Slay All Day

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Slay All Day Page 4

by Cynthia Eden

  He shut the drawer. “I know you’re not a werewolf.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I can smell the scent of the beast on werewolves. You smell like strawberries and vanilla cream. Sweet and delicious.”

  Oh. Okay. “What about me being a vamp? How do you know I’m not going to drink your blood?”

  He turned away from the night stand. Looked at her.

  She was still craning her head as she glanced back at him, so Elise decided to spin around and fully face him. She didn’t move closer to him, though, because she was afraid of what Captain Crazy would try next. Her hands clenched at her sides.

  “The vamp wanted to drain you in the alley.” His voice was low and calm. “They were all desperate for your blood. Vamps don’t get desperate for their own kind.”

  True enough. Vamps didn’t think their own blood tasted fresh enough. Probably because of the whole being undead thing.

  He advanced on her.

  She stiffened. “You try something freaky again, and I will kick you so hard in the balls that you can taste—”

  “I appreciate the warning.” His lips quirked. “You’ve got one hell of a kick.” He stopped in front of her. “I’m not planning anything freaky. I just need to make sure the iron didn’t leave a mark.”

  Because if the iron had marked her, then he’d know she was a paranormal.

  Her hand flew up and clamped around her neck. She didn’t feel anything beneath her fingertips. “My neck has had enough attention for the night, thanks so much.”

  He lifted a brow. Just one. Kind of quirked it and stared at her. “You want my help with fighting off the paranormals?”

  Sadly, yes, she did.

  “Then show me your throat. If you’re clear, then I will give you my best apology and we can start over.”

  She didn’t drop her hand. “You’re going to grovel? Going to beg for my forgiveness on bended knee?”

  “Is that what you want?”

  “It would be an excellent start.” Elise sucked in a deep breath. Her hand fell back to her side. “Look. Have at me.” She bared her throat as she tipped back her head and offered her neck to him. “Then bow before me.” Whoops. She’d gotten a little overly dramatic there at the end. Her bad. For a minute, she’d slipped back into her old habits.

  Back when plenty of people had bowed before her. When she’d had a world at her feet. In other words, the good old days. She missed those days. Elise closed her eyes.

  He leaned closer to her. She felt him lean in. Her nostrils flared as she pulled in his scent. He’d told her that she smelled delicious. He smelled…sensual. Strong. Masculine. Sandalwood. Fresh rain. Such a mix of scents…all her favorites. He smelled like her favorite things, and the more she inhaled, she even caught the scent of…


  Her lips parted and a little gasp slipped from her just as his fingertips stroked over her throat. “You okay?” His voice was a low, rough rumble.

  “Y-yes. Your touch just startled me.” Her eyes were still closed. Her body was so sensitive to him. His fingertips were lightly callused and ever so tender as they trailed over her neck. He leaned in even closer, so close that she could feel the light touch of his breath on her skin.

  Her nipples tightened. She found herself arching closer to him.

  His fingers trailed down her throat. Down over her collarbone.

  Oh, right, damn, she was still in her underwear. Because she’d totally misinterpreted the situation and while she’d been thinking of fun, sexy times, he’d been thinking of burning her with iron. Bastard.

  She licked her lips. Heard the quick inhale he gave. Uh, huh, because you’re not immune to me. In the paranormal world, no one was ever truly immune. Weaknesses were just carefully hidden. “Am I clear?” Elise asked, voice husky.

  His fingers eased down a little more. His callused fingertips skimmed the top of her cleavage.

  “Clear.” He was all growly and dark.

  Her lashes lifted. She stared straight into his gaze. Such a bright, bright blue gaze. It was almost startling to peer into his eyes. Especially right then because that blue stare of his was burning with unmistakable desire.

  Figured. Now that he didn’t think she was a monster, he was all about the sexing.

  She wasn’t. They had other matters to attend to, first. “No marks?”


  “So I’m not a monster?”

  “Doesn’t look that way.” His fingers had dropped away from her, but he hadn’t moved back. “Want to clue me in as to why the paranormals are after you? If you aren’t one of their own, why did both the vamps and the wolves decide to make you prey tonight?”

  “I’m not answering yet.” She tapped her bare foot.

  His eyebrows shot up. “Excuse me?”

  “I think you forgot something.” And her breasts were still all achy, the nipples tight. A knot was in her stomach, and his scent was making her practically light-headed. Her response to Harrison was not what she’d planned, but she’d adapt and she’d figure things out. After she took care of a few other items on her to-do list.

  “What did I forget, Elise?”

  Seriously? Did he have memory issues? They had just talked about this. “The apology. The grovel. The bowing down before me.” She waved her hand regally for him. “You may commence. I am ready.”

  “Yeah, okay. Sorry I threw holy water at you and slid iron around your throat.”

  Elise waited.

  He shrugged. “But if I had to do it all over again, I would. No way do I let a stranger get close without checking things out first.”

  She continued to wait.

  He frowned at her. “You need to borrow a shirt or something? Are you getting cold? I think I see chill bumps on your skin.”

  Her teeth ground together. She waved again.

  He simply shrugged those strong shoulders of his.

  Unacceptable. “That is not a grovel.”

  “Uh, it’s not?”

  “No, this is shit. What you need to do is say something like…” She roughed her voice a bit for effect and began, “‘Elise, beautiful Elise, I was terribly wrong and horribly inconsiderate. I scared you, I offended you, I damaged the delicate trust we were starting to build…’ That’s the beginning of a good grovel.” She pointed to the floor. “You’re also not on bended knee. I don’t understand. Do you think what you gave me was even an apology? It wasn’t.”

  “You know…I mean, you understand that I’m not going to bow, don’t you? That was a joke before.”

  She didn’t think it was funny. “One day, you will bow to me.” That was a promise and a warning.

  Only instead of being properly chastened, his gaze dropped to her body. Down, down ever so slowly, and when he got to her boy shorts—she freaking loved those, by the way, so comfy—his gaze brightened even more. Then he licked his lips.

  “Maybe I could think of a reason or two to be on my knees before you.”

  Her heart jerked hard in her chest.

  But he stepped back.

  A lot of steps. He marched away from her and headed for the closet. A moment later, he was pushing a soft cotton t-shirt into her hands. “We need to talk, and we can’t do that when you’re in your underwear.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you’re sexy as fuck and my dick is rock hard. I’m a horny bastard, and I can’t take my eyes off you.”

  So many reasons. She pulled the shirt over her head. It carried his scent. She liked that. Elise also liked the way the soft cotton felt against her skin. It was warm. Gentle.

  “Tell me why the paranormals are after you.”

  Her lips twisted. “I’m truly not getting a better apology?”

  “I’m sorry that I had to test you,” Harrison said as he seemingly pushed those words through clenched teeth. “It’s the job, and it’s who I am. Didn’t realize it before? Spoiler alert, I’m a hunter. Not some sweet knight in shining armor who will bow
and tell you all the tender things you want to hear. I’m a fighter. A killer. I kick ass and destroy. You want something else? Then I’m not the guy for you.”

  He was exactly the guy for her. In so many ways. “You’re the man I want.”

  His gaze sharpened. “Why?”

  “Because I need someone who can kick ass and destroy.” Obviously.

  “Why are the paranormals after you?”

  Tread carefully. “Because I’ve been cursed.”

  “Who cursed you?”

  “Someone bad, of course. Until the next full moon, I’m like some kind of supernatural beacon. All the baddies out there will be drawn to me. Monsters will find me…um, pretty irresistible. They’ll want to either kill me, drink me dry—if they’re vamps—or…” She coughed. “They’ll think I’m really attractive and want to—”

  “Fuck you.”

  “I was going to say have wild sex with me, but yes, we’ll go with that.” She sucked in a quick breath. “Normal attraction is heightened. It’s some kind of moon magic BS. I went from being in the shadows…” Ha! Literally! “To being the main game in town. Since I don’t want to be killed, I don’t want to be drained of my blood, and I’m not in the mood to fuck psychotic monsters, I thought you could help me out.”

  His brow furrowed. “Yet you were ready to have sex with me…”

  Sure, that would be the part he clung to. Elise sighed. “Are you a psychotic monster?”

  His shoulders stiffened. “I’m a monster hunter. I stop the bad guys.”

  “And you’re not bad?”

  “I’m not good, if that’s what you want to know. But I’m not someone you need to fear. You’re human, you’re being stalked, so then, yes…” A firm nod. “I’ll keep you safe. I’ll either find a way to break your curse or I’ll stop the freaks coming after you. Either way, you’ll be okay.”

  The surge of relief she felt made her dizzy.

  “There is no payment involved,” he added, voice a bit stilted. “Don’t think there is, all right? It’s my job. I protect humans. I’ll protect you. Case closed.”

  No, the case was very much not closed.

  But his expression seemed to soften as he stared at her. “This started with the last full moon?”

  She nodded.

  “That was a week ago. You’ve been hunted since then?”

  She had to wet her dry lips. “The nights are the worst.”

  “Because monsters always come out at night.”

  Yes, they did.

  He motioned to the bed. “They won’t get to you tonight.”

  Since paranormals had already gotten to her—twice—that night, Elise wasn’t so sure she believed him.

  “You can sleep in my bed. You’ll be safe there.” Harrison cleared his throat. “I’ll bunk downstairs on the couch. No one will get past me and my security. I swear, you’ll be safe.”

  Safe. Such a foreign concept to her.

  “You’re swaying on your feet. Get some rest. We’ll figure everything out tomorrow.” He gave her a curt nod, then skirted around her and headed for the bedroom door.

  How interesting. “You can be kind.”

  He paused. Stiffened a little.

  “I mean, I wasn’t sure at first, not when you left me in the alley, but then you came back for me. You followed me to the werewolf den, didn’t you?”

  He didn’t look back. “I had a feeling you’d find more trouble.”

  “You act like a tough asshole, but you’re not. A heartless hunter wouldn’t have come for me in that terrible place. You saved me twice tonight, and now you’re giving me shelter.” Excitement and hope swirled in her. “Thank you.”

  But he spun on his heel—a sharp, military-like turn—and faced her. “You’re under a misconception. I’m not kind.”

  “But you saved—”

  “My job is to kill monsters. You just told me that you were a monster beacon until the next full moon. I figure you’re saving me some effort. I don’t have to go out and hunt because all of the big, bad beasts will be coming to you. As they come, I can take them out. You just made my life easier.”

  Damn. She blinked. “So I’m bait?” That wasn’t so exciting. Or flattering.

  He nodded. “The best bait I’ve ever had.” A wink. “Get some sleep. And if you need me, scream.”

  Wonderful. She would scream. Very loudly.

  Harrison gave her a long, lingering look before he left her. The door clicked closed behind him.

  She stood in the middle of his room. She wore his shirt. She was about to climb into his bed. She had his protection. She should be absolutely thrilled with the developments but…

  “Bait?” Elise fumed.

  That bastard had no idea who he was dealing with. She wasn’t bait. She was freaking royalty. Before she was done with him, he would be bowing to her. As would every paranormal in every realm. It was her destiny, after all.

  She would make him bow. And she would make him beg. He’d give her the glorious grovel that she deserved.

  But for the moment, she was going to crash. Because he’d been right about one thing. She was freaking exhausted. Elise climbed into his bed. A surprisingly comfortable, soft bed. Soft and massive. Easily big enough for two people and the quick flash that she had in her mind—a flash of her and Harrison wrapped up together, naked, his strong body cradling hers as he thrust so deep inside—

  Breathe, Elise. Breathe. Her kind was notoriously sensual. Sex was power and strength. Being around Harrison made her a little extra twitchy. The man had resisted her advances that night. Insulting. But also challenging. She did enjoy a challenge. Some days.

  Her head hit the pillow. Her eyes closed. She let out a long moan because the mattress felt like heaven after sleeping in the places she’d used for the last week. The street, abandoned houses, that piss-poor excuse for a motel—

  “My lady? Is the goal achieved?”

  The disembodied voice had her screaming. Then slapping a hand over her mouth. Harrison hadn’t heard her cry, had he?

  “Uh, my lady?” Now he was impatient.

  “Shut up,” she whispered. “I’m sleeping.”

  “No, you’re not. You’re talking to me. You’re obviously not sleeping if you’re talking to—”

  “Leave me the hell alone. I told you to go get laid or something. You need to stop spying on me. It’s not cool.”

  “I’m looking out for you!” Now he was offended. And hurt. She could hear it in his tight words. “Someone has to do it or otherwise you’re going to get killed—”

  The door to the bedroom flew open. “Ahhh!” A man’s guttural roar seemed to echo around her.

  She shot upright and yanked the covers to her chest.

  Harrison stood in the doorway. Harrison, minus his shirt. He looked positively scrumptious. Rock-hard abs. Lickable six pack. More than a six pack really. He was muscled perfection and her over-active libido was so excited to see—

  “Where is the damn threat?” Harrison demanded.

  She looked to the left. To the right. “Not…here?”

  “You screamed!” He stalked toward her.

  Elise bit her lower lip. It was either bite her lip or bite him. Sometimes, she hated her own nature.

  “You. Screamed,” he gritted out when she didn’t speak.

  “Sorry. I’m a sleep screamer.”

  His eyes squeezed closed. His hand lifted, and he squeezed the bridge of his nose. “That isn’t a thing.”

  “I’m sure it is a thing. There are people out there who scream in their sleep. I’ve certainly had nightmares before that made me wake up screaming. Therefore, I am a sleep screamer.” She smiled. “Sorry. Did I scare you?”

  His eyes opened. His expression was frustrated, his stare suspicious. “You were talking to someone.”

  “I was?” I was.

  “No one is here.”

  “We’re here. You and I. We count as someone.”

  He growled.

�I’m sorry I scared you.”

  “You didn’t scare me. I was—” But he broke off, blinking. His frustrated expression vanished. He looked surprised. “I was worried about you.”

  Her smile stretched. Progress! “That is so sweet! I know, I know, you said you weren’t sweet, but you are. That is just the sweetest—”

  He pointed at her. “Don’t scream again, not unless you want me to come in here and kill someone.”

  Elise swallowed. “Duly noted.”

  He marched out. Slammed the door this time.

  Her breath expelled in a rush. She waited a moment, knowing the question would come from the dark shadows…

  “Wow. That’s the guy you want to mate? Are you mad?”

  She settled back down on the comfy mattress. Fluffed the pillow a little bit. “I don’t just want to mate him.” She thought about those magical words he’d voiced earlier at the werewolf den…

  We’re together.

  “I already have,” Elise confided in a whisper. “Now, screw off. I’m sleepy.”


  Harrison hurried down the spiral stairs. Shit, when he’d heard Elise scream, he’d lost his head. Terror had clawed through him. He’d been desperate to get to her, ready to rip and tear apart anyone who’d dared threaten her.

  His reaction had been the same in the werewolf den. When she’d stared at him, her dark eyes all wide and terrified, he’d had one response…


  He’d wanted to destroy anyone who hurt her.

  Insane. He wasn’t some kind of protector. He was a hunter. He didn’t get involved with anyone. There were no attachments allowed in his life. His father had taught him that lesson early on. Jason Key was one brutal teacher. Anytime Harrison had gotten attached to anything, Jason had taken it away. No toys. No pictures. No pets.

  No friends.

  Attachments made hunters weak. Weakness wasn’t allowed.

  Elise…she was tempting. Sexy. And he would make sure she survived until the next full moon. But it wasn’t like he was going to keep her or anything. This whole setup was temporary. Not like she was—



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