The Omega Became My Equal

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The Omega Became My Equal Page 7

by Breanna Mills

  "I know. I'm sorry. I just needed it at the time. I promise I will be more careful," she nodded in approval and it was like she read my mind when she gave me a weak smile and pointed to the largest door on the bottom floor.

  "He's through there," she said softly. I could tell he was in pretty bad shape for her to speak so gently. She only used that tone when she was about to say something she knew I wouldn't like.

  "How is he?" "Not his best but he'll live. He lost a lot of blood and had some very nasty wounds. He will probably heal slower since he's an omega but he will heal. I expect he should be alright in a week or two. For now he just has to be monitored closely to make sure he progresses as he should. We put him a coma to help speed up the process. All we can do now is wait until his wolf is ready to wake him."

  I nodded in understanding and made my way to the all too familiar room. I visited my dad there a couple times even my mom when I was younger. It was the largest room on the first floor of the pack house so naturally dad thought it would be a good idea for patients to use it along with half the rooms on the floor. It was convenient at times like these when someone needed a private room or there were few people injured. We rarely used the small hospital that was built by my great grandfather since it was a few miles away from the pack house and most people preferred to stay here. This was the first attack we had in ten years and not enough people were injured severely enough to have to use it.

  With shaking hands I opened the door. I burst into silent tears seeing Chasin hooked up to so many machines. After a few minutes of sobbing I pulled myself together and walked over to him. I grabbed a chair and sat beside his bed wanting to be close to him.

  "I'm so sorry," I whispered not knowing if he could hear me. "You didn't deserve any of this. I never wanted for you to get involved. I never wanted anyone to get involved. This is all my fault. I should have never gone out with Michael, I should have waited for you. Maybe then you wouldn't have gotten hurt and a psycho alpha wouldn't want you dead."

  I took a deep breath and tried to control myself before going on. "I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. No matter what I am going to protect you."

  With those last words spoken I left. I had a lot to figure out and all of it had to do with taking down Michael once and for all.


  Chasin I woke up at the pack doctors with a killer headache. All I remembered was being with Lindsey and hell of a lot of rogues trying to kill us. I knew the pack showed up but almost everything else was a blur. My wolf sort of went crazy when they showed up. He was trying to take over and control me, it was weird. I’d never known him to be that dominate. I was starting to think I didn't really know him at all. Normally I wouldn't have lasted that long in a fight and something was telling me that it had nothing to do with the extra training.

  When the nurse walked in my thoughts immediately snapped to Lindsey. I knew she was okay, she was the strongest person I knew but I couldn't help but worry about her.

  "Where's Lindsey?" I asked her.

  My voice was husky and my throat was dry like I hadn't had water in days. "She's fine. There were no deaths fortunately so that made the situation less stressful for her. She told me to give you this. She's been here every day and I could tell she was very worried. I told her you would recover just fine. I'm actually surprised you are awake, omegas normally take longer to heal," she answered handing me a glass of water.

  "How long was I out?"

  "About five days." She handed me an envelope and I took it curiously. Why would Lindsey write me a letter? I opened it and I was even more confused when I saw a simple note. It read:

  Meet me at the pack house as soon as you can. I promise to explain everything when you get here.

  Love Lindsey

  I had no idea what any of it meant but I would definitely find out. "When can I leave? I asked ready to leave immediately. I had no problem walking out if her answer wasn't the next few hours.

  "We're going to run some test. After that if everything is normal maybe in the next few hours," she replied and I nodded.

  The only thought on my mind was that I need to get the hell out of here and fast.

  Lindsey I got a mind-link from the pack nurse telling me Chasin was awake. The last few days were pure torture as I waited anxiously for him to recover. I wanted to see him and my wolf was urging me to go to him but I had to prepare myself for what was to come. After a lot of thinking I realized what I needed to do, it was going to be tough but it would be for the best.

  Time passed too quickly and before I knew it there was a knock at the door. I ran and practically tripped over my feet at the thought of it being him. I opened the door and there he stood in all his beauty. He looked amazing. No one would have guessed he had been seriously injured and was fresh out of recovery. It was hard not to stare as he smiled and walked past me.

  "You wanted to see me?" he asked and I finally found my voice.

  "Yes. We need to talk."

  "That's never a good sign."

  "Look Chasin I have been doing some thinking-" Before I could finish my statement he kissed me making me forget what I was about to say. His lips on mine was the only thought on my mind. His hands started to roam my body and before I knew it his tongue was exploring my mouth.

  "God I missed you," he said when he finally realized I needed air.

  "I missed you too," I said breathless getting lost in his eyes.

  "What did you want to tell me?"

  "Can we eat first?" I asked motioning to the kitchen.

  I had prepared dinner and I needed a reason to avoid the conversation we were about to have as long as possible. "Sure," he agreed and we made our way to the table. We laughed and talked about nothing in particular and it was nice. It was like nothing in the world was wrong and I found myself wishing this moment could last forever. When we were finally finished I saw his expression change and I knew that I could stall no longer.

  "Lindsey talk to me. Tell me what's really going on and don't lie to me. I know you didn't bring me here to talk and eat as much as I wish you did. I can tell your stalling and I don't like it. I want to know what you’re keeping from me and I want to know now."

  I sighed knowing that I had no choice to but to tell him the truth.

  "If we don’t do something everyone is going to find out," I said softly.

  “Everyone is going to find out what?" he said and I could tell he was on the verge of being very pissed.

  "That we're mates. People already suspect," I said not looking at him.

  All of a sudden my throat was dry and I was nervous.

  "So what?"

  I heard the venom in his tone and I could tell he already knew where this was going.

  "Do you remember me saying, that we had to keep this a secret if I was going to protect you? I can't do that if everything is out in the open"

  "What the fuck are you saying Lindsey!" he was yelling at this point. This was worse than I thought. Did he not know how hard this was for the both of us? "I'm saying that I have to sort this out before we can be together Chasin. The same thing I have been saying from the very beginning. You were almost killed. Doesn't that mean anything? Did you ever stop to think what would happen to me if you died?” I was yelling by this point too. He couldn't just pretend that everything was fine and that he stood a chance against one of the most powerful of alphas.

  He ran his hands down his face and took a deep breath before he was able to speak more calmly.

  "I understand that you want to protect me but do you understand that I am not a damn pet. I don't need or want your protection. I am the man Lindsey and you will treat me like one. You are mine."

  I didn't get a chance to respond as he placed open mouth kisses on my neck right where my mark would be. I couldn't control the moans that escaped my lips as he softened the spot. I knew I should have stopped him. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't find the strength to push him away. He picked me up and my legs immediate
ly wrapped around his waist as he continued his assault. It was like he was controlling my body making it bend to his will. He walked us to a wall for support and I felt his teeth elongate, piercing my skin.

  I screamed as he sank them deeper into my flesh. He licked the wound clean and everything started to spin. I knew this had already gone too far. He began removing my clothes and once again I did nothing to stop him as he sucked on my hardened nipples and grinded himself into my wet needy core. I removed his shirt and ran my fingers all over his chest making him groan. We had fooled around a bit before but it was nothing like this. The mark seemed to be making things way more intense and I was in desperate need of him.

  "Chasin please," I begged. I began pulling at the waistband of his jeans. He unbuttoned them and kicked them off leaving him in only his boxers and me in a pair of panties. I pushed his boxers down with my feet and he ripped off my panties. I grabbed his manhood silently telling him what I needed now that we were both naked. Luckily I didn't have to worry about anyone coming in for a few hours since everyone was at training but either way I was powerless to stop it. He sank into me and my mind went blank. It was complete euphoria and I couldn't breathe. I was lost for words and I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes as he began to slowly thrust. I had never felt anything like it before and I knew no one else would ever compare. I heard him groan and call out my name as I begged him to go harder, faster.

  "Yes!" I screamed as he quickly found my spot. I gripped his shoulders leaving scratches on his back as he pounded into me. He squeezed the soft flesh of my ass bouncing me higher and I'm certain my eyes rolled to the back of my head as he lost control. My core began to tighten around him and I felt the most intense orgasm I have ever felt as I loudly called out his name. I could tell he was close but he wasn't done yet. My wolf took control as my teeth elongated and immediately went to his neck. I couldn't stop myself as I marked him. I felt him stiffen and release inside me as he reached his climax.

  We both stood still trying to catch our breath not knowing what to say. I had no intention of things going this far. He put me down and started putting on his clothes. I did the same with the little bits of mine I had left and tried to resist the urge take him into the shower with me.

  "That was-" I couldn't find words to describe it.

  "Amazing," he finished.

  "I was thinking more like incredible but amazing works too," I said and we both laughed.

  "I love you Lindsey," he said and I knew he meant it.

  "I love you too. Which is why I have to put you first," I said truthfully.

  "After all this you're still telling me you want to hide the fact we're mates?" he said incredulously. I could tell he was fed up.

  "You know what forget it. I'll make it easy for you. You don't have to worry about anyone finding out because I won't be around."

  "What are you saying?" I said trying to hold back tears. "I can't stand to see you every day and not touch you, not be able to tell everyone how I feel about you. It was hard as hell before and it'll only get worse if I stay. Every time I see a guy talk to you I'll only think of killing them. Every time I walk pass you the only thing I'll think of is wanting to kiss and make love to you. I have to leave."

  "But you can't!" I said sobbing by this point. He was leaving me.

  "The hell I can't. You made your decision and now I've made mine."

  "But I need you. Please don't leave me," I begged. "Tell me that you love me enough to accept me for who I am. Tell me that you need me enough to not care about the consequences. Tell me you have enough

  faith in me to know that I can take care of myself and protect you. Tell me that and I'll stay. I promise I’ll stay. I’ll do anything you want just tell me." I could see the desperation in his eyes, his need for me to tell him all those things, to know that I believed in him, in us. The truth was I did. I really did. But I couldn't make the words come out of my mouth. A few minutes passed and he was gone. He walked out the door and he didn't look back. I don't know how long I cried. As I showered my tears mixed with the water and I threw on a shirt and curled up on my bed still sobbing. I just let the love of my life walk out the door and I didn't know if he would ever come back.


  Lindsey The next morning I woke up I was a shell of my former self. At first I was hoping it was just a bad dream and that I would wake up. It was the ache in my chest and the dried tears on my pillow that reminded me it had been all too real. My wolf wouldn't speak to me and I couldn't remember a time when I had ever felt so alone. I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower to do my morning routine. When I looked in the mirror and saw my mark it took everything I had to keep myself from breaking down again. Everything had been so perfect. Now all I had were the memories of how it felt to be with my mate.

  I knew I should have chased him. I knew at this very moment I should have had the entire pack searching endlessly for him. I also knew that it wouldn't do either of us any good. We would only be back to square one and he needed this time. Everything he said was true. I couldn't expect him to pretend like we meant nothing to each other when things were the exact opposite. I was asking too much of him and he didn't deserve it. He deserved better and once this was over I would be sure to give him just that, if he ever gave me another chance.

  My phone rang bringing me out of my thoughts. I instantly knew who it was and sprinted to answer it.

  "Dad," I said excited to hear his voice.

  "Hi Princess. How are things going?"

  "Fine," I lied. I couldn't risk them coming home yet, not in the middle of all this chaos.

  "Good. Everything going okay with the pack?"

  "Great Dad couldn't be better," I said hoping he wouldn't pick up on the nervousness in my voice. "That's my girl. Your mother and I are having a great time. She's been worrying none stop thinking that something was wrong. I told her you could handle things on your own and you would have call if you needed us right?"

  "Of course. Why wouldn't I?" I hated lying and the guilt was about eat me alive. I wanted to beg them to come home and fix everything. I wanted my dad to take care of Michael while I cried on my Mom's shoulder about Chasin. But I had to take care of things myself. I was a female alpha in a male dominated world and I couldn't run to mommy and daddy whenever I had problem. Besides they were enjoying themselves. I didn't want to ruin things for them.

  "Let me talk to her," I heard my mom say in the background. My dad handed her the phone and I felt even worse.

  "Honey are you sure everything is okay? We can come home." I could tell she was serious. She knew me really well and if she were here she would see right through me. I hadn't even mentioned I found my mate because I knew she would make my dad book the first flight back.

  "I'm fine Mom, really. You don't need to come home. I promise I'll call if I need anything. You guys just have fun."

  "Okay honey. Love you."

  "Love you guys too," I said hanging up. This was going to be a long day. I finished getting ready and grabbed an apple before heading to school. I had no clue how was I going to get through the day without thinking about Chasin. I arrived right on time and I noticed everyone was staring and whispering. I knew it was about me and Chasin. A lot pack members came to help us and a few of them had to have wondered why we were there together in the first place. If that wasn't enough the mark on my neck that I couldn't completely cover up would be a dead giveaway. Not to mention my scent changed. I ignored them and made my way to class.

  Part of me was hoping that Chasin was just angry. That he took some time to cool down and would show up. I didn't even know what I would say to him if he did. It would be a relief just knowing he was safe. No one said a word to me as I took my seat. I knew they were dying to ask questions but I was thankful they didn't.

  After class was over I was cornered by the only other person besides my parents and Chasin that could see straight through me. I had been avoiding her hoping to delay the inevitable. I knew I woul
d eventually run into her and when I did she was going to demand answers.

  "Hold it right there missy," she said running to catch up with me. "Explain. Now," she had her hands on her hips giving me the most serious look she could muster.

  "Not now Kasey please," I begged not really wanting to talk about it. "You were almost killed by some rogues, you were found with Chasin who barely survived and hasn't been seen all day. Not to mention that your scent has changed and there is a rumor going around that you two are mates. You've also been avoiding me like the plague so yes now."

  I sighed knowing that she was not going to let this go. I took her arm and led her to the girls restroom where it was less likely that we would be disturbed.

  "Okay you're right I have been avoiding you. I'm sorry. Yes Chasin and I were found together during the attack and I did find my mate," I explained.

  "You found your mate and didn't tell me!" she said outraged.

  "I thought we were best friends."

  She couldn't hide the disappointment and sadness in her voice making me feel even worse.

  "We are Kas it's just complicated" I said truthfully.

  "It is Chasin isn't it? You're ashamed because he's omega," she said trying to put the pieces together. "I knew you two would be mates. I can't believe you would hide it from me though. He's perfect for you. Tell me you're not that shallow and that you didn't reject him."


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