Resistance Rising

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Resistance Rising Page 17

by Matthew Savage

  “I just wanted to tell you that I hope the meeting went well.” Jonah said trying to catch his breath.

  Sarah looked at Mary.

  “It did thank you,” Sarah said. She was confused.

  Mr. Schweppes went to shake her hand. She felt something in his hand get transferred to her. She knew it was paper. She hid the note. She knew she couldn’t read it yet and didn’t give any sign of her receiving it.

  “I’ll see you soon.” He said and turned to go back into the building.

  The group got into the SUV, Sarah felt it safe enough to look at the note. It was a small piece of paper but the message took up the whole side. There were three words written on it. ‘Don’t trust him’.

  Chapter 16

  Someone Always Talks

  “Those are the town’s people?” Lee asked.

  He grabbed the binoculars from Nolan. Lee wouldn’t believe it until he saw it with his own eyes. Nolan watched as Lee put the pieces together. His mouth hung open as he scanned the area and cursed under his breath. Nolan looked through his scope. To him, they were working the factory in shifts. Nolan had a hunch there were only two shifts. Daytime and nighttime. The people leaving the inside of the factory must have been kept at the factory, because they didn’t leave the grounds. Nolan gathered that the USSB must have set up living quarters or more likely sleeping quarters.

  “They are making the kids work,” Lee said. The anger was clear in his voice.

  “I can’t believe how many USSB agents there are,” Ian said.

  “What do you think they are doing?” Anthony asked.

  “Not sure,” Nolan said.

  “Fuck,” Lee said. “I know what they are doing. They are building weapons.”

  “How do you know that?” Nolan asked.

  “Those are the same fucking trucks we have been stealing from. Those crates are filled with gun, ammunition and supplies.”

  “No way,” Terri said. She looked through the Binoculars. “We have been stealing slave labor guns this whole time.”

  “That is probably why we were getting so many shipments,” Lee concluded.

  “We have to do something,” Terri said.

  “Let’s get back and figure out our next move,” Nolan said.

  “Are you fucking serious?” Lee asked. “We need to take down this place now.”

  Lee moved to stand but Nolan pulled him down and didn’t let go of him. Nolan dragged him back off so that the factory was out of view.

  “We can’t take it down,” Nolan said.

  “Why the hell not?” Lee asked.

  “There are only five of us. I counted at least one hundred USSB agents. There are probably more inside. We are outnumbered with little ammo. We would lose that fight and those people in the factory would suffer from it.”

  “Worse than they already are?” Terri said.

  “Listen we aren’t going to leave them there. But we can’t save everyone right now. If we save some the others will not make it.” Nolan explained. “We go back and figure out what to do.”

  Nolan could tell Lee hated the idea of leaving all those people but couldn’t deny they were outgunned. Lee nodded and they snuck back to the van where Mark was waiting. He seemed surprised to see them.

  “That didn’t take long. Was it a bust?” Mark asked.

  “The people of Lucas Valley are being forced to make weapons,” Nolan explained. Mark’s jaw dropped. He stood in shock as the group moved past him. “We need to get moving,” Nolan ordered.

  Mark nodded and got into the driver seat and started the van. As they headed back to the farm, Nolan explained what they saw to Mark. Lee and Terri were silent through the whole journey back to the farm. Ian was quiet and Anthony kept cracking his knuckles. Everyone sat in silence as they processed what they saw.

  They arrived at the farm and Nolan made for the house. Lee and the others followed behind him. Nolan had to tell Danny what happened. They entered the house Lee went to go get Danny. Nolan and the others sat in the living room. Lee went to go get Danny. It wasn’t long before Danny wheeled himself into room.

  “You have news I take it? Considering how late it is I can’t imagine it is good,” Danny said.

  Nolan explained what was going on at the factory. Danny didn’t say anything just rubbed his head. When Nolan finished Danny finally spoke.

  “So what now? We only have around forty people helping us.” Danny said.

  “We need to get more. You all said word spreads fast in a small town,” Nolan said.

  “What are you suggesting?” Anthony asked.

  “We spread the word. Tell as many people as we can. Get the towns to rise up with us. You said you have more guns and ammo then people right?” Nolan said.

  “Yes, but you think people will help?” Terri said.

  “My Uncle Danny helped you when you needed it. People came together when others were being forgotten. What do you think will happen when these towns find out the people from here are being forced to work as slave labor?”

  “They will fight,” Anthony finished for him.

  “Yes they will,” Danny said.

  “What do we do in the meantime?” Lee asked.

  “Nothing,” Nolan said. “There is nothing we can do. We have to wait. I will get a message out to the D.I. Maybe they can send some help.”

  “But…” Lee started.

  “No but’s,” Danny said. “Nolan is right. We can’t do anything. In the morning we will take a ride and spread the word.”

  Lee nodded. Danny left the living room and Lee followed. Terri headed for the door outside and the others followed. Mark asked if they were going to stay here or if they will come back to his house. Nolan informed them they will stay in the barn. It was heated and they had some sleeping areas. Terri went to find some sleeping supplies for the Red Squadron. Nolan, Ian, Anthony, and Mark headed into the barn. Mark received a phone call and stepped outside. The other three huddled in a corner.

  Ian whispered so they wouldn’t be overheard. “Do you think Command with let us take out this weapons factory?”

  “I don’t see why not. We are setting people free,” Nolan said.

  “It does really show the government in a bad light,” Anthony added.

  “I just wonder,” Nolan started. “What will happen if these towns rise up? How the government might take it. This will be the first area to raise arms against the US.”

  “It doesn’t often go well. At least in the past,” Ian said.

  “As long as all of us don’t get thrown into a work camp,” Anthony said.

  Mark came back into the barn.

  “I got to get going. I got to make sure a highway is clear for… The next shipment,” Mark said.

  He was pale. Nolan figured he was still processing where the shipments had come from. It must become harder for him to put on a happy face for the USSB. Hopefully, they won’t suspect him. The fact that people came and went in their operation troubled Nolan. There wasn’t any discipline. How are they supposed to win when everyone does what they want?

  Terri came back into the barn. She struggled to carry the supplies for Nolan and the others. He rushed over to help her.

  “I know it seems overboard but it gets cold sometimes at night,” Terri said.

  Nolan knew she was talking about the excessive blankets and sleeping bags. Nolan thought ‘she must think we are sleeping in the tundra.’ He wouldn’t say that to her. Behind her, Lee came into the barn.

  “You guys settled?” Lee asked.

  “Just about,” Terri answered. “Got to grab a few more things for them.”

  “Good,” Lee said. He looked at Nolan. “What happens when we join?”

  “What do you mean?” Nolan asked.

  “When we join who will be in charge of us?” Lee asked.

  “I am not sure. Any number of people. Why?” Nolan was confused.

  “I don’t like the idea of you coming in and telling us what we are doing wrong. We
have been doing this for over a year.” Lee said.

  “That is true but it doesn’t mean what you are doing isn’t reckless. Did you realize Mark left?”


  “What happened to the people who were here earlier today?” Nolan asked.

  “I…” Lee stammered.

  “You have no idea. You are in charge but people aren’t checking in and out with you. It is a wonder no one as leaked Intel about you all. I bet it is extremely easy to infiltrate this place.” Lee was silent. Nolan continued. “That is the problem. Your people do what they please with little guidance from the leadership.” Lee puffed out his chest. He was taking this as an insult. “I don’t mean anything by it, but it is foolish. The Democratic Insurgence has resources, they have rules. The USSB can search every home in these cities if they wanted. Hell, they could go door to door through the whole country. You need to be smarter than them. They are taking whole towns as slave labor. Ever wonder why?” Nolan looked around at his team, Lee, and Terri. No one spoke. “Because they can,” Nolan answered himself. “That is why you need us. You are outmatched. Your small force will never get their freedom from this country.”

  “You think the Democratic Insurgence will?” Lee asked.

  “We have a better chance than you people,” Anthony answered. Nolan nodded at him.

  Lee didn’t say much. He nodded his head. Nolan hoped this put it in perspective for him. Lee left the barn muttering something. Nolan looked at Terri who shook her head.

  “He is hard-headed,” Terri said. “You are right. We have been foolish. It really is a wonder that we were never caught. I am willing to bet a lot of town knows what we are doing.”

  “Small towns don’t keep secrets well,” Anthony said.

  Terri nodded in agreement. Terri then helped them set up their beds. She looked around for a moment.

  “I forgot your pillows,” Terri said. “Let me run and get them.

  “I will help you,” Nolan said.

  The two of them left the barn and headed towards the back of the house. Behind it, there a guest house, that was smaller than the barn. A memory came to Nolan’s mind.

  “This is my house,” Terri said.

  She must have seen the look on Nolan’s face. Terri explained that Danny built the house as a guest house. He remembered why it looked familiar. His family used to stay in there. It was so different now.

  “I have been fixing it up for some years now. Danny told me I was free to do what I wished with it,” Terri explained.

  “He was always generous,” Nolan said.

  “He is a good man.”

  Terri opened the door to the guest home and let Nolan walked in first. It had a small kitchen that was open to the living area. Nolan saw on the opposite side there were two small bedrooms. He remembered having to share a room with Sarah when they would come here.

  Terri walked past him and headed to the second bedroom. She told him how it was used as storage. Nolan walked up behind her and knew what she meant. The one side of the room had extra blankets and sheets piled up. Along with what looked like decorations. Terri yelped when she turned around. She must not have known that Nolan had followed her.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” Nolan said. “I used to stay here when we visited. It is much nicer than I remember it.”

  “I hope you’re not judging from this room,” Terri joked.

  “It used to be where my sister and I slept,” Nolan told her.

  “So, you’re the reason for those old bunk beds? I got rid of them some years ago. I don’t have many visitors let alone ones who want to bunk up.”

  Terri found the pillows. Nolan looked around the house. Memories of his whole family being together came to mind. He could almost see his mother and father talking in the kitchen as Nolan, Sarah, and Lee played. He fought back tears. It was like a memory from another life. Both of his parents are gone, and now him and his sister are fighting in a war. It was as if the present and the memories belonged to different people.

  “What is it?” Teri asked.

  Nolan turned and wiped his face.

  “Nothing. Just thinking,” Nolan said. He did his best to control the tone of his voice.

  Terri put down the pillows and hugged Nolan. He hugged her back. It had been a long time since he had this kind of interaction with someone. Nolan knew that Terri knew how he was feeling. They had both lost their parents.

  Terri looked up at Nolan. Nolan wasn’t sure why he did it but he kissed her. She put her arms around Nolan’s neck. She held him tight. Nolan put his hands all over her as if he wasn’t sure they should be. They kissed vigorously.

  She pulled him into her bedroom and pushed him onto the bed. She took her shirt off and Nolan followed her lead. She stood in front of him and lightly pushed his head back. She helped take off his pants and took him in her mouth. Nolan’s head was spinning. After a while she stopped climbed on top of him. She guided him inside her and a burst of pleasure rushed through his body. She leaned over him and Nolan could smell her hair. He put his hands on her back feeling her thrust against him. She moaned so loud he thought he might wake everyone in the area up. Nolan never wanted it to end.

  Mark was racing home. He was panicked. It had to be a prank. It was just something Cain and his friends were doing. Mark seemed to recognize the voice on the phone. He hoped it was from one of the boys Cain went to school with.

  Mark was on the road leading to his home. He did his best to try and see if anyone was at the house. From where he was it looked as though it was just his family. As he drew closer he turned the lights off in his car. He pulled into the driveway moving slow in the dark. Mark hoped, this would give him some element of surprise.

  As he drove he grabbed his sidearm. He wanted to make sure it was loaded and ready to go. He wasn’t going to let anything happen to his family. His car came to a stop. Mark grabbed a couple of extra clips and put them in his pocket. He was ready. He got out of his car. As he did someone grabbed him and threw him to the ground. He hit the ground hard and felt a knee go in his back. They handcuffed him. Went through his pockets and found his extra clips. The people grabbed his arms and dragged him towards his house.

  Mark tried to fight out of their grips. He was overpowered. The people who grabbed him must have been waiting. They walked up the stairs to his porch. Two men in what Mark knew was United States Security Bureau uniforms stood guard. One of the guards opened the door. They threw Mark on the ground. Then they picked him up. Mark knew there was no reason to throw him. They just wanted to cause him some pain.

  Mark looked around and his house was being torn apart. USSB agents were tearing up his couch and flipping over tables. They knocked over pictures on the walls. Mark couldn’t believe what was happening to his home. He looked into the kitchen and found his family. Sitting at the table. Mark tried to move towards them but the agents holding him threw him into the living room. He slid across broken glass and pieces of his furniture. One agent kicked him in the chest knocking the wind out of him. Mark gasped for breath.

  “None of that,” a voice called from the kitchen. “Kick him again without my permission and that will be the last thing you ever do. Do you understand?”

  “Yes sir,” The agent who kicked him said with a horse voice.

  A man walked into the room. He had a dark uniform on and a coat which was almost like a cape. It was draped over one shoulder. Mark saw the rank on the man’s uniform and saw he was a Major.

  “Trooper Mark Reilly.” The Major said. “I am Major Fulton of the United States Security Bureau.” Mark said nothing. “I have a strange theory that we are investigating. I am sure you have heard about the many trucks that have been attacked from a rebel cell in this area.” Mark remained silent and straight faced. “It seems that some of those trucks reported a state trooper on the highway at the time. Soon after that, they were attacked. Now, this trooper might not have known about this attack but it is clear the trooper did nothing
about it. I am sure he would have heard gunshots while he was doing a traffic stop. Right?” Mark said nothing. He glared at the Major. He did his best to hide any sign of him knowing he was caught. “It seems another attack happened today and local law enforcement once again proved that they are not up to the job because they lost our suspects. Who by the way, killed several of our agents.”

  “It sounds like you all are having a rough time in our city,” Mark said.

  Major Fulton smiled. He took a step towards Mark. The Major knelt down at eye level with Mark. He looked him over.

  “I want to know where these people are. Where are they operating out of?”

  “I am sorry, Major. I don’t know anything about that.”

  One soldier kicked Mark. Major Fulton stood so fast and pulled his gun and aimed it directly at the agent’s head. The room fell silent.

  “Did you disobey one of my orders, private? It looks like you did.”

  “I…” the man stammered. “I…”

  “Do you remember what I said about hitting my prisoners without my permission?”

  “I do,”


  The back of the man’s head exploded on the wall. Chunks of brain and hair were on the ground and some of the furniture. Michelle screamed from the other room and Mark could hear the children crying.

  “Ms. Reilly your husband is just fine. Tell her, Mark”

  “I am fine, honey,” Mark said.

  Michelle went as silent as she could. Mark could still hear them crying in the other room.

  “I don’t want any more outburst from you all. Do you understand?” Major Fulton said.

  “Ye… yes.” Michelle said.

  “Good girl,” Major Fulton called to her. He turned back to Mark. “What was I saying?” He thought for a moment. “Yes, the operation. I need you to tell me where these rebels are operating out of.”


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