Quest of the Highlander (Crowns & Kilts Book 5)

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Quest of the Highlander (Crowns & Kilts Book 5) Page 30

by Cynthia Wright


  The St. Briac Family in the 19th century

  THE SECRET OF LOVE (Gabriel & Isabella)

  HIS MAKE-BELIEVE BRIDE (Justin & Mouette)

  You can access a complete list of all my series at the end of this book.

  Don’t miss the QUEST OF THE HIGHLANDER audiobook, narrated by the incomparable Tim Campbell! Tim has also narrated fantastic audiobooks for the other St. Briac Family novels and you can listen to samples and download your copies HERE. Readers tell me that the audiobooks are “the next best thing to a movie version” of my novels!

  Following the author’s note, you’ll find an excerpt of OF ONE HEART, Andrew & Micheline’s passionate romance. I hope you enjoy it!

  If you haven’t read my all-time bestseller, SILVER STORM, I hope you’ll download your copy and begin the unforgettable tale of André and Devon Raveneau that begins my Rakes & Rebels: The Raveneau Family series.

  Once again, my heartfelt thanks for your support and friendship. I welcome your comments and suggestions, and I hope that you’ll write to me at [email protected]. I promise to reply!

  Warmest wishes,

  ~ Cynthia

  ~ Author’s Note ~

  After spending time with Lennox MacLeod in my other Scottish books, it was a joy to finally be able to write his story for you. I hope you enjoyed it!

  It was a treat to revisit the Isle of Skye in this newest book, and also to take you to Stirling Castle. During both my visits to Stirling, in 2017 and 2019, I became increasingly fascinated by the history of tapestry making that is on display at the castle. I was so pleased to be able to introduce you to Nora Brodie, my heroine who aspires to be a master weaver.

  Also at Stirling Castle, there is a wonderful exhibit of the Stirling Heads—the wooden medallions of famous people that decorate one of the ceilings. I have a post about both the tapestries and the “heads” on my Pinterest board.

  Last time I was in Scotland, we spent a few days in Oban on the west coast, and we took the ferry to Duart Castle on the Isle of Mull. It was pouring rain, but I fell in love with the castle and its history all the same. I’ll include some images on my Pinterest board.

  It was so much fun to return to Tudor London and reunite with Andrew, Micheline, and Cicely from OF ONE HEART in this book! If you haven’t read Andrew & Micheline’s love story, please page ahead to read an excerpt and download your copy today.

  I’ll be returning to 19th century Cornwall in the coming year, to revisit the marriage of Justin & Mouette St. Briac from HIS MAKE-BELIEVE BRIDE. I’m excited to cause some trouble for Justin—and see how their son, Anthony, is doing as he enters manhood. Stay tuned!

  Thank you again for reading my books and spreading the word to your friends. I appreciate you more than you can imagine.

  Your grateful author,

  ~ Cynthia Wright

  Cynthia Wright says: Unhappy to be forced into an arranged marriage with a young French widow, Andrew, the Marquess of Sandhurst, conceives a bold masquerade. Disguised as a humble portrait painter, he travels to the French court of François Ist to have a look at his would-be bride…

  Of One Heart

  Crowns & Kilts: The St. Briac Family, Book 2


  And wilt thou leave me thus,

  And have no more pity

  Of her that loveth thee?

  Helas! thy cruelty!

  And wilt thou leave me thus?

  Say nay! say nay!

  – Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542)

  Amboise, France

  September 10, 1532

  “Bernard Tevoulère pitted against Arnaud Guerre in the tournament!” exclaimed Aimée de St. Briac to her husband. “Everyone knows of Bernard’s affair with Elise Guerre. It’s madness for him to joust against her husband!”

  Thomas Mardouet, seigneur de St. Briac, drew off his helm and took a chair beside his wife in the gallery of the king’s château at Amboise. Below them was spread the courtyard, where a day-long tournament was in progress. St. Briac had just finished his own joust, teamed with King François against two of their other childhood friends. This was all harmless fun and exercise as far as Thomas was concerned, but Aimée did have a point about Bernard Tevoulère and Arnaud Guerre.

  As they waited for the two men to take their places on the field, St. Briac’s penetrating turquoise eyes gazed southward over the dreamy Loire River that lay far below King François’s magnificent château. As boys, he and the king had played at jousting here. Now they were men but their friendship endured and so did the games.

  Other games—the inevitable feuds and intrigues that permeated so large a court—hadn’t changed either. Thomas and Aimée spent most of their time at their château, happiest in that world fashioned around their children, home, and vineyards. However, these visits to court were necessary. King François missed his old friend, and it did Aimée good to socialize, but there were drawbacks. The most current example was the joust they would soon witness between the feckless Bernard Tevoulère and his enraged rival, Arnaud Guerre.

  “I saw Bernard while preparing for my own match,” St. Briac told Aimée softly, running a hand through his damp hair. “He’s deteriorated sharply since our last visit to court. His new life as chevalier to the king has only weakened his character. He was drinking wine and boasting about the fact that he’s to fight his mistress’s husband…”

  The king had come into the gallery, magnificent in his black and gold armor, and silence reigned until he had taken his place to oversee the remainder of the tournament. Aimée waited and worried.

  Bernard Tevoulère was married to her dearest friend, Micheline. They’d met when Aimée had traveled south, babies in tow, to visit her parents near Angoulême. During the few short years of their friendship, Aimée had returned to Angoulême to see Micheline as much as to reunite her children with their grandparents. When Bernard had become bored with country life and began to spend more time at court, Micheline remained behind in Angoulême.

  “Poor Micheline!” Aimée whispered to Thomas. “It infuriates me to think of her, living alone while he cavorts at court! What a fool he is! Married to the finest woman in France, and yet he leads a double life. I’d almost sympathize with Arnaud Guerre in this joust, if I didn’t know how much Bernard means to Micheline—”

  “Micheline’s led a sheltered life,” St. Briac replied quietly. “And Bernard has changed, miette.”


  Thomas reached out to caress his wife’s glossy black curls. “Bernard must have been flawed from the beginning; these circumstances have merely exposed his weaknesses. If the man had any honor, he’d realize what’s truly important in life and bind himself to the lady he’s blessed to call his wife.”

  A series of trumpet blasts announced the next contest. Bernard Tevoulère and Arnaud Guerre rode onto the field, pausing before the gallery to salute the king. Bernard, who was neither as tall nor as powerfully built as his opponent, lifted his visor and grinned confidently. While Elise Guerre stood to extend her hand to her husband, Bernard chuckled audibly and received a sharp glance from the king.

  Moments later the two men on horseback were in position at opposite ends of the lists. Another clarion call signaled the first charge, which proved to be routine as lances struck shields and the horses reared back in reaction to the blows.

  Aimée told herself that there was nothing to worry about. This was only a game, after all, not a fight to the death. Still, she couldn’t help remembering another joust on this very field when an enemy of Thomas’s had tried to kill him…and there was something about Guerre’s bearing that sent a cold chill down her spine. Silently Aimée closed her eyes and began to pray.

  She heard the trumpet, the charge of the horses, a loud crash, and then surprised gasps and cries of alarm from the assembled throng.

  “Sangdieu!” hissed St. Briac. “Guerre struck at Tevoulère’s helm!”

  Filled with dread, Aimée opened her eyes to discover Bernard lying on the field, his head bent at an unnatural angle, while Arnaud Guerre remained on his horse, staring dispassionately at the body of his vanquished rival.

  Part One

  Well, fools must strike on the rebound.

  While ladies volley in the air;

  Collecting dues Love roams around;

  All Faith is violated there.

  Be hugs and kisses ne’er so rare.

  Join hounds, arms, hawks and lovers’ gains.

  For all, at last, make mortals swear:

  “For one short joy a thousand pains!”

  – François Villon 1431-?

  Chapter 1

  Angoulême, France

  September, 1532

  Soft late-afternoon sunlight filtered through the abundant green woods east of Angoulême as Micheline Tevoulère cantered home astride her huge white stallion, Gustave. She was the picture of beauty in a pale yellow gown that set off her luminous eyes, which were the color of the spring’s first French irises. Lifting her face, she tasted the wind, curling brandy-hued tresses flying free in her wake.

  Approaching the modest stone manor house where she had lived since her marriage four years earlier, Micheline felt a familiar shadow steal over her heart. She loved this place, but it hardly seemed a home with Bernard away so much at court. Dismounting outside the stables, she handed Gustave’s reins over to the groom and then noticed the other horses in stalls that were usually empty.

  “The seigneur and madame de St. Briac arrived this past hour, madame,” the boy explained.

  A radiant smile lit Micheline’s countenance. “What a wonderful surprise!” Gathering the books she’d brought back from her father’s house, she raced toward the manor’s rear entrance.

  Aimée was there to greet her. They embraced warmly, then continued into the spacious flower-filled kitchen, where Micheline set her books on a long oak table and turned to beam at her friend.

  “I cannot believe my eyes! It’s as if you dropped from heaven, cherie! I’m so sorry I wasn’t here when you arrived. I went to take a pie to Papa, then stayed to search his library for something I hadn’t read more than twice before. With Bernard away so much, I’d be lost without books.” She paused, shaking her head in renewed disbelief. “It’s absolutely marvelous to see you! You’re just what I’ve needed, Aimée.”

  The older woman heard the hint of melancholy in her friend’s voice, and her heart ached in response. “I’ve missed you, too, Micheline. Thomas has taken our daughters to see my parents, so we have plenty of time for a long talk over a glass of wine.”

  Aimée took a chair and watched as Micheline poured Burgundy wine into pewter goblets. She was so lovely and unspoiled, so filled with intelligence and heart-melting warmth. Aimée thought, not for the first time, that all these gifts were wasted in the seclusion of the Angoulême woods. When Bernard and Micheline first married, it seemed a promising union. Micheline’s mother was dead, her father bluff and distant, her brother moved to Normandy; only Bernard appeared to nourish the lonely young girl’s heart. As an adolescent he had been her best friend, teaching her to ride, to swim, and, eventually, to kiss. By the time they wed, at seventeen, Micheline felt as certain of Bernard as she was of the sunrise. Who could have foreseen that he would turn faithless as he grew into true manhood?

  Micheline set the goblets on the table and took the hand that Aimée stretched out to her.

  “Do you remember when we first met?” Aimée asked softly.

  “Yes—of course! It was just before Bernard pledged himself as a knight to King François and went off with the army to Italy. You’d come south with Juliette soon after her birth, and stayed for a month. I don’t know how I should have endured Bernard’s departure without you. You are my most cherished friend, Aimée! You came into my life just as I was learning that I couldn’t rely on Bernard alone to fill my days.”

  “And you know how dearly I love you in return,” Aimée replied softly, tears stinging her eyes. “It’s important to have friends outside of one’s marriage—and to nurture other interests, as you have done.”

  “Alors,” Micheline murmured, dropping her eyes. “I have always had solitary passions, like these books. I thought when I married Bernard that he would share these things with me. Something…happened to him, though. When he first went away, I told myself that he was helping France. I told myself that his wanderlust would fade. But when he came home, and we conceived a child, he rushed back to court!”

  “I remember, cherie,” Aimée whispered. “I was here when you lost the baby.”

  “How many times have you been here with me when Bernard has been away? When he finally did return home, he seemed almost relieved about the baby. I don’t think he was ready to become a father.”

  “Perhaps that was the case.” Aimée nodded. “And how do you feel now?”

  “I miss him! Desperately!” A starry tear clung to her thick lashes. “I’m confused. Sometimes, I feel that we are almost strangers, but when he’s away, it’s the Bernard of years past that I continue to yearn for. I gave him my heart when we were so young! That is the man I wait for. Do you think he will ever come back to me?”

  “I believe that the man you married still lives, and always will, in your heart. And I think that he would have returned to you, in time…but that’s no longer possible.” Aimée crouched beside her friend’s chair and gathered her into her arms. “Bernard won’t be coming home. He was killed, accidentally, in a tournament at Amboise.”

  Micheline’s exquisite face went white with shock and disbelief. “No! No! Mère de Dieu! It cannot be!”

  Holding her near, Aimée stroked her hair. “I’m here, dearest. You won’t be alone. Thomas must accompany the king to meetings with Henry VIII at Calais and Boulogne. You will come home to Château du Soleil with me until he returns. We’ll take care of each other, cherie.”

  If you enjoyed this sample of OF ONE HEART you may purchase the ebook on Amazon!

  Find all of Cynthia Wright’s titles here:

  ~ Meet Cynthia Wright ~

  Cynthia Wright is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author best known for her Rakes & Rebels series, 13 intertwining historical romances starring the irresistible Raveneau and Beauvisage families. Her other acclaimed series are Crowns & Kilts and Rogues Go West. Romantic Times Magazine hails Cynthia’s novels as “Romance the way it was meant to be.”

  Cynthia’s latest releases are RETURN OF THE LOST BRIDE, Book 4 in her Crowns & Kilts series, set in 16th century Scotland, and HER HUSBAND, THE RAKE, a Raveneau Family novella and QUEST OF THE HIGHLANDER (Lennox & Nora).

  Cynthia lives in northern California. She enjoys riding a tandem bike and taking road trips in an airstream trailer with her Colombian-born husband, Alvaro and their corgi, Watson. She is also devoted to her two adorable grandsons who live nearby.

  You are invited to visit Cynthia’s website (where you can sign up for her newsletter and peruse the Books Page):

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  View her “Behind the Books” boards on Pinterest:

  ~ Books by Cynthia Wright ~

  Crowns & Kilts








  Rakes & Rebels

















  Rogues Go West





  Boxed Sets


  (Silver Storm, Her Husband, the Rake)


  (Smuggler’s Moon, The Secret of Love, Surrender the Stars)


  (His Make-Believe Bride, His Reckless Bargain, Tempest)


  (Stolen by a Pirate, Rescued by a Rogue)


  (Touch the Sun, Spring Fires, Her Dangerous Viscount)


  (Brighter than Gold, In a Renegade’s Embrace, The Duke and the Cowgirl)


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