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Tangled Vows (Mistress Book 1)

Page 16

by Stone, Anna

  As they left the park and headed toward home, the anxiety in Ruby’s stomach turned to butterflies. She’d definitely fallen for Yvonne.

  But was it possible that Yvonne, a woman so guarded with her heart, felt the same way Ruby did?

  Chapter 21

  Y vonne stood in her darkened living room. It was late at night, and she’d just arrived home as silently as possible. Ruby was in her bedroom waiting for Yvonne, just like Yvonne had told her to an hour ago. That was plenty of time to get her all worked up for what was to come.

  Ruby had done her ‘homework’. She’d written down exactly what she wanted from Yvonne. Tonight, they were going to live out Ruby’s fantasy.

  And it left Yvonne feeling unsettled.

  It wasn’t that she felt uncomfortable with what Ruby was asking of her, or that she had any reservations about continuing their Dominant/submissive relationship. They were being extra careful. After the other night, Yvonne had given Ruby a long lecture about limits, trust, the importance of communication, including using her safeword.

  Yvonne wasn’t taking any chances. She’d made sure Ruby knew she had outs, and she was prepared to call things off at the first sign of trouble. She was confident that Ruby wouldn’t try to push herself further than she could handle. She trusted Ruby when she said that this was what she wanted.

  No, the reason Yvonne was nervous was because she’d never, ever let a submissive have so much control. She’d never given a submissive the freedom to dictate terms. While Yvonne always made sure her submissive’s needs were met, it was on Yvonne’s terms, not theirs.

  But tonight, Ruby held the whip. Tonight, Yvonne was hers. And Yvonne wanted this.

  That excited her as much as it scared her. Yvonne’s insistence on always calling the shots was her way of keeping control of the situation. Her insistence on not bowing to her submissive’s desires was a way to keep them at arm’s length, just like everyone else in her life. Ruby was no exception.

  What would it feel like to let Ruby in? That was the ultimate surrender, wasn’t it? To let someone in, physically, mentally, emotionally? To give Ruby parts of herself she’d never given anyone else? She’d already come close to doing so more than once. It was just so easy with Ruby. She had this way of slipping under Yvonne’s guard, of making her feel all the things she never allowed herself to feel, making her want things she’d never let herself want.

  Yvonne didn’t like feeling this way. It made her vulnerable, all the more likely to get hurt. Because that was what always happened in the end. People always hurt her.

  It was easier to not let anyone in in the first place.

  Yvonne took the sheet of paper Ruby had written her ‘homework’ on out of her pocket and unfolded it, scanning it once more. At first, Yvonne had been surprised by what Ruby wanted, but the more she thought about it, the more she understood. Ruby had had the joy of total submission stolen from her by someone who had taken advantage of her.

  Tonight, Ruby wanted to take that back.

  That Ruby trusted Yvonne enough to let this hidden fantasy of hers play out set Yvonne’s heart alight. When she’d given Ruby this task, handing control over to her, Yvonne had simply seen it as a way to reestablish the trust between them. But Ruby was asking for something bigger than that, whether she knew it or not.

  Ruby trusted Yvonne to do this with her and keep her safe, despite everything she’d been through, despite having her trust betrayed by someone before. It meant Yvonne had to be more careful. It meant she couldn’t continue approaching their relationship as she had been, like it was a transaction with clearly defined rules. Rules meant nothing when emotions were involved. Emotions made it far easier for someone to get hurt.

  And after everything Ruby had been through, how could there not be emotions involved in every interaction she had with Yvonne, whether it was as escort and client, or Dominant and submissive?

  Yvonne folded up the piece of paper and returned it to her pocket. She’d left Ruby waiting long enough.

  Chapter 22

  T he floorboards creaked outside Ruby’s bedroom door. Her breath caught in her throat. Was her Mistress at the door, coming to give Ruby what she wanted more than anything?

  She got up from the bed. “Yvonne?”

  There was no answer.

  Ruby crept to the door. Before she could open it, it flung open. She only had a second to register Yvonne’s presence along with the leather bag she was holding before Yvonne dropped the bag to the floor, seized Ruby by the shoulders and pushed her hard against the wall beside the door.

  Ruby gasped. “Y-”

  Yvonne put a hand over Ruby’s mouth. “Don’t. Say. A word.”

  Ruby nodded slowly.

  Yvonne shut the door beside her and locked it, before turning back to Ruby. Ruby’s heart raced. The thirst in the other woman’s eyes made their depths seem endless .

  Suddenly, Yvonne spun Ruby around, pinning her against the wall with her body. Her breasts pressed into Ruby’s back, her hot breath burning the side of Ruby’s face.

  “Don’t speak,” Yvonne growled softly. “Don’t move. Don’t do anything unless I tell you to.”

  Ruby shut her eyes, desire lighting her up from within. Yvonne grabbed Ruby’s hip with one hand and slid the other inside the front of Ruby’s panties, cupping her roughly between her thighs. Ruby drew in a long, slow breath. She’d never gotten so wet so quickly.

  Yvonne spoke into Ruby’s ear. “Tonight, you’re all mine. Tonight, you’re nothing other than my toy, my plaything. Do you understand?”

  Ruby nodded. She was Yvonne’s captive.

  There was nothing she wanted more.

  Yvonne dragged Ruby to the bed, tossing her onto it. Then she grabbed the leather bag and dropped it on the floor next to the bed, opening it up and producing several coils of rope.

  She set them on the bed beside Ruby. “This is to make sure you can’t go anywhere.”

  Yvonne grabbed Ruby’s wrist and bound it to the bedpost at the top corner of the bed before starting on her other wrist. Ruby looked up at her wrist. The ropes binding it were heavy and rough, and the knots Yvonne had tied weren’t the elaborate, decorative knots she’d used on Ruby in The Rope Room at Lilith’s Den. They were functional, sturdy knots, serving no purpose other than to keep Ruby restrained.

  Yvonne finished tying Ruby’s other wrist to the bedpost. With no warning or fanfare, she slid her hands down Ruby’s sides and tore Ruby’s panties from her legs, leaving scrapes behind on her thighs. Ruby’s breath quickened, need welling up deep within her. She was still wearing her t-shirt, but she felt completely naked. The way Yvonne was looking down at her only made her feel more exposed.

  Yvonne dangled Ruby’s panties from her finger. “This is to make sure you can’t use that sweet mouth of yours to try to talk your way out of this.”

  Yvonne balled Ruby’s panties up in her hand and took Ruby’s chin, prying her mouth open. Before she could process what was happening, Yvonne stuffed the panties in Ruby’s mouth.

  Ruby let out a muffled cry, dizzy from the scent and taste of her own arousal on her panties. Could she push out the gag with her tongue if she tried? Probably.

  But that didn’t make it any less exhilarating.

  Yvonne picked up the remaining coils of rope from the bed and unwound them. Ruby lifted her head to watch, her shoulders straining against the ropes binding her to the bed. Noticing Ruby watching her, Yvonne grabbed Ruby’s hair and pulled her head back down to the pillow.

  “Stay down,” Yvonne said. “If I have to blindfold you, I won’t be happy.”

  Ruby gave a tiny nod. Yvonne got up from the bed and proceeded to tie Ruby’s ankles to the bedposts, leaving her bound, spread-eagled, to the bed.

  Ruby’s pulse began to pound. She pulled at her bonds, adrenaline flooding her veins. She could use her safeword if she wanted to. She could signal to Yvonne to stop .

  But the last thing Ruby wanted was to stop. She craved th
is, her most twisted fantasy, more than anything. This was her choice, and that made all the difference. She was in control. And with every moment that passed, her hunger only deepened.

  Ruby glanced up at Yvonne looming above her. Yvonne still wore that ravenous expression, but the passion in her eyes hinted at the fact that her actions were motivated by something much tenderer.

  She dipped down, her face less than an inch from Ruby’s. “For the rest of the night, you will exist solely for my satisfaction. If I choose to permit you pleasure, it will be for my enjoyment only.” She drew a line up the front of Ruby’s thigh with a fingernail, leaving a trail of pink behind on Ruby’s skin. “And I intend to enjoy this. I intend to enjoy you .”

  The icy calm in Yvonne’s voice sent a chill rolling down the length of Ruby’s body. She pulled at the ropes binding her even harder, but they didn’t budge. All the while, the need within her grew.

  Yvonne ran her hands up Ruby’s stomach, pushing her t-shirt upward. “This is getting in my way.”

  Yvonne returned to the leather bag and withdrew a pair of scissors. She brandished them before Ruby, giving her a look that froze her in place. Ruby lay dead still as Yvonne took the bottom hem of Ruby’s t-shirt and snipped through it, the back of the cold metal blade skimming across her skin. Yvonne sliced through the t-shirt from top to bottom and at the shoulders, before ripping it from Ruby’s body entirely .

  Ruby quivered, her bare nipples peaking. Yvonne placed the scissors aside and crawled onto the bed, straddling her.

  “That’s better,” Yvonne said. “Now, where was I?”

  She traced her hands over Ruby’s chest, her fingertips skating over a nipple, before pinching it, hard. Ruby sucked in a breath, her chest bucking. Yvonne dipped down to take Ruby’s nipple with her mouth. A groan spilled from Ruby’s lips. The feel of Yvonne’s wet tongue and lips against her swollen bud was so exquisite. At the same time, Yvonne drew her hand up to pinch Ruby’s other nipple. Ruby cried out through her gag, pure, concentrated pleasure lancing through her.

  A murmur rose from Yvonne’s chest. “The sounds you make are so delicious. I could listen to them all night. I could do this all night, make you scream, over and over.” She fixed her eyes on Ruby’s. “And since I have you bound and at my mercy, that’s exactly what I’m going to do to you.”

  Ruby shuddered, the hairs standing up on her skin. It was clear that Yvonne meant her threat. Yvonne grazed her lips down the side of Ruby’s neck, biting her shoulder, causing Ruby to moan. She grabbed a fistful of Ruby’s hair, tugging it firmly, coaxing a pleasured hiss from Ruby. She raked her fingers down Ruby’s front, leaving faint red lines on her breasts and stomach.

  All the while, Ruby squirmed and bucked, the panties muffling every sound she made. Pleasure? Pain? She couldn’t tell the difference anymore. It was all so exquisite. She was intoxicated by it all, and by Yvonne, her Mistress. She wanted Yvonne to take her, claim her, use her until she was Yvonne’s so completely that all her edges dissolved away and the two of them became one .

  “That’s it,” Yvonne said. “Surrender to me.”

  As Yvonne continued to ravish her, Ruby closed her eyes, letting herself fall into a familiar trance of submission. She relaxed into the flow, trusting that Yvonne wouldn’t hurt her, that she would keep Ruby safe, no matter how vulnerable she was.

  As she let go, all the sensations she was feeling amplified. The pressure and roughness of the ropes binding her wrists and ankles. Yvonne’s scent, a perfume tailor-made to make Ruby weak. Yvonne’s fingers, pinching and scratching and teasing Ruby’s sensitive skin. The satin of Yvonne’s lips as she assailed every inch of Ruby’s body with them.

  Yvonne slid her hand between Ruby’s thighs, dragging her fingers over Ruby’s folds. “You’re so wet. So ready for me.”

  Ruby quivered. Yvonne pushed a finger inside her. It slipped in easily, piercing deep, but not deep enough. Ruby held back a whimper.

  Yvonne drew away. “I’m ready for you too.”

  She got up from the bed. Ruby watched silently as Yvonne pulled her blouse over her head and stepped out of her pants. But it wasn’t just a bra and panties she wore underneath. Her black boyleg briefs, embellished with lace, doubled as a harness that held a black dildo.

  Ruby bit her lip. She’d felt something hard at her back when Yvonne had pushed her against the wall earlier, but she’d been too distracted for it to register. Now, the dildo was impossible to miss.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to fuck you properly,” Yvonne said.

  Ruby inhaled sharply, heat flooding her core. Yvonne rearranged the panty harness, pulling it up at the waistband, before crawling back onto the bed and positioning herself between Ruby’s outspread legs.

  Ruby’s breath grew slow and heavy. Yvonne took the dildo in one hand and guided it into Ruby’s slit, entering her with one push. Ruby cried out, ecstasy surging through her. Yvonne buried herself inside her, over and over, deep and unhesitating. She clutched at Ruby’s waist, her fingers digging into Ruby’s skin.

  Ruby let out a moan, the panties in her mouth soaked through. She watched Yvonne grinding and rocking on top of her, hypnotized by the dark-haired goddess who had claimed her. Yvonne rolled her hips harder, penetrating Ruby deeper, holding her tighter. Ruby writhed, breathless, straining against her bonds, fighting the unbearable throbbing inside.

  As Yvonne thrust inside her, Ruby’s pleasure reached a peak. She strained against her bonds as the force of her climax ripped through her. She shattered underneath her Mistress, the euphoria of her complete and utter surrender almost too much to bear.

  But even as Ruby’s orgasm passed, Yvonne didn’t stop. She pulled back slightly, shifting her weight, her pace and rhythm changing. She rocked her hips back and forth, one hand on the bed to steady herself, and the other on Ruby’s chest, until at last, her head fell back, and she let out a wild, trembling cry.

  Yvonne stilled, her eyes closed, her breathing firm and heavy. It only took a moment for her to recover. She reached down and cradled the curve of Ruby’s cheek.

  “Had enough?” Yvonne asked .

  Ruby nodded. She’d reached a state of such perfect bliss that she couldn’t possibly take anymore.

  Gently, Yvonne pulled the panties from Ruby’s mouth. For the first time that night, Yvonne leaned down and pressed her lips to Ruby’s in a tender but possessive kiss, sending gentle ripples through Ruby’s whole body. Ruby shut her eyes, melting into her Mistress.

  After a moment, Yvonne drew back and untied Ruby’s ankles and wrists. Ruby was free. The spell had been lifted.

  But she was still Yvonne’s captive.

  She looked up at Yvonne, her eyes watering, her chest brimming with emotion. “Yvonne,” she whispered. “Mistress.”

  Yvonne gazed back at her. “My beautiful, precious Ruby.”

  Yvonne gathered Ruby into her arms and held her so close that she couldn’t tell where she ended and Yvonne began.

  Yvonne glanced at Ruby. She was still passed out on the bed beside Yvonne, so still that the only sign of life she gave off was the satisfied expression on her face.

  Yvonne felt the same way. It was surprising. She didn’t usually go for those kinds of rough games. Although she had no objection to them, she simply preferred more subtle kinds of force, power that wasn’t physical.

  Yet, Yvonne had found tonight even more gratifying than anything else she and Ruby had ever done together.

  Ruby blew out a soft sigh, her eyes flickering open. Noticing Yvonne’s gaze on her, her cheeks turned pink, but she smiled.

  “How are you feeling?” Yvonne asked

  “Incredible,” Ruby murmured.

  Yvonne returned her smile, but felt exhaustion pressing on her. Her entire body ached, and she felt raw, not in an unpleasant way, but in an unfamiliar way. Perhaps Madison had been right. There was a certain vulnerability in holding the whip too.

  Ruby sat up, folding her legs underneath he
r. “So, now that you’ve done something for me, is there anything I can do for you?”

  Yvonne thought for a moment. Perhaps it wasn’t a bad idea to let Ruby take care of her, just this once. “I could use a massage.”

  “Sure. Anything you want, Mistress.”

  Yvonne rolled onto her stomach and folded her arms beneath her head. Immediately, Ruby began kneading Yvonne’s shoulders with surprising firmness. Yvonne let out a contented moan. Ruby’s hands felt heavenly.

  “Is that good?” Ruby asked.

  “So good,” Yvonne murmured. “Don’t stop.”

  Yvonne sank into the bed. As her physical aches eased, the deeper, vaguer ache within her only grew. Something was gnawing at her. Why had she found tonight so satisfying? There was a simple explanation.

  It was because tonight, she’d made Ruby happy.

  Yvonne hadn’t realized, until now, how much she cherished Ruby’s happiness. She’d never felt this way about anyone before.

  “Yvonne?” Ruby said .

  Yvonne returned to reality. “Yes?”

  “I want to say thank you. For tonight.”

  “You don’t have to thank me,” Yvonne murmured. “I wouldn’t have done any of this if I didn’t want to.”

  “Yes, but you didn’t have to do what you did. You didn’t have to give me this. We could have just kept doing everything like we used to. But you did all this, for me, and then you held me in your arms, and kissed me, and made sure I was okay afterward.”

  “I’m your Domme,” Yvonne said. “That’s just my job.”

  Ruby pulled her hands away. “No, it’s not.”

  “Yes, it is .” Yvonne turned over and sat up. “I know your past experiences weren’t great, but-”

  “This isn’t about that.” Ruby crossed her arms. “I already told you, I know that ex-client of mine was wrong in the way he treated me. I know that a real Dominant takes care of their submissive. Do you think I’m so damaged that I’m grateful that someone is treating me with basic decency?”


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