Through Rosie-Colored Glasses: Book Three in the Game Winner Series

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Through Rosie-Colored Glasses: Book Three in the Game Winner Series Page 2

by Nicole, Angela

  I laugh because Cassidy wouldn’t know what to do with herself if she was off for the summer. She’s so driven. Her downtime has always consisted of keeping her nose inside a book.

  “You know you’d be bored within three days of being home. Learning is the one thing you love so enjoy it.”

  I hear her blow out a sigh which means she knows I’m right.

  “I want to come home for the Fourth of July. I have a whole week off. You’re having a party this year aren’t you?”

  My Fourth of July parties have always been popular. But since Mia died, I haven’t been into it.

  “Daddy? You know it’s time for you to get back to your life. Mom would be mad at how you’ve shut yourself off from the world.”

  Cassidy has been my rock since her mother died. Sometimes I feel so guilty about leaning on her. I never told her about her mother’s affair because I don’t want her feelings for Mia to change.

  Truth is, I think Mia would want me to carry on. If I’m being honest, I don’t hate my wife for having an affair. That hatred is reserved for the way I feel about myself.

  “I’m trying sweetheart.”

  “Try harder Daddy,” Cassidy laughs into the phone.

  My daughter always knows when I need a kick in the ass.

  “Class is about to start but I’ll call you tomorrow okay?”

  “Have a good class, Cassidy.”

  Hanging up from my conversations with my daughter are always bittersweet. I love how independent she is but sometimes I just wish she was still my little sidekick.

  Cassidy was always by my side when I held soccer practice. She’s pretty athletic so the players would incorporate her in their drills. Cass loved it. But what she loved more is watching the athletic trainers and therapists work to get my players where they needed to be fitness wise.

  She only has one more year to go with her studies. In fact, this Fall she’ll be doing her clinicals. Cassidy hasn’t decided where she wants to spend the semester but I secretly hope she comes home to do it.


  Settling into my office has been easier than I thought it would be. My supervisor is the VP of Operations. Even though Jenny Cobb is almost young enough to be my daughter, she instantly endeared herself to me. When I explained why I was a few minutes late, she laughed and then whispered I was lucky to have a positive interaction with the Coach. Apparently, my first impression, other than the make-out session, of Von Sellers has always been spot on. He’s quiet, broody, and keeps to himself.

  I haven’t asked Chris what Von’s story is. I don’t want my brother to think I have any interest in his friend. I don’t really, other than thinking about the silver fox while I spend some alone time.

  Trying to shove Von out of my mind, I watched two presentations Jenny put together. One covered our catering department while the other showcased some events the stadium has hosted in the past. They gave me an idea of what to expect when dealing with our patrons.

  I start to wonder what’ll be like to work with Von when it comes soccer season. I’ll be at every home game. Granted I’ll be working but I’ll be seeing him a lot. I’m not complaining but I need to be realistic. I’m sure he must think I’m a floozy after the wedding. I guess it doesn’t really matter what he thinks since there’s no way they’d be anything between us.

  Even if he found me attractive as I do him, I have Rosie to think about. She’s already been hurt once before when her father left. Although she was too young to remember, she knows he was supposed to be there. I don’t want that to happen to her again.

  Focusing back on my work, I glance at the calendar of events. My first event is a concert in a few weeks. Even I’ve got a lot to learn between now and then I’m feeling pretty good about it.

  My boss, Jenny, had to run out for an off-site meeting after our lunch, I’m left to tour the facility on my own. During my interview, I did see the administrative offices but that was about it.

  After a quick trip to the ladies' room, I’m faced with a decision. Do I go right? Right leads me past Von’s office. If I go left, I’m not sure what I’ll find as the administrative offices are connected to the stadium itself.

  After embarrassing myself enough for one day, I turn left following the tunnel to the stadium. The smell of the turf hits me as I make my way into the promenade area of the stadium.

  Following the signs to the sideline seats, I’m greeted by one of our security guards. After a quick introduction, he lets me down onto the field. Looking back up at the seats, I can’t help but wonder if this is what Chris saw when he played in goal.

  Growing up without parents was hard on me but I think much harder on Chris. He was too young to remember anything about them really. I tried to fill in as much as I could once I turned eighteen. So when Chris began gravitating toward soccer, I made sure to be at as many games as I could.

  I cheered him on and cheered him up when he needed it. And now my brother is doing the same for me.

  Blowing out a breath, I walk back onto the promenade heading the opposite way I came in. After passing a few hot but very young guys dressed in workout clothes, I notice some loud music coming from behind a large window.

  I know the song immediately as it begins. It was one of my favorites when I was in high school. Lay Your Hands on me by BonJovi blares from what I think is the weight room.

  My suspicion is confirmed the second my eyes land on Von. If I thought the man was sexy as hell in a suit, it doesn’t compare to Von wearing workout clothes.

  I watch as his lips move to the lyrics of the song. Now I’m imagining those lips on mine again, taking what he wants-what I want to give him.

  Von puts the dumbbells back in the rack, takes a towel and wipes the sweat from his forehead. Usually, sweat makes me, well, grossed out. But on this silver fox, it’s a freaking turn on.

  I’m so engrossed in watching the movements of his body, I don’t notice he’s staring at me until my eyes travel up his chest to his face.

  I’m pinned in place by his stare. It’s both sexy and intense. No one has ever looked at me the way Von Sellers is.

  He continues to move about the room never taking his eyes off me. Suddenly I’m hot all over. I really need to get some help with these hot flashes because I’m going to have a sweating problem of my own.

  “Goddamn,” I mutter to myself.


  I jump at the mention of my name. When I spin around I see Leo.

  “Oh hey, Leo. You scared me.”

  My brother’s best friend is staring at me with a quirked eyebrow.

  “I was just taking a tour of the stadium. You know getting the lay of the land.”

  Oh my god. The lay of the land? Really?

  “Are you having a good first day?” Leo questions as he sits on the bench opposite the window.

  I nod as I feel the heat of Von’s eyes penetrating my back.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you retired last year.”

  Leo laughs. “I did but I still come and work out with Coach every once in a while.”

  “Oh well, I’ll let you get to it then. See you around and say hi to Sophia for me,” I say as I make my quick retreat.

  As I make it back to my office, my heart is pounding. I’m not sure if it is from the way Von makes me feel when he looks at me or the fact that I feel like I got caught doing something I shouldn’t. Either way, I have a feeling Von Sellers is going to be my downfall.


  “Don’t give me that look, Cam,” I say to Leo who has a fucking smirk on his face.

  Leo shrugs. “All I saying man is you two looked like you wanted to eat each other for dinner.”


  I slow the treadmill down, catch my breath and swallow the rest of my protein drink. Pointing my now empty bottle at Leo I try to mitigate what he thinks he saw.

  “Carol is a friend and a co-worker. What you think you saw, isn’t reality Cam.”

  “Okay whatever
you say, but just know I won’t tell Chris you were making eyes at his sister.”

  “Fuck off.”

  My words are mostly to tell him to shut up but also because he’s right. I know how I was looking at Carol, but damn if she wasn’t giving it right back to me.

  Throwing his hands up in surrender, Leo finishes his workout without much else to say.

  After a cold shower, I head back to my office. Of course on my way back I have to pass by Carol’s door. Well, in reality, I could go down the east hallway and bypass her office but I don’t.

  I can feel my heart rate pick up as I get closer to Carol’s office. Her door is open slightly and she’s talking with someone.

  Shit, it’s Charlie Keiser, head of catering. If you looked up a sleazy employee in the dictionary, there’d be a picture of him.

  He’s an arrogant prick who loves to flirt with the female stadium employees. Charlie Keiser doesn’t know that I can be an even bigger prick when it comes to putting that asshole in his place.

  I don’t have any right to do it but I stand just outside the door and listen. I mean Carol is my friend so making sure he isn’t making her uncomfortable is, after all, the right thing to do.

  The voices coming from behind the door are difficult to hear so I edge closer. Jesus, I feel like such a tool but I still strain to listen.

  I hear Carol laugh at something Charlie said. But then I seem to acquire super-human hearing because I clearly hear Charlie suggest dinner. That fucker.

  Not sure why I’m torturing myself. I’ve sworn off any type of relationship after Mia. Even if I hadn’t, Carol is Chris’s sister and is off-limits. But damn if the pull to her is stronger than I’ve ever felt in a long time.

  Straining to hear Carol’s response, I don’t notice Jenny come up behind me.

  “Von, what are you doing?”

  Jenny’s voice scares me enough that I jump. Of course, to make matters worse, my arm hits Carol’s office door just enough to open it.

  The commotion causes Carol to look up and Charlie to turn around to see what happened.

  “Von?” Carol repeats her bosses question.

  Charlie has a shitty smirk on his face like he knows what I was doing. Trying to save myself I lie. “I was just going to the snack bar and wondered if you wanted anything?”

  There that sounds legitimate, right?

  Carol raises her eyebrows in disbelief. Perhaps I’m not so convincing.

  “I’m good Von,” she replies not hiding her amusement.

  With a quick wave and a nod of my head, I close the door. I’m freaking sweating all over again.

  Forgetting Jenny is behind me, I turn too quickly bumping into her.

  “Shit sorry Jenny.”

  With her hands folded across her chest, Jenny lets out a snort. “You just got busted Von and it’s freaking hilarious.”

  “Not funny Jenny. I just wanted to see if Carol wanted something to eat. Don’t read into anything.”

  Storming off like a petulant child, I head to my office, slam the door shut and pray for an asteroid to strike me down like the dinosaurs.


  The rush hour traffic back to my brother’s place is at a standstill giving me time to replay the day in my mind. To say my first day at work was interesting would be the understatement of the year. And much to my disappointment, I didn’t see Von again after he got caught standing at my door.

  For the life of me, I don’t understand why he was listening. Although part of me was excited thinking perhaps he was jealous of Charlie being in my office. The rational side of me says fat chance.

  Men like Von Sellers all broody and gorgeous aren’t into women like me. For one, I’ve got enough emotional baggage to fill an airplane, and two, I look down at myself, I haven’t really updated my look since I had my daughter. Why bother anyway? I swore off men after my husband left us.

  Damn you, Kevin Hutchison. If it wasn’t bad enough Kevin walked out after we found out about Rosie’s condition, the jackass suddenly wants to see her since I’ve moved us to Tampa.

  Legally, I had to inform my ex of our move from Jacksonville to Tampa. As soon as he heard, Kevin filed paperwork of his own demanding he gets to see Rosie at least once a month. I wanted to fight it but when I looked at my daughter, my heart knew I didn’t want her to resent me someday.

  The week before we moved down to Tampa, I arranged for Kevin to come to see Rosie. She was hesitant but curious, I was a basket case. It was a brief encounter, about forty-five minutes but enough for my daughter to ask very pointed questions of her father.

  To my surprise, Kevin answered her truthfully when she asked why he left us.

  I was scared and an idiot.

  My strong-willed daughter didn’t let the opportunity to let him know how he hurt us go by.

  Mama had to take care of me on her own. You were supposed to help her and you didn’t.

  It nearly broke my heart, but my ever-wise six-year-old informed him he’d have to do better. Her ease of forgiveness makes her a better person than me.

  I hate to describe my life as baggage filled. My daughter isn’t a burden, she's the light of my life, but I know a lot of men wouldn’t want to take on an instant family. Hell, even my husband ran the other way.

  Pulling into my brother’s driveway, I mentally prepare myself not to think about his former coach anymore. Well, not at least for tonight. I just hope Leo didn’t open his mouth.

  “Mama!” Rosie yells when I walk into Chris and Brenda’s kitchen.

  I kiss my beautiful daughter on her head as Chris and Brenda ask me about my day. Careful not to divulge anything that would raise suspicion about my little eye-fucking standoff with Von, I gloss over the details.

  Chris doesn’t appear to know anything about what when on, thank god. And he doesn’t notice I’m wearing a different shirt than I left in. The last thing I need is for my baby brother to lecture me on Coach Cranky.

  After a quick bite to eat, Rosie and I head back to our two-bedroom condo in Clearwater. It’s close to work, Rosie’s school and in a gated community. We were lucky enough to get the last condo on the ground level so I wouldn’t have to worry about Rosie’s mobility issues.

  The rent is pretty comparable to what I was paying in Jacksonville, but now with Kevin back in my daughter’s life, he started paying child support again.

  I could’ve gone after him for child support when he left us but at that point, I just didn’t want to have anything to do with him, including his money.

  My daughter is still getting used to having her father around but seems to be adjusting. They speak on the phone a few times a week, and she’s spent the day with him twice now. Baby steps.

  It’s eleven o’clock and while Rosie went to sleep easily at nine, her mama is on edge. Still rattled by whatever that was between me and Von, I turn on the tv hoping to fall asleep to the background noise.

  I surround myself with my lightweight pink comforter and flip through the channels. Settling on the local news, I flip my light off and snuggle in hoping for my eyelids to get heavy.

  You know that feeling when you’re not quite awake or asleep but feel as if you are floating. Well, that’s what happened to me until I heard a familiar voice, a sexy AF voice making my eyes pop open.

  Von freaking Sellers in on the news.

  Bolting upright, I flip the light on and put on my glasses. It’s him alright, I’d know that husky voice with my eyes closed.

  Von is talking about the upcoming soccer season, his recruitment schedule and some of the returning players. He mentions how happy he is that my brother has accepted a position as part of the coaching staff.

  When my eyes focus in on him, I notice he’s in a suit and tie. It doesn’t matter what he’s wearing, the man is a god.

  My mind starts to drift to what he must look like ahem naked. He has to be my age and well, most men in their mid-forties aren’t in the shape Von is in. Sure I’ve been on a date or five in the las
t three years but not with any man who makes me think such sexy thoughts.

  I’m still staring at the TV when I realize Von isn’t on anymore and the interview ended. Sinking back into my pillows I try to replay what I just heard. I think Von said he’d be gone recruiting for the next two weeks.

  Disappointment sets in. Why am I disappointed? I’ve only worked at the stadium for one day, but what a glorious day it was. Perhaps though, without the sexy man distracting me, I’ll be able to get some work done.


  Traveling to Southern California to check out some new recruits has been enlightening, to say the least. Not to mention I surprised my daughter with a quick hello. Finding a new goalie since Chris retired has been a difficult task but I think I may have solved my problem.

  Garrett Jackson will be coming to the Rebels training camp. I need to get Chris on board with my choice since I value his opinion so I sent him a text on the way back from the airport telling him I have some news. He told me to stop by.

  As I pull into Chris and Brenda’s place I notice Carol’s van. Part of me wants to back right out of the driveway but the other part, namely my dick suddenly takes over and I’m ringing the doorbell.

  Running my hand over my day-old scruff, I hear a little girl’s voice. Rosie…Carol’s daughter.

  I catch my breath when the door opens. The most beautiful woman stands before me. She’s not scantily dressed. No, Carol Longford-Hutchison is staring back at me in a flour-covered apron, her long dark hair piled on her head, and glasses I’ve never seen before. And shit if my dick doesn’t stir at the sight.

  “Von?” She whispers as her hands go to her hair.

  “I, uh. I’m supposed to meet Chris here.”

  “Oh, okay he hasn’t come back from the gym yet. Come on in,” she says as she looks down and steps aside.

  “Hi Coach,” Rosie says.


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