn’t believe she was letting herself try this again after the fiasco with Garret. But V’rex seemed so sincere in his desire to heal her—and to taste her—and besides, she really was in a lot of pain.

  The swelling and redness had happened so suddenly, Penny had been taken by surprise. She’d been a little swollen that morning, but she’d forgotten all about it after seeing V’rex chop off Skrug’s finger. After that, her physical discomfort had taken a back seat to her mental confusion and fear.

  And now here you are, with the same man you were so afraid of, between your thighs, she reminded herself. What’s wrong with you Penny?

  She honestly didn’t know. She only knew that she was in pain and in need and V was promising to cure her of both. Feeling both uncertain and almost unbearably aroused, she leaned back on her elbows and watched the big Hybrid as he began to heal her.


  Penelope’s outer mound was completely smooth and hairless, so it was easy to see how badly she needed him. Her outer pussy lips were swollen and red and wet with her juices—so tender looking that at first all V dared to do was bathe them gently with careful strokes of his tongue.

  He heard her swift intake of breath—a little hiss between her teeth—but he didn’t sense any pain coming from her. Rather, V guessed she was still uncertain about how he would feel about her taste.

  He lapped her again, running the tip of his tongue from the bottom of each outer lip, all the way to the top, and then looked up at her.

  “Fucking delicious, sweetheart,” he assured her hoarsely. “Is it feeling any better?”

  “Yes,” she admitted, nodding. “Some.”

  “Good.” Then she was ready for more direct contact. Pressing closer, V sucked one soft little pussy lip into his mouth, tugging it gently to send sparks of pleasure through her body. When he felt no pain coming from her, he released it slowly and did the same to the other.

  Over and over again he sucked and licked her outer lips until Penelope was shifting restlessly and panting softly. At last he looked up at her.

  “Ready to let me heal inside you, baby?” he growled softly. “Are you ready to let me spread your soft little pussy open and lick your hot little clit?”

  Penelope bit her lip and looked at him uncertainly.

  “You won’t…won’t sting me with your tongue, will you? I mean, as tender as I am right now, I just don’t think—”

  “Don’t worry,” V promised her. “I swore I wouldn’t inject you with my lust-honey again until you asked me to.”


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