Wish for Love

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Wish for Love Page 21

by Daria White

  “About what?”

  He gave a half-shrug. “About everything.” He turned to face her. “About you.”

  A smile danced on her lips. “Thank you for sharing this with me.”

  He reached for her, and she leaned over the console, but her phone buzzing interrupted them. Leah groaned and checked her cell.

  “It’s Gemma asking where we are.” She returned her phone to her cross-body purse.

  Cole cranked the engine again. “On our way.”

  Leah slipped her hand away from his. “No distractions.”


  “Come on, we’ve got somewhere to be.” She smirked.

  He pulled back onto the main road. “Okay, I’m telling your mother you complained about making the cookies.”

  Leah gasped. “Blackmail?”

  “If that’s what it takes.”

  “I’m not holding your hand for the rest of the night. As soon as we get there, I’m hanging out with Gemma.”

  “Suit yourself, sweetheart.”

  Leah folded her arms across her chest. “You’re impossible.”

  “That’s a good thing right.”

  “Maybe. The jury’s still out on that.”

  Cole laughed.


  Leah waved to Gemma and Chase once she and Cole stepped into the barn. Her best friend glowed now she was pregnant, and she couldn’t wait to spoil her future little play niece or nephew. Cole wrapped an arm around her waist.

  “Want to dance?” He waved over to his friends Jeremy and April.

  “Sure,” Leah said. “Since you apologized before we got in here.”

  “I can’t have my girl angry at me.”

  Walking side by side, he spun her and brought her back to his chest. Leah rested her hand on his shoulder, sensing the passion percolate between them. How she longed to feel this way about someone again.

  Still, he hadn’t said he loved her. Perhaps he didn’t want to scare her away. Leah wanted to burst.

  “It seems we always end up dancing,” Cole said. His breath tickled her ear.

  She ignored her wobbly knees. “Seems we do.”

  His hand rested on her back. The gentle touch caused butterflies to swarm inside her stomach. Leah’s arms circled his neck as they swayed back and forth.

  “I’m so happy for you two!” Gemma squealed.

  The couple broke away, and Gemma pulled Leah into a hug. Cole shook Chase’s hand.

  “Congrats on the baby,” he told Chase.

  “Thanks,” Chase replied, his eyes blazing with excitement.

  “Can we have everyone’s attention please?” April said over the microphone.

  The crowd turned its attention to the stage as the music died down. Leah tuned in with the rest of the town.

  April’s lips curved into a smile. “First, thank you so much Piedmont Valley for helping put this festival together.” She clapped her hands, and the rest of the crowd joined in. “To all of our cooks, staff, decorators, you know who you are, if you did something, thank you.” Then Jeremy walked over and handed her an award plaque. “As you all know, we hold our spring festival at the community center, but the weather left severe damage. But that didn’t stop us, right?”

  The crowd cheered, and Leah even heard a few whistles.

  April continued. “This award is for someone special in our town. When we needed it the most, this person came through on our behalf, and because of that, we have the funds to renovate our beloved center.”

  Leah folded her arms across her chest.

  “Uh oh,” Cole replied.

  “Cole Parsons,” April said. “Please come to the stage?”

  Leah’s lips parted. If she didn’t already love him, she would have fallen for him at this moment. Why didn’t he tell her?

  Cole adjusted the lapels on his shirt as he sauntered toward the stage. On the way, his mother hugged him, and Seth and Mr. Parsons patted his back. Cole stuffed his hands in his pockets.

  “I know you wanted to remain anonymous,” April said, “but I wanted you to know we as a town appreciate your generous donation. Piedmont Valley loves both of the Parsons brothers.” She handed him the award as the crowd applauded and whistled once more.

  “Speech!” Seth yelled from across the room. Soon everyone else screamed and joined in encouraging Cole to say a few words.

  Leah watched as he cradled the award and inched closer to the microphone. His mouth twitched into a smile.

  “Wow,” he said. “I definitely wasn’t expecting this from you guys. I’m uh…” He scratched the back of his head. Then he focused his eyes on the crowd. “I wished to be kept anonymous because I didn’t want to be made a fuss over. I grew up here. This place is home, so when something happens to my home, I couldn’t stand by and do nothing.”

  Leah touched a hand to her heart. As her eyes scanned the crowd, she observed as the people listened to him. If he ever wanted the spotlight as Cole Parsons, this was his moment. They hung onto his every word, and based on the grin from Seth, his little brother made him proud too.

  “I know we all have different talents and gifts,” Cole continued. “I’m not any different from any of you in here. We all can make a difference. Our center gives hope to kids, the elderly, and so many others in between.” He held up the award. “Thank you. I’ll never forget tonight. Love you all.”

  Leah’s lungs expanded to their fullest through deep, satisfying breaths. She moved closer to get to Cole, but too many surrounded him, shaking his hand and the women hugging his neck. The chatter filled her ears as the music kicked back in. She got closer to Cole as he talked with Jeremy. Wanting him to have his moment, she chose instead to back away.

  Leah rubbed her forearms and headed to the stables. When she came to Molly’s stall, she patted the mare’s neck. Molly nuzzled her face as usual when she greeted her.


  Cole’s eyes roamed the barn. Where was Leah? She couldn’t have left. Spotting Gemma, he tapped her shoulder.

  “Have you seen Leah?” he asked.

  Gemma tapped her lips. “She may have stepped outside.”

  He nodded and snuck outside. He then took a minute to set his award inside his truck, but after locking up, he scanned the land for Leah. He didn’t know how many acres of land Will had, but it would take all night to search the place. He paced toward the barn, hearing the neighs of a horse. Peeking inside, his body relaxed.

  “I thought you left me for a second,” he said with a smile dancing on his lips.

  Leah didn’t return the gesture. She didn’t even make eye contact. “I’m here.”

  He stepped closer. Something was wrong. A frown replaced her smile from earlier.

  “Leah, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” His eyebrows etched together.

  She lifted her chin and fixed her gaze on him. “Why didn’t you tell me you donated to the community center?”

  He drew closer and rested his hands on her shoulders. “I didn’t want a lot of attention. I wanted to help.”

  “I was so proud of you in there. You helped the town you love. You’re more amazing than what you give yourself credit for.”

  Next thing he knew, Leah kissed him. It only made his spirits buoyed. He held her tight. If she only knew the depths of his love for her. When she pulled away, she released a deep breath.

  “It’s too soon,” she said.

  “Too soon for what?”

  She pulled out her phone. What for? “I need to go home. Tell everyone I’m not feeling well.” She pivoted around him and headed for the door, but Cole took her free hand.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  Leah stuffed her phone back in her purse. “I… nothing I need to go home. Now.”

  “Leah? You can tell me anything.”

  Her lips gave half a smile. “I… I love you.”

  She loved him. He was speechless.

  Leah took a breath. “I love you so much. I don’t know if it’s too
soon to say it, but I… I couldn’t hold it in any longer.”

  Cole dropped her hand and his arms hung loosely at his sides. She loved him. Did he hear her right or was that ringing in his ears? Her feelings for him based on her touch was clear. He loved her kisses, but love… it blew him away. His lips parted. He must have waited too long to respond.

  Leah winced and covered her face with her hands. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  He grabbed her hands. “No, don’t think I—”

  “Cole!” Seth shouted, interrupting them. “Man, there you are. April wants pictures of you and your award.”

  “I need to go,” Leah said.


  Her pained expression broke him.

  “No, they need you. Go.” She hurried out the door.

  Seth looked behind him and then back at his brother. “What happened?”

  Cole had to stop her. He had to explain. Unfortunately, April caught his arm.

  “There you are,” she said. “We want pictures for the newspaper. Where’s your award?”

  “April, give me a minute,” Cole said, breaking contact with her.

  “Everything okay?” she asked.

  Cole didn’t respond but diverted his eyes back to Leah. She was in the backseat of a car—a Toyota Camry to be exact. Leah was catching a ride with Mrs. Hartley who apparently was leaving early. He couldn’t let her get away. He loved her too. He loved her since high school but never had the courage to say. Time had changed him and he wouldn’t keep his heart locked away.

  “Leah, wait! Leah!” Despite his efforts, he came up short. He barely touched the trunk of the car, only to let her slip through his fingers. Why didn’t he say it back?

  “Cole!” Seth shouted.

  He leaned forward resting his hands on his knees catching his breath. The tires scattered dust causing Cole to cough.

  “I told April to wait for you inside,” his brother said. “Now what happened?”

  He dug into his pocket for his keys. “I have to go after her.”

  His brother patted his back. “Come back inside for a moment. April will not let up until you do.”

  “I have to talk to Leah.”

  “She’s not leaving town. I promise you that. I don’t know what happened, but she probably needs a minute. Come back inside.” He gave his brother a side hug walking back with him toward the barn.

  Cole’s stomach hardened.

  Chapter 29

  Cole gripped the steering wheel of his pickup truck. Looking back and forth from the speedometer and the open road, he focused on what he would say to Leah. I love you too. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’ve been in love with you since high school.

  It all sounded good in his head, but would the words come out right when he saw her? Why did his brain turn to mush when she smiled? Passion took hold of him when they kissed. Completely mind numbing, he lost his sense of reality. How did she take him out of his world? How did she make it that much better?

  Pulling into her driveway, he dashed out of his car and knocked on her door. To his surprise, a young blonde answered.

  “Can I help you?” She asked cuddling Leah’s puppy. The woman’s eyes sparkled.

  “I’m assuming Leah’s not home,” Cole said.

  “No, but I’m Chloe, her dog walker and sitter. Can I take a message?” Then Chloe’s eyes focused on his truck. “I thought she left with you for the festival.”

  “She did, but she left. I’m trying to find her.” Cole then reached out and petted Chip. “It’s nice to meet you Chloe. I’m sorry you couldn’t make the festival.”

  “No problem. I have a paper due after spring break, so I needed the study time. Was it like this when you were in college?”

  “From what I remember, yes.” He checked his watch. “You have no idea where she could be?”

  Chloe shrugged her shoulders. “I wish I could help you. Maybe to a place that makes her happy.”

  Cole nodded, and with that, Chloe closed the door. He paced back to his truck. Where was Leah? Then his eyes bugged. A place that made her happy. He dashed for his truck, barely giving the engine time to settle after he cranked it. He pulled out of her driveway, not wasting another minute.


  Leah allowed the waters to run through her fingers at her beloved fountain. She poured her heart out to Cole and ran. She meant it. She loved him with every fiber of her being.

  At seventeen, she assumed Seth would be the love of her life. Not too long ago, she longed for Brian to propose to her. Now, her heart only skittered for one man. Her confidence not only grew in herself, but she trusted her relationship with Cole. Then her phone buzzed in her cross-body purse.

  “Where are you?” Gemma asked.

  “At the fountain. Sorry, I had to leave, but I caught a ride with Mrs. Hartley.”

  “You can’t leave me. I’m pregnant and I need my best friend. Chase is watching me like a hawk. So what, I’ve had almost five cookies. I’m carrying his kid.”

  “I needed to get away for a while.”

  “What happened? Cole was looking for you.”

  Leah’s bottom lip trembled. “I told Cole I loved him.”

  “What? When?”

  “At the festival. I shouldn’t have said anything. It’s too soon.”

  “Why? He loves you too, Leah,” Gemma said. “Even I know that.”

  Leah rubbed her forehead. “It came out so naturally but… he said nothing. He looked shocked. I panicked and then Seth walked inside the barn. April wanted pictures of Cole. I had to get out.”

  “Can you blame him? Your relationship with him is new. He’s carried a torch for you since high school but you were in love with Seth. To tell Cole you love him, I’d be shocked too,” Gemma said.

  “How do you know all this?”

  “I’m observant.”

  Leah ran a hand over her face. “Can you tell everyone I had to leave?”

  Gemma sighed. “Okay.”


  Leah returned her cell to her purse. Blowing out her cheeks, she rubbed her forearms. Was Gemma right?


  Cole parked his truck in front of his studio, wasting no time to unclick his seatbelt. He stopped mid-stride pacing the sidewalk to the fountain. Then he spotted Leah. The light wind made her hair from her ponytail float. The silver moon, like a new-stamped coin, streaked through clouds illuminating her.

  He inched closer, staring as she ran her fingers through the water and gazed into the fountain. Did she wish for love as the others did according to the legend? While he never took the fable seriously, he wouldn’t mind giving it a go, if it meant spending the rest of his life with the woman who stole his heart. The notion made him breathe like a sea at rest.

  Chapter 30

  “You left before I could say it back,” a deep voice said.

  Leah jerked her head around to find Cole standing only a few feet away. Like a mirage, vague, dimly seen at first, she blinked her eyes. Perhaps she ate too many of her mother’s cookies at the festival. Yet, her skin tingled in his presence. A fluttery feeling in her belly increased.

  She gazed into his eyes. With his expression beaming, her heart flooded with joy. Cole’s eye contact with her remained strong. With little blinking, he drew closer. Heat pooled inside her, and she unconsciously parted her lips. Then she fiddled with her hands in her lap.

  Her eyes brimmed with tears. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean you left before I had the chance to say it back.”

  “Say what?”

  He inched closer and kneeled before her. Reaching for her hands, he clasped them with his. He then ran his fingers over her smooth skin. “That I’m in love with you too.”

  Leah’s thoughts ran leaping through the green ways of her mind, like fawns at play. Nothing compared to his smoldering eyes as they glanced at her now. A hyper-awareness of her body intensified. Love sang with wings as a bird and radiated fr
om her chest.

  “You never told me.” Her eyes fixed on his.

  Then he stood to sit beside her. “I should have. I’m sorry. I let too much time pass, worried if people would love me for me.” Then he ran one hand down the slope of her cheek. “I had that with you all along.”

  “Don’t be. I’ve spent most of my life afraid too. I don’t want to do that anymore.” She closed her eyes despite shivering at his touch. How did everything change so fast? She then sensed his presence closer to her, his lips caressing her temple. Her heart responded, thumping hard and steady inside her chest.

  “I think I really knew that night of prom.”

  Leah’s eyebrows etched together. She pulled her body back slightly to see his face. “Prom?”

  He clutched her hand. “You insisted we go as friends, but I wanted you as my date.”

  “I wish you would have told me.”

  He tilted his head at her. “Would you have believed me?”

  She set her eyes on him. “No. I wouldn’t have been ready. I don’t know if I am fully ready right now.”

  “I understand.” His face fell, but he gave a half smile. “All that matters to me is you being happy.”

  She cradled his face in her hands. “Cole, what I mean is… there’s no such thing as the perfect time. All we have is now. I want to try… with you. You make me want to be brave.” A weight lifted from her chest.

  Cole’s arms bracketed her waist. He pressed his forehead against hers. “Tell me again, Leah Morris.”

  “I love you, Cole Par”—

  He cut her off with a scintillating kiss. Passion ignited between them, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Cole’s hands splayed over her back. Angling her body closer to him, she basked in the moment. With the gurgling of water, the wind sweeping, and the moonlight shining on them, nothing made the moment as perfect. Cole caressed her mouth with his one last time before pulling away.

  He cradled her face in her hands. “I love you, Leah.”


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