A Ravenous Pack: Wolf's Hunger 5 Books

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A Ravenous Pack: Wolf's Hunger 5 Books Page 1

by A. K. Michaels


  A Wolf’s Hunger: Rafe

  Sassy Lassie’s VIP Clan


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  A Wolf’s Hunger: Kade


  Sassy Lassie’s VIP Clan


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  A Wolf’s Hunger: Zohar


  Sassy Lassie’s VIP Clan


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  A Wolf’s Hunger: Sheba


  Sassy Lassie’s VIP Clan


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25


  A Wolf’s Hunger: Shade


  Sassy Lassie’s VIP Clan

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Author’s Note

  Contact Ava

  Also by A K Michaels

  © 2017 by A K Michaels All Rights Reserved

  This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission by the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Formatted by Jill’s Badass Book Formatting

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  Quite simply for readers everywhere. For those of you who get lost in a story, in words, and truly enjoy any author’s work. Thank you.

  Also, to a dear friend, Monica La Porta. Not only is she an amazing author but she always has time to help others. Thank you for helping me make Rafe better with your critique, and more importantly, for your friendship, which I cherish.

  The huge, black Wolf rushed through the forest, driven by one thought stampeding through his mind: satisfy the abnormal hunger that overwhelmed it.

  Despite his size, he hardly made a sound as he pursued his prey. The scent of a deer his only focus as he leaped over bushes, darted around trees, and zeroed in on his quarry. Although he had ravaged several animals already, more than enough to quench his appetite three times over, this hunger was different. It burned his belly with the constant need for more.

  Rafe couldn’t understand what was going on. He’d never felt such hunger before and his beast was almost insane in its quest for food. He’d tried to stop it after the first few kills, but the deep craving inside him pushed him onwards.

  His Beta, Jacy, ran with him and Rafe could sense his unease. His Beta had no idea what was wrong with his Alpha and it unsettled the serious man, and his beast. Rafe could offer no explanation and that fact alone caused his own worry to escalate.

  Never before had he felt so out of control and, as Alpha, that wasn’t a good sign. He was always in command of himself, man and Wolf, so this was new to him too. He only hoped that when he finally sank his razor-sharp teeth into the elusive deer that this feeling of starvation would abate.

  Although, the more he thought about it, he guessed not.

  He’d been eating constantly for the past few days. His mother astonished at how much he’d managed to pack away, even for him, the amounts he was devouring were astronomical and if it didn’t stop he’d be forced to consult the Pack’s Healer to find out what was going on.

  That was for tomorrow, or the next day, because today all he could think of was the deer he chased. His Wolf almost howled with glee when he caught a glimpse of it up ahead, but he managed to overrule that thought. What would be the point of letting it know he was so close just so it could escape him, again.

  Not happening, he thought as his pace slowed, dropping to slink along the forest floor. His massive paws sank into the leaves littering the ground, his body as close to them as possible as he sneaked along, ever closer to his target.

  Jacy’s Wolf joined him, his Beta nudging his side as his anxiety grew. Rafe could smell it on his friend, rolling toward him in great waves as he tried to figure out what was wrong with his Alpha.

  Rafe ignored him, his only focus on the deer just a few feet away.

  His Wolf was eager but he managed to keep control and slowly slithered forward under cover of the bushes. Only when he was barely two feet away, upwind of the skittish deer, did he launch toward it, landing on its back and bringing it down as his jaws clamped around its neck. As blood ran down his throat he sank his teeth in further, snapping the neck with ease.

  The deer collapsed beneath him and his beast immediately started tearing great chunks from the dead animal, chewing quickly and swallowing even faster before continuing. A low growl warning Jacy to stay clear. This kill was his and he wasn’t in the mood for sharing.

  Jacy’s brown Wolf paraded around him as he fed, his tail swishing back and forth, clearly indicating how upset he was. Tough. Rafe was hungry and he didn’t need to ask permission of his Beta to hunt and feed.

n Alpha didn’t answer to anyone.

  The deer didn’t last long, his Wolf devouring it in no time at all, but Rafe was shocked to realize he still felt hunger gnawing in his belly. What the hell was going on? A full deer to himself should have filled him up for days, but he barely felt as if he’d fed at all.

  Finally his Beta encroached on his space, nudging him with his snout as he spoke through the Pack-link. “Rafe, we need to go. It’s morning. We’ve been out all night and we have to head back.”

  “Morning?” Rafe asked, shocked as he looked up, the sun gleaming down through the treetops.

  “Yes,” Jacy answered. “And when we get back we have to talk.”

  Rafe didn’t respond, knowing what he wanted to talk about and he had no answers for him. Fuck, Rafe had none for himself either. He didn’t know what the hell was going on and knew he’d been neglecting his duties as Alpha. None of that seemed to matter though. This hunger inside him needed feeding and that was the fact of the matter. That he didn’t know what was happening to him was pushed to the back of his mind as he hunted.

  Jacy was going to be making his Alpha face what was going on and that annoyed the hell out of him.

  His Wolf growled, a low rumble deep in his chest before turning for home and speeding through the forest. Jacy kept pace, never allowing his Alpha to get ahead, sticking close and making sure Rafe didn’t disappear.

  “Damn,” Rafe thought as he plowed through the underbrush with speed. He definitely wasn’t looking forward to the conversation Jacy was obviously hell-bent on having.

  He pushed the impending talk from his mind, instead reveling in the feel of allowing his beast free rein in the place he loved the most. The area around their camp was his haven, where he went when Alpha duties weighed him down. His love of nature ran deep in his veins and if he weren’t Alpha, he’d spend far more time running wild and free.

  However, he was Alpha and that position held responsibilities he sometimes felt weighed like a ton of bricks on his shoulders. He never allowed that to show, always calm and in control, and thinking of the Pack first.

  As smoke from camp filled his nostrils he slowed his pace, loping along the outskirts until he stopped at the back door of his cabin. The smell of his mother’s cooking wafting toward him as he transformed, leaving his Wolf behind as the man appeared.

  He’d changed so many times that he no longer felt pain or heard the sounds of his body realigning. His skin shivered against the coolness of dawn as he grabbed his jeans off the back porch, tugging them up over his thick thighs, and striding inside the warmth of the kitchen.

  “Hey, you.” His mom, Ellie, turned from the stove, spatula in hand, as she cooked his breakfast. “Where have you been this early?”

  Rafe didn’t answer immediately, giving Jacy the opportunity to enlighten her. “We’ve been out all night, hunting.”

  His mom moved the pan from the stove then turned back to lock eyes with him. Rafe stared right back as she raised an eyebrow, her tone questioning. “And what did you bring back?”

  “Nothing,” Jacy answered again, Rafe ignoring him completely as his mother nodded slowly.

  “So you two won’t want breakfast then?”

  Jacy stepped around Rafe, heading to the huge wooden table. “I’m starving, Ellie. I didn’t eat anything.”

  “Is that so?” Ellie said as she served Jacy a large plate of food.

  “Yes.” Jacy smirked as he glared at Rafe.

  “Traitor,” Rafe flung out through their link.

  Jacy turned, his dark eyes locking with Rafe’s as he shrugged. “Rafe and I have something to discuss, after breakfast of course.”

  “Honey,”—his mom pointed to the table—“come sit down and eat.”

  “Thanks.” Rafe strode over, giving Jacy the evil-eye as he sat down.

  A plate, piled high with food landed before him, then his mom sat down next to him. Too late Rafe realized she also wanted to talk.

  “This has been going on for a few days, son, and I think I know what’s happening.”

  Jacy stopped shoveling food into his mouth. “Really? What’s going on with him?”

  Rafe huffed, interrupting. “Him? I’m him now. Whatever happened to showing your Alpha some respect.”

  Ellie waggled a finger at her son. “Rafe, don’t be an ass.”

  “I see,” Rafe grouched. “I’m an ass now too. Great.”

  “Ellie,” Jacy carried on, ignoring his Alpha. “What do you think is wrong with Rafe? I’m worried about him. You know he actually growled at me while he hogged an entire deer?”

  “What?” Ellie’s eyes popped open. “He ate an entire deer on his own?”

  “That wasn’t all,” Jacy replied, his voice lowering conspiratorially. “He’d already had three kills before the deer.”

  “Enough!” Rafe slammed down his cutlery. “Stop talking as if I’m not even in the room!”

  Jacy slowly returned his cutlery to the table before turning to glare at Rafe. “Maybe if you’d discuss the problem we wouldn’t have to.”

  Nobody else would get away with speaking to Rafe like that. Not if they wanted to stay in one piece and if there were other Pack members around, Jacy wouldn’t either. In the confines of his cabin though, the normal rules relaxed. It was the only way for his Beta to call him out on things that he needed to.

  Those times were rare, but they did happen and Rafe exhaled loudly before looking into his best friend’s face. “All right, I admit that there’s something going on with me, but I don’t know what the fuck is going on!”

  Ellie shook her head. “Language,” she chastised. “Rafe, you look like hell, and you’re appetite is out of control. So, do you want me to tell you what I think is wrong? Or are you going to continue snapping at everyone and acting like an idiot?”

  “Go on.” Rafe waved his hand at his mom, not at all sure he wanted to hear what she had to say.

  “This is something I’ve heard about before, this hunger you have.” Ellie reached over, patting his hand reassuringly. “I know you can’t control it and you’ve been in Wolf form far more than usual. There’s a reason for that.”

  Ellie paused when Jacy sat forward, his tone incredulous. “You know what’s wrong with him? Why didn’t you say anything before? I’ve been worried sick about him.”

  Rafe snapped at his Beta. “You’ve been worried in case you need to take over for a while.”

  Jacy’s face flushed at being caught out. Rafe knew he hated when he had to run the Pack if he were away. His friend blustered, trying to cover his true feelings. “No, no, I admit I don’t particularly like being in charge, but I honestly have been worried for you.”

  “Will you two boys stop bickering like toddlers,” Ellie said in exasperation. “If you’d hold your tongues I could possibly get this finished before lunch.”

  Jacy snorted as Rafe held up his hands in defeat. “Go on, Mother.”

  “As I was saying.” Ellie’s face sobered, her tone as serious as Rafe had ever heard it. “There are old legends that speak of such a thing. Where a Wolf’s Hunger takes over control and . . .”

  Rafe sat forward, spearing his mom with a glare. “You know these so-called legends to be true? Or are they just stories with nothing to back them up?”

  “Don’t use that tone with me. I know you’re upset about what’s going on inside you, but I’m certain that I have the answer. That’s if you’d stop interrupting.”

  Jacy interceded, ever the peacemaker. “Hey, you two, come on, let’s all calm down.”

  “I’m perfectly calm,” Rafe lied as he sat back, crossing his arms.

  “Darling.” Ellie tilted her head, staring hard at him. “I can feel it inside you. It’s gnawing away at you and you have to listen to me or you’ll end up going insane.”

  Jacy couldn’t help himself. “As in really insane? Or is that just a euphemism?”

  Ellie threw her hands up in the air, exhaling loudly in exasperation. “Right! That�
�s enough. I don’t want either of you to say one more word until I’ve finished.”

  She looked at Jacy who ran his fingers across his lips as if zipping them, Rafe merely nodded. “All right. The legend has been spot on so far, with the hunger that’s inside you, and your beast being more and more in control. Am I right or am I right?”

  Jacy nodded but Rafe didn’t respond, refusing to admit to anything so Ellie sighed, carrying on. “I know I’m right, Son, you don’t have to say one word. I’m your mother and I can sense things that others can’t.”


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