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Aries Page 3

by Enid Titan

“He’ll be expecting merchandise, Com’.”

  “I understand, but he’ll have to be reasonable. I’m not giving up the Earthling just for him to stick her with cyborg parts and clone her like a living doll.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  “Aye, Com’. See you on the bridge.”


  Ramses sighed again. He could sense Sobek didn’t agree with his decision regarding the female. This would have been easier if she’d never kissed him. It would have been easier if he’d never tasted her blood on his tongue. Now that he had… Ramses would have to explain everything to her. Given her species' primitive culture, Rory Blackmore was intelligent. Ramses could taste it on her blood and as she’d teleported, their system collected imprints from her memory, information that filtered through by accident.

  Before deleting the memory imprint, Ramses found himself going over Rory Blackmore’s life. Her culture confused him with its stiff formality, obsession with tea drinking, and intensely competitive economy.

  Rory was successful given her society. She was the youngest trader to ever close a $10 million deal for her company. Yet time and time again, she was passed up for promotions and downtrodden by those around her.

  Gender inequality wasn’t exactly an issue on Aries. The females dominated. They simply chose to excuse themselves once they were done breeding and retreat to their “civilized” enclaves, tucked away from the lascivious and insatiable desires of their men.

  Ramses stalked through the halls of his ship to Rory’s room. He could hear her breathing and sensed she was awake, but lying very still, probably too scared to move. He pressed his hand to the door.

  The computer announced, “Rory, Com’ Ramses awaits outside the door. Please give verbal assent for entry.”

  Rory must have said yes because the doors slid open. She screamed when she saw him, an honest blood-curdling scream. Rory had been covered in sweat for the past two hours. Her room was hot and muggy like an August day in London after a big rain. Worse than that, even.

  Her hair stuck to her neck and the latex costume hugged her body tightly, squishing all her bits together in a warm, gross, sweaty soup.

  “Rory, I know this may come as a surprise to you.”

  “Y-you’re still wearing your costume,” she stammered, “Only…it’s not a costume.”

  She wasn’t as much listening to him as she was stammering her thoughts out loud, trying to piece together where she was and what was happening at the same time. Her eyes fixed on him, so wide and blue, like glass. Ramses had never seen unusually colored eyes this close before.

  “Rory, I know this may come as a surprise.”

  “You kidnapped me! You’re some kind of… some kind of… you kidnapped me!”

  “Rory, please calm down,” Ramses urged, “I know I kidnapped you. I’m sorry. It’s just that… If you’ll calm down, I’ll explain.”

  “Why do you sound… Scottish!?”

  “That I don’t have an answer for. Our ship’s translators might be struggling with your language.”

  “I can understand you just fine. Are you admitting that…”

  “I promise, Rory, if you calm down, I’ll explain everything.”

  Rory sniffled and took a step forward away from the wall. As he spoke, she grew less afraid of him. His voice had a sultry, hypnotic quality and as he asked her to calm down, Rory could feel her shoulders drop and her fear frayed at the edges.

  “Fine. Explain. What am I doing here, Ramses? Is that even your real name.”

  “Yes, it’s my real name. I’m the Com’ on this ship.”


  “Something like that. But a little different.”


  “I brought you here because of what happened in the night club. When you kissed me —

  Ramses hesitated, for the first time nervous around the creature he’d brought aboard to the ship. He’d never encountered a female who didn’t know how to handle an Arietan. Most females in the galaxy knew exactly what they were like and most avoided Arietan males for this reason. Only a few… a daring few would get as close as Rory did. Even fewer would allow his fangs to graze their lips, lest this happen.

  “What happened when I kissed you?” Rory snapped impatiently.

  “I drew your blood. It… changes me when I do that. It changes both of us.”

  “I don’t feel any different.”

  Rory’s hand rushed to the cut on her lip where she’d sliced herself on his fangs. His fangs were real.

  “W-what are you?” She asked, although she was scared to ask, and worried about his answer given what she saw.

  Ramses “costume” wasn’t a costume at all. His skin was a coppery, scarlet color with scales across his arms and shoulders, which explained why his hands were rough to the touch. His thick rams’ horns connected to his skull and tousled black hair fell around his head, tousled and… alluring. Spikes jutted from his shoulders and he had a mid-sized tail swishing behind him. She hadn't noticed the tail in the nightclub. How had she not noticed?

  Rory blushed as the thought entered her head that Ramses was alluring. He should have been anything but. His feet were hooved after all. But with his tunic, she could see his chest and muscles, those rock hard muscles she’d pressed up against in the nightclub. And then, of course, his eyes, an obsidian glassy black. Those were alluring too

  He seemed to be observing for her reaction as he answered her.

  “I’m Arietan, from the Aries Vulcani clan. I am Ramses of Ogneb.”

  “You’re not a vampire?” She breathed out a sigh of relief.

  Ramses chuckled.

  “What is a vampire? My research indicates your people have not encountered other species. Do two species cohabit on your planet?”

  “No. Vampires are like… I mean, you’ve got fangs, you’ve got black eyes… I dunno. It just made sense.”


  “Sorry. You go on. Explain.”

  “I came to your planet to do research and find out if there were any subjects worth selling…”

  “Oi! You mean you want to sell me?”

  “No! I can’t… I couldn’t, even if I wanted to. Truth is… I’ve never been able to stomach the idea of selling like others in my species. I was hoping I’d have a change of heart.”

  He flashed Rory a knowing look and she replied with a blank stare

  “What do you mean ‘even if you wanted to’?”

  “I…” Ramses heart fluttered.

  “I drew your blood. The risks of that happening… if I’d been more careful… If you hadn’t been so beautiful…”

  “What are you going on about?” Rory huffed.

  “I’m going to fall in love with you.”

  “What? Don’t I get a say in that?”

  “Yes. Well, normally you would. Except when you kissed me, I drew blood.”

  “So now we’re going to fall in love? This was only supposed to be casual.”

  “I know.”

  “Wait a minute. Except casual to you meant you would sell me! I’m sentient you know, a living breathing person! Or do they not have human rights on your planet!”

  “Of course we have rights. However, I don’t think your species falls under our jurisdiction.”

  “So you’ve got rights but no ethics. Perfect,” she sniped.

  “It’s not that. I was only… I was only exploring. Seeing what was possible. Now that I know you…”

  Ramses made the mistake of taking a step closer to Rory. She shrieked, “Don’t come near me!”


  “Step back!”

  Ramses stepped back.

  “Flick that tail away from me!”


  Ramses flicked his tail behind him and scraped one of his hooves across the floor. Rory shuddered. He was terrifying, and weirdly the heat didn’t seem to be affecting him at all. Now that she could see him up close in proper light, she realized just
how inhuman he was. Yet her curiosity, unnatural or otherwise, gripped her to stay talking with him, to figure him out properly.

  “Now that I know you’re sentient,” Ramses continued, “I’d act only with the utmost respect.”

  “That’s a relief,” she replied.

  “Please, I only want to help you. If I left you and you were compatible…”

  “What? You mean you kidnapped me to save my life?”

  “Not exactly. It’s just… In a few hours, we’ll know if our blood should mix and if that happens, you’ll fall in love with me too.”

  “What does that mean? Why do you keep saying that?”

  “My species is perfectly capable of having sex without having feelings. But we are born with an inherent flaw and as such, we need other species to perpetuate our own.”

  “Oh my God, stop! This is gross! I don’t want to talk about sex or propagation or whatever…”

  “I apologize. I remember reading your culture is sexually conservative.”

  “Conservative? Darling, would I go out in this if I was conservative? You can seem my nipples sticking through.”

  Ramses looked down and noticed that he could indeed see her nipples. They were puffy and hard, sticking through the latex that wrapped tightly around her chest. Although she was stick-thin, Rory had round globe breasts and now these buds stuck through, begging for attention.

  He shifted his attention before he made things worse again.

  “Fine,” he replied with a shuddering breath that he hoped she wouldn’t notice, “If you are not conservative, then you can listen.”

  Ramses resented the agitation in his voice, but focusing on his explanation was growing harder. Among other things…

  “There are so few females in our species that we are compatible with most humanoids whether mammalian like us, or reptilian, insectoid…”


  “Please, don’t interrupt me,” Ramses growled.

  “What’s with the attitude?” Rory snapped.

  “Sorry. I just… It’s getting harder to focus.”


  She stepped close to him, tilting her head to the side, her blue eyes catching his. Rory stared. She could see her reflection perfectly in his eyes. She looked small, thin, and sweaty, and her cheeks were flushed scarlet. Among other things.

  “You’re making it harder for me.”

  “Oh right. Blame me! It’s my fault you pricked me with your magic fangs, innit?”

  “It’s not magic, it’s biology.”

  “Whatever! Whatever it is, I’m not going to stand here and fall in love with some alien beast even if he’s got the sexiest arms… perfect ten-pack abs… and strong cologne.”

  “I’m not wearing cologne,” Ramses breathed, taking a step closer to Rory.

  Instead of pulling away from him, she leaned in and pressed her hand to his chest.

  “Yes… You are…”

  Ramses closed one arm around her smallish waist and pulled her in. Staring down at her, he whispered, “No. I’m not. Come closer. Smell for yoursssssself…”

  As he lengthened his “s” sounds, he pulled her in closer, his claws pressing into the back of her latex costume, holding her firm and still. Rory inhaled sharply and her thighs twitched as Ramses deep masculine smell invaded her every pore.

  “It’s cologne. It has to be…”

  “Rory,” he murmured, pressing his forehead to hers, “Let go…”

  “This isn’t right,” she whispered, “I must be dreaming.”

  “No dream. Just a happy accident.”

  He leaned in and kissed her. Just like in the night club, it was an intense kiss that caused Rory’s knees to shake as his lips locked with hers. Her knees buckled but Ramses held her waist tightly, supporting her entire weight with one hand as he kissed her and as Rory pressed her tongue into his mouth, it happened again. His fangs grazed her lips and she pulled away again.


  “Sorry,” Ramses breathed.

  He stuck his tongue out, licking Rory’s blood off his sharp fangs. Rory pulled away and gasped as she saw Ramses tongue jutting out of his mouth and sucking down her blood. He closed his eyes, savoring her taste and her heart rate quickened. When he opened his eyes again, Ramses stared at her more intently.

  “You’re delicious…”

  Tiny black veins darkened around his eyes. His voice was breathy again, and Rory could sense her arousal heightening.

  “Oh screw it. We were going to end up here anyway, weren’t we?”


  “Get me out of this thing then. Rip it off if you have to.”

  Ramses grabbed the small of Rory’s back and held her close. He took his index finger to her lips and whispered, “Shhh…”

  “I wasn’t saying —

  A sharp metal claw protruded from Ramses’ nail bed, glimmering in her bedroom light. Rory gasped and Ramses slid the sharp nail from the neckline of her latex bodysuit down between her breasts, over her belly button and right above her mound. He pulled his finger up. He’d sliced the fabric away delicately without hurting a hair on Rory’s head. Her body spilled out of her Halloween costume and she gasped sharply again, shaking with a mixture of terror and arousal.

  That was… horrifying…impressive… so insanely hot.

  Her thighs stuck together, glued shut with sweat and her sticky juices of anticipation holding her in place.

  “We do this my way, alright?” He murmured.

  “Yes, you know what you’re doing…”

  “Good,” he murmured, kissing her again, “I’ll make it good for you. I promise.”

  He kissed her again and Rory tried to cut her lip on purpose, just to watch him get high off her taste one last time. Ramses could tell what she was doing and he pinned her against his chest, kissing her how he wanted. Once he pulled away, her blue eyes pleaded with him for more.

  He eased her latex suit off her body and stripped her down to the thin lace fabrics that clamped around her perky breasts and damp mound.

  “Please,” she whispered, “Be gentle…”

  Ramses mouth went dry. He’d try to be gentle, but this female was much smaller than the ones he was used to, and he imagined her sleeve would be nice and tight, wrapping around his cock with suction and soft muscular strength.

  “I’ll try,” he murmured, kissing her lips and then her neck, grazing his fangs lightly over her collarbone.

  She shuddered, but he didn’t draw blood. Ramses lifted her off the ground and set her back on her bed, the gothic four-poster carved out of obsidian stone, with white Victorian lace sheets. The ceiling was a large mirror so Rory could look into her eyes as Ramses lay her back on the bed. From above his thick horns and impressive muscular back were even more terrifying and alluring.

  Moisture slickened the space between Rory’s thighs again, dribbling out of her wetness until Ramses spread her thighs apart with his rough and powerful grasp. Despite the texture of his skin, he was gentle, running his red-skinned alien hands up the length of Rory’s lithe legs.

  He ran his hands up the length of her thigh. Mammalian energy fields in the legs were strong and Ramses could feel her fear emanating from her skin, even as her heels pressed into his bum and drew him closer. Her chest rose at an anxious rate and only as he leaned in between her legs to give her one last kiss did she shed the last remnants of her fear.

  He pressed his hand against her underwear. Like all mammalian females, she was slick, sopping wet compared to most. And her scent… intoxicating. Ramses slipped a finger past the elastic band of her underwear and Rory shuddered as his hand spread her puffy pink lips apart so he could touch and taste these juices for himself.

  Rory whimpered as he slipped his finger between her pussy lips, touching her clit.

  “It’s sensitive,” he whispered, “More sensitive than I expected.”

  Rory grabbed his shoulders and pulled him close again for another kiss. His shoul
ders were solid muscle, with large spikes protruding from them, trim without any fat, and developed to the peak of physical perfection. She’d never met a man chiseled from marble before.

  Her heels dug into him again, pulling him closer. Ramses kissed her neck and pulled away.

  “Before we do this, you have to see it.”

  “Okay,” she whispered, “Okay, I’m ready.”

  He stood a few feet away from her and Rory leaned forward, looking through the space between her spread legs as Ramses tugged at the strings holding up his loose-fitting linen pants. As they fell to the ground, Rory gasped. The bulge she’d felt between Ramses leg had been as thick as a third leg by her estimate, but she’d never expected that would be his…

  “Your dick… It’s enormous,” she breathed.

  Ramses chuckled, “Yes. It’s more impressive for a mammalian. We have the largest members in our sector.”

  Even alien males had a bit of an ego, Rory thought.

  “I’ve never seen anything like it. Come closer,” Rory asked.

  He stepped closer and she leaned forward even more, her nipples grazing the tops of her thighs as she reached her hand out for Ramses’ alien cock.

  “I shouldn’t be doing this, should I…”

  “Why bother yourself over should and should not? You’re here. I won’t hurt you. Do what you wish, and no more.”

  Hearing his voice made Rory feel safe again, just like before. Maybe there was something to this whole hypnosis thing.

  Ramses dick was at least twelve inches long and ribbed along the bottom with rigid copper scales. The tip bulged out and the tip of his head was ribbed again with floral flaps of red skin around the thick tip. His cock was tapered so that while the tip would fit easily, his cock would get thicker and thicker the deeper he pressed it between her legs.

  Rory gasped as she ran her hands along the bottom, fondling the scales at the bottom of his shaft with her soft hands. Ramses flicked his cock up and Rory squealed.

  “Oh my goodness!”

  “It’s a ball joint,” Ramses announced proudly.

  “So you mean it can just swivel in there?”

  “You make it sound so sexy,” he teased.

  “Bring it then,” Rory whispered, “I’m resigned to my fate.”

  “Good,” Ramses replied, a fanged smile flashing across his face, “I like the adventurous types anyway…”


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