Children of the Moon: Book Four

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Children of the Moon: Book Four Page 7

by Yvonne Robertson

  The kid's eyes swiveled to him.

  “You know what we are, what you saw in the woods. You saw us shifting.”

  Leo nodded.

  “All of us here are shifters, every single one of us. But India was human just like you and Cassie, until last year. She was injured and Garrett bit her to save her life. It worked for her, but that’s not always the case. India was healthy before she was hurt, but your sister is really sick, she is dying, son. We don’t know what’s wrong with her and it’s too late to get her to a hospital. The only way to save her is to try and turn her … to be like us. But even then there are no guarantees, do you understand. I don’t know if she will make it. I only know she will certainly die if we don’t try.”

  Nate put his hand on the boy’s arm and saw his brave facade starting to crumble.

  “Please, do whatever you have to do, just don’t let my sister die without trying.” Leo started to cry and Kandis put her arms around him and held him.”

  “Garrett. I have never turned a human before, you need to help me.” Nate looked at the girl on the bed and turned to his friend.

  “I will stay with you, Nate, it’s instinctual you will know when enough is enough, just listen to her heart and her breathing. Hope and I will stay with you.

  Bree kissed him on the lips and ushered everyone else out of the room. She had to pull Leo away and Kandis handed him a bag with clothes and toiletries in it that they had purchased in the shop at the end of the street.

  “Get cleaned up, Leo. There is nothing else you can do for her now.” she touched his arm. “When you are ready, come downstairs and we can answer any questions you have on this amazing new world you have stumbled into.”

  If anything was going to distract the boy from his sister's perilous condition, this was it.

  Nate stared at the pulse on the girl's arm and closed his eyes and said a silent prayer to the gods he had never believed in and to the ones he did.

  “Does it matter where I bite her?”

  “Not really. Just do what feels right.”

  He brought Cassie’s wrist to his mouth and closed his eyes again, summoning his wolf and felt him begin to take over. His fangs elongated in his mouth and he sank then deep into the girl's thin arm. He could feel the blood course through her veins and he willed his bite to infect her blood and to heal her weak, human body. He was still in human form but could feel his wolf guide him and he followed his lead until he felt Garretts hand on his shoulder.

  He released her arm and licked the wound closed to seal it. Hope cleaned and bandaged the wound and he left and went downstairs, leaving her to dress Cassie and tuck her into bed. There was nothing else they could do for her until his bite either worked, or it didn’t.

  Leo was already showered and waiting for him. He was dressed in new jeans and a t-shirt he knew India and Kandis must have bought for him on their impromptu shopping trip.

  Bree put a glass of brandy into his hand and insisted he drank it as she curled into his side on one of the sofas. He always felt better when she was touching him and he smiled and put his arm around her.

  “When will we know something?” Leo asked.

  “If she makes it through until the doctor comes, he can give us a better idea,” Garrett said and Leo winced at the thought of his sister not pulling through at all.

  “Is the doctor like you too then?” Leo asked and Garrett nodded.

  “Okay, Leo. What would you like to know about us?” Kandis grinned and despite the hole in his chest, the kid smiled back.

  “I don’t know where to start really. I am still in shock at what I saw up on the mountain, I always thought that wolf shifters were just the thing of children’s fairy tales. How many of you are there?”

  “In our pack, there are a few hundred but there are packs in every state and every country in the world. Our numbers have grown exponentially since humans became less superstitious and stopped hunting us. Shifters are usually very fertile and many have large families.” Kandis said and Nate caught the slight wince at the last statement. Kandis and Liam had adopted their baby, Addison when she had trouble getting pregnant.

  “Do you all have special gifts like her.” he gestured towards India and Garrett smiled.

  “In a way. We are all fast and strong and will live very long lives, but India’s gift is unique and very special. Her sister Imogen was also human until recently and she has the gift of foresight. But to be fair, she had that even before she was turned, it’s just grown stronger since then. Some believe that the qualities you have as a human are magnified afterward which can be bad as well as good, just like humans there are some shifters with ‘Bad blood’ and we would never turn anyone who fell into this category.”

  “Is it like in the movies, is there an alpha?”

  “Yes, his name is Seann, he’s my brother.” Bree said.

  “Can he force you to do whatever he wants?” Leo was really interested now and Liam stifled a grin.

  “He has the ability to make us bend to his will but he rarely uses that power. Every one of us here would do it willingly because he is a good man and a good leader. Garrett is his beta, Liam is the pack enforcer, but more people are afraid of Kandis to be fair.” Bree teased.

  “I’m going to see how Cassie is.” Rylee slipped out and went upstairs to speak to Hope.

  Leo slumped in the chair remembering again that his sister was seriously ill and might not make it through this transition.

  “What happens to me if Cassie does pull through, will I be allowed to stay with her, can you turn me too?”

  “That decision will be Seann’s but I am going to plead your case for you, Leo. You’ve been dealt a shit hand and we want to help you and Cassie any way we can. The trouble is you are too young to change now. You would need to wait another couple of years before that could happen which would confine you to the compound or a cabin up here in the mountain.” Garrett explained.

  “I don’t care, just as long as Cass is okay and we can be together.”

  Rylee came back into the room and smiled at Leo but Nate could see the tension in her face and hear the forced brightness in her voice.

  “She is sleeping, for now. Hope will let us know if she wakes and it shouldn’t be too long now until Rafe gets here.”

  “We only bought you enough clothes for today. After the others get here, we can go into Bear Falls and get some more things for you and Cassie until you get on your feet again. Maybe we could pick up pizza for dinner too.” India suggested trying to distract him and Leo just shrugged.

  “Do you like video games, Leo. There is a PlayStation in my office and a selection of games that my assistant plays sometimes when we are quiet and she isn’t studying,” Nate said.

  “You let her play games at work?” Leo looked at him as if he was the coolest boss ever.

  “She is still a student and I really only need her to file and answer the phone, sometimes it’s fairly quiet.”

  He followed Nate down the corridor and they located the console and TV and he picked a few games that he thought he might like to play and brought them back to the townhouse. Nate set it up on the desk in the little study and Leo seemed contended for now to play some mindless games.

  “They should be here very soon.” Jay looked at this watch and willed the time away until the doctor could get here and attend to the girl lying in the bed upstairs.

  Bree sat on Nate’s lap and his arms came around her, they were all just killing time until the others arrived.

  “I think it may be a little awkward for Hope to see Rafe again,” Bree whispered to him. “This will be the first time since they broke up.”

  Jay jumped up and opened the door just as Rafe’s Mustang pulled into the curb.

  “Upstairs Rafe, I’ll park the car around back.” He took the keys and jumped into the driver's seat and Bree followed the doctor up to the bedroom to see Cassie.

  Leo appeared in the doorway at the commotion, his face drawn and Kandi
s took her notebook and handed it to him.

  “Be a love and find out what kind of pizza everyone wants while I check out what we have in the way of salad and drinks. Rafe will take as long as he takes and it's best to keep busy while we are waiting.” she squeezed his arm.

  “Write down six cases of soda on that list too, you choose which flavors. We have plenty of stuff to make a side salad.” Nate closed the refrigerator door and Leo asked everyone what toppings they wanted.”

  “Guys, that’s at least a dozen large pizzas?” Leo said.

  “Yeah your right, better get some cheesy bread and a couple of plain cheese too.” Jay said as he tossed the keys on the countertop, “Who is following Rafe in the other car, we need to find out what they want too.”

  “Only Roisin and Anjelica with the kids, better order another four, just mix it up, mushrooms, onions, peppers, whatever you think.

  “Seriously!” the kid raised his eyebrows again.

  “Shifters also eat an awful lot.” India grinned.

  He added it to his list.

  “Anjelica, Roisin and I are going to stay with Kandis and Liam at their cabin. Where is everyone else staying,” Jay said to the room at large.

  “We have plenty of room in Seann’s cabin too, Garrett and India could stay with us, Rafe too if it’s not too awkward for Hope,” Rylee said.

  “Leo and Cassie will be here with us for now,” Nate said and they all turned toward the door as Rafe came back downstairs. He went straight to Leo, guessing correctly as the only person in the room he didn’t already know.

  “Leo. Your sister is in bad shape, I won’t soft-soap it for you, but she is stronger than she looks and I will do everything I can for her. It’s safe to say that if you had waited on me getting here she wouldn’t have stood a chance. She is healing but it will take time. Her body is riddled with infection and her immune system is completely shot. I have pumped her full of antibiotics for the infection and her body should take care of the rest as the change takes over. The next couple of days are crucial.”

  “Can I see her?”

  “Sure son, go ahead.”

  “I will set up a cot for him in there so that he can stay with her,” Nate said knowing he had camp beds around here somewhere, maybe in the small attic space.

  “Looks like Roisin is here now too,” Bree said as she heard the car door closing and opened the back door to greet her.

  Kali bounced into the room and ran straight to her father. Roisin had baby Ethan in her arms who wanted his Mom as soon as he saw her, waving his chubby arms in the air. Anjelica came in last and she cradled a sleepy Addison in her arms and Kandis’ lit up as she saw her precious baby daughter.

  “Your Mom thought you would be anxious being away from her for more than a day so we brought her to you. There is a travel cot in the trunk of the car and she packed a bag full of clothes, formula and diapers for her too.” Roisin smiled and Kandis gathered the baby against her body, her sweet scent filling her heart with joy.

  “Thank you, Roisin, Mom was absolutely right.”



  Bree shooed away everyone’s attempts to clear up and they went back to their respective cabins for the evening. She gathered up the empty pizza boxes and stacked them in a black bag ready for the trash and she smiled as she remembered Leo’s surprise when they had scoffed the lot. Rafe was also going to stay at Cassie’s bedside overnight and give Hope a chance to get some much-needed rest. She would take over from him again in the morning.

  Kandis and India had dragged a reluctant Leo on a shopping trip to the next town and had come back with a few more t-shirts, two pairs of jeans, new shoes, socks and underwear. He also had a sweater and a jacket and the women had picked up several outfits and necessities for Cassie as well. The kid was embarrassed and Nate understood. He had been used to fending for himself and now he had all of these people trying to help him, it could be a little overwhelming.

  “Is there anything else you need us to collect from the cabin you were sleeping in, Leo?” Bree asked him.

  “We have a few things up there but we can get them tomorrow, I don’t want to leave in case Cassie wakes up and needs me.

  Her sister was the nurse in the family but Bree knew that was unlikely to happen tonight. She still had a rough road ahead of her, even if she was going to come out unscathed on the other side.

  “We can do that tomorrow after breakfast, for now, try and get some sleep. Cassie will have someone with her the entire time, I promise.”

  The place was a little small to accommodate them all but they got everyone settled down and Hope had already moved Cassie into the guest room and changed the bed in the master. On the surface, she just looked like she was asleep, but the worried look on Rafe’s face reminded her of how precarious the girl’s life actually was.

  Bree would have happily slept on the floor but she was grateful to her sister as she climbed in between the fresh clean sheets and felt Nate’s arms go around her. It was the last thought she had as she went out like a light and slept until morning.

  The smell of coffee coming from the kitchen tickled her senses and she opened her eyes and stretched out her limbs as the events of the previous day came back to her.


  She pulled on her robe and padded next door to the guest room. Leo was asleep on the cot next to his sister's bed and Nate was on a chair on the other side checking his patient’s vitals.

  “How is she?” she whispered knowing his sharp hearing would pick up but Leo wouldn’t be disturbed.

  “Her pulse is much stronger and her temperature is down, indicating that the antibiotics are doing their job. I sent some of her blood to a friend who works in a diagnostic lab in the city first thing this morning, a courier picked it up. It will help if I know why she was so sick in the first place. Yesterday I wasn’t sure she would make it through the night, but little Cassie here is a fighter. She isn’t out of the woods just yet, but I am happy to leave her in Hope’s capable hands and get some sleep.” He yawned as if confirming his need to close his eyes for a few hours.

  “Go ahead, I can wait with her until Hope is ready to take over.”

  Rafe left the room and Bree picked up Cassie’s slim hand and held it while she waited on her sister. Leo stirred and sat upright on his cot and Bree smiled to let him know his sister was still hanging on in there.

  “Rafe says her pulse is stronger and he is pretty sure he has the infection under control but she still has a long way to go, Leo. It is still good news though.” she smiled and he expelled the breath he had been holding.

  “Cavalry has arrived.” Hope came into the room with a cup of coffee in her hands. “Nate has breakfast ready, I’ve eaten already, you two go get something while it’s still hot.”

  Bree waited for Leo to pull on his jeans and followed him downstairs to make sure he ate something, he was as thin as a rake and would be no good to his sister if he was sick too.

  Nate kissed her on the lips and pulled out a chair at the table. Leo sat opposite her and she was pleased to see him put two eggs and some rashers of bacon on the plate in front of him. Kandis and Liam arrived followed closely by Garrett and India. Jay was last to sit at the table and he told them that Roisin and Anjelica were going to stay at the cabin and look after all the kids while the rest of them worked on the move and waited on news of Cassie.

  “I am going to take Leo back to the cabin to collect their things,” Bree said between mouthfuls and she grinned at the expression on Leo’s face at the amount of food she could pack away.

  “India and I are going to come with you. It’s one of the cabins we wanted to see inside anyway with a view to buying it.” Kandis said as she poured another cup of coffee and added a healthy dash of creamer.

  “I’m sorry we broke in, we didn’t have anywhere else to go. I’m sorry I asked for money too, I was just desperate to get Cassie some help,” Leo said so quietly that it tugged at Bree’s hear

  “One day, Leo, I will tell you some of the things I have done in the past and you will realize that you are not alone. Any one of us here would go to desperate lengths to save a family member,” Kandis said kindly, “Loyalty to your sister is a commendable trait.”

  Bree drove Nate's truck and Leo sat up front with her with Kandis and India in the back. She was grateful that they were amusing him with stories to keep his mind occupied and when they pulled up in front she saw an old rickety truck parked around the side and knew she had seen it before parked at the bottom of the mountain road, the day Leo had seen them shifting. He must have followed them to the farmhouse and back into town again.

  The cabin was one of the smaller ones and the door was unlocked. India sneezed as they went inside, the air was thick with dust.

  There was a decent sized living room/ kitchen with a bed in an alcove in the corner and a small bathroom. The place needed a spring clean and looked like it hadn’t been properly occupied in many months. There was a pillow and a blanket on the sofa where Leo had been sleeping.

  Leo crawled under the bed and pulled out a backpack and if Bree had to guess she would say that it contained all of their worldly goods.

  “We had to leave everything we had behind. There are a few boxes and some clothes in my truck and I have a few personal things here like photographs and our birth certificates.” he patted the bag. “Cassie did a decent job of looking after us until she fell sick. She was waitressing and bringing in enough to feed us and put gas in the truck and then it was up to me, but it's really hard getting someone to hire you when you are my age. I have been sending photos to the magazine and getting a little money from that, but they think it’s my Dad. They don’t know that he died and his name was Leo too, so it’s easy to cash the checks.”

  “What would you say about helping me for a while, taking photographs and making notes,” Kandis asked him. “I have to chart and record every cabin, parcel of land and every house on this mountain, out at the farm and in town. We have master plans for each area but I also have a book with a double page given to each address and lots of notes on what stage we are with each property, owner's name, willingness to sell, etc. Having photographs to accompany them would make it so much easier to see at a glance. I have some I took with my cell phone but yours are so much better.”


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