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A Ravenous Pack: Wolf's Hunger 5 Books

Page 19

by A. K. Michaels

  “Coffee but I can get it myself. You don’t have to wait on me, Skye.”

  Skye shook her head, her dark blonde ponytail flying around. “I’ll get it. You get started on your breakfast.”

  “I’ll never manage to eat all this,” Kirsty joked, looking at the pile of food.

  “Sorry, I’m used to Kade’s appetite, he eats a lot.”

  “No apologies necessary, it looks delicious. Thank you very much for this.”

  Skye brought over a steaming mug of coffee, pushing a small milk bowl closer. Kirsty shook her head. “I take mine black, thanks. Why don’t you sit down so we can get to know each other?”

  Skye’s face had a look of horror on it as Kirsty prompted her. “Come on, Skye, it looks as if I’m going to be sticking around so I’d like us to be friends. I would appreciate if you could help me learn about the Pack. In fact, I’m clueless about most things to do with Shifters so could you please teach me?”

  She watched as the nervous girl wavered, her eyes flitting to the back door as if wondering if she could somehow make a run for it. Kirsty made one last attempt. “I’m sure Kade would be happy if you helped me.”

  Skye finally acquiesced, pulling a chair out and sitting down. “I don’t know how I can help you.”

  “I’m sure you can.” Kirsty tucked into her food, making appreciative noises. “This is wonderful. I’m so glad Kade has you. I can’t cook for toffee.”

  Skye gave her a shy smile. “Really?”

  “Aye.” Kirsty nodded, popping some bacon in her mouth and rolling her eyes. “This is to die for. I’m useless in the kitchen. I guess you’ll need to stick around or both Kade and I will starve to death.”

  “So it’s true? You’re his mate?” Skye asked quietly, her head bowed, eyes staring at the table.

  “It appears so, but I’m just learning about all of this soul-mate stuff,” Kirsty admitted, her own face blushing. “I can’t deny the pull to him but as I said, I know nothing about Wolves or Pack life. Can you teach me? Please, Skye, I’m struggling here and I don’t want to embarrass myself, or worse, Kade. I don’t think you’d want that either.”

  “What?” Skye’s head shot up, eyes wide and alarmed. “No, of course not. He saved me and gave me a home. I’d do anything for him. Of course I’ll help you.”

  “Wonderful,” Kirsty replied, smiling. “Right, first, my name is Kirsty and I’d like to be your friend, if you’d let me.”

  “I’ll help you,” Skye conceded.

  “Great, we can start there and maybe, in time, we can become friends.” Kirsty hoped she could break through the wariness and nervousness of the girl. “So, let’s start with what you think are the most important things I should know.”

  Skye looked thoughtful for several moments before she nodded to herself and began Kirsty’s crash course on all things Wolf. The next few hours were taken up with a wealth of information, so much so that she made Skye go get a pad and pen so she could take notes. Lots of notes.

  In fact, by the time they were finished, her hand was cramping, but she felt ready to head out and tackle her first foray into the Pack.

  “Thank you so much.” Kirsty’s words had Skye blushing, but she managed to keep eye contact briefly. Progress. “Before I head out, do you have any idea when Kade will be back? I’m kinda worried about him.”

  Skye gave her the briefest of smiles. “Och, you don’t have to worry about him. He’s very powerful and he’ll have plenty of guards with him. I bet Isla will be right there too. She’s the Pack Enforcer and she scares me. She’s really fierce and tough and I know for sure she’ll be right beside Kade ‘cause she’s passionately loyal to him and the Pack. He’ll be fine, Kirsty. I’m sure of it.”

  Kirsty couldn’t help but smile as Skye used her name for the first time and also because the young woman was trying hard to allay her fears. “Thanks, I hope you’re right. I’m not quite sure what’s going on, but the longer he’s away I’m getting a weird feeling in my belly. It’s like it’s filled with a swarm of butterflies having a party I’m not invited to.”

  Skye smirked. “I think you’re beginning to feel the effects of the mating bond too.”

  “Ya think?” Kirsty asked.

  “Aye, it’s not normal that two people who’ve found theirs are separated so soon afterward. I suspect Kade isn’t feeling too great either.”

  “I hope he’s okay.” Kirsty nibbled her bottom lip. “I don’t want him feeling bad because of me. I just met him and don’t know about all this stuff so . . .”

  She stopped, embarrassed that she’d been about to spill her innermost thoughts about her feelings for the sexy Alpha. Luckily, Skye seemed to understand.

  “That’s okay, you’re not to know our ways. Hopefully, after our wee talk you’ve got a better idea of things.”

  “I do.” Kirsty straightened her shoulders. “Be strong, keep eye contact, don’t appear weak. That’s right, isn’t it?”

  Skye nodded, doing the exact opposite. “Aye, you’ll need to be tough to be the Alpha’s mate.”

  “I hope I’m up to the task,” Kirsty mused aloud as she wandered to the door.

  She stopped, bracing herself before pulling the door open and stepping outside. The crisp air wafted over her as her eyes adjusted to the rare Scottish sunshine beating down. Scanning the area, she saw people going about in different directions, some glancing her way with surreptitious looks. Her stomach churned with nerves which she fought to tamp down, especially as Skye had warned that Shifters could sense, and scent, just about every emotion. Great.

  This was going to be far more difficult than she’d thought. She was good at “putting on a front” but if the people she was trying to impress could see right through her, or rather, smell right through her, then she wasn’t quite sure how she’d get on.

  The one thing she was certain of was the fact that she had to impress these people or she was up shit creek without a paddle. Taking a deep breath Kirsty straightened her back, stepping down and toward the nearest people she saw, hoping they were friendly.

  They had their backs to her, which gave her a few more minutes to calm herself, but before she reached them, she heard a sound that lifted her heart. Leia’s excited barking had Kirsty turning toward the noise, her Shepherd barreling toward her at break-neck speed, tail wagging and Jimmy rushing after her.

  “Leia, wait up, will ye?” Jimmy yelled, sliding to a stop breathlessly. “Sorry, Miss Kirsty, she musta scented ye and she just took off.”

  Kirsty leaned down, grabbing Leia and shaking her by the fur around her neck. “You been having fun, girl?”

  “Aye, she’s been chasing rabbits; she’s no too great at catching them yet. But I’ll keep teaching her and I’m sure when the Alpha takes her out hunting he’ll do it better than me.”

  Jimmy looked adorable, his hair falling down over his forehead, his face lit up as he kept glancing at Leia. Kirsty could see how serious he was being though so maintained her tone in keeping with his. “I’m sure you’re right, Jimmy. Thank you for taking care of her for me this morning.”

  “Of course.” Jimmy reached out, petting Leia. “She’s beautiful and really smart. She’ll pick it up in no time. I just wish I was a wee bit older and could transform so I could hunt properly wae her. Just another year or so and then I’ll be able to. Can I come and get her later? I’ll make sure she gets fed. Promise.”

  “That would be great, Jimmy, thank you for your help. I’ll see you later.”

  “Thank you, Miss Kirsty, for trusting me with her.”

  His wee chest puffed up with pride as he turned to walk away, Kirsty patted Leia’s head as she nudged her hand with a wet nose. “You’ve made a friend for life there, puppy.”

  “Aye, she has.”

  The voice surprised Kirsty, so close to her that she jerked around. A large bear of a man standing with an axe lying over his shoulder, a woman by his side. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare ye.”

  “Didn’t sc
are me,” Kirsty replied calmly, keeping her hand on Leia. “Just didn’t hear you coming up behind me. As I said to Skye earlier, I’ve not got that amazing Wolf hearing you all do.”

  The man cocked his head to the side, obviously sizing her up. Kirsty was grateful to have Leia at her side, her Shepherd calming her in ways that only her pup could. She kept eye contact, raising an eyebrow when she thought his perusal had gone on a tad too long. The woman stepped forward, smiling. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, lass. This big oaf here is my mate, Muir, and my name is Fiona. I’m the Pack Healer, so if you need anything in that department just come find me. Muir, here, he’s usually building something or other and he also looks after the animal stocks on our land, but I’m sure you’ll soon learn everything there is to know about everyone.”

  “I doubt that.” Kirsty smiled. “There’s an awful lot of people here.”

  “Lass, if you need any help I’m always available. As the Pack Healer, I know everybody so I can help you anytime.”

  “Thank you. I’d appreciate that.” Kirsty gave the woman a smile, glancing at the imposing man, making eye contact and holding it. “I look forward to getting to know you better, both of you.”

  Muir inclined his head, giving her the briefest of smiles. “I think you’ll do just fine.”

  As they moved away Kirsty exhaled, mumbling to her Shepherd. “Stay close, girl. I think I’m going to need your support.”

  Leia whined, nudging her thigh gently with her snout as if she knew exactly what her mistress needed from her. Staying right beside her as Kirsty set off to meet more of the Pack.

  Kade’s beast tore through the trees, his earlier anger abating somewhat. His shock at finding evidence of rogues on his land had not been easy to process, especially when they’d found tracks very near to the camp.

  The thought that any of his Pack could be in danger caused him to snarl at Isla who oversaw the Pack Guards and security of their lands and camp. She had taken everything he’d thrown at her, and not once had she defended herself, lowering her head and accepting his anger and admitting it was her fault.

  That’s when the normally quiet Dara’s beast had prowled forward, butting in and reminding Kade that nobody had been any the wiser, Kade included.

  Guilt had washed over Kade in great waves as he realized if he hadn’t been sneaking out to hunt, so overtaken with the Hunger that had consumed him that maybe, just maybe, he would’ve scented the rogues that had encroached onto his land. He had stormed away, ordering everyone to stay where they were. He needed some peace for a few minutes so he could think. Thing was, when his anger cleared and he did have the time to process what they’d found, he knew that Isla wasn’t the only person responsible. They all were, him included.

  If rogues had made it so far onto their land, so close to camp, that meant that each and every one of them had become far too complacent. Their Pack was large, strong, but now it was all too evident they were also arrogant and overconfident.

  That was down to him. He was Alpha and the buck stopped at his door.

  He’d made his way back to his Wolves who waited nervously, Isla standing off to the side. Kade went over, opening the link so the others could hear.

  “I apologize, Isla. This wasn’t your fault, at least, it’s not all on your shoulders. We’re all to blame, each and every one of us, myself included. We’ve become complacent, believing ourselves to be too strong and above others from thinking they could attack us. We were wrong. We’ve become weak in the face of our own egos, pride taking over humility and it’s cost us with this incursion into our land. What we need to do now is work together to rid ourselves of these bampots and make sure none of our people suffer because of our ignorance.”

  Isla straightened up, her beast holding itself proud, its head nodding once. “I agree, we’ve become prideful and conceited, my apologies, Alpha. It won’t happen again. I have another concern I’d like to raise, if I may?”

  “Go ahead.”

  “I don’t like the fact that Andrew Gates was among those rogues that were hunting your mate,” Isla paused, her eyes spinning to Kade’s. “Sorry, I mean, Kirsty.”

  Kade merely chuckled. “I think everyone is aware of who Kirsty is, carry on.”

  “All right, well, as I said, that wee toad being with them makes me very uneasy. He was always on the tailcoat of Archie McDonald and I have a bad feeling in my guts about Gates still being around.”

  Lennox’s beast padded over, a low growl rumbling up from his chest. “I agree, Gates was always doing what Archie told him, he couldnae wipe his own arse without Archie’s say so. I wouldn’t be surprised if he were still in the area too.”

  Kade cursed to himself, knowing he should’ve handed Archie over to the Council for his misdemeanors instead of just throwing him out of the Pack. Even though he’d warned the man to leave, not just his land, but also the damn country, it looked like the blaggard had other ideas. “Do you think he’s been putting together a Pack of rogues all this time? It’s been what? Almost two years since he was banished, that means he’s had a lot of time on his hands to find himself a merry little band of misfits.”

  Dara stepped forward, saying what was on everyone’s mind. “I don’t think it’s a little band of misfits, Kade. If they feel brave enough to come onto our land, then they’ve got the numbers to back it up. We need to tread carefully or we could be getting led straight into a trap.”

  Kade growled, hating to agree but knowing he must. His fur rippling with anger and frustration a moment before a tremor of fear ran through him. “Back to camp. Everyone. Back to camp. We’ve been away too long and most of our best fighters are right here. The pack is vulnerable and the most vulnerable of all is my fucking mate!”

  Kade’s massive paws scrambled on the ground, desperate to gain purchase, finally his claws digging into the soil, and he was off and speeding back toward the camp and Kirsty. Terror taking hold deep inside him as he tore through the forest, his Wolves spreading out either side. Isla overtaking him, her sleek beast made for speed, he watched as she disappeared, his own Wolf battling to catch up.

  No, no no! This could not be happening. He’d only just found Kirsty. The thought of rogues getting their filthy hands on her almost crippling him with emotions he’d never encountered before. So deep did they run that he feared for his sanity, his beast letting loose a roar of pure anger.

  Lennox appeared at his side, keeping pace as they tore towards home. “We’ll get there, Kade, don’t worry. She’ll be okay.”

  “She better be,” Kade answered, not recognizing his own voice, so full of agony and torment it sounded like a stranger’s. “I can’t lose her, Len, I just can’t. It will kill me. But I swear on all that’s holy, I’ll fucking end every damn rogue before I die.”

  Lennox didn’t answer; after all, there was nothing left to say.

  On and on they ran, Kade picking up speed he didn’t know he had as fear for his soul-mate grew inside him. If rogues had infiltrated so far onto their lands, sent them on a wild-goose chase just to get their strongest Wolves away from camp, their only reason was to attack their home when it was at its weakest.

  There was just no other scenario that fitted and damn it to hell and back, Kade had fallen for it. Hook-line-and-goddamn-sinker. He was going to tear Archie fucking McDonald apart, slowly, and revel as the traitor’s blood poured down his throat.

  Kade plowed onwards, his mind picturing Kirsty’s smiling face, flowing red hair, and those impossibly green eyes. His heart aching at the mere thought of losing her causing him to do something he rarely did. “Dear Goddess, I know I’m not worthy. I fail you every day, but she’s worthy, she’s precious, and you sent her to me. Please, I’ll do anything you ask of me, anything, just keep her safe until I can reach her. That’s all I ask. Just until I can get to her. I’ll take it from there, I promise, but keep her safe until I can get back to her.”

  He prayed with every fiber of his being that the Goddess would look fa
vorably on his plea. Surely, she couldn’t deny him. Not when she’d only just allowed him to find his soul-mate. He couldn’t bear thinking of the feisty young woman not being by his side. That just was not an option. It couldn’t be.

  Taking stock of his surroundings, he noted they weren’t too far from home. Soon. Soon he would be back beside the one person on earth made just for him, and he would make damn sure she was safe. Nothing was going to take her from him. Abso-fucking-lutely nothing.

  That was when he heard the noises. Ones he wished he could block out, close his ears to the sounds of battle ahead. Women’s screams, children’s terrified cries, a dog’s frenzied barking, but above it all, he heard the one thing he’d dreaded the most: Kirsty’s voice loud and clear as she yelled, “Noooooooooo.”

  Kirsty wandered back to the cabin, a smile as wide as the River Clyde on her face, Leia still at her side. She couldn’t believe how well her introduction to the camp had gone. With her trusty Shepherd beside her, lending her some kind of inner strength, she seemed to have pulled off the impossible: acceptance by a Pack of Wolves.

  Dang! She couldn’t quite grasp how it had happened, but it had. She remembered all the tips Skye had given, and she’d passed through the camp talking to everyone she saw as if she met Shifters every single day. She was proud of herself and couldn’t wait to share it with Kade. Now, if he’d only come back, she’d decided she was going to slacken her tight control and possibly, maybe, have a hot night of passion with him.

  Her cheeks flushed just thinking of the sexy Alpha. Her heart fluttering wildly in her chest as her stomach somersaulted a time or two. He certainly had an effect on her that she had no control over and the way everyone spoke about him, well, he seemed an all-around good guy. Not some bawbag jerk. No, he was a stand-up guy and it seemed like he was all hers.

  Wow, she couldn’t quite believe her luck. Or maybe this was all just a dream and she’d wake up soon in the cold farmhouse that used to be home.


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