The Omega Became My Equal

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The Omega Became My Equal Page 9

by Breanna Mills

  "Yeah I do," I told her truthfully. I knew she was trying to take her mind off whatever happened and I let her. It was nice just to talk to her, be near her.

  "My Dad used to tell me if I ever needed anything all I had to do is ask and they would guide me. That they would protect their pack even in spirit." "Your Dad is wise." "Yeah he is. He makes being alpha look so effortless. I don't think I'll ever be as good him. He says that mom is part of the reason. She keeps him sane."

  "She's a great Luna and they are mates so I don't doubt that."

  "I’ve always wanted to meet my mate. But I'm afraid of what he might think being with a female alpha. Maybe he won't want me."

  She sounded calm but I could hear how worried she was.

  "He would be a fool not to want you. You're perfect in every way."

  "You're just saying that because I'm going to be your alpha one day," she said laughing. Little did she know I meant every word.

  "No I mean it. He's going to be very lucky."

  "I hope he thinks so. What about you? Are you ready to meet your mate?" I looked at her and she didn't spare me a glance. I was glad because if she did she would have saw straight through me. I was secretly hoping she would be mine one day. I knew that would never happen so I did my best to suppress those feelings.

  "I guess so. I mean who isn't? But I can't help but wonder how she'll feel about me being an omega."

  I don't know why I was telling her all of this but I felt like I could tell her anything. "Don't you worry about that for a second Chase. You're a great guy and she's going to love you. Your status won't matter to her and if it does she doesn't deserve you. You're so much more than just an omega. You're a person and she's going to treat you like her equal because that's what you'll be."

  Her words made me truly believe that I was more than my title. I basked in the fact that she believed in me. The word equal made my wolf come alive and I felt something I never felt before, pride.

  End of Flashback Thinking of the things she used to say made me feel so many emotions. It was part of the reason it hurt so much when she tried to keep our relationship hidden. I was all for it at first because I thought that in time she would come to her senses. I hoped that I could convince her and she would remember that one word 'equal' that changed my life forever. I understood her reasoning, she wanted to protect me. What I wanted her to learn was that we were halves of a whole and I wanted the same thing, to protect her. Now that she finally learned she was gone.

  "I going to the cliff to see if I can sense her. When I come back I'm calling a meeting. It's time everyone knew the truth. I'm alpha of this pack and we are going to get my mate back"


  Baby just hang on. I forgive you. I love you. Just say strong for me, for us. I'm coming ," I mind-linked her as I took off. I just hoped she heard me.

  CHAPTER 20 Chasin When I got to the cliff I could faintly catch her scent. I knew she had been here but it was hard to tell which way she went. I inhaled deeply searching for something, anything that would give me a clue as to where they might have taken her. There were traces of silver in the air and I let out a fierce growl. What the hell did they do to her?

  I was done wasting time. We needed to stake out Michael ’s territory and find her. I had a feeling she was there I just didn't know where. I had to assemble the trackers and move quickly. If she had been shot with silver she was not in good shape. Her wolf would be healing her slowly if at all and her pride wouldn't let her admit when she was too weak to fight. When I got back Falcon had assembled everyone as I had asked. Everyone stared as I made my way through the crowd. I faced them all with my head held high. I had nothing to fear and they would respect me.

  "I called you all here because your alpha Lindsey has been kidnapped. She is my mate and I would like your help in finding her. I have reason to believe that she was taken by Michael, the alpha of the neighboring pack. I need two of the best trackers to head to the cliff and see what you can find. The others trackers will follow me to Michael’s territory to see if we can pick up a scent. The warriors will be split into two teams one with me and the other with Falcon. Anyone volunteers will go with the group headed by Kasey."

  "Why should we listen to you? You may be strong now but the last time we saw you were an omega," I heard a voice from the crowd say.

  "Who said that?" I asked calmly.

  A guy about my age stepped out the crowd. He had a smirk on his face.

  "I did. I'm not taking orders from an omega." I really didn't care what he thought. The problem was I was pressed for time and I needed everyone's cooperation. Unfortunately for him I would have to use him as an example. I walked over and punched him breaking his jaw. I snapped his neck just enough to knock him out, not kill, and he fell to the ground. When he was down I stepped on his rib-cage and made sure the cracks of bone were heard, he would heal.

  "Anybody else have any questions?"

  Lindsey I woke feeling groggy. My vision was blurred, my head was pounding, and my body felt weak. I couldn't even gather the strength to lift my head. What the hell happened to me?

  "About time you woke up. Wouldn't want you to die before I had the chance to have a little fun with you before I took what was mine and killed you."

  I didn't have to look up, I knew his voice and everything came rushing back to me. I was about to kick his ass before I got shot.

  "Who shot me? Who betrayed me?" I managed to say in a raspy voice. My throat was dry and barely above a whisper but I knew he heard me.

  "I'm impressed. You figured that before you passed out? Very good let's meet him shall we?"

  I heard someone chuckle and to be honest I wasn't surprised when I managed to hold my head up and look him in the eye.

  "I'm going to kill you," I said with as much venom in my tone as I could muster. He just smirked and I could tell he held no remorse. "Why? Why did you do this? Why did you help him of all people? I'm your alpha dammit why would you betray me?" I asked needing an answer. The smirk left his face and his expression turned serious.

  "I did it because you wouldn't even give me the time of day. I was in love with you and all you saw was that damn omega. What the hell was so special about him that you couldn't even spare me a glance? Why wouldn't you just give me a chance?"

  I didn't know he felt this strongly but it didn't excuse what he had done. "Paul he's my mate. He was made for me. Of course I would choose him. I would always choose him. You know how strong a mate bond is and you know that you would have found yours eventually. You didn't have to do this."

  "Yes I did. Even if I had met her I would have rejected her for you. Why couldn't you do the same for me? Why couldn't you reject him? He was just an omega. I'm stronger. We could have been happy. I would have been more suitable to help you run the pack it would have been incredible. But you couldn't see that."

  "Even before I found out he was my mate I never saw you as anything but a potential friend Paul. I'm sorry you got hurt and felt this was the answer but you have to understand that there would have never been a chance for us. We were never meant to be-"

  "Enough!" Michael said cutting me off. "I can't listen the two of you whine anymore. Damn it's giving me a headache. Paul I didn't know you were such a little bitch. Trust me when I say she's an okay lay but I've had better. Nothing to loose your shit over. Pull yourself together."

  I growled and tried to launch at him but I was chained to the wall. He was such a fucking bastard. I couldn't believe I ever liked him. I was disgusted with myself.

  "Awww don't worry. I'll fuck you good one last time. No need to get pissy," he said smiling at me and I wanted to claw his heart out. "You won't touch me. You'll never touch me again you asshole. You're nothing but a weak excuse for an alpha whose about to lose his title. Yeah I know about it. I did some digging. Your members hate you because you're destroying their pack. They would over throw you if they could. You've been killing to make them fear you. This is your pathetic attempt to win them
over. You think taking over my pack will gain you respect. I hate to break it to you but that will never happen. They will never respect you because of the way you treated them."

  I knew he was pissed by the way he stormed over and slapped me so hard I tasted blood. No alpha liked being disrespected. Telling him he would never gain the respect of his pack members was the lowest it could ever get, but it was the truth.

  "You know nothing you bitch. They respect me. Not one of them would cross me. Can you say the same? How do you think your pack will react when they find out you're mated to an omega? Do you think they'll respect you still? Do you think other packs will even consider being your ally or take you seriously? Hell I'm doing you a favor. A bitch should never run a pack and when I'm through with you no one will ever again question that. Female alphas will be forced to hand over their packs to more capable males and you’ll be the reason why." My heart beat faster in my chest and I had to remind myself not to let his words get to me. I was destined to run my pack. Even if I had to die I would never surrender it. Today I was going to show exactly why alpha females could run a pack just as well if not better than males.

  "Let me out of these chains and I'll show you how capable I am. Fight me one on one. You want my pack? Take it. Challenge me for it and show me why you deserve it."



  Paul looked at me like I was out of my mind and Michael looked amused with that smirk on his face that I wanted to slap off.

  "You want me to challenge you? As in an alpha fight? One on one?"

  "That's exactly what I mean." I knew that my chances of winning looked slim but what kind of alpha would I be if I just did nothing. Regardless of what happened here my pack would know that I did everything I could to protect them down to my last breath against this idiot. My father always told me that when in doubt I had to remember that no matter what, a person who had something worth fighting for would find the strength. I was counting on that being the case. I had something to fight for and more to lose then Michael, I wouldn't fail my pack.

  "You can't be serious. You're weak and even at your full strength he would probably kill you. You're a female for crying out loud. You can't win against a fully grown alpha male" said Paul frantically. I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

  "We'll just have to find out then won't we? That is if Michel here isn't too afraid to fight me." I looked at Michel and he burst out laughing.

  "Afraid? Sweetheart don't make me laugh. I know you inside and out."

  He came closer and stroked my cheek. I pulled away trying to resist the urge to spit in his face. "You're soft, delicate even. We both know you don't stand a chance against me. I'm all man baby. A female like yourself was only designed to pleasure me. You could have made this simple and given in like I know you want to. You're still hurt because I used you, cheated on you. I get that. You probably have an itch your little omega can’t quite scratch, not the way I can. Maybe a little built up anger and frustration, wanting to prove to Daddy and everyone else that you're not worthless. But there is no need to be suicidal.

  I wouldn't want to bring harm to that fragile little body of yours by inflicting that kind of pain on it. Unless of course you like it rough. Which if I remember correctly you do from time to time. You and I could start over. Lead the packs together side my side. Two alphas together as equals. Isn't that what you wanted? Wasn't that your dream? To be mated to someone who was equally as strong as you. Someone who would let you fight alongside him and set an example for the rest of the packs. See I know the real reason you wanted to keep your omega a secret. He's not at all what you envisioned is he? That's why you chose me. That's why you wanted to be with me. Because I was the man you desired. You could still have that. I could make you my equal."

  This was not what I expected him to say at all. He was trying to play on my emotions and get inside my head. He wanted to make me forget my main goal which was to end him. I wouldn't let him do this to me. He had no idea how much I loved Chasin and nothing would ever change that. It was true that I never expected to be mated to an omega. It never occurred to me that it could happen. I thought I would be mated to another alpha and I confided in him telling him I wanted to be treated as an equal. I didn't want to give up my position. I didn't want to be pushed aside and told to act like a Luna because the male I was mated to was dominant.

  Ever since I was a little girl I had this dream. The Moon Goddess would come to me and I would stand before her with my unknown mate. She told us that we were the start of a new era. An era where the titles of Alpha and Luna would be unimportant. An era where a female and male could be treated the same and gender would not define strength. She called it the era of equals and said that my mate and I would be the first of many. We would be true equals and we would teach others to become the same. I told Michel about this dream and he was trying to use it against me now, but I wouldn't let him.

  "I don't care about any of that anymore. I have my destined mate and that's all that matters. You are pathetic and a coward trying to use my past against me. But I'm strong enough not to let it bother me. I'm also not stupid enough to think you would ever treat a woman as your equal. You're forgetting I know you as well as you claim you know me. Underneath it all you’re nothing but an arrogant bastard who thinks women are beneath him because they are the weaker sex. I feel sorry for the poor woman who is destined to be your mate. Let me go now and I might give you a chance to meet her."

  I could tell he wasn't expecting that reply either. He thought I would say that his words were true, that the Moon Goddess had made a mistake pairing me with Chasin. But I would never say those words. Chasin was more of a man then he could ever be. His expression became dark and his eyes turned cold. I had never seen him this way before.

  "Who says I haven't already met her," he said softly but with enough venom I caught every word.

  "You really think you know me? You only know what I allowed you to. So really you don't know me at all." He walked over to Paul and ripped his heart right out of his chest. I turned away not wanting to see his lifeless body. I may not have liked him, he may have betrayed me, but he was still a pack member.

  "Let me tell you a little story. The day I shifted I met my mate. The most gorgeous woman I had ever laid eyes on. I couldn't imagine a woman more beautiful. Even in my dreams. My wolf was ecstatic to have finally met her. She was timid and a little shy which made me want to protect her even more. She was so innocent and delicate. I wanted to give her the world. When she found out I slept around, she cried and I begged her forgiveness. It was like my heart was being torn apart knowing I was the cause of her pain. She was an omega as well. I knew that meant I would have to work hard to gain her trust, but I would do anything for her. She forgave me, said she understood. I marked and mated her that same day. I had never been so happy.

  We went off by ourselves in this secluded area. I wanted her first time to be away from everything, romantic. I did what I could in that short amount of time and she said it was magical. That no one ever loved her or did anything close to nice for her. That made me angry, but I was thrilled I had made it memorable for her. I was about to take her and introduce her to the pack when we were ambushed. She wasn't strong and I was on my own against a hundred plus rogues. I told her to run, but she wouldn't listen. She wanted to stay and help. I called my beta and told him I needed help.

  When he got there I was an inch away from death and unconscious. When I woke up a month later they told me she was dead. I remember wishing they had let me die too. I didn't want to live without her. I didn't make any effort to recover. I didn't eat, barely got out of bed. But one day I decided that I would obtain power, take over as many packs as I could and hunt down every rogue who had anything to do with her death. I recovered quickly from that point, revenged fueled me. After doing some research I realized that the attack had been personal. My father had killed the mate of one of the rogues and as payment he wanted to kill my father’s mate. My
mother had died alongside my father so that left me. From that point on I didn't care whose heart I broke or ripped apart. I was never the same and I never will be. So you see I'm not afraid of anything, I could care less if I lived or died. So tell me, do you still think you stand a chance?"

  I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe his mate was dead. I never knew the whole time we were together. Looking back I should have known. His eyes never held that shine. His features never showed true happiness. It was all an act.

  "Looks like your mate has joined the party. He has just crossed my border. Now you get to watch him die. You get to lose your omega like I lost mine. Maybe then you will start to see things my way."

  He smiled the evilest smile I had ever seen, like the thought of killing my mate brought him joy. I prayed it wasn't true. That it wasn't really happening. Then I felt the bond strengthen. He was right Chasin had arrived.


  Chasin I shifted and headed the search. The only thing going through my mind was to get to Michael’s pack. My wolf was in control, anxious to find Lindsey, and I was right with him. When we finally reached the border we were met by some guards. They growled warning us to turn back but that wasn't about to happen. I took the lead and began knocking them out. I did enough damage to make sure they wouldn't wake for a couple hours, not enough to kill them. There was no need to kill, the only person's blood I wanted was Michael’s.

  The others did the same and once the guards and patrol were taken care of I let my instincts take over. It wasn't long before I was certain she was here somewhere. The pull was getting stronger and I knew I had to be close. Her scent was very faint which meant she had to be somewhere underground or near silver. I decided to shift back. Someone here knew exactly where she could be and a little persuasion would help me find her. I slid on some shorts and headed for the pack house. Everyone else mostly stayed in wolf form waiting for instructions. The door flew open before I could open it and a guy I recognized as the beta stood before me.


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