Slay All Day

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Slay All Day Page 6

by Cynthia Eden

  “I’d had an agreement with the hunters,” Gustave continued. “We can continue as we’d been. A peace can exist between you and me.”

  Harrison shook his head. “You broke the peace when your wolves came after her.”

  “Not on my order, not on my—”

  “I know lies when I hear them, asshole. A hunter always knows. You’re lying to me.”

  Gustave’s face twisted with fury. “Do you even know what you have?” Gustave demanded. “I don’t think you do. I don’t think you realize just how much she’s worth!”

  Hell. She needed to end this. Right now. Elise grabbed tight to those handlebars at the same moment she saw a flash of movement. A wolf had just lunged from the darkness and was rushing toward Harrison’s back.

  Oh, no, you don’t. She ground her teeth together and she raced forward on the motorcycle. As the motorcycle’s wheels and engine screamed, she let loose a powerful yell of her own.

  The vibrations from the motorcycle shook her whole body.

  Gustave let out a roar as she came barreling forward. Harrison glanced back at her, and his eyes widened. She wondered—briefly, vaguely—if she looked as crazy as she felt as she hurtled toward him.

  Then the wolf who’d been trying to attack Harrison—the jerk who’d gone in while Harrison’s back was turned—whirled away and tried to run back toward the darkness. She yanked the handlebars in his direction. Unfortunately, when she yanked, Elise pulled a bit too hard. The bike lunged to the left, then to the right as she overcorrected, and she tried to pull it back, tried to control the motorcycle, but it was spinning beyond her power. The motorcycle started to careen off the road, and Elise knew the crash was going to hurt. Elise tried to prepare herself for one heck of an impact.

  The motorcycle lurched. Not because she’d crashed, but because someone had just landed on the thing. Landed behind her. Her head whipped around. Harrison. He’d landed on the seat and his hands were on the handlebars now as he curved his body around hers. He brought the motorcycle to a jarring halt.

  The motor kept growling. Her thighs kept shaking.

  “What in the hell was that?” Harrison demanded. His rough voice seemed to slide over her body.

  The werewolf who’d been sneaking up for a while-your-back-is-turned attack was gone. He’d disappeared into the dark. “Um, I was trying to save you.” She looked around. The pack leader was gone, too. No sign of Gustave. But there was plenty of signs indicating—

  “Humans,” Harrison muttered. “Coming in fast. We have to go.” The motorcycle flew forward and headed straight for the firetruck, police cars, and the ambulance that were now rushing up the dark road. The shrieks of the sirens filled her ears but at the last moment, he swerved around the oncoming vehicles. Never slowed. Definitely didn’t stop. He drove fast and hard and the wind whipped against her as they escaped into the night.

  Wow. Talk about a near miss. Yes, she had been trying to save Harrison. She’d also been trying to cover her own ass. Gustave knew the truth about her. It was a truth that she couldn’t afford to let Harrison discover. Not yet.

  If he found out too soon, he just might kill her. Not exactly what she wanted her new husband to do.


  “That didn’t go well,” Elise announced. Her body was still curled in front of Harrison’s. She’d been quiet during the mad dash through the city as he headed for the one safe place he knew they could use for shelter. A safe place…A bar for hunters. Sort of.

  He braked the motorcycle near their destination.

  “Another alley?” She didn’t sound excited. “I don’t have the best of times in alleys, just so you know.”

  The alley was dark and dank.

  “Monsters usually ambush in alleys,” Elise mumbled. “At least, that’s been my experience.”

  “You won’t be ambushed here.” He rose and moved away from the bike.

  She didn’t follow. “I’m wearing a t-shirt.”

  It had hiked up to show her legs. Those long, gorgeous legs.

  And her bare toes.


  “I think I need clothes. Everyone seems very concerned with clothes in this town.”

  In this town? Try all towns. But she’d just spoken strangely again, giving one of those little slips that he filed away because he knew it meant trouble. “I’ll take care of the clothes.” He turned away. Glanced toward the brick wall on the right. Only it wasn’t all brick. Right in the middle of the wall, there was an old, wooden door.

  He headed for the door.

  The rush of her footsteps followed him. She followed him. About time.

  “What are you doing?” Elise almost ran into him.

  Harrison lifted his hand. “Knocking.” Two raps.

  A small panel opened on the door, a panel that was eye level for Harrison.

  “Kill the queen,” he said.

  Elise flinched. “What?” Her hand grabbed him. Her nails dug into him. “Why would you say that?”

  The panel closed. A moment later, the door opened.

  Harrison lifted a brow at Elise. Why had he said to kill the queen? “Because it’s the password to get us in the speakeasy tonight.”

  “A speakeasy?” She blinked. Frowned at the corridor that had been revealed by the open door. Curiosity suddenly poured from her. “I don’t think I’ve ever been to a speakeasy.”

  “You should probably know, this isn’t your typical speakeasy. This one’s guarded by magic.”

  Her gaze whipped up to him. “What kind of magic?” Now she was all suspicious.

  “The kind of magic that keeps the bad guys out. Only hunters and humans can slip inside.”

  She backed up a step. “You’re testing me again.”

  Actually, he wasn’t. He was just out of options.

  “First the holy water, then the iron, now this.” Elise shook her head. “Is a little trust too much to ask?”

  “Yes.” He didn’t trust anyone.

  Her lips thinned. “Why not bring me here first? Before the whole iron and holy water routine? Why not just—”

  “Because this place is loaded with hunters inside, and if you didn’t pass the entrance test, I didn’t want to watch as they killed you.” Truth. Even now, he wasn’t crossing over that threshold to go inside because he knew when he did…

  There is something different about her. If she gets hurt in there…

  She smiled. Her beautiful, innocent, charming smile. The one that made him extra nervous. “You care?” She gave that little hum that he realized meant she was happy…in her own way. “You don’t want me hurt? That is so sweet.”

  No, she hadn’t called him that, not again. He was many things, but he would never, ever be sweet. “Elise—”

  She crossed the threshold. Kind of danced across it. Nothing happened. He realized he’d sucked in a breath and forgot to let it go. She did a quick spin and faced him again. “See? I told you. Human as can currently be.”

  He followed her. Shut the door. Secured it. There was no sign of the person who’d opened the door before, but he could hear voices up ahead. Elise advanced eagerly toward those voices, but he caught her arm. “Stay close to me.”

  Her body pressed to his. “This close?”

  Heat slithered through him. “I think we could, uh, put in a little more space.”

  Her lips curled down in a pout. She backed away a little.

  He immediately wanted to drag her back. Harrison didn’t, though, because his self-control was holding. Mostly.

  A few moments later, they were in the main part of the speakeasy. Not much to see there. A bar. Some wooden tables. And hunters. Four of them. Three men and one woman. They all turned and stared at Elise.

  Elise…in his t-shirt.

  Elise, looking sexy as could be when she should have been looking like she’d just survived hell.

  “They’re staring,” Elise stage whispered to him.

  Of course, they were staring. He had a hard time looking anyw
here but at Elise.

  Harrison recognized all four hunters. The woman’s gaze was suspicious. But then, Krista Hart was suspicious of most people. Her long, curly, red hair had been pulled back into a ponytail, and her green eyes raked Elise.

  As for the three male hunters…suspicion wasn’t the main thing he saw in their eyes. Lust was.

  Harrison stepped forward, moving to put his body a little closer to Elise’s.

  “I thought you wanted space.” Again with her stage whisper. He knew the woman could be quiet. She just didn’t want to be at that moment.

  One of the hunters—a blond with too long hair and a grin that was already flashing his dimples—advanced toward them.

  “Stand the hell down,” Harrison snapped to Grayden Flash. Or, rather, Gray to most of the other hunters.

  The other two hunters laughed at Harrison’s order. “I think someone is feeling territorial,” the dark-haired one on the right said. A long scar slid over his cheek. Ward Trisk had gotten that scar when he’d just been eighteen years old. Harrison had been at his side, and he’d made sure the werewolf slashing at Ward hadn’t been able to do any additional damage.

  The final hunter spread his tattooed hands over the bar top—Since the speakeasy was his, he’d been pulling bartender duty. Light gleamed off his bald head. Bald by choice because Razor—no last name, just Razor—liked to shave his head. Hell, that was where he’d gotten his name in the first place. He always carried razors to keep his head shiny and smooth. Razor studied Harrison and Elise in silence for a beat before drawling, “You bringing a friend to my place, Harrison?”

  Friend? Not exactly the way he’d describe Elise but…Harrison gave a grim nod.

  At that small move, some of the tension slid from the room. He’d just told everyone that Elise wasn’t a threat. He hoped he hadn’t lied.

  Elise, meanwhile, decided to give the whole crew a friendly wave before she called out, quite cheerfully, “Who does a girl have to kill in order to get a drink around here?”

  Gray and Ward smiled at her.

  Harrison growled. He was gonna need more than one drink.


  “Only one room, hmm?” Elise spared a quick glance for the small room and the sagging bed. “Guess we’ll just make it work.”

  A knock pounded against the door. Harrison immediately tensed, but when he opened the door, Krista stood there. She held a bag in her hands. “Clothes. Shoes. Looks like your lady friend and I are roughly the same size,” the female hunter said with a shrug. “Consider this my one good deed for the year.” Her gaze slid over him. Lingered a little. “Good to see you again, Harrison.”

  He took the bag. “Thanks, Krista. I owe you.”

  “You absolutely do. I’ll collect soon enough.” She turned away.

  He shut the door. Flipped the lock.

  “Have you slept with her?” There was a distinct edge to Elise’s voice.

  He spun and frowned at her. “Come again?”

  “Have you slept with her?”

  Harrison laughed.

  Elise’s face went dark. Obviously, laughter had not been the right response. He coughed, trying to chase away the laugh, and managed, “Why?”

  “Because I want to know.” She advanced with fast steps. “Her voice went all soft when she said your name. So, have you had sex with her?”

  “I don’t think Krista ever goes soft. She’s pretty much in constant kill mode.” He stretched his tight shoulders. “But, no, we haven’t slept together.” He lifted the clothes. “By the way, you should tell her thanks the next time your paths cross. She gave you her clothing.”

  Elise stared at him as if he’d lost his mind. “She wants to have sex with you. I’m not thanking her.”

  “Clothes. She gave you clothes and—”

  “I don’t want you sleeping with her.” Her hands twisted in front of her. “I think I’m jealous.” Now she sounded…horrified? “What is wrong with me?” Elise asked in a hushed voice. “I’m never like this. Not ever.”

  But these weren’t exactly normal circumstances. “I think you’re exhausted. You’re riding adrenaline. You’re scared. You’re confused. You’re—”

  In my arms. She’d yanked the bag out of his hands and tossed it to the floor. She grabbed him and pulled him toward her. “I liked kissing you,” she confessed.

  It had been the highlight of his night, too.

  Seeing his place get burned? Fighting werewolves? Not for the highlight reel.

  The reel was only her.

  “Will you kiss me again?” Elise asked.

  He wanted to do more than kiss her. That was the problem. He caught her hands in his. Pulled them away from his body. “We need to sleep.” All I want to do is fuck you. So hard and so long that you scream and scream for me as you come. “More attacks could be coming soon, and we have to be ready.” I want you naked and beneath me. Or on top of me. “We need to get in that bed and crash.” I want to taste every single inch of you. Did I mention that I want to fuck you? Over and over.

  Her lower lip trembled. “Right. Sleep.” She turned away. Stumbled a little. Then stilled. “You’re sleeping in the bed with me?”

  “No.” Yes. Hell, yes. “Bad idea.” Great idea. The dark part of him was having a freaking field day in his head. Harrison gritted, “I’ll sleep on the floor.”

  “Sleeping on the floor. Giving me the bed. Very chivalrous of you.” She moved toward the bed, then hesitated. “Do you think…is there a shower I could use before I go to sleep? My feet are dirty. I’m dirty, and I’d really like to get clean.”

  Of course, he had an instant visual of her under a spray of water. Looking sexy as hell.

  He closed his eyes.


  He kept his eyes closed.

  The floor creaked. “What are you doing?”



  Because it helps me not to fuck you.

  The floor creaked again. Reluctantly, his eyes opened. She was staring straight at him. She was right in front of him. He swallowed. “There’s a bathroom down the hallway. Towels are inside. You can shower there and then we’ll crash. Okay?”

  She nodded, but then bit her lower lip. “Why don’t you want me to touch you?”

  He turned away from her. “Because I’m dangerous to you.” In so many ways.

  “I want you. I’ve told you that.”

  “You don’t want a man like me.” He yanked open the door. “Trust me.”

  She slid by him. “I do.”

  It took a moment to understand the full meaning of her words.

  Elise trusts me.

  She didn’t look back at him as she headed for the bathroom. He trailed after her. Her scent was making him freaking dizzy and his cock was rock hard. He was—

  She stopped in front of the bathroom. Glanced back at him with narrowed eyes.

  Harrison cleared his throat. “I’ll stand guard out here.”

  She looked up and down the empty hallway. “Why?”

  “Because I’m not going to risk you being away from me. Not until I know just what all we’re facing.” He gave her a quick nod. “Shower. I’ll be here.”

  A smile lifted her lips and lit her eyes. “Thanks for protecting me.”

  Sweetheart, it is my pleasure—

  “Though I do really wish you’d consider making love to me.”

  Holy mother—she hadn’t just said that. No. Yes. She had. She wanted to make him insane.

  Before he could drag his thoughts together and manage to pick his jaw up off the floor, she’d shut the bathroom door. He heard the rush of water a moment later, and his hand lifted, flattening against the door.

  She was naked on the other side of the door. Naked, and she wanted him to fuck her, and he was about to kiss his self-control straight to hell. He was going to go in there and worship every single inch of her delectable body—

  He heard the rustle of a footstep.

sp; Harrison whirled around.

  Gray stood at the top of the stairs. He lifted his hands, palms up. “Easy. I was just going to my room. It’s on this hallway, too.” His gaze slid to the bathroom door. Lingered a moment. Then his stare returned to Harrison. “I’m staying the night. Getting a little lodging from Razor, same as you.”

  Harrison grunted. Then keep walking, buddy. Nothing to see here.

  Gray lowered his hands. He advanced slowly. “Though I do have to ask, are you crazy? Because if she asked me to fuck her, I’d—”

  Knew the sonofabitch was there listening. Gray had been hiding just out of sight. Before the guy could finish his sentence, Harrison had slammed him against the nearest wall. Harrison shoved his forearm against Gray’s throat. “She’s not asking you to do a damn thing.”

  Gray wheezed. “Like…that…huh?”

  Harrison let him go. Stepped back. Sucked in a deep breath so he could calm his ass down and not rip the other hunter’s head off. “Like what?”

  “You always were possessive with your toys.” Gray smirked. A smirk that was ruined by his wheeze. “Don’t want anyone else…touching what’s yours.”

  “You’re damn right no one else is touching her. She’s under my protection. That means I’m going to watch out for her. I’m going to keep asshole paranormals away from her and keep asshole hunters away, too.”

  Gray’s eyelids flickered. “Why would the paranormals want her?”

  “Elise says she’s cursed and they are coming at her like she’s some kind of all you can eat buffet.”

  “Oh, man, I would love to eat at that buffet.”

  Harrison’s eyes turned to slits. He was going to beat the shit out of—

  The bathroom door flew open. Elise stood in the doorway, her wet hair sliding over her shoulders, droplets of water on her skin, and a thin towel wrapped around her body. “Happy?” Elise demanded. “I took the fastest shower of my life in absolutely ice-cold water.”

  “Oh, God, I’m starving,” Gray muttered. “Please, please let me go to the buffet—”

  Harrison drove his fist into Gray’s jaw. The guy staggered back against the wall.

  Elise frowned over at him.

  Harrison picked her up and hauled ass with her back to their room. Her body was wet and soft and oh, shit, his self-control was disintegrating. When she wiggled against him, he practically ran into their room. He kicked the door shut. Locked it.


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