Life Is A Lemon: An Mpreg Romance (Millerstown Moments Book 5)

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Life Is A Lemon: An Mpreg Romance (Millerstown Moments Book 5) Page 1

by Jena Wade

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  Sneak Peak: Rochdale Security

  About Jena Wade

  Other Titles By Jena Wade

  Life Is A Lemon

  Millerstown Moments

  Book Five

  Jena Wade

  Lorelei M. Hart

  Copyright © 2019 by Jena Wade & Lorelei M. Hart

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Image/art disclaimer: Licensed material is being used for illustrative purposes only. Any person depicted in the licensed material is a model.

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  Published in the United States of America

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Jena Wade’s e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  Chapter One


  I had to laugh as I thought about my cousin Alex walking away with the mayor of Millerstown. He’d told me he was leaving as if it were a scandalous event.

  “That’s Harrison, the mayor. He wants to celebrate with me because he won the election,” Alex had whisper-shouted over the noise of the bar.

  “Does he recognize you?” I’d asked.

  Alex shook his head. “I don’t think I’m going to tell him.”

  I wasn’t sure about his decision, but Alex was a grown man who needed a little bit of adventure, and this might be just the Alpha who could give it to him. He’d better not hurt Alex, though, or he would have hell to pay with me.

  I wiped down the bar and, looking around to make sure no one else needed a drink, I spotted an Alpha in the spot Alex and his Alpha had vacated hours earlier.

  “What can I get you, sir?” I asked.

  The man stared at me, as if assessing me with his gaze. It was different from the way the others at the bar looked at me. His dark-chocolate-colored eyes seemed to bore into me like a predator looking at prey.


  “I’m looking for some entertainment,” he said.

  “The band finished an hour ago.”

  “Not that sort of entertainment.” He leaned closer over the bar.

  I don’t know what possessed me, maybe it was seeing my cousin go out there and get some action, or maybe the kindness and hurt in this Alpha’s eyes, but I didn’t want to steer him toward the entertainment he thought he needed.

  I waved him even closer. “An Alpha like you…” I murmured. “I think you can do better than the sort of entertainment we have around here.” The bar wasn’t a brothel, but we did see certain Omegas around that were in the business. Apparently this Alpha was hoping to find one of them around.

  “Did you have something else in mind?” he asked.

  I grabbed a glass from behind the bar, poured him a drink. and slid it over to him.

  “I didn’t ask for this,” he said.

  “I’ll bet it’s your drink of choice, though.”

  “You’re right.” He narrowed his eyes .

  I had other customers waiting, but I couldn’t tear myself away from the Alpha in front of me. “You’re not a cop, but you do have a certain air about you. A lawyer?”

  A muscle in his jaw ticked. I’d hit my mark. Damn, I was good. “But not a criminal lawyer, something more boring. No offense. Copyright?”

  Another tick of the jaw told me I hit my mark again.

  “Listen…” I waved to my Omega co-worker who’d just come in. “I’m off right now, and I wouldn’t mind a little entertainment myself. How about we scratch each other’s back tonight? I need a place to stay tonight. Don’t kick me out once it’s over.”

  “What makes you think I’d be interested in you?” he said. “Maybe I have a specific thing I’m looking for.”

  I assessed him again. I couldn’t quite lay my finger on it, but there was something beneath the surface. He hid it too well for me to see.

  “How about this first time we play it cool?” I suggested. “Next time you can let your kink out to play, all right?” I flashed my best come-hither look. I really did need a place for the night. I had planned on crashing in my car again, but a warm bed would be nice and he looked like an Alpha I could cozy up to. After years of bartending, I could read people pretty well.

  The man picked up his drink and swallowed it down. “All right,” he said. “I’ll be outside waiting for you. You have fifteen minutes.”

  “Flashy red sports car?”

  “Practical sedan. I left the sports car at home.”

  I nodded. “Too recognizable. I get it. I’m Carter, by the way.” I stuck my hand out for him to shake.

  He took it. “Jamison.”

  It didn’t take me the full fifteen minutes to clock out and gather my stuff. I was outside and in the passenger side of Jamison’s practical sedan within ten.

  He drove me to a high-rise apartment building, one with a doorman out front and valet parking.

  “Damn,” I said, feeling slightly out of my element. This wasn’t my first time with an Alpha, but it was the first time I’d gotten picked up by a patron at the bar. Successful lawyer didn’t even begin to cover the wealth Jamison must have. What had I gotten myself into?

  He parked in a spot labeled with a number, it was close to the elevator. I had a feeling it was specifically his spot, and we hadn’t just gotten lucky snagging a parking space next to the elevator.

  He got into the elevator and punched in a code that took us directly to the top.

  “Penthouse apartment?”

  He nodded.

  The doors opened, and we stepped into a pristine space. White walls, white furniture with black accent pieces.

  Jamison walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. “Would you like something to drink?”

  I shook my head and leaned against the counter. “So, have you lived here long?”

  “Do you really care, or do you want to skip the questions and get right to the action?”

  I grinned and closed the space between us. “I suppose we can talk later.”

  I had to stand on tiptoe since this Alpha was at least four inches taller than me, but I managed to lock my lips on his.

  He’d had only had the one drink, but I tasted the s
weet honey whiskey on his lips.

  He growled as he grasped my hips and lifted me in the air. My legs went around his hips and my arms around his neck as the kiss deepened. His tongue swept into my mouth, claiming, tasting, exploring. I wanted all of him. I’d been unsure of my decision to go home with a man I’d never met before, but with each passing moment I trusted him more and more.

  Jamison let me go, and I landed on a soft mattress. When did he carry me to the bedroom?

  I couldn’t tear my eyes away as he unbuttoned his shirt and yanked it off, then he unbuckled his pants, pulling them off in one fluid motion. He wore no underwear.

  “Undress, Omega.”

  I didn’t hesitate to follow his command. I pulled off my shirt, tossed it to the floor then, without even moving off the bed, I undid my jeans.

  Once naked, I lay back on the bed, surprising myself as I invited this Alpha I barely knew to have his way with me. For the first time in my life, I wanted to be dominated by an Alpha, taken completely.

  Jamison grabbed lube and a condom from the nightstand and slipped the condom over his erect cock. The sheer length of it had my mouth watering. I wondered how far I could get it down my throat.

  “Since you’re staying the night, we can take our time,” he informed me. Not asking. “After we take the edge off.”

  “That sounds nice.” My voice came out in a squeak, and I cleared my throat. This Alpha, with his commanding presence, had a power over me both amazing and terrifying.

  “Spread your legs for me.”

  I obeyed without question or hesitation, a reaction I wasn’t used to. I’d always bucked authority, questioned it, fought against being bossed around, but Jamison was different.

  I craned my neck to see what he was doing.

  “Lie back, Omega. Just feel.”

  I did.

  His fingers probed my entrance and I spread my legs wider. After a few teasing moments he breached the tight ring of muscles with one finger.

  I grasped my knees, holding my legs open for him.

  His mouth closed over my dick. The twin sensations of my dick in his warm mouth, and his fingers plunging in to my hole had pre-cum shooting from my cock.

  “Oh damn,” I said and tried to clamp down my excitement. It wouldn’t do well to finish too early.

  “It’s okay, Carter. We have all night.”

  “Want you inside me the first time,” I said. I didn’t know why. An orgasm was an orgasm, what did I care if it came from him pounding into my ass or sucking my dick? The important part was the release, right?

  His fingers left my hole and I whimpered, lifting my head off the bed for the first time since he told me to just feel.

  He chuckled. “I can’t fuck you with my fingers and my cock at the same time, Omega.”

  I lay back and waited. Thankfully he was quick as he lined up to my entrance. I welcomed the intrusion, loved the feel of his cock filling me and his weight holding me down.

  When he was fully buried with in me, he captured my lips in a kiss.

  It didn’t take long for his timed thrusts to draw an intense orgasm out of me. I wanted to last longer, wasn’t ready to leave this man. I knew before it even happened that I’d feel empty without him filling me.

  Cum splashed between us as I roared out my release. Jamison kept his hand on my cock, drawing out my orgasm for as long as he could before he finally came himself.

  We took a moment to catch our breath. I rubbed my hands over his back, loving the weight of him on me, not wanting him to ever leave. The feeling of completeness was surprising and foreign to me. I didn’t need an Alpha, so why was I already feeling so attached to this one? This was casual, a one-time thing so I could sleep in a bed and not the back seat of my car for a night.

  After a moment, Jamison slipped out of me and got out of the bed. He came back with a warm towel, expertly cleaned me up, then left the room. He returned with a bottle of water and a granola bar that he handed to me.

  “If you’re hungry, I can make you something.”

  “I’m fine.” I sat up and drank the water then took a bite of the granola bar. Before I knew it, the bottle was empty and the granola bar was gone.

  Jamison looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “You sure you don’t want anything else?”

  “I’m fine,” I said again, though he had me questioning my own answer.

  He looked me over for a minute, then nodded. “I’ll make sure to have a big breakfast for you in the morning. Right now, I think you need sleep.”

  I was about to protest, tell him I was ready for round two, but then I yawned.

  Jamison pulled back the covers, and I crawled beneath them. He slid in beside me and pulled me into his arms.

  I wasn’t a cuddler, I tended to thrash and kick while I slept, often waking up with the sheets and blankets tangled around my legs, but being against Jamison’s solid chest, feeling the comfort of his arms around me, I decided just for tonight, I’d give it a try.

  Chapter Two


  Looking in my rearview mirror I double checked to make sure I hadn’t gone cross-eyed after the week of paperwork I’d endured. As an undergraduate, when I first decided I was going to become Jamison Brooks-Bowman, Attorney at Law, I’d imagined my life far more glamorous than what reality turned out to be. There was a lot to be said for being a copyright attorney—there was also a shit ton of paperwork.

  Of course, I couldn’t complain, not while sitting in my flashy red sports car, about to head home to my penthouse. Paperwork for the win.

  I turned the ignition and backed out of my spot, happy to leave the office for the weekend. My partners could handle all the flashy shit, get all the notoriety, and watches that cost what my car did—they lived in the office, and I was not going to cross the threshold of mine until Monday morning.

  Halfway home, I turned in the opposite direction. I hadn’t even thought it through, just left instead of right. I was on autopilot, heading toward the beacon of light that was Carter. Not that he knew I thought of him in that way. No, to Carter I was just a way to scratch an itch and, at one time, to get a roof over his head.

  That still hurt. Not that he needed a place to stay. No, I’d have given him that anyway. It hurt that he thought, even for a passing second, we were trading services. It hadn’t been like that. I wanted him. Still did. And the desire for him grew with each encounter.

  Unfortunately, he didn’t feel the same. Or if he did, he was amazing at hiding it.

  The parking lot was packed, which was not surprising considering it was the tail end of happy hour, and Fridays that meant margaritas the size of your head. They weren’t my thing, but they sure were popular. I parked in the back where the employees did. I told myself it was because it was the first spot I could find, but the truth of it was, I wanted to see if Carter was there before I bothered to get out of the car. He was the entire reason I’d come, as unplanned as it was.

  I pulled in beside his beater of a car and climbed out, not even worried about the security of my flashy red sports car the way I had been when I first bought it. In hindsight it had been my way of saying, “See? I made it,” to the Alpha asshole who called himself my father.

  Glancing into his car, not to spy, but more to make sure things were still going well with him, I let out a sigh of relief over the lack of his belongings packed in the back seat. Knowing he’d been without a steady roof over his head that first night set some sort of protective instinct in me on high alert. The only thing keeping it reined in was my fear I’d scare him away like a frightened little rabbit.

  Not that he was weak. No, Carter’s inner strength t matched his facade of being in control. He just didn’t see that in himself. Or at least that was the armchair psychology I believed to be true. The reality was, until he opened up a little, I’d not know anything for sure.

  “Got a light?”

  I snapped back from the car, not pleased at myself for not observing I hadn’t been alone.
“No, sorry.” I turned to see a skinny guy I assumed was the dishwasher based on his soaking wet apron. “They don’t even put them in cars anymore.”

  “S’all good.” He hitched his head to the back door. “Your man is dead on his feet today.”

  Your man.

  That took me aback. Carter was no such thing, but damn it sounded good to my ears. And part of me wanted to hold onto it, given the person who said it was a virtual stranger. I mean if he thought it, there had to be something there. Other than my wishful thinking anyway.

  “Think he is sick?” I’d already started toward the door.

  “Not sure. But he needs to go home. Josiah said he’d cover, but you know Carter.”

  Except I fucking didn’t.

  “Thanks, man. I owe you.” I marched in through the back door as if I owned the place. The kitchen was bustling, the margarita glasses a pain to deal with if the bitching by the guy doing some sort of frying were accurate.

  A set of doors swung open to reveal the main room and Carter carrying far more racks of empty glasses than he should. I grabbed the top three and stepped aside. “I got this.” I waited for him to show me where they went.

  “What are you doing here?” His jaw dropped open as he half squinted. The man outside had been right. Dark shadows circled Carter’s eyes and he looked thinner than when I’d last seen him, paler too. The question was, why? Not that I could just ask him. No, so far, he was tight lipped about anything other than what he wanted in the bedroom. I couldn’t blame him. I’d been the same, not opening up about my own history either.

  “I came for a drink.” And to see you.

  “From the kitchen?” Man, Carter could side eye like the best of them.

  “I into a guy in the back.” The racks in my arms started to slip, and Carter led me across the kitchen to an empty counter “He told me you were, and I quote, dead on your feet.”

  “Snitch,” he called behind him as he set his racks down and reached for mine. “And I’m fine.”

  I rolled my eyes. Top of my graduating class in law school, and that was the best I came up with.


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