A Ravenous Pack: Wolf's Hunger 5 Books

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A Ravenous Pack: Wolf's Hunger 5 Books Page 53

by A. K. Michaels

  “Well, it freaking rocks!” Marissa whooped, running toward him and jumping up into his arms.

  Oh damn, he was a goner the moment her naked body wrapped itself around him, her lips latching onto his in a searing hot kiss. Shade’s hands gripped her firmly to him, one on her tight ass, one wrapping around her body so his fingers caressed the side of her breast. Her soft moans as their tongues lashed together lost as they ran down his throat to join his rumbled growl of lust. Marissa’s legs climbing to drape around his waist, her core grinding against his throbbing manhood as Shade fought to pull back.

  He was at the edge of his control as he tore his lips from hers, his forehead resting on hers as he caught his breath. “Fuck, Mari, you’re driving me insane. If we don’t stop, I’ll . . .”

  Marissa shushed him by catching his bottom lip between her teeth, nibbling it playfully before looking up into his eyes. “I don’t want to stop, Shade. What I want is for us to seal our bond. Now, right now, because I feel as if I’m about to crawl right out of my skin with . . . shit, I’m not sure what to call it, but damn, whatever it is it needs attention. Your attention.”

  Shade didn’t respond. The time for wasteful words was over. Right now was the time for action. He nodded, holding her firmly as he rushed upstairs, striding quickly to his room and kicking the door closed behind him. Goddess help anyone who dared interrupt them now, because he’d tear their head from their shoulders without a moment’s thought. No more thinking, no more stalling, no more putting off what he craved more than his next damn breath. He was going to claim his mate and make her his forever.

  Marissa’s body quivered at his touch, responding to him in ways that had him desperate to sink deep inside her. Shade placed her gently on the bed, her groan of protest making him chuckle. “Soon,” he told her as he undressed, her eyes raking over his chest when he threw his t-shirt to the floor hastily.

  He kicked his running shoes off and they landed on the other side of the room with a dull thud as he pulled down his joggers, her eyes widening when his erection popped free. That’s when his desired fogged mind cleared to remind him . . . she was a virgin. Shoot. It had been too many years to count since he’d bedded a virgin. Shade wasn’t used to being gentle or mindful of harming his sexual partners. He inhaled sharply, conscious of Marissa’s status and the fact that he couldn’t, wouldn’t hurt her in any way. He had to slow this down. Somehow.

  Goddess knew he had to for Marissa. The scent of her aroused state clogged his nostrils, inflaming his desire and making it difficult for him to concentrate. Shade dug deep, harnessing his inner Alpha strength, calming himself as he joined her on the bed, kneeling between her legs. She reached for him, pleading. “Shade.”

  “Shush, baby, let me take care of you,” Shade whispered, his hands rough against the soft skin of her inner thighs as he gently pushed them apart. Caressing slowly upward, her head falling back as she moaned, inhaling sharply when his thumb found her nerve center and started to circle it.

  Shade watched her face, enraptured for a moment before lowering his head to flick his tongue out. Marissa’s body jerked, her back arching off the bed. “Oh god!”

  He couldn’t stop chuckling briefly before carrying on, dipping one finger inside her wet sheath. Damn, it was tight. So fucking tight he wondered how the hell he’d ever fit inside without tearing her apart. Shade pushed that thought away, focusing on providing his mate with pleasure, exquisite and insurmountable carnal gratification. A night she’d never forget, that was his sole purpose, and he’d make damn sure he delivered.

  Marissa’s body squirmed beneath his ministrations, her fingers tangled in his hair, hips bucking beneath his mouth as he licked, sucked, and nibbled on her clit. He pushed his finger in deeper, working it in and out slowly before adding another, pleased when two slid in easily. Her juices allowing his thick digits to slip inside easily without causing her any discomfort. In fact, she thrust her hips toward him, complaining. “More, Shade, more!”

  Who was he to deny his delectable mate? Shade slung her legs over his shoulders, moving up onto his knees to gain better access to both her core and the rest of her body. His mouth on her sweet nub, one hand tweaking a breast, while the other thrust fingers deep inside her virgin sheath. Marissa squealed, a high-pitched little yelp as her walls tightened around his fingers, her orgasm starting deep inside her.

  “Oh hell,” she got out before words failed her as she panted, before yelling Shade’s name loudly over and over. He was certain he’d never heard anything so sweet in his entire life.

  Shade glided up his mate’s body, gently probing her entrance, his muscles taut and straining as he fought to breach her for the first time as gently as possible. When the tip of his cock entered, her eyes popped open, full of love and unbridled desire. Shade tenderly shifted his hips, his throbbing manhood slipping inside until barely half was now encased in her scorching hot warmth where he stilled, allowing her body to stretch around him.

  “Shade,” Marissa said his name with such reverence that it tore at his heart. A flame of love igniting deep inside him to burn so bright he was certain the entire camp must see it.

  “Am I hurting you? Do you want me to stop?” He asked, worry filling him.

  “No, I need you to fill me, Shade. I need this and I need to mark you. My beast is going nuts.”

  Every single word was a plea, full of longing, yearning, and love. Shade thought his heart would burst with his own love, so full was it with his own for the beauty lying beneath him. “I don’t want to hurt you, baby. It’s your first time and I’d never forgive myself if it wasn’t perfect.”

  Marissa’s eyes twinkled mischievously, taking the decision out of his hands as she thrust her hips upwards and forcing him all the way inside. “Shoot!” she groaned but he wasn’t certain whether it was with pain or pleasure.

  His own craving for her taking over with his cock buried deep inside his mate, Shade pulled out slowly before plunging fully inside again, Marissa’s legs wrapping around his waist and urging him on. Shade’s fangs descended, as did hers, the moment of their claiming imminent, taking them to the brink of ecstasy.

  “Marissa,” he mumbled, her name coming out garbled around his extended jaw and canines. “I take you as my soulmate, for now and forever. I’ll protect you, love you, cherish you, and die for you. You are bound to me from this moment on and nobody can take you from me. If anyone tries, I’ll tear them apart. I promise you that, my beauty.”

  Marissa’s eyes filled with tears, her head nodding. “I’ve no words, Shade, just . . . hell, it’s from my favorite movie. Ditto.”

  Shade cradled her head, lowering his to her neck and bringing hers to his as their movements grew more frenzied. His fangs penetrating her soft skin, sinking deep to seal their bond, her blood filling his mouth to flow down his throat. The first tendrils of their mating already taking root as his orgasm built to a crescendo so exquisite it was nothing short of magical, both of them falling over the precipice at the same moment. Their fangs ripping free as Marissa screamed his name, Shade’s head rearing back as he released a roar so magnificent that the windows shook in their frames, his Pack alerted their Alpha now had his mate.

  He knew this moment in time was the most perfect in his history. Nothing, absolutely nothing, compared to having his mate in his arms.

  Her soft sobs tearing him from his thoughts, concern filling his soul as he gazed down at her, caressing her face. “Mari, baby, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Was my bite too sore? Was I too rough?”

  Marissa hiccupped, swiping at the tears running down the side of her face to land on the pillow. “No, no, and no. I’m so happy right now I could burst. But for just a second there, I was terrified it was just all a dream, and I’d wake up back with the Alpha.”

  “Aww, that’s never gonna happen. You’re safe here.”

  “But my friends aren’t, Shade.” Marissa swiped at another errant tear. “I managed to get away, but they’re still th
ere. I feel guilty as hell about that.”

  Shade continued to soothe her, moving to her side and holding her tightly against him. “I might be able to help. I have a contact in the Council that I could call in a favor with. With everything you’ve told me, I’m sure he’d be more than willing to go in and deal with things.”

  “Really? That’s allowed? I thought an Alpha could do what he wanted.”

  “Yes, and no. An Alpha can run their Pack however they want, so long as there’s not any outlandish abuse being carried out. Let’s be honest, Mari, your old Alpha is fucking nuts and definitely abusive. My contact is the type of Enforcer who revels in taking down these kind of assholes, but I need to ask you first, are you sure? Because once I make the call your old Pack will never be the same. The Alpha will most probably be arrested, and an interim will be put in place by the Council. The Council will run the Pack until it’s being run properly, but that means that other wrongdoers will also be arrested. Are you sure that’s going to sit well with your friends?”

  Marissa nodded furiously. “Hell yeah. Not one woman there will argue with that. Trust me, Shade, we were all treated like slaves, or worse. The only ones who will be upset are the kids who happen to be boys, but they need to be taught the right way to be a Shifter. Not the warped way they’ve been brought up so far.”

  “All right, I’ll make the call.” Shade leaned over, kissing her. “But I’m sure it can wait for a day or two. I need you, my mate.”

  “I need you too, my mate, but . . .”

  Shade sighed, reaching for his phone. “You want me to make the call now, don’t you?”

  “Yes, please. Hold on and I’ll write down the details.”

  Shade held up his hand. “I don’t need those, Mari. I’m calling the Council’s top Enforcer. All I need is your Alpha’s name and Pack, he’ll get any other details from their records.”

  “Oh, right,” Marissa gave him a smile before giving him the information he needed.

  “I’ll do this in private,” Shade rose, going into the bathroom. “He’s not exactly the friendly sort and he hates returning any favors.”

  “Okay,” Marissa nibbled her bottom lip nervously.

  Shade dialed the number, noting it took several rings before it was answered. “Hi, Zohar, it’s Shade and I’m calling in that favor you owe me.”

  The next few days seemed like a blur filled with amazing loving, interspersed with Shade cooking for Marissa, some long sensual baths, and several hot and steamy showers. Marissa settling down once Shade confirmed his contact was going to deal with her Pack, although it would be a week or two before he could attend to it as he was out on another mission. She was just happy that something was going to happen to change the lives of the women in the Pack, and showed her gratitude in very inventive ways that Shade enjoyed immensely.

  Royce and Ash texted several times to update him on Pack news. One of which settling his inner beast when the Evans brother was strong enough to leave and Ash handed him over to the two others and watched as they drove away. His Beta wasn’t satisfied with that though, he’d sent two of his men to follow them all the way out of the damn state. Go Ash.

  Shade had just finished serving Marissa breakfast in bed when his phone rang, not chirped with a message, but rang. Snatching it up, Shade answered angrily. “Whoever this is, it better be fucking life or death.”

  “It’s Ash, I’m sorry, Alpha, but I need you to come downstairs now. We have a situation here.”

  Shade knew his Beta would not have called unless it was important. “I assume I require clothes for this situation?”

  “That would be best, yes,” Ash replied calmly. “And, Alpha, just so you know this is about Marissa.”

  Shade’s skin rippled, his beast rising at the implied threat to their mate. “I’ll be right down.”

  Marissa pushed the tray off her lap, obviously hearing Ash’s side of the conversation. “What’s going on?”

  “I’ve no idea but I’ll deal with it. You stay here.”

  Shade pulled on jeans and boots, foregoing anything further, and stormed downstairs, his anger barely contained. When he reached his front door it was boiling hot and he tore open the door so hard that the top hinge lost several screws. Shade found Ash standing with four men, one of whom he knew and hated with every fiber of his being . . . Marissa’s father.

  He stood with a smug look on his face, arms crossed, and the three other men looked suspiciously like Pack Enforcers. Hell no. Did this cocksucker come onto his land with Enforcers? Was he fucking insane?

  Shade stepped outside, growling, his Wolf barely contained. “What the fuck is this about? I warned you once not to come back. Do you have a fucking death-wish, old man?”

  Ash held out a piece of paper. “He brought this with him. It’s a letter from his Alpha laying claim to Marissa, saying she was promised to him and that she’s to be returned to him immediately.”

  Shade snatched the piece of paper from Ash, ignoring what was written, and slowly ripped it to shreds, then threw the paper in the interloper’s faces. “That’s what I think of that piece of shit. Marissa is going nowhere.”

  A soft whimper behind Shade spun him around, Marissa stood quivering with fear rolling off her. “Shade?” she asked, her eyes pleaded with him.

  “Don’t worry, you’re safe here, Mari. Do not ever doubt that. Not for a fucking second.” Shade slowly turned back around, allowing his beast to show. “I won’t repeat this again. Marissa is not going anywhere with you. She is staying here, with me, and if you don’t get the fuck off my land I promise this will be the place you will last draw breath.”

  One of the large Shifter’s stepped forward, chest puffed out. “We’ve been instructed not to return without her.”

  Shade didn’t bother looking in his direction, barely even moved his feet, his arm shooting out to grab the man’s neck in a vice-like grip, crushing viciously briefly before throwing him backward. “I’m beginning to lose my temper. I can’t say this clearly enough . . . oh wait, I can. Marissa is my mate. We bonded several days ago, so, you stupid fucks, my claim beats any that you, or your fuckwit of an alpha, has. Got it? Have you? Because if you haven’t I’m more than happy to show you with my fangs and claws just how far I’ll go to protect my mate. In fact, I’m fucking eager to show you. Especially you,” Shade stepped forward, teeth bared and snarling into her father’s face. “you cocksucking asshole. Come on, say something. Anything. Just give me an excuse to rip your throat out.”

  When the other two large Shifters moved forward, Ash stepped up, shaking his head once and they retreated. Shade’s anger was now beyond anything he’d encountered before. He’d worshiped every inch of Marissa’s body and that meant he’d seen, up close and personal, the scars that this man before him had caused. Hell’s fire, he couldn’t hold back, he just fucking couldn’t.

  “Shit, you don’t need to give me an excuse,” Shade ground out. “You hurt her, you inflicted pain on my mate, and that gives me the right to exact vengeance.”

  His fist connected with the man’s jaw, the crunch of it breaking was like music in his blood pounding ears. Blood spurted freely as the sorry excuse for a father reeled backward, Shade stepping forward, fist raised again when a soft hand and softer voice, halted him in his tracks.

  “Shade, he’s not worth it. He’ll get what’s coming soon enough.”

  Shade’s anger flowed out of him at the sound of her voice, turning to embrace her, he held her tightly and kissed the top of her head. “Ash, can you take the trash out for me?”

  “Sure,” Ash replied, waving his own men over to herd the intruders away.

  Shade looked over his shoulder, snarling one last time. “You’ve had your last warning. If I see you again there will be no more words . . . I’ll kill you.”

  Shade swung his son, Mikey, high in the air, his grin wide as his child giggled, shouting, “More, dada, more.”

  His thoughts going back to the Alpha that had caused
his mate so much pain and how he’d reveled in hunting him down and exacting his revenge, secretly, with only Ash and Royce beside him. Marissa never found out, and he’d never tell her his secret. It was his burden to bear and one he carried easily. His only regret was he’d been unable to do the same to her father, but that pleasure had been taken from him by the dark Enforcer, Zohar. That fact was one his beautiful mate was aware of, but he’d been sorry that Zohar had taken away his chance to deal with the man who’d scarred Marissa in so many ways. Shade grinned as Mikey pounded on his chest shouting for him to throw him again, pulling him from his thoughts.

  “Sure,” Shade laughed, swinging Mikey around before tossing him above his head again.

  Marissa watched from the porch, her hands resting on her engorged belly where the twins appeared to be playing football. Her stomach moving around alarmingly as she tried to get comfortable. “You all right, baby?” he asked, seeing her shuffle around in the large comfy chair he’d insisted she used.

  “Yeah,” she replied far too quickly.

  Shade lowered Mikey to the ground, patting his backside and pointing to Lana who was heading their way. “Lana, can you watch him for a moment?”

  Mikey took off running, like he always did when he saw the Healer, who usually produced a cookie for the child. Shade shouted, “No cookies!” before rushing over to his mate.

  Shade knelt down in front of her, holding out his hands to take hers. “Tell me?”

  “What? You’re not just going to go inside my head?” she snarked.

  “No, we agreed I’d stop that. Didn’t we? So, here’s me stopping that. Tell me what’s wrong?”

  Her eyes sparkled as tears filled them, her bottom lip trembling as she fought to stop herself crying. Shade had his own battle going on. The one where he didn’t just go right on in and see what was going on in her head. But, he’d agreed not to, so he sat there, scared witless and waited.


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