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Scorned Page 22

by Denver Murphy

  Ruby was about to knock on the door to his office when she saw through the blinds that he was still on the phone. She was going to leave but there was something about his expression that caused her to linger. Ruby had long grown accustomed to recognising when Nelson was irritated, and she dared hope for a moment that Robson had seen fit to decline his request.

  ‘Yes, it is important. You tell him to leave the meeting and phone me straight back!’ Nelson’s voice may have been muffled by the closed door but he had raised it sufficiently for it to be audible.

  Almost without thinking, Ruby dashed towards her desk. She accepted that what she was going to do was putting her in exactly the kind of jeopardy that Cooper had warned her about, but to stop to consider her actions would be to miss the opportunity altogether. As it was, having to go through the main switchboard cost her valuable time and when the line on the other end went through a cycle of a few rings, a part of her was relieved that her intervention had come too late.

  ‘Hello?’ came the impatient greeting.

  ‘Is that DSI Robson’s office?’

  ‘Yes, can I help you?’

  ‘I need to speak to him as a matter of urgency.’

  ‘What is it with everyone this morning? I’ve just had to go and—’

  ‘Is he there now?’ Ruby said, cutting in.

  ‘He’s just gone back to his desk. Look, what is this?’

  ‘You need to stop him!’ Ruby demanded, ignoring the question; grateful that no one was in her immediate vicinity who might overhear her. ‘Put this call to him instead; it’s imperative that I speak to him first!’ The pause that followed caused Ruby to imagine the person on the other end weighing up their options. ‘Please, it’s really important,’ she added, hoping that this may somehow tip the balance.

  ‘Very well,’ came the flat reply an instance before the hold music started playing.

  ‘Who is this?’ The voice was recognisably Robson’s, but far gruffer than Ruby had previously experienced.

  ‘Sir, it’s DC Knight from St. Albans. I…’

  ‘What the hell is going on over there? One minute I’m being pulled out of a meeting, a very important meeting I’ll have you know, to call Nelson and then I find you on the line instead.’

  ‘I’m truly sorry, sir, but if you just hear me out, perhaps I can explain.’ She took the lack of an immediate response as having been granted permission. ‘DCI Nelson is trying to get hold of you because he wants to cut a deal with the woman we have in custody for the attacks.’

  ‘What sort of deal?’

  ‘She claims she knows the whereabouts of the fourth suspect.’

  ‘Well that’s good, isn’t it? Vicious bastard by all accounts.’

  ‘That may be true, sir, but I must confess I’m troubled. You see, everyone is trying to pin everything on him and whilst I’m not saying he’s innocent or anything, there’s something not quite right about it all.’

  ‘Now look here, DC Knight. You’re going to need to be far more specific if you don’t want me to hang up right now. I’m too busy for internal politics!’

  ‘Please, sir, all I’m asking is that you stall the deal for twenty-four hours.’ Ruby took a deep breath knowing that she couldn’t delay the next part any longer. ‘I have reason to believe that the wife of last night’s victim isn’t telling the truth about what happened. If I’m right, it could blow the whole investigation wide open.’

  ‘Let’s not be over-dramatic here. Are you saying that she killed her husband?’

  ‘I… I don’t know,’ Ruby replied truthfully. ‘But that’s why I want a little longer to get to the bottom of things.’

  ‘Okay, I’ve heard enough. Even if it wasn’t DCI Nelson you should be talking to about this, not me, there’s the simple fact that any stalling with this deal you speak of could lead to us missing out on capturing our chief suspect. So, for that matter alone, what you ask is out of the question.’

  ‘Oh,’ replied Ruby forlornly, realising she should have listened to the voice warning her not to be too hasty. ‘I know I have no right to ask this but would you mind not mentioning this call to DCI Nelson.’ She winced at the anticipated response.

  ‘I think I can do a little better than that. Whilst I can’t grant you the transparent flexibility you want, and there is every chance you are barking up the wrong tree on this one, I am aware of your career record so far. I wish I could claim it’s because I have the time to follow the fortunes of all our new recruits but you’ve caused quite a splash in the small time you’ve been with us.’

  ‘Oh,’ Ruby said again, unsure whether she was being complimented or not.

  ‘Being right in those high-profile cases might not provide you with the autonomy you feel it should, but I do want you to follow up on those concerns. I might not be able to delay the offer Nelson wants to make but there are ways of presenting it that will get us the information we require and similarly buy you some time to follow up on whatever it is you find unconvincing about the victim’s wife’s version of events. How does that sound?’


  ‘Look, DC Knight, I wasn’t kidding when I said I was busy earlier. If your hesitancy is because you are confused as to the details, then just leave it up to me. Youth and exuberance might be one thing, but experience teaches you a few tricks.’

  ‘Thank you, sir,’ was all Ruby could think to say in response. ‘I’ll get back to you with my findings!’ She was already moving to put the receiver down.

  ‘Best not, eh?’ Robson said, drawing her attention back to the phone. ‘If you don’t want DCI Nelson to know about this conversation then it’s best that everything is reported to him, from here on in.’

  ‘I see, sir, and thanks again,’ she responded, nodding, and ending the call this time. With Robson now gone, she could allow herself a small sigh of relief. It may not have been the outcome she was seeking, but it was better than it might have been.

  ‘Where are you going?’ Cooper, who had now returned to CID, asked as she walked past.

  ‘There are some things I need to follow up,’ she murmured vaguely.

  ‘Need a partner?’ he enquired in a reconciliatory tone.

  ‘I’m sure Nelson will want you when he goes back in with Lexie and, besides, I’ve got one waiting for me downstairs.’

  Ruby swept past him and resisted offering him a knowing smile.

  Chapter Sixty-three

  When Kate woke up it took her brain a few moments to understand why she was once again in her childhood bedroom, and as soon as it did all the fear and anxiety that had caused her body to shut down for a couple of hours returned. Although Scott, the root of all her recent pain and suffering was gone, what she was experiencing now was worse. At least before she had a goal to work towards, even if the ultimate aim had altered a few times, but now there was nothing to do but wait.

  When she had come up with a plan to kill him, she had expected it to just be a case of allowing the dust to settle but there was something gnawing away inside telling her that this was merely the calm before the storm. For every nagging doubt Kate managed to ignore, another one came in its place. Now fully awake, her mind was churning through everything that had happened and the multitude of ways in which the truth would be discovered. The seeds of doubt that had been planted by DC Knight last night had been watered and allowed to grow into a certainty that the next time she was visited it would be because she was being placed under arrest.

  The initial relief at having survived the questions thrown at her had entirely gone; Kate now understood them for what they were. DC Knight had been probing her story to try and find elements of weakness; why else would she continue to conduct herself with such contempt? Kate could almost pass off such thoughts as paranoia, were it not for the fact that some of the suspects of the other murders were already in custody. Moreover, she accepted that she too would be under suspicion if their arrest had seemingly not brought a halt to the attacks. Whilst she could trust that their
denial of David’s killing would be seen as part of their overall unwillingness to confess to any part of what had happened, there was nothing to say that DC Knight wouldn’t be continuing to pick and prod at them, as she had with her.

  More than anything, what was causing silent tears to course down Kate’s cheeks, was the unfairness of it all. What those thugs had done was as callous as it was needless; their greed for money feeding a complete disregard for human life. They deserved to be punished for their heinous crimes with the full severity of the law, and if Kate could slip through a couple of entirely justifiable actions at the same time, what harm was there? It made no difference to them if the total body count was a little higher, only meaning that they were hung for the sheep rather than the lamb, and seeing as Kate had no intention of killing anyone else, when it became clear that all such events had now stopped, the police should feel satisfied with the outcome.

  Except that DC Knight looked like a woman that wasn’t easily satisfied.

  ‘Mum, I need to borrow your car,’ Kate shouted as she swung her legs out of bed. She didn’t even bother to check her appearance in the dressing table mirror, such was her rush to get on with things. It might not have been the first idea that had sprung to mind but it was far less drastic than the alternative, and would at least give her a reason to speak to DC Knight and get a fresh reading on how things were progressing.

  ‘What was that, dear?’ her mother called from the kitchen.

  ‘I need to go back to the house to collect a few items; clothes and stuff,’ Kate answered, bounding down the stairs.

  ‘Wait, no! It’s too soon!’ responded her mother, rushing along the hallway.

  ‘I have to go back there sooner or later; at least this way I’ll have enough things to last me through the next few days.’

  ‘I still have some of your old clothes upstairs. I know they’ll be out of fashion but…’

  ‘Stop fussing, will you?’ Kate interrupted, grabbing the keys from the hook and pulling open the front door.

  ‘At least let me come with you. It’s best not to be alone at a time like this!’

  Kate shut out the protest and walked down the short path to the cheap white plastic picket gate. So intent on getting to the car so she could travel home to compile a list of all the things she would claim had been taken in the robbery, she didn’t notice the two people approaching from the left.

  ‘Off out, are we?’

  The question caused Kate to spin around in shock.

  ‘You probably didn’t recognise us there. I told PC Ramsey that he could change into his civvies seeing as he’s continuing to assist me in the investigation,’ DC Knight said with a curious smile on her face.

  ‘I was… I was just going out,’ Kate stammered.

  ‘Yes, we can see that,’ DC Knight replied evenly. ‘In quite a rush it would seem,’ she added, looking up at Kate’s tousled hair.

  ‘I thought you would want to know what had been taken. You know, to help with things. Evidence and stuff…’

  ‘That would be most helpful,’ DC Knight responded, her beaming smile not quite reaching her eyes. ‘But perhaps later, yes? We have a few more questions we would like to ask you first.’

  Chapter Sixty-four

  This was far from how Lexie had hoped things would pan out twenty-four hours ago, but being taken from her cell to the interview room again felt better than it had previously. It was perhaps too much to hope that she would soon be allowed to leave, but having been at the point when she thought she was about to be charged with murder, a few months in some Category C prison somewhere didn’t seem nearly so bad, especially if it meant that Jordan was going to be banged up for life.

  ‘What happened to your partner? Day off is it?’ Lexie fought to hide the glee in her voice.

  ‘Something like that,’ DC Cooper replied, continuing to lead her through the duty area.

  ‘Everything alright, is it?’ Lexie enquired conversationally.

  ‘You’d better hope he is where you tell us…’ Cooper responded, souring Lexie’s mood.

  Whilst the place she had in mind seemed to be the only logical option for someone forced to stay in the country with the nation’s police forces on high alert, Jordan had increasingly presented himself as an enigma. She would only know that her plan had worked when confirmation came through that he’d been arrested.

  DCI Nelson was waiting for them in the doorway to the interview room. He didn’t look quite as happy as when he’d gone off to sort the formalities earlier either. ‘Your solicitor’s already in there, so let’s get on with it,’ he said coolly.

  ‘You haven’t got him already?’ Lexie asked, taking her now familiar seat. She knew she would have been met with a different reaction had that been the case but was keen to get to the bottom of the change in atmosphere quickly, and to prevent the bad feeling she had in her stomach from growing.

  ‘You’d still be in your cell if we had,’ DCI Nelson replied, reaching over to start the recording. His hand paused. ‘The deal still stands. When we charge Jordan with everything we have discussed, then you will be released.’

  ‘Released?’ Lexie asked, unable to hide the delight in her voice. She had taken their deflated mood as there being a problem, when in actual fact they were prepared to let her go scot-free. ‘Okay then, great. So, I’m pretty convinced that Jordan is…’ Her mouth stopped moving the instant her brain caught up with everything that had been said. ‘What do you mean charged?’ she demanded, turning to her solicitor to see if he had a clue what was going on, but only receiving a shrug in return. ‘The deal was for his arrest.’

  DCI Nelson sat back, withdrawing his hand. ‘As you could appreciate earlier, without the man you have identified as the main culprit much of the responsibility for what’s happened sits on your shoulders.’

  ‘But as soon as you’ve got him…’ Lexie protested.

  ‘Yes, but we’ve already got you.’ Nelson replied evenly. ‘It’s only a fair trade if we can pin on him what we’re currently able to pin on you.’ He flicked his eyes to the still inactive audio recorder and sighed deeply. ‘Personally speaking, I don’t think you have much to worry about, it’s just that, despite what you see on TV, the police are not in the habit of cutting deals. On the rare occasion when one is appropriate, we have to make sure it is in the public interest. That bit about him being charged is just so we don’t cut you loose before we find out that things aren’t as they seemed.’

  ‘I don’t follow,’ Lexie replied, which was only a half-lie.

  ‘The reason we are willing to entertain such an offer is because of the claim that there is a wanton murderer still at large. Someone who, despite his gang being held in police custody, has gone on to kill since and poses the very real chance of killing again.’

  ‘Yes,’ Lexie replied, unsure where this was leading.

  ‘Should we find evidence that demonstrates this is not the case then we would not only consider our deal void but would also be forced to review our position on where the culpabilities lie.’ Nelson’s tone was flat; dispassionate even.

  ‘Look, copper, what is this?’ Lexie was no longer able to hide her suspicion. ‘If you think you can trick me with all this evidence bullshit, don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to! So, unless Jordan decides to confess to everything then it doesn’t count? Forget it! I’ll take my chances as things stand.’

  ‘I think you should calm down,’ DC Cooper said, shooting DCI Nelson a nervous glance. ‘It’s not like that, is it, guv?’

  ‘No,’ DCI Nelson responded but only after a long pause that proved far from reassuring. ‘What we’re saying is that, as long as there is nothing to prove what you said to be untrue, then our deal still stands.’

  Lexie could see that DC Cooper was also trying to digest the distinction and looking again at her solicitor yielded yet another shrug; this time an open-handed gesture that implied what she did next was her decision.

  ‘Okay, but you better
be on the level,’ she warned; the threat sounding hollow in her ears. ‘I reckon Jordan is in a caravan park in Great Yarmouth.’

  ‘Is that it?’ Nelson responded flatly.

  ‘What did you expect? That he would write down the address, just before he tried to get me shot for being a fucking terrorist?’ Lexie spat back. ‘Look, he was only telling me the other day that he was always taken there as a child. He knows the owner of the site; he and his mum were… close.’

  ‘Do you realise how many different caravan parks there are in a place like that?’

  ‘What does DCI stand for anyway?’ Lexie fired back.

  ‘Detective Chief Inspector,’ DC Cooper replied haughtily and receiving a glare of retribution for entertaining the question.

  ‘Well, Detective Chief Inspector Nelson,’ Lexie responded, her voice dripping with sarcasm. ‘I hate to do your job for you but why don’t you go and inspect the various sites and perhaps you might detect where Jordan is.’

  Nelson got up and walked out so suddenly that DC Cooper appeared unsure what to do with himself. ‘Interview terminated,’ he said eventually, leaning towards the machine before realising that they had never got around to recording it.

  ‘Back to my cell then, is it?’ Lexie asked, rising from her seat and attempting to hide how rattled she was by the exchange.

  ‘Yes, but we’ll get you out as soon as we can,’ DC Cooper replied meekly.

  Chapter Sixty-five

  No sooner had Kate closed the front door than she burst into tears.

  ‘I know it’s hard having to relive everything you’ve gone through,’ her mother said, approaching with outstretched arms. ‘They have to do these things so that they can find the people who did this.’

  ‘Get off,’ Kate roared, batting the hands away from her. Her sobs were ones of frustration, fear and anger all merged together. Nothing she had said had seemed to make the slightest difference to the way DC Knight was regarding her; made all the worse because she couldn’t think of a single answer that had been wrong.


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