James Locker- The Duality of Fate

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James Locker- The Duality of Fate Page 12

by Martin Lundqvist

  - Thirdly I know you are picky and the other single women I know... Well, they are not that attractive.

  Thomas Anderson:

  - Okay then! You are right I am seeing Samantha.

  - I guess that intuition is the reason you got promoted in the first place...

  - But please don’t tell the others. I want to tell them myself when the time is right.

  James Locker:

  - No worries mate. Your secret is safe with me. `

  - Besides, it will be a lot of fun seeing how frustrated Adam will get before he figures out whom you are seeing. Sure he will claim not to care, but I am telling you his inquisitiveness will keep him awake at night.

  Thomas Anderson:

  - Great you should get on the horse as well! Show me your muscles big fella.

  James Locker:

  - Okay. You mean like this.

  James Locker flexed his arms chest and core. He was still in decent shape although he felt that he had crashed a lot in the last year while being absent from training. James was by no means a wreck, but his body no longer gave him an advantage on the dating scene either. On the other side if he could keep his current position that would be a lot more important for his prospects than the question if he had a six pack or not.

  Thomas Anderson:

  - That's a great body man; a lot of people would crash a lot from such a long absence of training. Now flex your legs, back, and bum.

  James Locker:

  - Okay... That seems a bit strange...

  Thomas Anderson:

  - Don’t worry mate. See it as a great opportunity to get input and feedback. I am as good as a personal trainer but a lot cheaper.

  James Locker:

  - Okay, I guess it can't hurt to show it all off. Well, don't expect to see my erected penis though I am not into that kind of stuff.

  Thomas Anderson:

  - I am happy to hear that. Well looks good, A month of hard training and we’ll have you back on the dating scene again!

  James Locker:

  - Thanks. Yeah, it would be a good idea, the "dating" in Asia felt very fake. Maybe some more training can help me sleep as well

  Thomas Anderson:

  - Great.

  They sat silently enjoying the heat of the steam sauna cleaning the pores of their bodies. Thomas Anderson noticed that James Locker looked like he was in profound thoughts and decided to find out what was on his friend's mind.

  Thomas Anderson:

  - Hey, James, you seem like you are in serious reflections, what are you reflecting over?

  James Locker:

  - Yeah, it a thing that has been bothering me for a while.

  - Thomas, can I ask you something?

  Thomas Anderson:

  - Yeah sure what’s on your mind

  James Locker:

  - How do you feel when you stand in front of a mirror?

  Thomas Anderson:

  - Oh, I don't think very much at all. I am happy with my looks.

  - What about you?

  James Locker:

  - Oh, I have thought about it for a while. Sometimes mirrors make me very uncomfortable. It's like an obsession, a splinter of my mind and the world feels unreal. It like I am watching my reflection, and I see another person. And sometimes when our eyes meet, I can see into his soul. And I can feel it's very dark and ugly

  Thomas Anderson:

  - Okay, James, I am not sure what to say to that. I guess it's natural to be unsatisfied with one's looks if one has been alone or felt lonely for a long time...

  - But see it this way; you are definitely above the 50 per cent mark if we compare your looks to the entire population. So your looks are not an issue for you it's an asset.

  - You are hotter than Adam Smith, and he gets laid all the time when the latest time was this weekend. Oh and so did you, so you are worrying for nothing.

  - To me you also have a great personality; otherwise, I would not want to hang out with you. So don't worry, mate the right one will come your way once again.

  James Locker was not satisfied with the answer he got from Thomas Anderson as his looks were not the issue to him. Then again it was hard for him to describe the problem so Thomas Anderson would understand as he was not able to put the finger on it himself. James Locker decided to just go for the positive things Thomas Anderson had said and quit the negative thought patterns for now. After all, what he had been thinking about were issues that were impossible to get answered. Asking questions that could not be explained only lead man to insanity or religion which in significant parts where two sides of the same coin. They finished their session, and James Locker headed home while Thomas Anderson headed to Samantha Robinson's place.

  5.10 John Dean gives Michael Fuller a time frame

  JOHN DEAN WAS SITTING at the pub drinking and contemplating his options. He knew his wife would not be happy as she perceived his frequent pub visits as an escape from sorting out their relationship problems. In the past, it probably had been, but for the last weeks, the pub visits had been imperative for him since he had involved himself with Michael Fuller. John Dean knew with all his heart that he was not in this for the truth or justice but merely because he had fallen for the temptation to take money from Michael Fuller to help him. Now he was in this however and had no choice but to keep supporting Michael Fuller even though he seriously doubted Michael Fuller's intentions and sanity.

  Michael Fuller showed up thirty minutes late unshaven and wreaking of booze. John Dean realised that it would be difficult making any sense with him, but he decided to try anyway. Since he knew Michael Fuller for a long time, John knew that he would have to keep a friendly but decisive approach if he wanted his message to be received especially in Michael's present condition

  John Dean:

  - Hi, Michael, Great you could make it. Are you having a good night?

  Michael Fuller:

  - Yeah definitely, I was talking to a foxy lady down at my favourite waterhole, and then I realised I had to see you as well. Oh well, I got her number, and you are married, so I guess you won't be here all night?

  John Dean:

  - Well, it'd be nice if we could avoid it.

  - I might as well be straight to the point; a problem has arisen...

  Michael Fuller:

  - Yeah, I have heard...

  - The gold digging bitch is dead.

  - Will be hard to find Antonio now...

  John Dean

  - Well, that complication is the least of our problems. What is worse is the fact that you were threatening her at 9 PM and the lingered in the area until 2 AM when you decided to go to the apartment block apparently to pick another fight with her but left instead when you realised the shit had hit the fan.

  - What do you have to say about that?

  Michael Fuller:

  - That you should stop monitoring my phone, you don't have the rights.

  John Dean

  - I am sure I don't have the right to hand out information from our investigation and covering up for you either, but still, I am. So now tell me the truth what were you doing there?

  Michael Fuller:

  - Okay, relax. You know that I told you that I followed up on the lead with Antonio DiMaestro's mistress?

  - Well, that bitch Jessica Hall was his mistress. She even lived in a flat owned by him. And she must have seen him pretty recently because why would he otherwise let her live there?

  - But yeah she got offended, and we argued but no threats involved.

  - After that, I went to my favourite whiskey bar in the city. Maybe I drank a few too many, and I felt angry...

  - So I decided to confront the bitch for real, but yeah when I saw Mason & Johnson stepping off on the same floor walking towards the open apartment door of Jessica I realised that something was wrong, so I panicked and went home.

  John Dean:

  - Well, there is a complication. Security cameras filmed you arguing/threatening her at 9 pm. The pict
ure is too bright for me to blur it out this time, so I can't help you when Samantha or James decides to follow up on the lead...

  - And once you become a suspect, they will most likely require a trace on your phone, and we are both in trouble!

  Michael Fuller:

  - God dammit can’t you do anything?!

  John Dean:

  - Well, I can stall as much as possible. Here is my plan. I lock down the video files with a biometric password. Then I will get an urgent message saying that my daughter got an epileptic attack. Then I am unreachable on the phone for a while.

  - Should give you until Monday considering how bad things are running at the moment.

  Michael Fuller:

  - Great John. Appreciate it; you are such a great friend.

  John Dean:

  - Of course Michael, that’s who I am.

  - Oh, and a tip to get you in the right direction. The blood we found at James Locker's house matched one of the male DNA-s we found at DiMaestro Mansion.

  - Oh, and I have some more files for you to read through. Make sure to delete them as soon as you have read them; it's not beneficial for either of us if they are found on your computer.

  Michael Fuller:

  - Hmm, interesting thank you.

  - Well, my foxy lady friend better waits for another night then. Now that I have another lead I better stay sober for a while.

  After Michael Fuller left, John Dean sat for a while thinking about if he made the right choice sharing his suspicions about James Locker' supposed break-in. Chances were that Michael Fuller would do something even stupider than confronting the mistress of Antonio DiMaestro who then turned out to show up dead a couple of hours later. And John Dean was still unsure of Michael Fuller's innocence. The only thing that indicated that the killer was someone else was the fact that Michael Fuller had been drunk at 9 PM according to the neighbours and also drunk at 2 AM according to Officer Mason and Johnson. To bypass all the security of the building the killer must have been sober an hour earlier. Then again Michael Fuller was an alcoholic, and he was no doubt a genius so if anyone could pull off these killings while drunk it would be Michael Fuller. John Dean realised that he had to help Michael Fuller regardless if he was innocent or not, if Michael Fuller went down he would take John Dean with him in the fall, and that scenario was not appealing at all...

  5.11 Bedside talk between Samantha Robinson and Thomas Anderson.

  THOMAS ANDERSON LIED next to Samantha Robinson and was stunned by the moment. Samantha was so beautiful, and he had dreamt about this time for so long. For sure he had been equally satisfied last weekend waking up next to her, but this time it felt even better as this was the second time. Thomas Anderson felt that anyone could get lucky once but being with her for the second time was a seal of approval showing that they were heading in the right direction. But had he pleased her enough, he did not feel he got her all the way, and that feeling was discomforting. As if she could read her mind she started speaking.

  Samantha Robinson:

  - Don’t worry Thomas you were pretty good for a man.

  Thomas Anderson:

  - For a man?

  Samantha Robinson:

  - Well, I guess you know I am bisexual?

  - It's a mixed feeling really because I am a lot more sexually attracted to women, but at the same time, I am a lot more drawn to the concept of a relationship with a man.

  Thomas Anderson:

  - Interesting. Never heard anyone say that before...

  Samantha Robinson:

  - Does it put you off?

  Thomas Anderson:

  - Nope, we are both adults, and I don't mind you having a sexual past. But what you are saying is fascinating to me, please tell me more.

  Samantha Robinson:

  - Okay... Here is the deal

  - My best friend Rebecca and I were best friends for a long time. Eventually, we could not resist each other any longer, and we became a couple. No-one has ever touched me as she did and I have never felt those heights of sexual pleasure with anyone else.

  - But we never loved each other; it’s only friendship and an extreme attraction.

  - Anyway, we realised that we both wanted children and families in our future and since we are both bisexual men are the way to go.

  - Besides I have a pretty heterosexual mindset, it’s just that the attraction to her is so strong.

  - And finally, I don't like the gay scene at all. I don't think people should categorise me to like transsexuals and specific music and fashion just because I am attracted to my best friend. That is just not me.

  Thomas Anderson:

  - Well, that's interesting. I never thought about it that way. I just assumed that all gay people liked the same things as if it was genetically predisposed.

  Samantha Robinson:

  - Yeah but anyway I want to take it slow with you, for now, Thomas because I like you, but Rebecca needs me as well. She has fallen for some Jerk who calls himself JP. I have told her to dump him as he seems to be away for weeks at the time but she claims he is a wonderful man in spite of this. And what do I know? But I like to be able to comfort her in any way, and that means sexually as well.

  Thomas Anderson:

  - Okay, I understand... Thank you for being so open with me. Hopefully, my jealousy will not come in the way.

  The conversation kept Thomas Anderson sleepless for a long while. He was confused and did not know what to do or how to react. He was aware that he had never felt this way for a woman before. For sure he had had a few relationships in the past, but those had been pretty short and mainly based on convenience and not on strong emotions, at least on his part. Here he had the first woman in his life that it felt magical with and she was a lot more attracted to her friend, than she was to him. On the other hand, Thomas thought that they had an excellent connection and if he could only look past his ego and valour what they had and could have in the future it would be worth it? Thomas decided that he would pursue a relationship with Samantha Robinson and happy with his decision he fell into a cozy sleep.

  5.12 The Killer feels the hunger and the monster within

  THE KILLER HEARD HIS phone buzz. It was a text message from Rebecca. The message was “Hey JP, Sorry but I cannot see you tonight. I am not feeling too well, and it would be a shame to spread my germs. See you some other night” The killer put down his phone. He just knew she was lying. That bitch he loved her and still, she was fucking other guys. He could feel his vision pumping and the anger raging all over his body. She should pay. She should pay dearly! Then he felt a shock that stroke straight through his body. It was the shock of reason, that took over, and he saw things clearly again.

  When reason prevailed, the Killer realised several things. For starters, he realised that it was not sure that Rebecca was lying in the first place even though statistically it was more probable that she was with another guy than her being sick. But even if she was with another man who was he to blame her? After all, he was always away and distant telling her lies about his life to fill the gaps. He would love to be honest with her, but after all, he could not entrust her or anyone else with his secret. And he was sure that she preferred to think that he was having sex with other women than knowing what he was doing most nights.

  The Killer realised that even when it came to faithfulness, he was failing Rebecca miserably. Since they first started seeing each other, he had had sex with several other women. The killer could not feel any guilt on this matter though as these actions had not been his choice. He would never choose to be with another woman than Rebecca; she was his everything, and yet he had been. This behaviour was a consequence of his problem that he was not free, and he hoped that he soon would be. What if his plan would fail and it would not bring him freedom? Well, he would not live the rest of life as a prisoner so soon he would be free in some way, even if it would be the freedom of death. The Killer assured himself however that his plan was fail-proof and continued with the next
step off it.

  He turned on his computer and hacked into the CSMI networks. He would like to know how their investigation was proceeding. As it looked in their files, everyone was oblivious to his existence and part in the killings. Their ignorance was both satisfying for the Killer as it proved that he had made the perfect crimes but also very uninspiring as it took the entire thrill out of the game he was playing. He opened the file of James Locker. That fool would need to pay the ultimate price, but he had to go last. The Killer wanted James Locker to realise why he had to die, all of this would be pointless otherwise. The Killer suddenly felt very frustrated as he thought James Locker should be onto him by now and could not understand why this was not the case. After all the messages he had left, was pretty clear and a sharp mind should be able to comprehend who his enemy was.

  The killer made up his mind. He would leave the police another hint and then he would wait a few days before moving on his next target. This was as he actually felt pretty sorry for his next target that in his opinion had done nothing to deserve to die. Because of this he would leave her a few more days to live and maybe fate would ensure her survival this way. The killer created a new entry in the police case file and wrote the following text “Great work officers, I know everything you know now. Good luck with finding me! /the Killer”. After doing this, the killer felt thrilled and satisfied at the same time, and he felt great satisfaction as he went to bed.

  5.13 Breakfast talk between Thomas Anderson and Samantha Robinson


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