Planetary Spells & Rituals

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Planetary Spells & Rituals Page 16

by Raven Digitalis

  Iron creates rust, which is where this spell comes into play. Rust is both iron and deep red: two things heavily aligned to Mars. Since ancient times, iron and rust have been known to have extreme protective properties.

  As an important warning, be careful not to poke yourself with the nails being used, especially if they are rusty. If this happens, go immediately to a hospital to receive a tetanus shot to prevent a potentially deadly infection.

  The product of this working—also known as War Water—has long had a reputation of being one of the most powerful and forceful spiritual waters. This water can help project a tremendous punch, be it a curse, energy against a curse, or any pointed, vigorous magickal intention.

  This Mars bottle can be kept virtually forever, as it only grows more powerful with time. As the rust keeps on building in the water, the water becomes more potent. Be careful when handling this water: I’ve discovered that even accidentally spilling a little bit (assuming the bottle is charged with energy) can cause aggressive and Mars-related energies to emerge instantly and unknowingly—and that’s just not kosher, man.

  In addition to the water being a powerful energetic protecting agent, it can also be used for purposes of projection. If energy is being directed and sent to another source, the water will serve as a unique projective agent. Mars water can also be used for magickal purposes of creation and “impregnation,” seeing as Mars is the “penetrator of fate”—just look at Aries’ associations with earthen fertility!

  Mars Water is also a type of War Water, and it can be used to cause negative chaos of any type. If one wishes to make people quarrel and fight with each other—or with their own minds—this water can be used. However, I advise against doing this unless the need is imperative. One can also sprinkle War Water on an enemy’s doorway to get them to flee their property. Because Mars is projective, this energetic boost can be used for either good or ill. The usage of this powerful water is up to the Witch or magician!

  Stepping Back & Further Application

  I recommend reviewing the properties of the planet Mars (page 148 and Appendix 2) before crafting the bottle. For any purposes associated with Mars, the water can be used. Brainstorm different ways the water can be utilized. Will you keep this bottle on the “fire” quadrant of your main altar? Will you stash it away for emergency magickal use only? Are you planning spells of banishing, protection, or malevolence that the water can amplify? Will you just keep the bottle on hand for possible uses down the road?

  Assuming your primary goal is protection, what are you protecting from? Is the protection simply a preventive measure, or is there a greater threat you’re specifically guarding against? If the latter, consider whether or not you’ve taken all the necessary real-world steps to deal with the matter. It’s a good idea to protect one’s property regularly, and using Mars water is a great thing to incorporate.


  • a tight-sealing glass jar

  • 5 iron nails

  • 1 bloodstone (or carnelian)

  • enough purified or spring water to fill the jar


  • Again, the nails used in this spell must be made of iron, since it is the eventual rust we’re going for.

  • After the jar is made, remember to swirl the rust around in the bottle before using it (it’s really pretty), and be certain not to cut yourself on the nails or shards of rust.

  • As part of an especially potent cursing spell, add to a small pot of boiling water a splash of Mars Water along with a few pinches of Spanish moss, valerian, and sulphur. Let it steep and you have a potent concoction of War Water—use with discretion! Rain water collected during a violent storm adds an extra punch.

  • It will take some time for the nails to start rusting; the water cannot be used immediately.


  Begin by casting a circle, calling the quarters, chanting, or raising energy as you normally would, performing protective exercises, and altering your consciousness. Clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.

  Call out to the energy of Mars:

  O holy Mars in the celestial sphere! He who is five! He who is protection! He who is severity! I call upon you now to aid in this working and lend your sacred quintessence to this rite!

  One by one, drop the nails into the empty jar. Say:

  By the power of five—the protective pentagram and the vibration of Hod—this iron serves its purpose.

  Drop the bloodstone into the jar. Say:

  By the power of the blood, and the magick of the living Earth, this jar comes to life.

  Fill the jar nearly full of water and declare:

  From day to day this power grows in strength. As water and iron create rust, so is this bottle an alchemical charm of the holy and harsh properties of Mars.

  Seal the jar tightly shut and shake it around violently. Dance and hop around the space, filling the jar with both physical and energetic energy. While you are flailing about, keep repeating the word Mars.

  Without breaking it, toss the bottle on the floor so it rolls to a stop. Shout:

  The Mars bottle is complete! So mote it be!

  Thank Mars appropriately and close the circle as you normally would. The water will increase in strength over time, so check its progress regularly!

  Sex is a natural human instinct, and is an aspect of being that Paganism celebrates. Sex is a gateway to pleasure, to Gnosis, and it can be used to perpetuate the human species. Unfortunately, due to antiquated ideas greatly associated with Christianity, sex and sexuality have become maligned over time. The debasement of such a sacred and natural thing has resulted in countless sexual imbalances. Sex has become frequently viewed as a “taboo” or forbidden. To view sexuality in a negative light is itself a cause of sexual crimes. It can cause people to indulge in hedonistic spurts, be secretive about their sexuality or sex life, and feel dreadfully ashamed if they have homosexual, bisexual, or fetishistic tendencies. These are just a few examples of the negative effects of sexual repression and demonization. Because they’re such intense and psychological subjects, I won’t get started discussing the bitter realities of sexual abuse and homophobia. Instead, I urge readers to contemplate the ins and outs of sex and sexuality and how they fit in our present culture—and where such views are headed.

  Such considerations are necessary before performing a spell aimed at calling a sex partner. One should know their own motivations for such a working and should think about whether or not such a spell is impulsive or unhealthy. Everyone views sex and sexuality differently, and everyone approaches their own sexuality in different ways.

  One may wish to summon a sex partner to ease loneliness. For some, overindulging in sex is a substitute for feeling love and admiration. Sexual addiction is a common psychological issue (including chronic masturbation), and is severely unhealthy. Please don’t perform this spell if you think you may be suffering from a sexual addiction or dependency. Also, if you are looking for a romantic and emotional lover, please skip this spell and reference “The Twin Flame: Summoning a Lover” in the Venus chapter instead. If you are looking for a “bed buddy” or partner to occasionally relieve stress with (that is, with no romantic or emotional feelings attached beyond friendship), this spell might be for you.

  Certainly, one should get themselves tested for STDs and ensure that any partner they sleep with has done the same. Sexual liberation is grand and essential in life, but personal sexual liberalness is not. One must use discretion and discernment, and not have sex with the first person who comes along just because they show interest. Even in the case of flings, both partners’ intentions are vitally important. Respect others and respect yourself.

  Stepping Back & Further Application

  Deeply and honestly analyze your reasons for
wanting a sex partner. Why do you want a sex partner and not a romantic partner? What is your sexual history? Do you feel that your personal worth depends on other peoples’ attraction to you? Are you in a committed relationship with another person already, and if so, are you wishing to cheat (not recommended!) or are you polyamorous? What are your views on sex? Are you planning on having safe and respectful sex? Do you idealize sex and hold it up on a pedestal, or do you have a realistic view of it? Do you find yourself constantly obsessing or thinking about sex? Are you comfortable with your sexuality? Do you see sex as something naughty, or as something to have fun with?

  Are you looking for a magickal and spiritual sex partner? How picky and selective are you with your potential partners? Also, are you seeking out dates with people you meet on adult networking websites?

  Sex with another person binds both people’s energies together, which is why the motivations of each person, and their general personalities, must match. We are looking for equality, honesty, respect, and respectability here. If you do not respect yourself, or if you are purposefully reliving or repressing sexual abuse or imbalances of the past, please carefully consider whether or not a sex partner would be the most beneficial thing for you now.


  • 1 red candle

  • a round incense-burning charcoal disk and sand in a dish or censor

  • about ¼ ounce of the dried herb damiana

  • a mixture of lemon juice and orange juice

  • a bowl of warm water

  • a red permanent marker

  • a large sheet of dark green paper

  • 1 or more pornographic magazines (see Notes)

  • scissors

  • honey

  • prepared red wine (see Notes) in a chalice or wine glass

  • a fresh, chemical-free rose or a banana (see Notes)

  • patchouli essential oil (not “fragrant” oil)

  • 5 cherries

  • a combination of black pepper, onion powder, and crushed red pepper

  • a small brown paper bag


  • The pornographic magazines can be either softcore or hardcore, gay or straight, vanilla or fetish, as per your preferences.

  • If summoning a female, stick your fingers in a fresh red rose while masturbating; if male, grasp a banana. If you’re summoning a sex partner of either gender, use both.

  • To prepare the red wine, simmer a bottle’s worth with a combination of basil, caraway, 5 cardamom pods, 5 clove buds, coriander, damiana, hibiscus, licorice root, saw palmetto, and yarrow. Very slowly warm this mixture on the stove (until it’s barely simmering). Strain out herbs and let the wine cool to a drinkable temperature. If you are underage or abstain from alcohol, substitute grape juice for the wine.

  • “Willow’s Song” comes from the 1975 film The Wicker Man, which is, in my opinion, the best Pagan film in the history of cinema! (Don’t watch the “remake” version—it’s a monumental and degrading waste of time.) The lyrics to the song can be found on the Internet, and the tone, rhythm, and pitch is found in the movie.


  Begin by casting a circle, calling the quarters, chanting, or raising energy as you normally would, performing protective exercises, and altering your consciousness. Clear your mind, bring focus to your breath, and meditate for at least a few minutes. When ready, begin the spell.

  Fire up the candle and charcoal. When ready, place a pinch of damiana on the coal and continue adding pinches to the ember throughout the ritual.

  Strip naked and anoint yourself (or rub your body all over) with the lemon/orange juice. Get friction going. Afterward, wash your hands in the bowl of warm water.

  Facing south, grab the marker and paper. On both sides, draw large images of symbol 12, taking up the full length of the paper.

  Take some time browsing through the porn. Allow yourself to become aroused and stimulated. As you reach images that are particularly attractive to you, use scissors to cut out the certain body parts. Snip out legs, arms, a midsection, a chest or breasts, a penis or vagina, and so on. Try your best to get the images to be matching sizes. When you reach the face, cut out an attractive pair of lips, a nose, different eyes, and a hairstyle.

  Now piece together these body parts on the paper to make one amalgamated “person.” With the honey, make the back sides of the body parts sticky and adhere them over the symbol in the appropriate places. Continue this with all body parts, forming a very odd-looking solid “person” on the paper. Though each individual part may be attractive, the combination of them looks quite strange. (And it will look quite hermaphroditic if you are summoning a sex partner of no particular gender.)

  Once your image is assembled, set aside the magazines. Pick up the image and run it through the smoke. Say:

  My desire come to me. My desire cum with me. As I will, so mote it be.

  Put the paper down and place the glass of wine atop it. If you have a penis, insert it directly (and erectly) into the wine, charging it with sexual energy. If you have a vagina, finger yourself briefly and dip your finger in the wine. Cup your hands around the glass and say:

  With this, I take into myself the blood of the gods, bound to my sexual essence. I stimulate my senses, I stimulate my mind. As this enters my body, I am magnetic to the lover I seek. So be it!

  Slowly drink the wine as you stimulate your genitals. Softly touch the rose and/or banana (see Notes) between sips of wine. Take time to arouse yourself and feel your body. Intermittently asperge (sprinkle) the image with the wine, using your masturbatory hand. Continue to masturbate slowly, working yourself up. Keep looking at the body parts in the image you’ve created, allowing it to arouse you more and more. Before you climax, make sure that all the wine has been drunk. If you wish, dump the last splash of wine on your body, rubbing it all around.

  When you climax, get the sexual fluids immediately on the image. If you’re male, ejaculate directly on the paper. If you’re female, smear your sexual fluids from your hands onto the image. (If you are a pre-op transsexual, simply do what feels natural.) Get the image as “wet” from your juices as possible, and wash your hands in the warm water afterward.

  Put a drop of the patchouli oil on the image in five places: on the four corners and the center. Anoint yourself with the oil as well, putting one drop on the back of your right hand, left hand, right foot, left foot, and a final drop in the center of your chest.

  Put your face close to the paper and sing “Willow’s Song” to the enchanted image, slowly and softly. When finished, slowly eat the 5 cherries, depositing the stems on the image. Sprinkle the image with the remaining damiana as well as with the blend of peppers and onion. Say:

  From low and high I summon you!

  From far and wide I summon you!

  From in and out I summon you!

  My desire come to me. My desire cum with me. As I will, so mote it be!

  Immediately crumple the paper with the image and ingredients on the inside, making the symbol on the opposite side visible. Toss the spell in the paper bag and put the banana peel (eat the banana) and/or red rose (eat one of the petals) on top of the crumpled spell. Close the circle as you normally would.

  Crumple up the brown bag and nonchalantly deposit the bag (which should now look like ordinary garbage) in the trash can inside an adult store, sex shop, or pornographic theatre. Try to find a public receptacle rather than having to ask a store clerk, but do so if one is unavailable.

  The properties of Mars and the element of fire are aplenty. Some of the most prevalent qualities are war, aggression, and anger. When anger arises in a person, they are overtaken with a rage that has potential to get out of control—much like a fire. Like any strong emotion, anger can be difficult to work with and calm, which is where this spell comes in.

nbsp; Anger can be considered to be related to Mars. You may then wonder why this spell for releasing anger is included here in the Mars chapter. The reason is that we’ll be fighting fire with fire. Anger is a piercing, destructive force, and the energy behind extreme banishing is similar. Though it would be a good idea to also incorporate other planetary energies, the essence of Mars can help get the essence of Mars under control! This spell also concludes with a bath or shower. In a sense, the aggressive release (fire) will be cooled off in the end (water). If you’re plotting zodiacal alignments, try to incorporate at least a little essence of the element water (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces).

  Anger requires release; it must be conducted. If bottled away, it only builds: this is exceedingly dangerous both emotionally and psychologically. Many therapies and spiritual paths assert that various steps in awareness can be taken before anger builds or gets out of control. While this spell is not focused on these mechanisms, it can provide a small outlet for the fiery fury once it’s begun to build. When the escalated rage is conducted, channeled, and gotten under control, it can then encourage a person to change their emotional actions in the future should such a situation arise again.

  Releasing anger in a constructive manner is important. If left unchecked, the demon of rage can overtake a person and lead them out of control. Surrendering to one’s emotions, including anger, may seem to be empowering in the moment, but this is an illusion. Losing control of one’s mindfulness, regardless of the emotion and its intensity, is a serious occurrence. Much like with substance use, a person should remain in control of themselves at all times rather than be swept away by the moment. As this spell provides a method of release, I hope it encourages those with frequent tempers to conduct their emotions before they become too chaotic.


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