Wish for Love

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Wish for Love Page 16

by Daria White

  He raised his hand to cup her cheek. “Me neither.” Then his hand ran down her arm. To his surprise, she touched her hand to his face.

  “I like this beard on you.”

  “It’s not quite how I want it to look yet,” he said. Did his knees shake as she touched him?

  “I like it anyway.”

  He winked. “Then I’ll keep it.”

  “For me?” She touched a hand to her chest, fluttering her lashes.

  Cole held back a laugh. “Keep it up and we’re getting kicked out of the library.”

  “It won’t be the first time Mrs. Hartley kicked us out for laughing too loud.”

  He leaned closer, pressing his forehead against hers. The sound of her giggle filled his ears. It was the best sound he ever heard.

  “What are we doing, Cole?” Leah turned her head away from him.

  “Leah… you… I mean.” His thoughts wouldn’t line up. Every time he tried to align one, it tumbled down like building blocks, scattering the rest.

  “I have to be honest with you,” she said.

  Meeting her gaze, he listened. Every one of his skin cells tingled. Did she have any idea the effect she had over him? Thinking about it gave him palpitations.

  “I need to sort things out first.” She looked up at him, her eyes beaming. “But I want you to know, I don’t regret what almost happened at the wedding.”

  He brushed his hand across her cheek. “I don’t either.”

  She clasped his hand. Her eyes shimmered with affection. Cole brought her hand to his mouth, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles. The heat from her hand burned his skin, but he still clutched it to his. How did she make him feel alive? Her beauty broke on him like a rare flower. His heart thudded in his chest. Why couldn’t he put his feelings into words?

  He drew closer, only a breath away from her lips. It would be so easy to kiss her. He’d been dreaming of it since high school. He couldn’t miss the opportunity—not now. Cole felt—was that a phone ringing? He jerked back, releasing her hand, and then dug into his pocket.

  Leah’s mouth twisted into a grin. “No cellphones.”

  Cole checked his cell, but it wasn’t his phone. He raised an eyebrow. “I think that’s you.”

  Leah ducked her head and rummaged through her purse. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Where is my phone?”

  He whispered, “Looks like you’re going to get kicked out of the library.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him, but her smirk gave her away. “Not helping.” She finally pulled out her cell, only to furrow her eyebrows.

  “You’re not going to answer?”

  “I don’t recognize the number. If it’s important, they’ll leave a voicemail.”

  He clutched her hand yet again, lacing her fingers with his. “Can I see you tomorrow?”

  Leah drew her bottom lip between her teeth. “What do you have in mind?”

  “I haven’t gotten that far yet,” he admitted.

  Her eyes fixed on his face. “Now I’m curious.”

  “Will you?”


  To his surprise, she rose on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. Cole stood still as a statue, but she lingered, her breath tickling his ear. Feeling the desire percolate between them, he angled his mouth toward hers. When their lips met, an electrical jolt went through his body. His spirits soared like two doves with silvery wings, and reality hit him like the soft light on an autumnal day.

  Had he known since high school? When did his walls collapse, letting her into his heart? He never had to prove anything to her. She never compared him to others. To her, he was Cole Parsons. As the catalyst, she brought him to his career choice. When everyone else doubted him, Leah didn’t waver.

  He brought his hand down to envelop her waist. In that moment, the world around him vanished like a pipedream. All that mattered was Leah. His mind murmured her name repeatedly like a harp among the trees. He loved having her in his embrace.

  Her sweet mouth incomparable to any dessert he ever tasted. He savored the sensation, not wanting the moment to end. He brought his hand back to her neck, feeling her pulse flutter like a dove. If only time could freeze.

  He loved her. He couldn’t pinpoint the moment or understand what took him so long to admit it, but Leah Morris carried his heart. Right here and now he could hold her forever. She belonged with him. Did she know that?

  With one last peck to her mouth, a silly grin danced on his lips. He broke away for a second to catch his breath. Then his lips brushed up against her ear.

  Leah ran her fingers down his cheek, letting out a shaky breath. “I guess that was a long time coming.”

  “Too long.” He blinked, his brain fuzzy. Losing his sense of awareness, he inhaled. Putting an arm around her shoulder, he leaned in to kiss her again, but the clearing of a throat had them both jerking their heads toward the noise.

  Mrs. Hartley stood tapping her foot on the carpeted floor. Her spectacles hung from her long nose, while her coal eyes narrowed. “Have you two found what you’re looking for?”

  Cole backed away from Leah, straightening the lapels of his shirt. “Yes, Mrs. Hartley. Thank you.”

  Leah held up her book. “I did, thank you.”

  Mrs. Hartley folded her arms across her chest. “Well, I’ll see you both at church on Sunday.” With that, she left them alone in the aisle.

  He let out a deep breath, while Leah covered her mouth as if to stifle a laugh. “Not funny.”

  “I felt like I was in high school all over again. Getting caught for something.”

  Even when she teased him, he loved it. He snatched her book from her hands holding it over his head. She reached for it, only to fail since his tall height was in his favor.

  “Cole?” Her eyes narrowed, but her eyes beamed.

  He paced backwards, refusing to return her book. “You almost got me in trouble. Apologize.”

  She touched a hand to her chest. “Me? You don’t live next door to her. I’m the one that has to deal with that later.”

  “Mrs. Hartley is a sweetheart.”

  Leah gave a nervous laugh. “Cole?”

  He didn’t respond but continued to back up. It wasn’t until a tumbling sound startled him, that his body twirled around. He knocked over a book display and gained the stares of a few patrons. Just great. Cole scurried to the floor to retrieve the books. Leah rushed beside him to help, handing him a book as he did his best to restock them.

  “We’re definitely getting kicked out.” He bit his lower lip.

  “Hurry.” Leah’s hands passed him more paperbacks.

  “Why don’t you two just check out your books?”

  Cole and Leah both froze and then raised their heads. Mrs. Hartley stood over them with her arms again folded across her chest.


  “Breathe, Gemma. Breathe,” Leah repeated to her friend.

  “You kissed Cole?”

  Leah plopped on her bed, hearing the playful growls of Chip with his chew toy. “He kissed me.”

  “When? Back up and start from the beginning.”

  Leah clutched her cell as her free hand rubbed her forehead. Was that a rustling noise she heard? “I was at the library. He was there, and before I knew it—”

  “Wow. I can’t believe it! I’m so happy for you,” Gemma shrieked.

  “No, it only complicates things with, Seth.”

  “You haven’t talked to him yet?”

  “I’ve been meaning to, but between me designing a new wedding dress for April and my website taking off, I—”

  “Wait, a minute. Your website? The new photos worked?”

  Leah bobbed her head. “It did, and even foot traffic has increased at my store.”

  “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Her friend asked, “So, what are you going to do?”

  “I need to talk to Seth. I don’t want to lead him on.”

  “Did he really want to get back

  “I think he wanted another chance, but I… don’t feel the same way. I thought I would because of our history, but he’s turned out to be a good friend.”

  “Funny how the roles reversed. There was a time when Cole was only your friend.”

  Leah’s hands tingled. She could still feel his touch. She face-palmed herself, grateful the bookshelf kept her from falling when he kissed her. Her knees turned to water. His embrace invigorated her like a sea breeze. Her heart hammered in her chest when his arm snaked around her waist.

  He left a trail of goosebumps behind when his hand grazed her neck. She didn’t plan to kiss his cheek, but on impulse, her lips met his face, his stubble tickling her lips. Then, he closed the gap, his mouth caressing hers. Leah’s heart nearly stopped.

  She tilted her head to give him better access. How long did they kiss? She didn’t remember. Her fingers grazed the back of his neck, inhaling the woodsy cologne she loved so much. His kisses were tender, as they danced over her lips. Her brain turned to mush.

  “Leah, are you there?” Gemma asked.

  Leah blinked, feeling the warmth spread through her. “I’m here.” She cleared her throat.

  “You and Cole. That’s definitely unexpected.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t you say he was cute as if you wanted something to happen?”

  “I did, but that doesn’t mean I thought it would happen.”

  Leah rubbed the back of her neck. “I can’t blame you. I didn’t either.” Her stomach knotted. “I’m a little nervous, Gem. This is new for me and Cole.”

  “It’ll be fine. You two have been friends for a long time, so you can trust each other.”

  Leah sighed. “You’re right.”

  “You’ve changed, Leah. You’re a lot braver than what you give yourself credit for, so enjoy yourself. If you think it’s worth it, go for it.”

  “I guess my dating hiatus is out the window.”

  “It served its purpose, right?”

  Leah took a cleansing breath.

  Chapter 22

  Leah stared at her impending text message to Seth. She took a deep breath, her jaw tightening.

  6:20 PM… Leah: R u free 4 lunch this week?

  She hit send to Seth’s phone and resumed her stroll, passing by a few parked cars that lined the street. She bypassed a few spots of uneven ground while walking over cracked sidewalks. Stopping in front of a flower shop, Leah got a scent of fresh flowers fixing her gaze on the bright colors and cheerful displays in the window.

  Resuming her stride, she chewed on her bottom lip, mulling what to say to Seth. How would he react to her and Cole? Her body tingled once more recalling Cole’s lips on hers. How did a kiss alone have her as blissful as the evening stars? Thankfully, she didn’t melt into a puddle of mush at that moment.

  She shut her eyes and exhaled. They weren’t even an official couple. What if the kiss was a mistake? Leah rubbed her forehead and ran her hand down the swoop of her cheek. It had to be, with the way his hands encircled her waist and his face glad as the dawn. The moment lasted forever but ended too soon.

  How she wanted to wrap her arms around his neck. Would he be worth her giving up her dating hiatus? It wasn’t a permanent status for her but was it rational? Was getting romantically involved with a friend wise? What would happen if things didn’t work out between them? Then she would have been heartbroken by both Parsons brothers.

  Seth wasn’t a bad guy, but they didn’t work out. Relationships were risky. Leah hoisted her purse farther up her shoulder and continued to walk. Drawing near his studio, her fears surfaced ready to spill over. She couldn’t backtrack, not after all the progress she made so far.

  Perhaps Cole was the man she wished for in the fountain. He wouldn’t leave her behind for his career, would he? She wouldn’t have to hide who she was to win his love. Besides, it would be so easy to love Cole. Love? Where did that come from? Her phone buzzed, so she checked her messages.

  6:26 PM… Seth: Sure can’t wait

  Leah paused her steps in front of Cole’s studio. His closed sign hung on the glass door, but based on his last message two hours earlier, he wanted her to stop by after closing. She called him.

  “Hello?” he said, sounding cheerful.

  “I’m outside.” Her stomach fluttered.

  In less than a minute, Cole opened the front door. They both hung up their phones, and once inside, he locked the door behind her. Then he reached for her, bringing her into his embrace. Leah melted, having missed his touch all day. Allowing her body to sink into his, the hard planes of his muscles enfolded her.

  A low pleasant hum escaped his throat. “I missed you.”

  The thought caused Leah’s mind to turn into a buzzing mess of static. She wrapped her arms around his neck, rising on her tiptoes. “I missed you too.”

  “I have a surprise for you.” He broke away but still holding her hands.

  She smirked. “What?”

  “Close your eyes.”

  “No way.”

  “You’ll love it. Close your eyes.”

  She tilted her head toward him, but conceded. Her senses went on high alert as soon as he embraced her waist from behind. Leah instinctively rested her hands on top of his. He then kissed her temple, which brought every neuron in her body to attention.

  “Step forward,” he instructed.

  Leah did, fighting the urge to peek. “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see,” he whispered.

  Soon they came to a stop. Leah kept her eyes shut, awaiting his instructions.

  “Okay, open your eyes.”

  Leah’s eyes fluttered open. She gasped. An open wicker basket rested on top of a checkered blanket. Candlelight illuminated the area, and Cole directed her to sit. She peeked inside the basket to see sandwiches, fruit, pretzels, and chips awaiting her taste buds. Cole took a seat across from her on the matted floor, immediately serving a plate for both of them. His relaxed appearance calmed her nerves.

  Leah rapped her fingers lightly on the warm blanket. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Turkey or ham?” He offered both hands to her displaying both choices.

  She chose the turkey sandwich from his left hand, brushing her fingers against his. She cleared her throat. “When did you do all this?”

  “About twenty minutes before you got here,” he answered.

  “It’s sweet.”

  “Surprised?” He lifted an eyebrow.

  “Yes.” She took a bite from her sandwich. After swallowing, she pointed to it in her hand. “Albert’s Deli?”

  “The one and only.”

  She leaned over the basket. “Any muffins?”

  “Not tonight.” Cole’s face was grim as a mask.

  Her eyebrows shot up. “What?”

  He covered his mouth as if to stifle a laugh. “Kidding, Leah.”

  She threw her napkin at him. “Jokester.” Her mouth turned upwards, giving into a grin.

  Cole wiped his own hands with a napkin. “How was your day?”

  “Busy.” She rested her gaze on him. “I can’t thank you enough for the photos. It’s done wonders for my business.”

  “Glad I could help.”

  “You did. More than you know.”

  His eyes smoldered with intensity. He reached over and clutched her hand. “You did the same for me.”

  Becoming suddenly still, she asked, “When?”

  His eyes raked over his studio walls. “I came back to this town to slow down. I’ve traveled the world, but nothing felt like home.” He paused, releasing a deep breath. “I’ve always felt caught in my brother’s shadow and desperate to please my dad. I thought I wouldn’t be good enough to make others proud like Seth did. I sought credibility, especially from my dad. I’m through with that now.”

  She laced her fingers with his, knotting them together like a cord. His father always struck a sore spot with him, so she listened instead of voicing her opinio

  Cole kneaded his shoulder with his free hand. “With you, Leah, I don’t have to perform. It’s as if you see me for me.”

  “I thought… if I went along with everything, the guys I dated would stick around. Seth leaving made me question myself. Before I knew it, I stopped using my voice, thinking I would lose anyway. I wasn’t being myself. I let the fear of rejection rule me.”

  “So, you took a break from dating?”

  “I thought if I got back to me, I could find myself again.” Her voice cracked as she held back tears.

  Cole drew closer, careful not to knock anything over. He hooked a hand underneath her elbow. “Did you find her?”

  Her breath caught, but she answered. “Yes, but I think… you always knew where she was.”

  “She’s beautiful.”

  Leah parted her lips to respond, but as he inched closer, her lashes fluttered. Cole didn’t give her a chance to reply. His lips barely caressed hers as her phone buzzed.

  Cole sighed, resting his cheek against hers. “Don’t answer it.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  He kissed her cheek and pulled away. “Go ahead. It may be important, since you’re famous now.” He waggled his eyebrows.

  “Thank you for that.” She reached for her phone, but her body stiffened once she read the message.

  7:19 P.M… Unknown: It’s Brian. New number. Need 2 talk 2 u? Please

  Leah squeezed her eyes shut. They had nothing to talk about. Nothing. Her skin prickled with irritation.

  Cole’s eyes squinted. “Anything wrong?”

  She swallowed the lump in her throat. This raised the stakes. What good could come out of Brian wanting to talk? Head shaking, she replied, “No, nothing’s wrong.”

  “In that case…” He reached behind him and pulled out a small camera. “Feel like another photo shoot?”

  Leah threw her head back with a laugh. “Are you kidding?”

  He got to his feet. “Not at all. You know the drill.” He gestured his head to the other side of the room.

  Her mouth hung open.

  “Are you coming?” He tapped his wristwatch. “You’re on my time, Ms. Morris.”


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